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Weston Super Saint

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Having been broken into again last night - sleeping on Friday mornings seems to be a thing of the past for me :( - I want to get some sort of CCTV to try and catch the little toe rags who are doing this.


Now, the company I work for would rather not pay as they haven't really lost any money yet, so my solution needs to be cheap like the budgie.


I am looking for some sort of camera that can be bolted down, is either mains fed, or has it's own power supply, but crucially, MUST record onto it's own memory / memory card which can then but copied onto a computer - where I want to put it will not be accessible for cables etc, and we have no monitor or video to record on to...


If anyone knows of such a product that will be reasonably cheap, let me know....

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Installing CCTV isnt going to stop them, why dont you spend the money on security measures that stop them getting in in the first place.


They come in through the windows each time - I have now screwed 3 windows shut, but this does not deter them, they just move to the next window in the line.


We already have a comprehensive burglar alarm that is linked to a monitoring station, and the minute the break in is 'confirmed' - more than one sensor is tripped - the alarm monitoring station ring the police and they attend - there has been a number of exactly the same crimes in the area and the police are as ****ed off as the rest of us!!!


Unfortunately these guys know what they are doing and are in and out within about 30 seconds or so, taking the notes from the fruit machine with them. Given that the alarm beeps for 30 seconds - to allow legitimate users time to get in and turn it off before it is activated properly - they are gone before I even know they are there. Also factor in it takes another 30 seconds or so at 4 in the morning to recognise the noise is the alarm and then get out of bed and look out the window to a now empty car park, and you can imagine all we have to go on is a couple of partial Stan Smith trainer prints!!!


If the CCTV doesn't put them off, then at the very least a camera that is well hidden might actually catch a picture of who the burglar is - not to mention one could be set up to monitor the car park and maybe catch a reg number or car description....


So, there really are no more measures that can realistically be taken to stop them entering - let's face it a determined burglar will overcome most obstacles - so we're left with trying to identify them once they are here!!

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Not sure about CCTV, but you could get one or two of these.....







Only 2 reasons why not :


1. I would never be able to turn the alarms on thus invalidating the insurance, either that or lock the dogs in an area where they would be no use anyway.


2. Not sure the EHO would be happy to have dogs roaming in a food area.

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Only 2 reasons why not :



2. Not sure the EHO would be happy to have dogs roaming in a food area.



Not sure the EHO would get too close to find out ;)


Seriously, you could try dummy CCTV cameras (with the LEDs which look like they are swtiched on). If this doesn't scare them off, no other system will.


Having installed a 4 camera system in my home, after problems with a stalker, I have looked into this in depth. From memory, there are levels of identification and in order to get evidence that is submissible in court, you need to be able to identify individuals. Many crap cameras just confirm that someone has broken in (which you know already) so you need a system that can identify the person.


I started off with a system from these guys.



A wireless camera network communicates with a DV recorder (which you can link to your TV or PC Monitor). Its not bad and starts at about £300

Edited by Johnny Bognor
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If I could get to see them, I'd just take a picture of them ;)


Then you'd get back to the fact that they in all likelyhood wear a balaclava or something to protect their identity. Even if you got a perfect shot of their mug, you'd still then have to catch them, and by the sounds of it they're out of there and have spent the cash before you've got your slippers on.


Have you considered a very large Venus' fly trap?

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So, the problem is the fruit machine.




1) How much are you making from it?

2) Is it enough to offset the cost of each break in?


If the answer to 2 is 'no,' get rid of it.


1) Truck loads :D

2) Yes, since it hasn't cost anything yet, but that's not the point, the point is I'd like to catch them.


I'd also like 10 minutes in a locked room with them but I doubt I'd be allowed.

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Empty the fruit machine on a nightly basis,put in place the signage that states no cash is left on the premises,if they come back and there is no cash available this might deter them.

Ok they will get in but they may realise it's not worth the time and trouble.

For the time it takes to empty and count the fund in the machine and put it into the safe it could save you lots of grief possibly.

At the hotel i worked at, this strategy worked.

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Empty the fruit machine on a nightly basis,put in place the signage that states no cash is left on the premises,if they come back and there is no cash available this might deter them.

