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Winning mentality

Daren W

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It might seem strange but on the trip up to Wembley, and before hand, at no stage did I think we'd lose, it never entered my head. I only mentioned the possibility losing to my mate because I so convinced we'd win that I found it odd. I've never felt that way as a Saints fan...


When "The Saints Are Coming" boomed across Wembley it finally hit me. We're team of winners, this club is full of winners and we've finally found the winning mentality and I think the next 9 games are going to be very, very interesting.


Anything is possible, even the seemingly impossible, when you have that winning mentality..


The Saints are coming...

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Indeed, I don't think I have ever been relaxed when we were leading 1-0 in the '76 Cup Final. In big games at least that team had the winning mentality, still recall after the semi Channon saying " now we have to win the bl**dy thing" !!

Positive thinking is so important, whatever people think of Clive Woodard he instilled that into the 2003 WC team.

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We said the same 3 years ago.


Hardly, the whole attitude towards football is different now. Since WGS left it's always been moaning and whining about poor players, now it's more a question of trying to fit in all the different players because so many are playing well.


I reckon our second strongest XI managed by Pardew would beat last season best XI which just shows how far we've come.

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Hardly, the whole attitude towards football is different now. Since WGS left it's always been moaning and whining about poor players, now it's more a question of trying to fit in all the different players because so many are playing well.


I reckon our second strongest XI managed by Pardew would beat last season best XI which just shows how far we've come.


I agree, our best team and subs bench since we dropped out of the Premiership.

Even better, I trust AP's team selection and he doesn't disappoint. Haven't been able to say that since WGS, and even then he had his favourites.

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Well we're a team of winners till we lose the next match;).


I wasn't confident at all yesterday my confidence dropped even more when I heard Wottons name was on the team sheet. I mean yesterday's team where very much a second 11 and I wasn't sure they where good enough. As it turned out Carlisle barely turned up and we smashed them. However years of conditioning meant that when they got one back I actually started wondering if we'd end up losing 5-4:( It could take me many years to overcome the last few years of dross.

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I agree, our best team and subs bench since we dropped out of the Premiership.

Even better, I trust AP's team selection and he doesn't disappoint. Haven't been able to say that since WGS, and even then he had his favourites.


In terms of ability and attitude, and bearing in mind the league we're in, the best side we've had since the days of Lawrie Mac....

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Well we're a team of winners till we lose the next match;).


I wasn't confident at all yesterday my confidence dropped even more when I heard Wottons name was on the team sheet. I mean yesterday's team where very much a second 11 and I wasn't sure they where good enough. As it turned out Carlisle barely turned up and we smashed them. However years of conditioning meant that when they got one back I actually started wondering if we'd end up losing 5-4:( It could take me many years to overcome the last few years of dross.


Lol! I actually became more nervous at 4-0 up than I was at any point before because we did our 'sit back and let the oppo come onto us' thing, which when we had pretty well dominated up to that point, was completely unnecessary. Conceding one seemed inevitable and I could easily see us conceding a second (luckily we didn't)>

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No we didn't. We scraped into those play offs when it wasn't even in our hands on the last day.

So being in 6th place was not "in our hands" ? :confused:


All we had to do was match Stokes result or better it and we had 6th place, we won 4-1.....

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So being in 6th place was not "in our hands" ? :confused:


All we had to do was match Stokes result or better it and we had 6th place, we won 4-1.....



Fair dos, I thought we overtook Preston on the last day. But we were hardly fixtures in the play offs all season, and we benefitted from Preston collapsing in the final weeks.


Anyway, my original point was we didn't go into those play offs thinking "I can't see us losing it". We weren't on the crest of a wave. We scraped into the play offs and entered them not as favourites.

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It was a strange feeling, I too, thought it would be comfortable, at 4-0 up I started to wonder whether it was a pre-game practise match, and the real thing was going to take place shortly afterwards. Carlisle contributed to their own downfall though in a major way - myself and a few people around me all saw Papa's goal happening as soon as Rickie had crossed the ball in - it was as if we knew their defender was going to balls it up.

