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why all the surprise?


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we were told when lowe returned that players will have to be sold,high earners will have to removed from the wage bill,cutbacks would have to be made and the youngsters would be thrown in at the deep end,so why is everybody so surprised by what is happening?


if this had all happened without the 'heads up' then i could understand the surprise but we all knew it was coming and it would have happened with or without lowe.


imo the only surprise is that we were told it was going to happen,something which would have been hushed up before.

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No problem in the main, due to not being able to sell Raziak, Skacel, Euell, Davis and Saganowski it caused Davies to be sold however it does look as though he wanted to go, once he knew Premier money and football beckoned.

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we were told when lowe returned that players will have to be sold,high earners will have to removed from the wage bill,cutbacks would have to be made and the youngsters would be thrown in at the deep end,so why is everybody so surprised by what is happening?


if this had all happened without the 'heads up' then i could understand the surprise but we all knew it was coming and it would have happened with or without lowe.


imo the only surprise is that we were told it was going to happen,something which would have been hushed up before.


I think the issue is to do with what players are sold, not with selling players.


I believe we all wanted Davis to stay and we want Drew to stay. Selling the good young players is akin to pulling the rug out from under the managers and fans feet.

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I think the issue is to do with what players are sold, not with selling players.


I believe we all wanted Davis to stay and we want Drew to stay. Selling the good young players is akin to pulling the rug out from under the managers and fans feet.


i think we all knew roughly what players were likely to go and tbh surman was one of the players i thought might get tempted by the big bucks from the prem but davis was slightly surprising,by the sounds of it he wanted to go rather than he was forced to go and lowe probably didnt have a choice as it was probably written into his contract.

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I think the issue is to do with what players are sold, not with selling players.


I believe we all wanted Davis to stay and we want Drew to stay. Selling the good young players is akin to pulling the rug out from under the managers and fans feet.


As far as can tell Davies wanted to go and there wasn't much we could do about it, and Drew is still here.



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we were told when lowe returned that players will have to be sold,high earners will have to removed from the wage bill,cutbacks would have to be made and the youngsters would be thrown in at the deep end,so why is everybody so surprised by what is happening?


if this had all happened without the 'heads up' then i could understand the surprise but we all knew it was coming and it would have happened with or without lowe.


imo the only surprise is that we were told it was going to happen,something which would have been hushed up before.



The only "Surprise" to me, is the fact that, in spite of all the players being sold off, so many people on here STILL THINK that we are going to have a half decent season with an untried Dutch Duo, an untried system, and untried players.


We are heading for Div 1 .... FAST ...... It's about time people woke up to Reality, and saw things for the way they are.


PS ... The bit about "it would have happened with or without Lowe" ....... all Lowe is doing, is exactly what an Administrator would be doing, but the difference is, after all of Lowe's "culling", we are going to be in exactly the same Financial state as wea are now, with precious little being paid off of our debts, but we will be in a yet Lower League.

Edited by SaintRichmond
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The only "Surprise" to me, is the fact that, in spite of all the players being sold off, so many people on here STILL THINK that we are going to have a half decent season with an untried Dutch Duo, an untried system, and untried players.


We are heading for Div 1 .... FAST ...... It's about time people woke up to Reality, and saw things for the way they are.


PS ... The bit about "it would have happened with or without Lowe" ....... all Lowe is doing, is exactly what an Administrator would be doing, but the difference is, after all of Lowe's "culling", we are going to be in exactly the same Financial state as wea are now, with precious little being paid off of our debts, but we will be in a yet Lower League.



I am surprised at how much better we look on the pitch. But it is the results that count at the end of the day, so we will just have to wait a bit longer to see if its going to work.

p.s An administartor would have has on -10 points by now, plus the-17 for the start of next season.

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FFS, Once again for those at the back




Some 'fans' just hav'nt got a clue:smt076

I don't believe you.

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we were told when lowe returned that players will have to be sold,high earners will have to removed from the wage bill,cutbacks would have to be made and the youngsters would be thrown in at the deep end,so why is everybody so surprised by what is happening?


if this had all happened without the 'heads up' then i could understand the surprise but we all knew it was coming and it would have happened with or without lowe.


imo the only surprise is that we were told it was going to happen,something which would have been hushed up before.


Jesus, and I get accused of being repetitive and boring........

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Jesus, and I get accused of being repetitive and boring........


That's cos you are. Personally I believe that all the over spending by Wilde/Crouch et al had to be done. Mainly because of Lowe. And all our current mess is due to the fact that Lowe came back. Administration is not the worst thing in the world. Look at Rotherham, Bournemouth, Luton, Leeds, they've all done fine out of it. It's not as if Lowe's hands are tied.


