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West Ham game

Edmonton Saint

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That was the 1st pre-season game I had seen, i've got to say I was mighty impressed with the style and passion we showed.

Spiderman is class, likewise Gillet and James, also Jake Thompson will be 1 for the future in the Theo mould.


I know WHU didn't play full tilt but we closed them down quickly and didn't let them play, when we got the ball we attacked quickly and accuralety most of the time.


Just need to keep tighter at the full back positions


Overall I wouldn't mind watching that football every week even if we aren't going to beat the really physical taller sides we will still score.

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Excellent performance and it was like watching Arsenal play. Thomson played well second half, Lloyd James looked good at right back, the midfield duo dominated most of the match and the only downside was we didn't win (and we still look dodgy at corners). Getting more and more encouraged with what I see and only hope we can carry it into the season. The first goal, from a pure football point of view was superb and the football in general was excellent. Bart also had a good game in goal. All in all, great entertainment (and even better that it wasn't a West Ham reserve side).

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Actually the best (at least first half display) we have played in a veryyyyyy long time! At half time the guy next to me said he was amazed at how well we had played ... you just wouldnt credit it after last season. West ham to my mind put in full effort and got back into it 2nd half purely based on the fact they had like 8 (?) subs wereas we kept on nearly our whole starting 11.


Couple of points ... Jake Thompson needs to take his man on more, did this 2nd half and tore through the WH defence easily. Morgan S - What a bargain if he plays that way every game he wont be here long :-( and Svensson looked assured as did Lloyd James who looked much improved from the Celtic game IMO. My only concern would be Surman at left back as he was caught out several times when he had attacked and then not got back ala Skacel last season. Left back in our loan would be nice! All in all really impressed possibly starting to feel like we could be ok this season but Stoke will be the telling game I think!

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This is my last post of the day.


Them c*nts who were in the Itchen were far from promising.


On Friday night was a prime example of why Adult only priced blocks should be in the Northam, the little c*nts that were in there on Friday were an embarrasment.


If them c*nts are season tickets holders in there then I will be retiring to the Kingsland with my blanket after the first game of the season, even the Chapel would be more enjoyable than spending it with them choppers.


P.S - I know about imminent investment in SFC, which involves some local people, Alan Shearer and Dubai, unfortunately I am limited to 3 posts.


See you all tommorow. xx

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It was such a great display... Schneiderlin was the best player on the pitch by a mile; he just oozed so much class around the likes of parker and Mullins.


Looking forward to seeing him play every week!


Talking to some WHU fans...they seemed to think we were ''over physical'' too. So either they're your typical ''poncy'' premiership followers, or we have a little more steal in our locker too.

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I did enjoy the game, and yes we played well, DM took his chances well but (big BUT) we still have to play in league which is very physical and has shocking referees. Im still not convinced the young lads will handle the kicking they will get. I hope Im proved wrong. But all in all not bad at all

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Yep...esp Lloyd james at right back, who was excellent and committed. He had karl reid in his pocket all game.


James did go through the back of a WHU player which could have been nasty, think the player went off shortly after.

Youthful exuberance I call it ;)

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Anyone know why DAVIS was not in goal?


Hamstring injury. He was the pre match guest in the MLT suite and was saying how most clubs have 3 GK's and you will always have to fight for your place. One qulity quote was, when asked how he felt about the new style of pacey football, his exact words were " it scares the shit out of me!" "I get the ball, I look up and they are all gone, running up the pitch!"

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I still have my doubts but am fairly confident we will be mid table at least.


Two things came to my mind


1) It was a friendly but more spirit and enthusiasm was shown than in most games for the last couple of years.


2) Who of the players who left deserved to be ahead of any of those young players?



Thing that worries me is young players often are more susceptible to drops in form.


Very excited

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Originally Posted by rpb viewpost.gif

Very exciting times ahead - reminded me of watching Arsenal play (but, if anything, a bit faster)!

So we'd do fine as long as the Championship was populated with teams like West Ham and Arsenal?


I would put the house on you not being at this game. Tackles snapping in from the rug rats that made you concerned for them, as equally the opposition. They did not like it up em one bit. This performance would bring a smile to any Saints fan and had you beaming with pride at the end of it. So many good performances but Lloyd James just about capped it for me, though Thompson was equally as good. McGoldrick looked a different player after his goal and it was difficult to pick out a poor player. Bart flapped a bit but generally was good, defence let him down a bit but it was a fair result. We still have not got the balance right between defending and attacking but it was so much better than against Celtic. This game does not mean much when it comes to how we will fare in the CCC, but I am a lot less worried about the season than I originally thought. If things continue the way JP has started things out, it will truly be a miracle.

