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Lloyd James


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what the hell has happened to him?


he's always been half decent - nothing special - but he looked like he was lost tonight, didn't want to tackle, couldn't pass and was reluctant to do anything remotely positive....and he was only on 25mins.


Maybe he's still carrying an injury? that's all i can guess, because he was never that bad.

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what the hell has happened to him?


he's always been half decent - nothing special - but he looked like he was lost tonight, didn't want to tackle, couldn't pass and was reluctant to do anything remotely positive....and he was only on 25mins.


Maybe he's still carrying an injury? that's all i can guess, because he was never that bad.


he has always been ****, he has never been able to pass. and my resounding memory of last season is his sh*te corners

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James was very poor tonight(as was Wotton), but a key factor in taking him off was tactical so Connolly could give another attacking option.


so, for me, why didnt he put papa or antonio on for wotton and push either AL or Punch into the middle? It was a waste of a sub, but to be fair, he realised it, and then changed it and i was impressed with the way AP made a point of coming ontot he pitch to shake James hand when he took him off.


Oh and Puncheon..worst game for us.

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didn't rate him when he was playing for the U18s. As far as I can see the only reason he's made it into the first team is because he had the excuse that he was playing out of position.


On the pitch is out of position for him as far as I can see.

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yes he did :D


Must have been very rare, we started last season with those shocking short corners, then Lallana, Surman and Gillett all took turns and they where all fairly poor. Smith could take a fairly decent corner but couldn't do much else, don't really remember James taking any last season.

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I thought he was dreadful. In the U18s he was carried by the tall Finnish player we let go and other class players around him. Cannot run cannot tackle cannot head the ball cannot pass. mind you Otsemobor was just as bad that inept header on goal when he did not want to put his head where it might hurt should cost him his contract next year.

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Why is everyone having a go at Lloyd James all of a sudden? He's carrying the injury from January but pulls himself through to play. The whole time he was on the pitch we were in control of the midfield, something we were unable to do in the first half or after he was taken off, and he made some good simple passes. There was a fantastic one across the pitch to puncheon that was so good he could bring it down in one touch. The sort of passing we can only dream of from Paul 'sack of potatoes' Wotton.


Worst decision of the match imo for Pardew to take him off and try and replace him with Puncheon who is so clearly not a CM. How's that gonna do his confidence which must already be dented from being second choice behind wotton.

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Why is everyone having a go at Lloyd James all of a sudden? He's carrying the injury from January but pulls himself through to play. The whole time he was on the pitch we were in control of the midfield, something we were unable to do in the first half or after he was taken off, and he made some good simple passes. There was a fantastic one across the pitch to puncheon that was so good he could bring it down in one touch. The sort of passing we can only dream of from Paul 'sack of potatoes' Wotton.


Worst decision of the match imo for Pardew to take him off and try and replace him with Puncheon who is so clearly not a CM. How's that gonna do his confidence which must already be dented from being second choice behind wotton.


It's not a new thing, hes been a scapegoat for about 18 months now.

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Why is everyone having a go at Lloyd James all of a sudden? He's carrying the injury from January but pulls himself through to play. The whole time he was on the pitch we were in control of the midfield, something we were unable to do in the first half or after he was taken off, and he made some good simple passes. There was a fantastic one across the pitch to puncheon that was so good he could bring it down in one touch. The sort of passing we can only dream of from Paul 'sack of potatoes' Wotton.


Worst decision of the match imo for Pardew to take him off and try and replace him with Puncheon who is so clearly not a CM. How's that gonna do his confidence which must already be dented from being second choice behind wotton.

I counted over 7 instances of him losing posession or passing to the opposition.

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Why is everyone having a go at Lloyd James all of a sudden? He's carrying the injury from January but pulls himself through to play. The whole time he was on the pitch we were in control of the midfield, something we were unable to do in the first half or after he was taken off, and he made some good simple passes. There was a fantastic one across the pitch to puncheon that was so good he could bring it down in one touch. The sort of passing we can only dream of from Paul 'sack of potatoes' Wotton.


Worst decision of the match imo for Pardew to take him off and try and replace him with Puncheon who is so clearly not a CM. How's that gonna do his confidence which must already be dented from being second choice behind wotton.


I don't think James is that bad, but you can't really say he had a good time tonight tbh.


he seemed very reluctant to challenge, and his passing 90% of the time was wayward. As you said - i expect this to be down to him carrying an injury of sorts, will be interesting to see how he is after a full pre-season.

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Tonight's display was down to a poor manager making bad decisions - don't make one of own a scapegoat.


You're right, it was a bad decision to bring him on because he is ****ing turd.


No one is blaming him for the result, he wasnt on long enough to effect that but we are merely pointing out the fact he was poop for his brief appearance

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It's not a new thing, hes been a scapegoat for about 18 months now.


Yh i've noticed on here. Not fair at all. In terms of Gillett i think Pardew doesn't like his attitude. Not a skill thing. 7 instances of him losing the ball? I don't think it's his fault half our players can't trap a ball within 10 yards. You can see the players in our team who have been taught properly. Lallana, James, Gillett and various other young players before they all left. Seems like we're the only club teaching them this.