Personally, if I had the choice, I'd have kept all the best players at the club, sold the bad ones, reduced costs by opening more corners in the ground and taking on more staff. Then I'd have hired a well known and proven manager (possibly along the lines of Burley, or Redknapp) and we'd ace this league.

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I think the reason is two fold... Firstly some people were sticking their heads in the sand and really believed that all our financial woes could be solved by getting the wages of Claus, Makin, Idiakez, etc off of the books and secondly they thought that as we were getting so late in the window without any of the players that we would hope to keep leaving that it may not happen at all......

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I think the issue is to do with what players are sold, not with selling players.


I believe we all wanted Davis to stay and we want Drew to stay. Selling the good young players is akin to pulling the rug out from under the managers and fans feet.


So are you saying the players have been buying something then?

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I think the reason is two fold... Firstly some people were sticking their heads in the sand and really believed that all our financial woes could be solved by getting the wages of Claus, Makin, Idiakez, etc off of the books and secondly they thought that as we were getting so late in the window without any of the players that we would hope to keep leaving that it may not happen at all......


I'm not one bit surprised we've lost Davies, I always thought he was our most saleable asset. And I don't blame Lowe, I blame Crouch and Wilde. If people are surprised by this and/or blame Lowe for this situation then I'm sorry but you're as thick as ****, FACT


I love putting FACT cos it means I don't have to listen to any poorly constructed arguments.



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Jesus, and I get accused of being repetitive and boring........


the difference is alpenis im trying to calm people down and be positive about our situation,you on the other hand are just sticking a sh1tty stick in a bucket full of sh1t and stirring until you get the right result for you,which is lowe removed, regardless of what happens to the club.

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I think some on here excuse the 'poor' decisions of the incumbent board by claiming poverty and howling derisions of administration. Maybe, just maybe, Lowe is using the noose of administration in order to sweep the club clean and build it the way 'he' wants.


Nothing wrong with that, as long as you agree with what he wants to achieve. I just think that some on here are so blinkered in the defence of the man, that they ignore the flaming obvious.


Now watch as people jump on this quote and shout administration or what do you expect with no money, or, where's this millionaire coming from to save us, and lastly, why are some so anti-Lowe, they can't see that h is doing the best for this club.


I do despair that so many sit back and excuse the inexcusable as this ridiculous fool plays his little game with our club. It will be too late soon and we Southampton FC will be unrecognisable. If you want Lowes dream, that's fine, not my cup of tea however, and I can assure you now, it's not due to the threat of administration that he is doing this, let's say more under the veil of administration you are letting him do this.


Anyway, you get what you deserve in this life.

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I think some on here excuse the 'poor' decisions of the incumbent board by claiming poverty and howling derisions of administration. Maybe, just maybe, Lowe is using the noose of administration in order to sweep the club clean and build it the way 'he' wants.


Nothing wrong with that, as long as you agree with what he wants to achieve. I just think that some on here are so blinkered in the defence of the man, that they ignore the flaming obvious.


Now watch as people jump on this quote and shout administration or what do you expect with no money, or, where's this millionaire coming from to save us, and lastly, why are some so anti-Lowe, they can't see that h is doing the best for this club.


I do despair that so many sit back and excuse the inexcusable as this ridiculous fool plays his little game with our club. It will be too late soon and we Southampton FC will be unrecognisable. If you want Lowes dream, that's fine, not my cup of tea however, and I can assure you now, it's not due to the threat of administration that he is doing this, let's say more under the veil of administration you are letting him do this.


Anyway, you get what you deserve in this life.


John, as you seem to be well informed of what Lowe's dream is, perhaps you can explain it?


I'm sure Lowe is trying to build the club in a way he wants within the financial constraints that currently exist - no right-minded person would do anything else, but to say that the threat of administration is masking the real agenda is laughable.


If you believe that the board are 'claiming poverty and howling derisions of administration' then I suggest you take a look at the accounts. These are not fabrications, they show the true picture of our financial position and it paints an extremely dark picture for the club financially.


Lowe is making unpopular decisions - making popular decisions such as giving Burley £7-8m to spend on useless players when we should have been cutting costs is part of what has got us in this mess. Now I want Lowe (& Wilde & Crouch) out of our football club as much as the next man, but until someone stumps up £50m to buy us then we're stuck with where we are now. Lowe is doing what he did before - which is to try & run the football club as a viable business, something which we need to do as a plc.