Ok they will get in but they may realise it's not worth the time and trouble.

For the time it takes to empty and count the fund in the machine and put it into the safe it could save you lots of grief possibly.

At the hotel i worked at, this strategy worked.

Probably the most cost-effective solution, IMO.

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1) Truck loads :D

2) Yes, since it hasn't cost anything yet, but that's not the point, the point is I'd like to catch them.


I'd also like 10 minutes in a locked room with them but I doubt I'd be allowed.


If as stated you make truck loads surely it is prudent not to leave it over night,i know it can build up over time so nightly it may not amount to much,but it has to be emptied at some point so that the leasing company get their cut,i presume it's leased and maintained by an outside source.

The machines we had were almost impenetrable,i presume you have are fairly recent models,if not get the leasing company to make sure that they are and have the appropriate security measures.

Edited by saint lard
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If as stated you make truck loads surely it is prudent not to leave it over night,i know it can build up over time so nightly it may not amount to much,but it has to be emptied at some point so that the leasing company get their cut,i presume it's leased and maintained by an outside source.

The machines we had were almost impenetrable,i presume you have are fairly recent models,if not get the leasing company to make sure that they are and have the appropriate security measures.


The machines are not ours and we have no keys to empty them.


The company responsible for them empty them weekly - I have arranged for the day of emptying to be changed - but it would be good to see they're faces when they break in and get nothing!!


I have also requested the security on the machines be 'beefed up', but to be fair, I requested that last week after we got broken into then! You can probably imagine I wasn't the most polite person phoning them this morning having lost my precious beauty sleep only to find out they haven't even bothered to log my extra security request!!


The machine 'doors' are made from chipboard and are designed to fall apart when forced open. I have one concern that making them impenetrable might make the thieves want to take something else, or worse still come up stairs to see me! Good job my new found hobby of American Baseball requires me to keep a metal bat by the door :shock: On the other hand they might just think we're not such an easy target and leave us alone - it appears they are only after the cash anyway.

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The machines are not ours and we have no keys to empty them.


The company responsible for them empty them weekly - I have arranged for the day of emptying to be changed - but it would be good to see they're faces when they break in and get nothing!!


I have also requested the security on the machines be 'beefed up', but to be fair, I requested that last week after we got broken into then! You can probably imagine I wasn't the most polite person phoning them this morning having lost my precious beauty sleep only to find out they haven't even bothered to log my extra security request!!


The machine 'doors' are made from chipboard and are designed to fall apart when forced open. I have one concern that making them impenetrable might make the thieves want to take something else, or worse still come up stairs to see me! Good job my new found hobby of American Baseball requires me to keep a metal bat by the door :shock: On the other hand they might just think we're not such an easy target and leave us alone - it appears they are only after the cash anyway.


We were quite lucky then,we had keys to the machines and pool table,we emptied them,banked the money,after changing it into note form,this was handy as it gave us change,the company would than come and check we had no problems and upgrade the machines if we desired and we just paid them a fixed fee.

The internal doors inside(x2,one for notes and one for change) both were a form of chip board and required 2 keys,but the exterior were a pretty sturdy piece of kit.

I hope you find a solution.

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You do hear about it! There have been some cases in the media.


But this is the media. They will blow everything out of proportion to make a good story about how all hard working, law abiding citizens are victims of thieves, rapists, immigrants and terrorists.


Unless you f**k the burgular's up big time, they are unlikely to go running to the Police, hence I personally would get a couple of Dobermans. If that's not practical, tougher windows I guess.

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Icatcher is a quilty product we use to cover one of our offices.


4 IP cameras powered over ethernet, all linked to a pc which records all the movement.

Also in the software you can create a "evidence cd"


Very simple to install. You can also get to email / ftp to an external source so if the kit gets nicked your still have the pics :)

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WSS, reading how the owners of said machines do not appear too concerned about them being vulnerable, has it occured to you, that this could be an inside job? Has this not happened at least once before?


Re cameras. How about one of those live online set ups? Perhaps linked to the SaintsWeb site, then it would be constantly monitored and one of us could give you a ring if we see anything a bit sus. Just a thought. We would of course need your number too.

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