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What pleased me most was Mcgoldrick getting on the scoresheet twice. I feel his game is about building up a head of steam with regular appearances for the first team and the confidence it brings.


Last friday should do him the world of good - which is great news as i can see us leaning on him for a good goal tally this season.

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The two people who i have been unimpressed by the most recently impressed me the most in that game. Mcgoldrick and Holmes. Was very happy with the way we played and if we can produce like that in the coming season i can't see us doing as bad as last season.

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Both of Mc Goldrick's goals were well taken, but both West Ham goals could have been defended IMO. Bart could have come across it seemed to me and kicked the ball into touch. Unless my angle of sight was misleading, he would have beaten the West Ham striker to the ball. It seemed that he thought about it but changed his mind. The other goal was poor defending for the corner. We ought to have had a player on the near post and he would probably have cleared it. If not, then somebody was marking Davenport very closely.


But it was an entertaining game and the lads fought well and didn't disgrace themselves against more illustrious opposition.

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The Itchen was shit. I agree. It had better not be like that next season, or home games are going to be thoroughly shit. What summed it up was 5 kids that went down to bottom row, obviously hadn't been to a football match before, shouting at West Ham players to pass the ball to them in the warm up and shouting "West Ham suck" at their fans while laughing manically thinking it was the norm to do at football :lol


Was very, very embarrassing.

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It appears to me that the management have decided that few of the older players can play at the level of the youngsters. To compromise by mixing the team up would lower the work rate, pace and commitment.

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Why do people insist that we will be kicked off the park in this league??


We are so condescending of other teams.


For the record, we were outplayed more often than 'outkicked' last season.


As far as I am aware, Blackpool, Wolves, QPR, Reading, Coventry, Sheffield Wednesday, Sheffield United, Burnley, Barnsley and more... all play (or try to play) football.


We were once kicked off the ball/park, by Derby. We were outplayed by Watford twice - the only other major bruisers in the league.


Yes, you need man mountains at the back. In Killer and Thomas we have two.

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Bart - 7 - Bit shaky, seemed to have some communication probs at times. But made some good saves.


James - 9 - I thought he was great, attacking, defending and getting stuck in all game. Looked class.


Perry - 7 - Okish...not as commanding as he was last season, a little dodgy at times I thought


Killer - 7 - Solid from Killer, always talking to the defence. Understandably a little rusty though...But it's just great to see him there again.


Surman - 8 - I thought he got better as the game went on, loved the way he just charged forward with the ball from left back at times. Reminded me a bit of bridgey...


Thompson - 7 - Started quietly, but good better. Unlucky with the one on one...but he gave us a real threat down the right.


Gillett - 8 - A terrier..in their faces all game, a great crosser of the ball as well and seems to have the ability to pick out a v nice pass..


Spiderman - 10 - I love him already - oozes class. How did we get him here? Some of his cross field passes to Holmes were great... he just worked tirelessly all game.


Holmes - 8 - As some have said, I was a bit sceptical about him from the other games in pre-season, but he stood out for me. Caused them all sorts of problems down the left, and worked well with surman imo...


Lallana - 7 - He was quiet...didn't really see that much of him, popped up with some nice touches every now and then, but didn't really get involved as much as he can.


Mcgoldrick - 8 - Great goals, first one was a peach. Seemed to come alive after that, hopefully he can take that into the new season.

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At St marys on Friday I smiled. A lot.

That hasn't happened for a few years now, and that is why I am looking forward to the season.

Like the rest of us I don't know how we'll do, but if they play with the enthusiasm and commitment that they did on Friday I will be very hoarse after most games, having given them my vocal backing for the 90 minutes they are on the pitch.

Bring it on.

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Guest Hacienda
Cheers for the rating sounds very promising. Nice to have two genuine left footers on the left. Seems obvious but it has taken as so called "Dutch Non league manager" to do it!


Saints playing players in correct position shocker!!

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I am very optimistic about this season, which i have not been since we were relegated. Thank goodness we are now bringing through some skillful youngsters and not relyong on old has-beens. Pace and skill is what we want and it will bring us results.


Let the good times roll!

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