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I am also not surprised by the state we are in. Crowds look to be down 5,000 a match. Well with little hope and the return of that well known killer of fan support Lowelife, why be surprised?


The fact that we have lost both CCC games is also to be expected. We have an untried CCC coach playing a team full of lightweight youngsters in a league that needs some thugs. The results are in line with the components. Just pray for some luck before they get demoralised.

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I think some on here excuse the 'poor' decisions of the incumbent board by claiming poverty and howling derisions of administration. Maybe, just maybe, Lowe is using the noose of administration in order to sweep the club clean and build it the way 'he' wants.


Nothing wrong with that, as long as you agree with what he wants to achieve. I just think that some on here are so blinkered in the defence of the man, that they ignore the flaming obvious.


Now watch as people jump on this quote and shout administration or what do you expect with no money, or, where's this millionaire coming from to save us, and lastly, why are some so anti-Lowe, they can't see that h is doing the best for this club.


I do despair that so many sit back and excuse the inexcusable as this ridiculous fool plays his little game with our club. It will be too late soon and we Southampton FC will be unrecognisable. If you want Lowes dream, that's fine, not my cup of tea however, and I can assure you now, it's not due to the threat of administration that he is doing this, let's say more under the veil of administration you are letting him do this.


Anyway, you get what you deserve in this life.



this is not my argument,im not excusing what lowe is doing and i can only guess why its happening,im just saying that we were told that it was going to happen but still people are surprised and outraged...................it doesnt make sense.

i can only assume that we are selling players and making cutbacks because we are skint,a good guess imo and probably the right one.

i dont want lowes dream,i want what is best for the club to survive and if that is 'lowes dream' then so be it.

im afraid that i am not as anti lowe as some on here,but that doesnt make me a 'lowe luvvie' it makes me a realist.

Edited by lordswoodsaints
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I think some on here excuse the 'poor' decisions of the incumbent board by claiming poverty and howling derisions of administration. Maybe, just maybe, Lowe is using the noose of administration in order to sweep the club clean and build it the way 'he' wants.


Nothing wrong with that, as long as you agree with what he wants to achieve. I just think that some on here are so blinkered in the defence of the man, that they ignore the flaming obvious.


Now watch as people jump on this quote and shout administration or what do you expect with no money, or, where's this millionaire coming from to save us, and lastly, why are some so anti-Lowe, they can't see that h is doing the best for this club.


I do despair that so many sit back and excuse the inexcusable as this ridiculous fool plays his little game with our club. It will be too late soon and we Southampton FC will be unrecognisable. If you want Lowes dream, that's fine, not my cup of tea however, and I can assure you now, it's not due to the threat of administration that he is doing this, let's say more under the veil of administration you are letting him do this.


Anyway, you get what you deserve in this life.



What's the true picture then, JS? Obviously Lowe, in cahoots with the bank and, oddly enough, Leon Crouch and the previous administration, to spin this fantastical tale that we are skint and us thicko dimwit fans lap it all up coz we don't kno no better or nuffink.


But clever old you, you know better don't you?


And you've worked out that once Lowe has finished his latest press briefing lying about how awfully poor we are he goes into his office and sits in a giant hottub filled to the brim with fifty pound notes which he throws up into the air and cackles a lot for three or four hours.


And then he settled down to a delicious tea of freshly slaughtered newborn baby, ideally stolen from a couple who had been trying on IVF for the last three years.


This club gets the fans it deserves, and unfortunately too many of them are clueless idiots like you who can't see beyond their pathetic tiny world view.


Come on then, JS - tell us fickos the true picture and how rich we really are.


Some numbers or facts would be helpful.......

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What's the true picture then, JS? Obviously Lowe, in cahoots with the bank and, oddly enough, Leon Crouch and the previous administration, to spin this fantastical tale that we are skint and us thicko dimwit fans lap it all up coz we don't kno no better or nuffink.


But clever old you, you know better don't you?


And you've worked out that once Lowe has finished his latest press briefing lying about how awfully poor we are he goes into his office and sits in a giant hottub filled to the brim with fifty pound notes which he throws up into the air and cackles a lot for three or four hours.


And then he settled down to a delicious tea of freshly slaughtered newborn baby, ideally stolen from a couple who had been trying on IVF for the last three years.


This club gets the fans it deserves, and unfortunately too many of them are clueless idiots like you who can't see beyond their pathetic tiny world view.


Come on then, JS - tell us fickos the true picture and how rich we really are.


Some numbers or facts would be helpful.......


Lovely response!...since MW was behind the scenes and in a position of power for the majority of the time, perhaps we should ask him rather than RL?

