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The new Saints Web/Forum.

saint lard

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This is in no way is meant to be derogatory to anyone.


Since i joined this "community", sometime ago, i have thoroughly enjoyed the diverse and informative conversations i have had.


This also includes the huge amount of laughs and entertainment that you fellow posters have given me over that time.


I don't "know" any of you but you all seem,with the odd exception,pretty groovey.


My only gripe is that since the introduction of the £5 subsciption the numbers seem to have seriously dropped off.


A little while ago you could log in and see copius numbers online, whatever the time of day and/or night.


Maybe the subscription has sorted the wheat from the chaf, but at what cost?

Only the Mod's/Admin could give the exact figures to what the numbers are in comparison to pre subscription perhaps,either way i offer my thanks for the effort they put in.


And before i get the expected flak,yes i know i can go elsewhere, but i choose to stay here for the reasons i have outlined above.

Again this is not meant to be inflamatory.

Hs this site lost it's "cutting edge"?

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Good point, I'd also noticed that the number and turn over of threads is pretty slow as well these days. Stuff hangs around longer than the old takeover threads.


Occassionally we get some new views popping up and then vanishing again. I can't believe it is only about the fiver though, may also be something in the fact that circumstances have conspired to give us some football we are enjoying and it's still too ealry to panic and argue about results, so we have this weird scenario where everyone basically agrees with what everyone else says all the time.


Give it a few more weeks and we can get back to being true Saints fans and moaning and the numbers will be back up, nobody watches News at Ten to hear GOOD or HAPPY things


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Good point, I'd also noticed that the number and turn over of threads is pretty slow as well these days. Stuff hangs around longer than the old takeover threads.


Occassionally we get some new views popping up and then vanishing again. I can't believe it is only about the fiver though, may also be something in the fact that circumstances have conspired to give us some football we are enjoying and it's still too ealry to panic and argue about results, so we have this weird scenario where everyone basically agrees with what everyone else says all the time.


Give it a few more weeks and we can get back to being true Saints fans and moaning and the numbers will be back up, nobody watches News at Ten to hear GOOD or HAPPY things



I hope your right but there is a general mood of apathy towards the football club in the city at the moment, guys at work who used to ask me about the games on Monday mornings no longer bother.


The club is at a balance point

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I hope your right but there is a general mood of apathy towards the football club in the city at the moment, guys at work who used to ask me about the games on Monday mornings no longer bother.


The club is at a balance point

This is a very good post.

There used to be five of us at work who were season ticket holders,now im the only one.

If the club doesnt start to improve,then i fear the level of support will drop further.

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It got rid of Corp Ho, so for that reason it was worth it. ;)


I thought he was one of the better posters and IMO, he often won the arguments (though not the attendance ones). But then I have not paid my £5 through laziness and the fact I rarely post on this site anyway so what does it matter?


The impression I get from this site though, is that that some people seem to genuinely hate each other and take things far too seriously. Point in case, someone the other say posted a great piece and it was thought provoking and open for debate. Straight away someone picked him/her up on their spelling. As someone who remembers the birth of the football fazine it is so frustrating to see It really doesn't matter as long as it can be read.


Anyhoo, forgot what I was going to say so as you were

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It was always going to happen, the quality of a forum is related to the size and diversity of the people using it and by cutting out a percentage (even if it is 30%) the quality will go downhill.

I preferred reading the musings of people such as Wilko, Mao Cap and Rory (notice how lame the music forum is when an active user cannot start new threads) and it is no coincidence that since Bungle has paid up he has become a lot more dour.

I was amazed really how many people just paid up five pounds and claimed "its only five pounds" I wish I had their personal details so I could sell them all sorts of crap for less than a fiver. What do you get for a fiver? The content side of the site still isn't up and running and despite Baj's claim that it will be the premier fan site on the internet I don't see how two people with little experience in media content can do it.

Bad times.

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This is a very good post.

There used to be five of us at work who were season ticket holders,now im the only one.

If the club doesnt start to improve,then i fear the level of support will drop further.


Then your workmates are indicative of whats wrong with 'fans' at the moment. It's the same in Pompey, I guess more and more we have become customers and if the price is not right or the 'product' simply not good enough, people wont buy. Sad but true.


Pompey = Good Product but Over priced = High percentage of 'Fickle' fans.

Saints = Poor Product at reasonable price = High percentage of 'Fickle' fans.


'Fickle' applied in this context as being fans who pick and choose what games they will support their team at worked out mathematically!




Enjoyment of game - Price of Entry = Likelyhood of showing up.


These days you can buy a Shirt and stake your claim as a 'Supporter', hence 100,000 of the 200,000 Pompey fans wearing club colours to celebrate our FA Cup success, yet how many o them will regularly put their hands in their pockets to watch 'their' team, about 1/10th. :(

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You are of course right PES and to be fair i guess both clubs have always had fickle fans.