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Yh i've noticed on here. Not fair at all. In terms of Gillett i think Pardew doesn't like his attitude. Not a skill thing. 7 instances of him losing the ball? I don't think it's his fault half our players can't trap a ball within 10 yards. You can see the players in our team who have been taught properly. Lallana, James, Gillett and various other young players before they all left. Seems like we're the only club teaching them this.


Welcome to the forum Lloyd, its a pleasure to have you here.

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Yh of course because no fan would defend a player like that. :/


If the abuse was uncalled for i would stick up for any saints player but.........


lloyd is **** and has always been ****, he brings absolutely nothing to the team in an attacking sense and the best that can be said for him is that he can do a fairly "sturdy job" for us at right back.


he came on tonight for 20 minutes and was terrible, all we are doing is pointing out that fact.

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Shocking!!! Came on on 45 mins and taken off again on 70.


Memories of Ali dia came flush back


FFS, Stupid over-reaction & pointless thread. Why try & harvest vitriol for our developing players?! Same as last time he came on after months out. He made a mistake that let them through but didn't get much of a chance before Pardew decided to gamble on all out attack & take him off which questions Pardew's choice in the first place. I'd be more concerned why AP always plays Wotton in place of Morgan. Anway, get over it.


Why no Gillet either? Lloyd is much better central to RB. RB is not his position & many have short memories for the performances he put in midfield early in the season. He did well (one notable game I believe was v Brum) from what I remember & Pardew was very complimentary. Try pulling your head out a bit & be a bit more objective. Harsh!

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he was a bit rusty and lacking in confidence - taking him off was a massive mistake on Pardew's part


he should have started with James or Gillett over Wotton anyway - or moved James to right back at worst and lived with the decision to put him on


Morgan was at fault for getting the stupid red card in the first place really!


it was Tim Sparv and Joshua Dutton-Black who played alongside James in the middle in the youth team - and I thought both of them were better than James - but all three were good enough to make it

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I wander how many people posting stupid anti James posts were actually at the game tonight - very few I would think.


For what it's worth he did ok. He looked a little rusty but actually used the ball pretty well and helped us boss the middle of the park.


James was subbed cos we needed a goal, not cos he was playing badly.


Please, please, please do not post a view on a players performance unless you were at the game.

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If the abuse was uncalled for i would stick up for any saints player but.........


lloyd is **** and has always been ****, he brings absolutely nothing to the team in an attacking sense and the best that can be said for him is that he can do a fairly "sturdy job" for us at right back.


he came on tonight for 20 minutes and was terrible, all we are doing is pointing out that fact.


What have you got against this James? to start a hate thread, and then contribute a third of all your posts to it, seems odd, is there something your not telling us?


As I said before James didn't have the best game tonight but neither did Wotton, Lallana, Puncheon, Semi...


James has had played excellently in central midfield before, he does get stuck in, and generally his range of passing is very good. He always gives 110%. Its not like the rest of the team never concede posession, everyone was guilty of it today just as they are every other match.


As a youngster who's come through our academy who's coming back from injury, cut him some slack, he was only taken off to accomodate another striker. Having defended James I have noticed that it tends to take him a while to get into games and his first few touches can be poor.

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he was a bit rusty and lacking in confidence - taking him off was a massive mistake on Pardew's part


he should have started with James or Gillett over Wotton anyway - or moved James to right back at worst and lived with the decision to put him on


Morgan was at fault for getting the stupid red card in the first place really!


it was Tim Sparv and Joshua Dutton-Black who played alongside James in the middle in the youth team - and I thought both of them were better than James - but all three were good enough to make it


James looked good in that team. A decent looking holding player who linked play well. That is his game. He's not a playmaker like Schneiderlin so won't catch the eye which perhaps doesn't help him.


Sparv was class though and someone should be shot for letting him go. A full Finnish international now I think.

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I don't mind James, but I did think he was poor when he came on. Wotton wasn't brilliant, but tonight wasn't the worst I've seen him play. What suprises me is, in a game we needed to win, Pards opted to put James on for Wotton when attacking options were there on the bench.


He's still a squad option, but we definitely need a quality CM to compete for a starting spot with Morgan and Hammond, and a quality No 1 right back.

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I was there and always am


If you are and understand football why crtticise a holding midfielder for not bringing anything to the team in terms of attacking?


After all you would not expect a centre back to score with an over head kick or a centre forward to clear a shot off his own goal line would you? FFS people need to realise that players are picked to do a particular job and should only be judged ob how well they do that job.

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I think James is one of the players we should offload in summer. Wasn't overly impressed by him last season, even if he was played out of position. This year when he got more chances in midfield, I thought he might shine but he just hasn't.


He has no pace and can't head, which is going to count against him wherever he plays. Whenever he plays in a wide position he tends to freak out as soon as he crosses the halfway line and launch it hopefully into the box.


Can't really say I've seen anything from him that is in any way exciting.

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He had some decent games in midfield in October / November but he's been terrible since Xmas. Carrying a knock perhaps ? Thought he was terribly tonight and Pards was right to take him off though it was dumb to put him on in the first place and just wasted a sub. Should have left Wotton on for 15 minutes and then he could have got Antonio on as well.

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You shouldn't be to concerned as to why pardew played wotton insteadof Morgan, he's suspended!!! Maybe you should "pull your head out" as you so beautifully put it.


I know why Morgan wasn't playing dumbass! I was questioning the inclusion of Wotton in the starting line. The ball boys would complete a more successful pass ratio!

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