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What's the true picture then, JS? Obviously Lowe, in cahoots with the bank and, oddly enough, Leon Crouch and the previous administration, to spin this fantastical tale that we are skint and us thicko dimwit fans lap it all up coz we don't kno no better or nuffink.


But clever old you, you know better don't you?


And you've worked out that once Lowe has finished his latest press briefing lying about how awfully poor we are he goes into his office and sits in a giant hottub filled to the brim with fifty pound notes which he throws up into the air and cackles a lot for three or four hours.


And then he settled down to a delicious tea of freshly slaughtered newborn baby, ideally stolen from a couple who had been trying on IVF for the last three years.


This club gets the fans it deserves, and unfortunately too many of them are clueless idiots like you who can't see beyond their pathetic tiny world view.


Come on then, JS - tell us fickos the true picture and how rich we really are.


Some numbers or facts would be helpful.......


Did you forget blasting a few little baby ducklings from the air?

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This club gets the fans it deserves, and unfortunately too many of them are clueless idiots like you who can't see beyond their pathetic tiny world view.


The Superior being has spoken. Everybody take note of he who knows best. We are too humble to even be in your exalted company, oh knowledgeable one.:smt017

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What's the true picture then, JS? Obviously Lowe, in cahoots with the bank and, oddly enough, Leon Crouch and the previous administration, to spin this fantastical tale that we are skint and us thicko dimwit fans lap it all up coz we don't kno no better or nuffink.


But clever old you, you know better don't you?


And you've worked out that once Lowe has finished his latest press briefing lying about how awfully poor we are he goes into his office and sits in a giant hottub filled to the brim with fifty pound notes which he throws up into the air and cackles a lot for three or four hours.


And then he settled down to a delicious tea of freshly slaughtered newborn baby, ideally stolen from a couple who had been trying on IVF for the last three years.


This club gets the fans it deserves, and unfortunately too many of them are clueless idiots like you who can't see beyond their pathetic tiny world view.


Come on then, JS - tell us fickos the true picture and how rich we really are.


Some numbers or facts would be helpful.......



Bad day at the asylum CB?

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Does anyone think Lowe has not put off some supporters from attending/buying season tickets?


Why does anyone defend Lowe's role at the Club when he is costing the Club revenue?


He's defended because he has made some tough, but unpopular decisions which may give the club a chance to survive.


The alternatives are:


He stays and doesn't make the tough decisions - in which case we go straight to administration & probable relegation to L1


He isn't the man in charge - well Wilde & Crouch did a fine job of that didn't they!! There is no one else, if & until any takeover comes.



I agree Lowe is costing us revenue through the turnstiles, unfortunately in our position there is no alternative at present. He is the best choice from a bad bunch.

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The Superior being has spoken. Everybody take note of he who knows best. We are too humble to even be in your exalted company, oh knowledgeable one.:smt017



How do you work that one out, smart arse. I'm not the one saying the idea that we might go into administration if we're not careful is a big old made up lie.


John Smith is your man for the "I know better than everyone" routine. And if you believe what he's saying, then frankly I am cleverer than you, and you are thick.



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How do you work that one out, smart arse. I'm not the one saying the idea that we might go into administration if we're not careful is a big old made up lie.


John Smith is your man for the "I know better than everyone" routine. And if you believe what he's saying, then frankly I am cleverer than you, and you are thick.




The wise one has spoken again. All hail the wise one!

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What's the true picture then, JS? Obviously Lowe, in cahoots with the bank and, oddly enough, Leon Crouch and the previous administration, to spin this fantastical tale that we are skint and us thicko dimwit fans lap it all up coz we don't kno no better or nuffink.


But clever old you, you know better don't you?


And you've worked out that once Lowe has finished his latest press briefing lying about how awfully poor we are he goes into his office and sits in a giant hottub filled to the brim with fifty pound notes which he throws up into the air and cackles a lot for three or four hours.


And then he settled down to a delicious tea of freshly slaughtered newborn baby, ideally stolen from a couple who had been trying on IVF for the last three years.


This club gets the fans it deserves, and unfortunately too many of them are clueless idiots like you who can't see beyond their pathetic tiny world view.


Come on then, JS - tell us fickos the true picture and how rich we really are.


Some numbers or facts would be helpful.......


Clueless..Now you are really starting to sound like my wife and like you she gets really angry.


CB Out of curiosity, you said too clueless idiots. If I know I am one which Saints fan is the other one?


Now breathe deeply and believe, as I do... Euro millions tonight and all are troubles are over.

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