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It was a strange feeling, I too, thought it would be comfortable, at 4-0 up I started to wonder whether it was a pre-game practise match, and the real thing was going to take place shortly afterwards. Carlisle contributed to their own downfall though in a major way - myself and a few people around me all saw Papa's goal happening as soon as Rickie had crossed the ball in - it was as if we knew their defender was going to balls it up.


What I couldn't believe for papas goal was Lambert speeding down the wing out stripping their defender for pace:confused: WTF how slow must that Carlisle defender be? good goal though I really wanted Papa to score as that made him the JPTs top scorer :supz:

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We said the same 3 years ago.


I dont think we did. We had Derby first round, and they had already stitched us up twice in the normal season. I for one was full of foreboding.


I also think if we make the play-offs, we will smash our way through. I cannot see Swindon, the only one of the play-off teams I fear at all, having enough over 2 legs.


I agree with Daren, although I was pooing myself during the game, I deep down didnt see us losing against Carlisle. Theres a contradiction for you - what a drama queen.


I am more worried about the next 9 games than the 3 play off games. There is no margin for error, and sometimes the team doesnt turn up.

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There's an oft used phrase... it was never in doubt... but it's becoming true, for me. I think I'm finally getting the last 5 seasons off my shoulders, chest, out of my head, or wherever, because now I don't get that torn up about games. If we are winning, I generally believe we can hold on or increase the margin, and if we are losing I generally think we can turn it around.


Just remembered, it's that other phrase, it's the... monkey off my back.

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We got into the play-offs because PNE choked.
And we're going to need someone to choke this year, so what's the difference? George Burley?


We were a lot of peoples favourites in 07. Derby were supposedly reeling after missing out on the top 2, we'd already beaten Wolves 6-0 a few weeks earlier and West Brom weren't the team they have been in other recent seasons and as shown, were beatable.

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And we're going to need someone to choke this year, so what's the difference? George Burley?



Whats the difference ?




Burley had a full pre-season, a third of the season before, AND a fortune to spend in the summer, AND the club was riding the crest of a wave from seeing the back of Rupert Lowe.


If we get into the play offs this season because Huddersfield or Colchester choke, I'll be grateful because of all AP has had against him. Getting into the playoffs with everything Burley had going for him, only because PNE choked, was a f**king disgrace.

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Whats the difference ?




Burley had a full pre-season, a third of the season before, AND a fortune to spend in the summer, AND the club was riding the crest of a wave from seeing the back of Rupert Lowe.


If we get into the play offs this season because Huddersfield or Colchester choke, I'll be grateful because of all AP has had against him. Getting into the playoffs with everything Burley had going for him, only because PNE choked, was a f**king disgrace.


In fairness I don't think that you can say that having a fortune to spend and the club being on a crest of a wave were things that Burley had that AP didn't.


In fact I'd say that the feel good factor surrounding ML's takeover after administration far eclipses Go Wilde Mike's failure to buy Lowe out.


That said, I agree with you that should we make the play offs then we have a great chance of going through*.


* providing someone else knocks out Swindon...

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And we're going to need someone to choke this year, so what's the difference? George Burley?


If anyone makes a success, then someone else has to choke, as you put it, for them to do it. Making the playoffs may depend on someone else not achieving enough points when all looked fine and dandy for them. But form is form, and it doesn't matter what happens in isolated parts of the season, it's the overall measure that counts. So if PNE choked to let Saints into the playoffs, under Burley, then their form dipped at the wrong moment for them. That's all. Nobody was actually let in.


Whats the difference ?





Made me chuckle, and I agree, Burley had a much different setup. But I think the overriding difference between Burley's playoff team and Pardew's, this season, is confidence, from top to bottom. Yes, Saints were coming out of the RL era, but very shakily, and it was often a case of one step forward and two back. When they won matches, it was a great feeling, but one always felt they were going to trip up, somewhere. This era is chock full of expectation and confidence. When Saints go into a match now, we expect them to win 99% of the time, and if they don't at least perform properly, there is genuine surprise. I don't think I ever felt that with the club in modern times.

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That said, I agree with you that should we make the play offs then we have a great chance of going through*.


* providing someone else knocks out Swindon...


