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Summer Transfer Window

Saint Garrett

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Now the season is petering out, what are you hoping for?


This is our current first XI squad (excluding those out on loan). Fringe youth players in brackets.


GK: Boruc, Davis, Gazza


RB: Clyne, Chambers

LB: Shaw, (Targett)

CB: Lovren, Fonte, Yoshida, Hooiveld (Turnbull)


CM: Morgan, Cork, Wanyama, (Reed)

AM: Lallana, JRod, Davis, Gaston, JWP, Guly, (Rowe, Isgrove)


ST: Lambert, (Gallagher, McQueen)


This leaves us with 16 senior outfield players


Davis to go to GK Coach, bring in another Keeper IMO.


A top CB would be nice, sell Osvaldo and bring in another top striker. Another AM to play in the '3', possibly 2.


Let Hooiveld, Guly, Isgrove all go.


I see we were linked with Barca youngster (yes I know it's clubcall) today. and Sergio Garcia. (Not the golfer Dubai_Phil!)



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It looks like we are going to use the rest of the season to evaluate the youth players who should be ready for first team action. I think we also used the FAC to asses squad players. I expect De Prado and co to go in the summer and three or four fresh faces to come in. Davis will become third goal keeper, Gas will go, a new striker, CB and LB cover will be recruited in addition to a rising star keeper.

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A summer like the last one would be sweet! Three players straight into the first team. In this instance I'd prob like to get upgrades on Boruc, Fonte + Lambart.


Can't see it tho. At this point I'd bite ur arm off if we just manage to hang on to Lovren, Shaw, Morgan & Lallana. Also ponch i spose.

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Now the season is petering out, what are you hoping for?


This is our current first XI squad (excluding those out on loan). Fringe youth players in brackets.


GK: Boruc, Davis, Gazza


RB: Clyne, Chambers

LB: Shaw, (Targett)

CB: Lovren, Fonte, Yoshida, Hooiveld (Turnbull)


CM: Morgan, Cork, Wanyama, (Reed)

AM: Lallana, JRod, Davis, Gaston, JWP, Guly, (Rowe, Isgrove)


ST: Lambert, (Gallagher, McQueen)


This leaves us with 16 senior outfield players


Davis to go to GK Coach, bring in another Keeper IMO.


A top CB would be nice, sell Osvaldo and bring in another top striker. Another AM to play in the '3', possibly 2.


Let Hooiveld, Guly, Isgrove all go.


I see we were linked with Barca youngster (yes I know it's clubcall) today. and Sergio Garcia. (Not the golfer Dubai_Phil!)



Will we necessarily replace Hooiveld? How easy will it be to find a better player that is happy to be a 4th choice CB? He might well want to move for more playing time himself, the same will apply for Yoshida. Centre Back and Goalkeeper are the hardest positions to manage in terms of good quality squad players, as they may get very little playing time and their game is significantly based on their relationship around them, but can go large chunks of the season without really playing. It's a real pity we've not had any quality coming through our youth system in either position, which would be ideal for back-up.
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We need another 'keeper. Christ knows why we gave Davis a 3 year contract extension, he isn't good enough and we already have coaches covered. Is Gazza worth 'keeping? Sure he is young but I can't say I've seen anything to suggest he will become a Premier League 'keeper. No better than Bialkowski was.


A left back. Probably 2 if Shaw leaves.


Centre halves are fine. If we sign another, Yoshi and Jos will leave and we will be weaker overall. We have a good balance.


Another AM, I think JWP needs a season on loan.


Another striker. Osvaldo can p*ss off.

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We need another 'keeper. Christ knows why we gave Davis a 3 year contract extension,

Centre halves are fine. If we sign another, Yoshi and Jos will leave and we will be weaker overall. We have a good balance.




I questioned this the other day, the usual cognoscenti assured me that it was because he's a good bloke who'd done a lot for us and should be rewarded for services past with a 3 year bumper payday for not playing much.


I mean if,as Toomer keeps telling us, NC was sacked then you could see that that sort of thing wouldn't help his cause really.

How much do you think a 3 year extension for Davis will cost us, 3+ million all told ? Why that's just a pure waste of money.

He wasn't even playing much at the time we gave him the extension.


On loaning out young players who are in our future plans I don't think we do that much now, apparently they might learn bad ways from other set-ups. That's what Mauricio said about Gazza anyway.

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In: Pato, Papadopoulus, Ter Stegen, Chamberlain, Ings

Out: Hooiveld, Sharp, Barnard, Fox, Guly, Mayuka, Yoshida, Gazzaniga, Osvaldo


That would be delightful, can definitely see Chamberlain coming back, no idea why.


Whilst that would be incredible, I fear you have confused this with FM. Yue likelyhood is we would get none of those. Pato went to Brazil to sort his head out aswell, good player but not sure he will come back to Europe the same.


We definately need a GK, without a doubt, the two back ups are so far below PL quality its laughable.


Dump Jos and get another decent CB in to put pressure on Fontes starting place. I think Yoshi has potential to be a decent CB but also Fontes not getting any younger (top season though).


Striker, we are crying out for a striker that has the ability to play up top in this league, effectively this means you'll have Lambert back up for both up top and the attacking midfield positions. Id like to say two but it will stiffle SG's progression.


Any more than that and we would be laughing but I have a feeling many of us will be cery very dissapointed. I just dont buy that KL came in as she was unhappy that NC was not thought highly by the fans. This is a women brought up by a successful business family. In my honest opinion we will either be sold. Either way I cant see the levels of ambition that we held begore hand. Time will tell I suppose

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Whilst that would be incredible, I fear you have confused this with FM. Yue likelyhood is we would get none of those. Pato went to Brazil to sort his head out aswell, good player but not sure he will come back to Europe the same.


We definately need a GK, without a doubt, the two back ups are so far below PL quality its laughable.


Dump Jos and get another decent CB in to put pressure on Fontes starting place. I think Yoshi has potential to be a decent CB but also Fontes not getting any younger (top season though).


Striker, we are crying out for a striker that has the ability to play up top in this league, effectively this means you'll have Lambert back up for both up top and the attacking midfield positions. Id like to say two but it will stiffle SG's progression.


Any more than that and we would be laughing but I have a feeling many of us will be cery very dissapointed. I just dont buy that KL came in as she was unhappy that NC was not thought highly by the fans. This is a women brought up by a successful business family. In my honest opinion we will either be sold. Either way I cant see the levels of ambition that we held begore hand. Time will tell I suppose


I believe the question posed in the OP is what are you hoping for, not what do you think will happen, no? None of those signings are out of our league if we have the same approach as the last two years, it just remains to be seen as to what the owners intentions are.

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I believe the question posed in the OP is what are you hoping for, not what do you think will happen, no? None of those signings are out of our league if we have the same approach as the last two years, it just remains to be seen as to what the owners intentions are.


The last two certainly arent but I think Ter Stegan has plumped for Dortmund ? Papadopoluos is decent enough but again out of our league and Pato wont come back to europe anytime soon.

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In: Pato, Papadopoulus, Ter Stegen, Chamberlain, Ings

Out: Hooiveld, Sharp, Barnard, Fox, Guly, Mayuka, Yoshida, Gazzaniga, Osvaldo


That would be delightful, can definitely see Chamberlain coming back, no idea why.


£70-75m out and £20 coming in. (figures out my estimations, dont know the exact contract situations for those players)


Cant see that happen.

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I believe the question posed in the OP is what are you hoping for, not what do you think will happen, no? None of those signings are out of our league if we have the same approach as the last two years, it just remains to be seen as to what the owners intentions are.


Well within reason. I'm hoping for Messi and Ronaldo but that's not going to happen.

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The last two certainly arent but I think Ter Stegan has plumped for Dortmund ? Papadopoluos is decent enough but again out of our league and Pato wont come back to europe anytime soon.


Nope, nothing more than rumours about Ter Stegen as far as I'm aware. Papadopoulus and Pato would be far easier signings to make then Osvaldo was.

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Chamberlain is not going to leave Arsenal for Saints. You would also leave us with just 3 CBs when we need 4.


I reckon he will, but it's pointless debating it since no one can say either way until the end of the summer. I'd let youth players step up for cover for CB and LB, can't do much worse then Hooiveld and Fox so f#ck it.

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It might be actually, I remember reading somewhere that he was movingbafter the season and Barca rings a bell now. Isnt Valdes moving on after this season too ?



Valdes is supposed to be moving to Monaco this summer, whumper pay day and out of contract I think. Not much tax in Monaco, 10 million + to sign on and 100K a week of which you get to keep nearly everything, he'd be a fool not to do that.

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Ter Stegen, Chamberlain and Papadopoulos is some £50-55m together at least to get those clubs selling them since at least Ter Stegen and Papadopoulos has attracted interest from the biggest clubs in Europe.


Papadopoulos was linked with Liverpool for 8-12mill, he'd be a similar price to Lovren and is of similar stature. Chamberlain I'm assuming would have about a 20% sell on clause (though don't know) which'd be 20% off for us so I'd say similar money to Gaston. On top of that Ter Stegen is no way in hell going to cost more than £10mill, Pato £12mill ish, Ings 6-8mill. So about £50mill with £20mill coming in.

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Papadopoulos was linked with Liverpool for 8-12mill, he'd be a similar price to Lovren and is of similar stature. Chamberlain I'm assuming would have about a 20% sell on clause (though don't know) which'd be 20% off for us so I'd say similar money to Gaston. On top of that Ter Stegen is no way in hell going to cost more than £10mill, Pato £12mill ish, Ings 6-8mill. So about £50mill with £20mill coming in.


IMO that´s on the low side but it´s always about opinions. But these days all european clubs knows how much money english clubs have through the TV deals so while those figures might be close for let´s say a spanish or italian team I think its an extra 20% at least on every transfor for english clubs. Could see it in a lot of transfers last summer. The same on transfers for the best championship players, the asking price for Ings, Rhodes etc is ridicolous and I dont see Burnley selling Ings for under £10m.


I agree it would be some dream signings but I just cant see they go that cheaply......

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Valdes is supposed to be moving to Monaco this summer, whumper pay day and out of contract I think. Not much tax in Monaco, 10 million + to sign on and 100K a week of which you get to keep nearly everything, he'd be a fool not to do that.


Yeah Valdes said last season that this current season will be his last. Hence the rumours about Reina, though ter Stegen has been heavily backed. I thought it was all but done, though a footy journo mate says that isn't quite the case (though still a very strong chance of it happening).


There's a change a foot regarding Monaco and tax, they recently had to pay a big lump sum (something like £50m I think - though that figure could be off) other clubs were hacked off about the advantage it gave them when attracting players. I think they are going to have to pay tax now.

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Will we necessarily replace Hooiveld? How easy will it be to find a better player that is happy to be a 4th choice CB? He might well want to move for more playing time himself, the same will apply for Yoshida. Centre Back and Goalkeeper are the hardest positions to manage in terms of good quality squad players, as they may get very little playing time and their game is significantly based on their relationship around them, but can go large chunks of the season without really playing. It's a real pity we've not had any quality coming through our youth system in either position, which would be ideal for back-up.


The point about our academy and CBs is an interesting one. When was the last genuine top flight quality CB we produced? Arguably Reuben Agboola as Mark Wright and Richard Hall were both bought in from the lower divisions. Maybe they take longer to mature than most of the other outfield positions where we've produced abundant amounts of talented players? Given that for the last 20 years we either seem to have been in relegation or promotion battles for all bar 2-3 seasons, the timing might not have been right to blood them whereas a winger, full back or striker is less of a risk to the team's structure.


In terms of the OP, I guess activity is going to depend on:

i) New CEO in place or not

ii) Ownership

iii) MP staying or going and how quickly he's replaced if he does leave.

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Yeah Valdes said last season that this current season will be his last. Hence the rumours about Reina, though ter Stegen has been heavily backed. I thought it was all but done, though a footy journo mate says that isn't quite the case (though still a very strong chance of it happening).


There's a change a foot regarding Monaco and tax, they recently had to pay a big lump sum (something like £50m I think - though that figure could be off) other clubs were hacked off about the advantage it gave them when attracting players. I think they are going to have to pay tax now.



Monaco have to pay the FFF 50 million € to compete in the French League because their tax system gives them an unfair advantage,it isn't a tax in any way shape or form.Now the french clubs are to pay 75% additional tax (ceiliing 5 million€/player) for any member of their staff earning more than 1 million euros per annum ( ie every first teamer at Saints) . So when you take PSG who have what no doubt 20 players on more than 1 million/annum they are vastly handicapped compared to Monaco (but where any French player pays his tax in France, the French are not allowed fiscal domicile in Monaco).


Now let me give you an example. Yohann Gourcuff earns about 6.5 miilion € /annum at Lyon, he pays his tax on that and then Lyon have to pay another 5.5m€x0.75 on top in addition to the 60 odd % social charges which they also incur. So a player now earn about 120K € a week will cost his club somewhere around 240K€/week. That's why they all fall over themselves to leave

because the clubs just cannot pay top footballers salaries any more and all contracts will eventually be at lower salaries when they come up for renewal. The 50 million€ paid by Monaco is just a drop in the ocean, they get their share of TV money anyway and the FFF originally wanted 200 million.

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Would settle for zero signings and keeping our best players.


In reality Shaw will go so left back would be a massive position to add in.


Schneiderlin may also feel its time to leave, especially if he continues to be ignored by France, so another central midfielder would be a priority.


Would also think Clyne will start getting fed up at being a sub due to the great form of Chambers.


In addition Cork would only have one more year on his contract, so we should look to extend that, whilst Jay Rod is due a new deal to keep him here.


Sadly, I think the ownership stuff will come up again, and wouldnt be suprised to see a slightly frustrating summer window, with poor replacements brought into replace the quality which will leave.


Of course I hope not though, but hard to see we will be anything like as ambitious as last summer.

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I really don't know why everyone seems to think Shaw will go. If we needed to sell, he would have been gone already. If he wanted to go, I think he would have been gone already, especially with all the recent turmoil. I haven't seen any evidence to support his leaving, just figures and rumours being bandied about in the press. Also, if the club needed the money, Osvaldo wouldn't have left on a free loan. I can see us strengthening over the summer rather than selling our talent. The only players who will leave are the ones the club see as surplus to requirements. I can't even see MoPo leaving. Maybe I live in a happier, fluffier place than some posters. I don't know. This club is not the club it used to be, for better or for worse and isn't currently a "selling" club.


As far as incoming transfers goes, I would like to see Forster, Borini and Astori. Add to that our promising academy players and we will still be stronger in my opinion.

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Monaco have to pay the FFF 50 million € to compete in the French League because their tax system gives them an unfair advantage,it isn't a tax in any way shape or form.Now the french clubs are to pay 75% additional tax (ceiliing 5 million€/player) for any member of their staff earning more than 1 million euros per annum ( ie every first teamer at Saints) . So when you take PSG who have what no doubt 20 players on more than 1 million/annum they are vastly handicapped compared to Monaco (but where any French player pays his tax in France, the French are not allowed fiscal domicile in Monaco).


Now let me give you an example. Yohann Gourcuff earns about 6.5 miilion € /annum at Lyon, he pays his tax on that and then Lyon have to pay another 5.5m€x0.75 on top in addition to the 60 odd % social charges which they also incur. So a player now earn about 120K € a week will cost his club somewhere around 240K€/week. That's why they all fall over themselves to leave

because the clubs just cannot pay top footballers salaries any more and all contracts will eventually be at lower salaries when they come up for renewal. The 50 million€ paid by Monaco is just a drop in the ocean, they get their share of TV money anyway and the FFF originally wanted 200 million.


I tead somewhere that they were attempting to ensure they paid tax on earnings for every away game (as it wouldnt be in Monaco) or some rediculous solution. But I assume the league has said that due to all contracts (well playing licences) technically being held by the governing FA that tax will be applicable to that effect ?

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Chamberlain's mum was on Solent telling us he wouldn't leave about a month before he actually did. As much as I like Shaw and his head is in the right place, Chelsea will turn him in the end. He probably has ambitions of being England's LB for the next decade, everyone knows he will have a better chance if he is playing Champions League football, no matter how well he plays at Saints.

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Chamberlain's mum was on Solent telling us he wouldn't leave about a month before he actually did. As much as I like Shaw and his head is in the right place, Chelsea will turn him in the end. He probably has ambitions of being England's LB for the next decade, everyone knows he will have a better chance if he is playing Champions League football, no matter how well he plays at Saints.


Hasn't it just been informally announced that Shaw's about to get a call up to the England squad? I don't think any of our players would be naive enough to think they couldn't get into the England squad playing whilst for Saints, