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Dean Hammond

Legod Third Coming

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I don't like scapegoats, baaah...


But I watched him throughout yesterday's game with a keen eye.


He contributed very little, stood a mile off their midfielders, didn't appear to track back a great deal and equally when we were attacking he was nowhere near the box.


He didn't motivate anyone. He didn't bo ll ock anyone.


What is he doing? And why?

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He was completely rubbish yesterday, in-fact he's been off form for way too long now and i'm not surprised Pardew took him off.


I like hammond, when he plays well he's my sort of CM - but that's not been frequent enough for me. Bring in the competition to give him a kick up the backside, he's the captain but doesn't look like one at the moment.

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when we first signed him, for about 2 games, thought he was exactly the character in CM we needed.


however, after that was very disappointed in him.


we have been missing a big character in CM to grab hold of a game for years and to me is by far our biggest weakness - much much more than resigning a winger for the bench.


If we had a Robbie Savage type for last two seasons think things would be looking different.


Schneiderlin was poor yesterday as well, but has shown last season he is good enough easily for first 11 - and think he would be even better with the Savage type signing along side him

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when we first signed him, for about 2 games, thought he was exactly the character in CM we needed.


however, after that was very disappointed in him.


we have been missing a big character in CM to grab hold of a game for years and to me is by far our biggest weakness - much much more than resigning a winger for the bench.


If we had a Robbie Savage type for last two seasons think things would be looking different.


Schneiderlin was poor yesterday as well, but has shown last season he is good enough easily for first 11 - and think he would be even better with the Savage type signing along side him


What i think Morgan needs is a midfielder bombing on in front of him. Hammond and Morgan are always too close together creating a very narrow approach at times, there's no real ''AMC'' in our squad.


If we get this new guy hopefully that will give us what we need...

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It's nothing to do with that.


He's been very very poor for a while now. The game passed him by yesterday.


And he's the captain too.


Interesting what you said earlier about him having no competition. That's exactly how I felt about Puncheon yesterday. Last season he had Antonio & Papa breathing down his neck.

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Were you at the game ? The 1st half was one of the best 45 mins we have played in a few years, good passing and could have had a hat full !!


however NO PACE!!! i think about everyone on this site has said this. without MA & PW to play/bring on, we look very laboured. hopefully the young lad (who name i forget) will develop eh? anyway, sign some pace AP!!

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Puncheon stood out for me as our worst midielder in the past couple of games, although I'll give him the benifit of the doubt and assume its because he's not had a full pre season, although even last season he seem to be a bit hit and miss.


As for Hammond, I rarely notice the central midfielders, but didn't think he was particularly bad yesterday, I think everyone is probably in agreemant that we need another central midfielder and at least one quick winger and a striker.

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Hammond doesn't look anywhere near match fit.


perhaps a few matches from time to time would help then, we should never have cancelled last week's game anyway, players like to play whenever possible, they don't like free weeks all that much,have a look at the weeks after international breaks, plenty of

strange results to be seen there.We had a very indifferent pre-season with our "first XI" performing very little,we aren't in the

90 minute rythm just just, 45 minutes of shock and awe and then we run out of puff......I tell eee it's about the coaches more than anything else,they're turning good players into 1 trick ponys.

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Not captain material im afraid , bad decision giving him the arm band . I dont think ive seen a captains display from him since we signed him . Hes very average , he was plucked from a very poor team where he looked good , put him in a fair team he vanishes in to the crowd . Gets in the box on the end of crosses and cant get 1 single header on target .

He needs to be dropped for a few games , try and get some motivation in the boy . Lallana looked like his mind was else where as well yesterday , transfer talk maybe affecting him .

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He's just a bit of a nothing midfielder. Doesn't really retain possesion well, doesn't score enough, doesn't really put himself about in either box and doesn't get the team going as a captain.


We need a solid attacking midfielder to play alongside Schneiderlin, someone like Danns would have been perfect. Having two defensive midfielders who together in the middle isn't doing us any favours at all. I'd be inclinded to move Lallana inside and play Dickson left wing, at least then we would have a bit of threat and creativity through the middle and Schneiderlin should be fine doing all the defensive leg work. Would also leave more space in the middle for Fonte to step up into.

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I don't know why Hammond is being singled out for criticism here. I thought the back four (or 5 if you include the keeper) were terrible, both individually and collectively. Hammond wasn't very good but no worse than Schniederlin and he was a damn sight more affective than Puncheon. Only Lallana and Barnard (who was our best player by a country mile) deserve any credit from that performance.

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Never seen such a range of opinions on players after a game!


Schneiderlin was marginally better than Hammond - difference to me is that Schneiderlin was consistently good last season and is returning from injury, Hammond has disappointed me for months.


Thought Puncheon was ok - sit in Itchen so was right infront of me and he was central to much of our good play in first half - maybe not so good in second when not so close for my aging eyes!

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Me and my firend have this discussion after every game, and we tend to always agree that Hammond hasn't done enough since he's come here and agree he needs competition. As people have said he is IMO an average league one midfielder and I would prefer the captains armband went elsewhere. However I have always been sensible enough to know that I know very little and it is Pardew who must see good reasons to select him. I like te fact that he puts his foot in and agree if we replaced him we would need another 'battler', only better!


I also see glimpses of greatness from Morgan, but have been very suprised over the last year or so at the amount of people who think he is exceptional. I nearly ALWAYS walk away from games thinking he has been pretty average. I do however think he would shine with a really good attacking midfielder next to him.

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I don't know why Hammond is being singled out for criticism here. I thought the back four (or 5 if you include the keeper) were terrible, both individually and collectively. Hammond wasn't very good but no worse than Schniederlin and he was a damn sight more affective than Puncheon. Only Lallana and Barnard (who was our best player by a country mile) deserve any credit from that performance.


Puncheon had a good first half and flashes in the second. Hammond was anonymous. Seriously, I urge anyone to watch him for ten minutes in a game. Yesterday I thought Morgan was quiet too, but I'm more concerned that between them they don't know who has which role. I thought MS's game was about sitting in front of the back four and spraying the ball around. If he does that, and does it well, there's not a player in this league or the one above who can touch him.


But Hammond doesn't fulfil the other half of that role which is to bomb on and support the front two... Midfield's not right, that's what I'm seeing.

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Hammond and Schneiderlin are unfortunately one trick ponies who between them add up to one decent midfielder. Hammond, scores the odd goal and defends but can't pass, Schneiderlin passes sideways and backwards and doesn't score. Both of them need to step up to the plate and get out of their relative comfort zones. Hammond needs to be more dynamic and start passing the ball and Schneiderlin needs to start getting forward and running beyond the strikers. Holding midfielders are a luxury we don't need and we don't need the wide men in the middle trying to do the running up the middle that Hammond and Schneiderlin should be doing, they are our attacking and passing outlets and it's no good if they aren't wide to receive the ball. That's how we become the shapeless mess we were for 70 minutes yesterday.

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I think that football fans have problems appreciating central midfielders, regardless of how they play or, more to the point, the role they've been told to play. For an insight into how good a judge this forum is, I'll refer you to the learned opinions / bull**** spouted about Matt Oakley.


Dean Hammond isn't the greatest midfielder in the world but then we're not Real Madrid....

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well the fact neither Spiderman or Hammond when they have the ball look to actually take it forward themselves tells me, either told to play that way or they don't seem to be able to see the space infront of them. Hammond has missed so many headers he might as well not bother getting in the box.


Puncheon at times couldn't trap a housebrick yesterday and seems to delay putting in the cross and needs to always cut inside, the better crosses came from Right back.puncheon didn;t seem to want to try going outside the left back for orient.


Thought Banard had one of his better games and didn't agree with his subbing thought Puncheon should of gone off, but really the lack of pace and the lack of an ability to change shape and style comes back the manager. We seem to have no plan B , we huffed and puffed then when that didn't work we ran out of ideas.


As for the subject of goalkeeping when will he learn the 6 yard box is his domain and he needs to dominate it that might inspire the back 4 to step up and take the presure off the midfield who can then get forward more.

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I like te fact that he puts his foot in QUOTE]


To me that's a problem with his play. How many times do we see him go in with both feet and sit on his backside watching as play then goes on without him?

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Hammond and Schneiderlin are unfortunately one trick ponies who between them add up to one decent midfielder. Hammond, scores the odd goal and defends but can't pass, Schneiderlin passes sideways and backwards and doesn't score. Both of them need to step up to the plate and get out of their relative comfort zones. Hammond needs to be more dynamic and start passing the ball and Schneiderlin needs to start getting forward and running beyond the strikers. Holding midfielders are a luxury we don't need and we don't need the wide men in the middle trying to do the running up the middle that Hammond and Schneiderlin should be doing, they are our attacking and passing outlets and it's no good if they aren't wide to receive the ball. That's how we become the shapeless mess we were for 70 minutes yesterday.


Wise words and very true..


If only you could give the Manager some slack..


You could make a very good coach......


I sound more like Rodney than a Dave........If you get my drift..Coach...

Edited by ottery st mary
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when we first signed him, for about 2 games, thought he was exactly the character in CM we needed.


however, after that was very disappointed in him.


we have been missing a big character in CM to grab hold of a game for years and to me is by far our biggest weakness - much much more than resigning a winger for the bench.


If we had a Robbie Savage type for last two seasons think things would be looking different.


Schneiderlin was poor yesterday as well, but has shown last season he is good enough easily for first 11 - and think he would be even better with the Savage type signing along side him

I've been banging on about this CM midfield problem for ages, and often been shouted down.
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I rate Schneiderlin highly (not Saturday) and think he had a good season. But think he needs, due to age, experience, character, type of player etc a big character energetic midfielder alongside him. Thought, for first few games, this might be Hammond but have been very disappointed in him.

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Hammond and Schneiderlin are unfortunately one trick ponies who between them add up to one decent midfielder. Hammond, scores the odd goal and defends but can't pass, Schneiderlin passes sideways and backwards and doesn't score. Both of them need to step up to the plate and get out of their relative comfort zones. Hammond needs to be more dynamic and start passing the ball and Schneiderlin needs to start getting forward and running beyond the strikers. Holding midfielders are a luxury we don't need and we don't need the wide men in the middle trying to do the running up the middle that Hammond and Schneiderlin should be doing, they are our attacking and passing outlets and it's no good if they aren't wide to receive the ball. That's how we become the shapeless mess we were for 70 minutes yesterday.


This!!! (and for about the last 5 seasons too!)


With our relative 'strength' and 'depth' surely we are strong enough to be playing Lallana in the middle, either in the middle two, or in the hole?


Hammond and Schneiderlin = negative manager!


Move AL into the middle or splash the cash ... before it's too late!!!

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I think I made the suggestion last season about moving AL into the middle. May have been when MS got suspended near the end of the season. Anywho I think there were a few people who mentioned that he may not be up to it physiclly etc.


No real agenda here, just that like someone else said, me and a mate often talk about Hammond and we can never really define what sort of midfielder he is.


Would really like to see AL given a run through the middle of the park to see what he can do. IMO he could take his game on a further level than what he has done recently.


All imo of course

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