I've gone on record that 2 of the top 6 will lose it before seasons end.

On current form... thats Colchester and Charlton and Huddersfield are slipping.


Provided we can pick up wins and they continue to waver then we have a good chance.

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In fairness I don't think that you can say that having a fortune to spend and the club being on a crest of a wave were things that Burley had that AP didn't.


In fact I'd say that the feel good factor surrounding ML's takeover after administration far eclipses Go Wilde Mike's failure to buy Lowe out.


That said, I agree with you that should we make the play offs then we have a great chance of going through*.


* providing someone else knocks out Swindon...


You're only saying that with hindsight. The Wilde crest of a wave was as huge as the ML one, especially first half of the season.


Being that we've just had eight months of grizzling about how important pre season is you'd have to George Burley was the luckiest manager on earth, as his pre season started in February of the season before.



But funnily enough none of the people grizzling about pre season this season talked about how lucky Burley was back in those days to have that oh-so-precious massive pre season - they had to find something else to single us out as Britain's most hard done by football club. Funny that. And they'll find something else next season you can be sure of that.

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Whats the difference ?




Burley had a full pre-season, a third of the season before, AND a fortune to spend in the summer, AND the club was riding the crest of a wave from seeing the back of Rupert Lowe.


If we get into the play offs this season because Huddersfield or Colchester choke, I'll be grateful because of all AP has had against him. Getting into the playoffs with everything Burley had going for him, only because PNE choked, was a f**king disgrace.


something, something, George Burley!! something, something, George Burly!!! Something, something, something, slit wrists, hate, rage, rant, paddy, something, something something...


That about the gist of it?

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You're only saying that with hindsight. The Wilde crest of a wave was as huge as the ML one, especially first half of the season.


Being that we've just had eight months of grizzling about how important pre season is you'd have to George Burley was the luckiest manager on earth, as his pre season started in February of the season before.



But funnily enough none of the people grizzling about pre season this season talked about how lucky Burley was back in those days to have that oh-so-precious massive pre season - they had to find something else to single us out as Britain's most hard done by football club. Funny that. And they'll find something else next season you can be sure of that.


I might well be biased - I was never that impressed with Wilde (easy to say so long after the event, I know).


Big difference for me between Burley and AP is that Pardew has certainly played his part in the atmosphere this season.

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If the winning mentality can see us through against Brighton' date=' then I fear none in the run in, and would expect us to win most, maybe draw 2, but still get in the playoffs as Colchester will not have a happy fw weeks.[/quote']



Yeah, Brighton is going to be a massive game, win that and it will put pressure on those playing on Friday / Saturday, especially given Brighton's recent form. Stop Glen Murray and we should win.

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I've gone on record that 2 of the top 6 will lose it before seasons end.

On current form... thats Colchester and Charlton and Huddersfield are slipping.


Provided we can pick up wins and they continue to waver then we have a good chance.


It's not even worth thinking about the other teams until closer to the end of the season. Saints must win all their games, that's all they should be fixated on. The loss of form of the other clubs is dealt with by fate.

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Big difference for me between Burley and AP is that Pardew has certainly played his part in the atmosphere this season.


After a while, listening to Burley's post match comments, it became clear he didn't see, or didn't admit to seeing, the same match as the fans, either. That may have been relatively unimportant, but when it also became clear that he wasn't taking obvious steps to remedy a situation, the fans began to turn on him.


Pardew, on the other hand, pretty much sees the same game, and by and large calls the changes as and when they are needed. For example, [i didn't see it, but it is widely reported] against Hartlepool, Pardew started 4-3-3, which didn't work right from the off. He wanted to change it to 4-4-2 before they scored, but didn't get his message through the team in time. But he saw the danger. Burley would have blundered on until 80mins had passed by.


AP's actions only win him respect, rather than losing it.

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something, something, George Burley!! something, something, George Burly!!! Something, something, something, slit wrists, hate, rage, rant, paddy, something, something something...


That about the gist of it?


Yep (apart from the wrist slitting).


Burley was a prize c**t who presided over the biggest squandering of our club's resources and legacy in its entire history.

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