At the moment we have an unpopular chairmain,a team full of kids and a fixture list which is populated with loads of teams that some would say are unappealing.Add to that the credit crunch and you have a recipe for a half empty stadium.

Until prices start to come down,or we get promoted,which i think is a very long way off,i dont see things changing for the better.

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It is a bit dissapointing so far that as paid up subcribers there are not a few more options in terms of what you can post. It would be nice to be able to post polls for example, or to be able to upload an avatar which was bigger than 80x80. I do feel that the admins owe us a little more than we are getting at the moment.

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It is a bit dissapointing so far that as paid up subcribers there are not a few more options in terms of what you can post. It would be nice to be able to post polls for example, or to be able to upload an avatar which was bigger than 80x80. I do feel that the admins owe us a little more than we are getting at the moment.


All of that is in the deluxe SW package.

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Tbh three posts a day probably does it for me at the moment.

Thanks to people at work taking the **** with their usage of the internets (going on it for bloody hours on end, except for a few minutes every hour or whatnot) everyone's been pretty much banned from using it.

When I'm not working I now have tons of grown-up homeownery stuff to do now, so I'm on the interweb a lot less. May pay the £5 when I'm less busy because I've always enjoyed messing about writing ******** on here, but not at the moment. Place does seem a bit slower, but not by a huge amount IMO.

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Three posts a day is enough for me. I don't need to pay 5 quid to post more on an internet forum as I don't have much time to and I don't work in an office.



Why do people just say the same thing.. Like Jawillwill saying "they are cheapskates who don't pay" You work for an IT company so paying five quid to post ****e on an internet forum is fair enough.

It's really ones choice if the person wants to pay a fiver. Some people don't agree with paying a fiver to post loads as they are busy people, or they just think it's just an internet forum.




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It is a bit dissapointing so far that as paid up subcribers there are not a few more options in terms of what you can post. It would be nice to be able to post polls for example, or to be able to upload an avatar which was bigger than 80x80. I do feel that the admins owe us a little more than we are getting at the moment.


I don't know what you Full Members are moaning about. You get loads for your money.


Apart from there STILL not being a 'Premier Southampton fan site', or indeed any 'rubbish fan site' content (maybe it's 'COMING SOON' still), you get benefits like: -


1. being able to display an 80x80 picture under your name

2. being able to send private messages to other people, nerds and weirdos on the internet (most of whom you've probably never met and never will) and you are also able to receive messages from said people, nerds and weirdos

3. you get the words 'Full Member' displayed under your name and avatar to show your commitment to the funding of the Premier Southampton fan site (coming soon)

4. your birthday gets displayed in the 'Today's Birthdays' section at the bottom of the Forum main page. This facility has been withdrawn for Registered Users for some unknown reason - maybe because of abuse, maybe because it was felt that only Full Members deserve to have congratulatory messages posted because they've paid their £5 to the Directors

5. you can start new threads on topics including (but not limited to) What are your weekend plans (make it sound like you're really popular and great and have an action packed weekend ahead that everyone should be jealous of); Rate Your Weekend (repeat what you last put in the 'What are your plans for the weekend' thread and make it sound like you're really popular and great and had an action packed weekend that everyone should be jealous of even though it was really rubbish); What you are going to have for lunch; What you've just eaten for lunch; Happy Birthday to [insert name of Full Member whose name appears in the Today's Birthdays' section]; plus other scintillating thread titles that Full Members and Registered Users alike will struggle to use up three posts on. Don't forget, Registered Users can't start threads, the losers.


Plus, don't forget there's the Premier Southampton fan site anywhere on the internet (COMING SOON) (Possibly).


All in all, it's probably the best £5 I've never spent.

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you can start new threads on topics .


As an unpaid Pleb on this forum, I also can't start new threads.


I have to say this disappointed me when I heard about the Mick Channon accident, several hours before a ' paid up member' eventually posted it on here.



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I don't know what you Full Members are moaning about. You get loads for your money.


Apart from there STILL not being a 'Premier Southampton fan site', or indeed any 'rubbish fan site' content (maybe it's 'COMING SOON' still), you get benefits like: -


1. being able to display an 80x80 picture under your name

2. being able to send private messages to other people, nerds and weirdos on the internet (most of whom you've probably never met and never will) and you are also able to receive messages from said people, nerds and weirdos

3. you get the words 'Full Member' displayed under your name and avatar to show your commitment to the funding of the Premier Southampton fan site (coming soon)

4. your birthday gets displayed in the 'Today's Birthdays' section at the bottom of the Forum main page. This facility has been withdrawn for Registered Users for some unknown reason - maybe because of abuse, maybe because it was felt that only Full Members deserve to have congratulatory messages posted because they've paid their £5 to the Directors

5. you can start new threads on topics including (but not limited to) What are your weekend plans (make it sound like you're really popular and great and have an action packed weekend ahead that everyone should be jealous of); Rate Your Weekend (repeat what you last put in the 'What are your plans for the weekend' thread and make it sound like you're really popular and great and had an action packed weekend that everyone should be jealous of even though it was really rubbish); What you are going to have for lunch; What you've just eaten for lunch; Happy Birthday to [insert name of Full Member whose name appears in the Today's Birthdays' section]; plus other scintillating thread titles that Full Members and Registered Users alike will struggle to use up three posts on. Don't forget, Registered Users can't start threads, the losers.


Plus, don't forget there's the Premier Southampton fan site anywhere on the internet (COMING SOON) (Possibly).


All in all, it's probably the best £5 I've never spent.


This site has gone a bit crap. As a full-time lurker I used to come on here all the time as there used to be a staedy flow of threads. I mean look at the first page of the main board now..it covers 4 days! I think the £5.00 is irrelevant, I just think people (me included) can't be bothered to pay it. It's a real bummer cos I used to love this site. Now it's boring.

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I have been reading this site and all the previous sites before, for about 7 years and this is my first post since we changed to the new forum! I payed up right away although I have not posted anything. Now that was my choice because i felt that the people that run the site do so in their own time and have to use their own money to keep it going. If users don't want to pay that is their choice. The reason I don't post much is because firstly I had two businesses up until recently and didn't have much time and secondly I like to have a bit of banter and some good debate sometimes, but felt that to many people resorted to abusing each other instead of using their brains to create debate. I do have more time on my hands now so shall be adding my opinions more!


As for the amount of threads started and the amount of traffic on here, it is obviously less, but they are certainly of a higher quality!!!:)

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The irony is that the old server couldn't handle the amount on people using the sit.


Now that some have paid to have a server that can handle more people, the people who have stopped using it mean the old server would be satisfactory.


I am in the process of setting up http://www.awaysupporters.co.uk , so I have spent hours registering on just about every clubs forum possible. I have only come across ONE site that has a subscription to post so far, and that is a generic football forum.


I had an email from a Leeds United fansite, asking for 40 members to all donate £10 each, as the servers cost £400 a year to run. Their site has a similar amount of members with a similar amount of posts/threads.


I do not understand how the hell they are supposedly having to pay £400 a month for a server. Especially as a certain Mr Baj has his own servers does he not? He offered me space on there for my site anyway.


I won't be paying anyone to post on a forum, I may well charge people to post on my new one once it's set up though.... seems like easy money. :cool:


The one positive thing about this £5 malarky is that as of yet, I have not found a post from a admin or mod asking for us to be thankful and grateful to them for doing such a wonderful job etc.... that was very tedious.

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This site has gone a bit crap. As a full-time lurker I used to come on here all the time as there used to be a staedy flow of threads. I mean look at the first page of the main board now..it covers 4 days! I think the £5.00 is irrelevant, I just think people (me included) can't be bothered to pay it. It's a real bummer cos I used to love this site. Now it's boring.


And Master Bates started two of the freds on there :rolleyes:

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It might be nice if one of the admins could respond to some of the points raised on this thread. They appear more interested in spending time deleting my posts. Now I understand my posts get a little cheeky every now and again, but considering I paid £5, and I am not breaking any rules I really dont see why its necessary. I also never got a response, even a "no" to my request on the avatar thread. So for £5 we now have a worse forum (not as many people) and are being over moderated, and getting poorer service. Good work so far, I could have had a pint and got myself half ounce of baccy and had enough left for a bag of crisps.

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It might be nice if one of the admins could respond to some of the points raised on this thread. They appear more interested in spending time deleting my posts. Now I understand my posts get a little cheeky every now and again, but considering I paid £5, and I am not breaking any rules I really dont see why its necessary. I also never got a response, even a "no" to my request on the avatar thread. So for £5 we now have a worse forum (not as many people) and are being over moderated, and getting poorer service. Good work so far, I could have had a pint and got myself half ounce of baccy and had enough left for a bag of crisps.


Respond to what exactly? Accusations that the forum has quietened down? I've already said that it has further up the page mate.


As for your avatar request, that's a genuine oversight but even so, you could have PMd any of us about it tbh. Anyone else who's asked for an avatar has had it placed with few problems (apart from sizing sometimes). The restriction on size is preferred by most of the users here who don't want to scroll through pages full of huge avatars to read the text. It's the same reason we don't have signatures. It's just clutter.


Poorer service? Thanks.


As for the benefits, Baj and Steve are intending to place Google ads on the site I'm told. As a full member these won't be visible to you. That, the use of avatars, the PM system and other forthcoming content should make it more value for money quite soon.


If you have any specific questions relating to the new forum and its format please direct them to Baj and/or Steve, who I'm sure will be happy to give you more details of their plans.



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