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Boo Boys


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I couldn't believe it neither, nor the commentators, nor no doubt over football fans watching it. Hopefully they ignore the boo's.


Indeed it is a disgrace. So embarrassing to think that countless football fans that watched that game up and down the country will have got that impression of us. Most worrying thing is that it didn’t sound like only a few booing either!

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They paid their money and were treated to about 25minutes of 'football' from us today.


They have every right to show their feelings after today's performance.


I'm pretty sure most of them were there on tuesday too, and were clapping and cheering at the end, but no mention of that eh?


Right on!

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They paid their money and were treated to about 25minutes of 'football' from us today.


They have every right to show their feelings after today's performance.


I'm pretty sure most of them were there on tuesday too, and were clapping and cheering at the end, but no mention of that eh?


Maybe the shock of seeing us play so well on tuesday compared to today instigated that kind of reaction, but still, even I don't think there was any need to boo today. Jan just needs to wake them up a bit, but still, it was a **** poor performance.

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They paid their money and were treated to about 25minutes of 'football' from us today.


They have every right to show their feelings after today's performance.


I'm pretty sure most of them were there on tuesday too, and were clapping and cheering at the end, but no mention of that eh?


Still, do fans need to boo?


Of course they have every right, but IMHO they are ******s.


They must be bloody morons to be cheering and clapping at our last game and then acting like dicks the very next.

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They paid their money and were treated to about 25minutes of 'football' from us today.


They have every right to show their feelings after today's performance.


I'm pretty sure most of them were there on tuesday too, and were clapping and cheering at the end, but no mention of that eh?


A football supporter should support should they not! If it was the middle of February and we hadn’t won a game in 15 then ok I just about understand people wanting to vent there frustration. But certainly not four games into the season and especially as most of our team are so young. Turning against the players so quickly will only destroy any confidence the team has managed to build up.

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So reading the posts / time above, it seems that those complaining about the boos were not even there! Have to say near enough everyone around me was booing at the final whistle, and to be honest if they paid their money to watch that crap today they have the right to boo.


We have seen enough crap football like today for the past couple of seasons.

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Maybe the shock of seeing us play so well on tuesday compared to today instigated that kind of reaction, but still, even I don't think there was any need to boo today. Jan just needs to wake them up a bit, but still, it was a **** poor performance.


It didn't look to me like the manager was doing a lot to wake them up this afternoon :smt102


A football supporter should support should they not! If it was the middle of February and we hadn’t won a game in 15 then ok I just about understand people wanting to vent there frustration. But certainly not four games into the season and especially as most of our team are so young. Turning against the players so quickly will only destroy any confidence the team has managed to build up.


Yes of course it is.


However they need something to support do they not?


Played four and lost three doesn't make good reading, add to that the possibility of being bottom of the league by the end of the day isn't too encouraging is it?

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So reading the posts / time above, it seems that those complaining about the boos were not even there!


I wasn't there for this one no. Purely because of the distance I live from Southampton and because I had been to the previous two games (Derby and Brum) and couldn’t afford 3 games in a week.


Regardless though, what’s your point? We didn’t go so our opinion is somehow void? Tosh!

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So reading the posts / time above, it seems that those complaining about the boos were not even there!


I watched the game on tv, so infact i watched the match. My reaction would have been the same at st.marys or not. I wouldn't boo the players like that - a young team that needs consistantcy, not a bunch of nob ends randomly booing.


But then of course at our next match the same fans will be going delirous if we win and ****ing over the same players they just booed today.



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I have to say I was disgusted at the stick they were getting from the crowd today. In the last 20 minutes I was hearing shouts of "FFS!" and groans, rather than "you can do this" and enthusiastic singing.


DMG's crossbar effort at the end shows anything can happen at 1-0. I think some people need a bit more patience.

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Yes of course it is.


However they need something to support do they not?


Played four and lost three doesn't make good reading, add to that the possibility of being bottom of the league by the end of the day isn't too encouraging is it?


Yes, it’s not great but it is fair to say that this is probably the first really bad show from the lads (regardless of the final score). So to turn against them so quickly is shocking, in my opinion of course.

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Yes, it’s not great but it is fair to say that this is probably the first really bad show from the lads (regardless of the final score). So to turn against them so quickly is shocking, in my opinion of course.


Maybe some people haven't forgotten some of the dross that was served up last season :smt102


I'm not trying to make excuses, merely looking for reasons why it would happen...

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I have to say I was disgusted at the stick they were getting from the crowd today. In the last 20 minutes I was hearing shouts of "FFS!" and groans, rather than "you can do this" and enthusiastic singing.


DMG's crossbar effort at the end shows anything can happen at 1-0. I think some people need a bit more patience.


As I mentioned before, some fans may have got so use to us playing good, flowing football the past 6 games that they were just not used to seeing us pushed about by a load of northerners? For what its worth, I hope this acts as a mini wake up call for Jan that you can't beat teams like Blackpool playing the pretty stuff. I still have a massive amount of respect for the man, but today showed unfortunatly that his policy of total football just can't cut it (regardless of the opening 15 mins) against some of the 'bruiser' teams.

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Maybe some people haven't forgotten some of the dross that was served up last season :smt102


I'm not trying to make excuses, merely looking for reasons why it would happen...


Fair point.


But if that is the case I think those people need to learn to get over it! This is virtually a different team we are supporting this year. Fresh start, new horizons and all that..

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Played four and lost three doesn't make good reading, add to that the possibility of being bottom of the league by the end of the day isn't too encouraging is it?

Due to Barnsley playing Derby and Burnley playing Plymouth, we can't be worst than 3rd bottom. If both games are draws we can't be worse than 5th bottom.


To quote Donald Sutherland in Kelly's Heroes, "Stop hitting me with those negative vibes" !

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Shame on you all! I am ashamed to have you as fellow saints fans.


The last thing this young team needs is stupid tw*ts booing them at the first instance of things not going completly our way. To make matters worse it was a live on sky!



Absolutely - they're a young team and will make mistakes, and will find teams frustrating them at times. Get behind the lads and give them a chance to develop.

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I was booing the ref tbh. Absolutely shocking performance.


Well, quite. No one near us was booing the team - but the schyster Blackpool goalkeeper, and the wretched ref, yes, indeed. Did they make out on Sky that we were booing our boys? Typical....

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Who are worst the 15000 who turned up and spend the cash to keep the club a float' date=' or the ones who stay away(for whatever reason) and pontificate.[/quote']


They can keep their money if they only want to barrack and cause dissent.

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They have every right to boo. The performance from the players this afternoon was below par and aggravating. Blackpool played their physical game well and deserved their win. Our team looked lightweight and were completely bossed by the big Blackpool side.


If I had been there I would've booed too, we really ought to have picked up 3 points today.

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I actually agree with you, blimey!


I would sooner there be half as many fans in the ground if it meant that the lads would get the supporters full support.



never heard any booing of the players, other than that direct at Hammill and the rest of the Blackpool side, not forgetting the Ref.

Think it is being overstated to cover up the poor performance both on and off the pitch by our management team, they were out thought and out fought

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From the Sky coverage it appeared that most of the booing was directed at the officials and the Blackpool players. Some odd decisions and cynical gamesmanship on show.


That said, our defence looked shaky, lacked pace and conviction and played a very risky strategy of sitting in a very high line way up the pitch. Caught out on numerous occasions. Something needs to be done there.


Going forward we kept possession well for the most part but lacked cutting edge and overcomplicated things too often.


Fingers crossed these will come right sooner rather than later.

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The only booing I heard (I was there) was at the ref and time-wasting Blackpool players.


Heard that too, and joined in. But in my opinion there were also far too many in the crowd who seemed more prepared to groan at a misplaced pass or even boo when we were under pressure than to give encouragement.


This did transmit itself to what is a very young group of players. I didn't see any heads go down, but I did notice one or two starting to 'freeze' - fear of failure taking over from the earlier confidence in their own ability.


Like it or not, this is what negativity does.

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I only watched it on Sky, but I'm afraid to say there certainly was booing aimed at our lads from the home 'faithful'. In the last 20minutes or so it became very evident.


Well I was inside the stadium and didn't hear any booing towards the players until the final whistle had been blown. Towards the end of the game a lot of people were losing patience with the ref and were frustrated by Blackpools time wasting, which is what the booing was for. There was a chant of 'you dont know what you're doing', also aimed at the ref.

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Heard that too, and joined in. But in my opinion there were also far too many in the crowd who seemed more prepared to groan at a misplaced pass or even boo when we were under pressure than to give encouragement.


This did transmit itself to what is a very young group of players. I didn't see any heads go down, but I did notice one or two starting to 'freeze' - fear of failure taking over from the earlier confidence in their own ability.


Like it or not, this is what negativity does.


Also, like it or not, they are professional players, who earn a wage way above what the average fan earns.


If they are happy to take the money, they should accept the 'abuse' (for want of a better word), when they don't perform.


It's all part and parcel of being a sportsman isn't it?

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Also, like it or not, they are professional players, who earn a wage way above what the average fan earns.


If they are happy to take the money, they should accept the 'abuse' (for want of a better word), when they don't perform.


It's all part and parcel of being a sportsman isn't it?


Yes unfortunately it is. Doesn’t make it right though, not in these circumstances at least.

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