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WHU v Swansea is the early kick off, find it odd that the Newcastle match isn't on TV anywhere...unless I'm missing something.


Big game for both sides, you'd have to say a win for Swansea should enable them to pull away, but a win for WHU will drag so many more right back into it! (right up to 10th!)

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Arsenal v Crystal Palace

Cardiff City v Norwich City

Everton v Aston Villa

Fulham v Southampton

Hull City v Tottenham Hotspur

Manchester City v Chelsea

Newcastle United v Sunderland

Stoke City v Manchester United

West Bromwich Albion v Liverpool

West Ham United v Swansea City


As long as Saints win, I don't care about the other fixtures. Preferably an Everton win against Villa though and a Sunderland win against Newcastle.

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WHU v Swansea is the early kick off, find it odd that the Newcastle match isn't on TV anywhere...unless I'm missing something.


Big game for both sides, you'd have to say a win for Swansea should enable them to pull away, but a win for WHU will drag so many more right back into it! (right up to 10th!)


The police moved the Newcastle game, much to the annoyance of both clubs.

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Why is there always such a big deal over Carroll by everyone? ''Now WHU will stay up'' ''They'll win today BECAUSE of Carroll'' ''Swnasea won't be able to handle him''


He's dog **** as a player.


He's not to be fair, but he's hardly world class. Watching him since he's been back he does offer W-Ham something they've been sorely lacking.

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sunderland are staying up.


Some managers just "fit" a club. Pulis seemed the perfect fit for Palace and vice versa, the same can be said IMO of Holloway at Millwall. It seems Poyet is Sunderland's perfect fit.


I honestly could not predict who will go down this season. Fulham seemed nailed on until yesterday when they revealed their signings - how well they do depends on how well those players gel. West Ham have been struggling for goals all season, but Allardyce has been there and done it before. Palace were everyone's tip at the start of the season but recently they seem to have clicked. I just can't pick it.

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Some managers just "fit" a club. Pulis seemed the perfect fit for Palace and vice versa, the same can be said IMO of Holloway at Millwall. It seems Poyet is Sunderland's perfect fit.


I honestly could not predict who will go down this season. Fulham seemed nailed on until yesterday when they revealed their signings - how well they do depends on how well those players gel. West Ham have been struggling for goals all season, but Allardyce has been there and done it before. Palace were everyone's tip at the start of the season but recently they seem to have clicked. I just can't pick it.


My picks are Fulham, Cardiff and Norwich.

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I've never seen you have an opinion that is directly related to current form. Everyone will stay up when they're having a good spell, everyone is doomed during a bad spell, new managers are great if they win their first couple of games, players like Ings are amazing while scoring in a lower league. I remember how good O'Neill was and how Warnock completely turned round Leeds, right?


Over the course of a season you seem to write off every side so I guess you could claim to have called the relegation spots every year, but 90% of the time you end up being wrong and it's purely because you react to form like a weathercock.

what the hell are you on about

I clearly think that there are 3 worse teams than sunderland, who if they win will go 12th (albeit its tight down there) and in a cup final

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My picks are Fulham, Cardiff and Norwich.


The Beeb said it just now, with WHam and Sunderland winning, Cardiff and Fulham will need to win today or they'll start to be cut adrift. While it won't be a huge gap in terms of points, psychologically it's massive. I remember us struggling to get to 0 points in League One first season.


Norwich is a good shout, I don't rate Hughton as a manager. They've got a good set of players and that is what's keeping them out of the relegation zone at present, but it's only a matter of time before they slip back into it though. However, with Norwich, you do feel that if they sack Hughton and bring in another manager, they have the players to get them out of the shyte.


If I were forced to predict a team to be relegated with Fulham and Cardiff, it'd be Stoke.

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Yet another 19th Century performance from WHU. My god they are boring. I really do hope they get relegated. With Carroll out for 3 games that may curb their momentum.


If Wham were in the cup, his return would be our game. But they're not so their encounter with us will be his final ban. :lol:

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Beat me to it - shocking atmosphere, but I've noticed this is an endemic problem presently.


KICK-OFF - West Brom 0-1 LiverpoolOne thing's for sure, the fantastic West Brom home support is not going to give up. They will keep boinging to May and beyond. Time for the second set of 45.

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1-1, gifted goal.


Toure is their weaklink without a doubt. Horrendous defender these days.


I am also amazed that Skrtl has not given away that many penalties (if at all)

never seen a defender climb all over someone as much as he has and get away with it

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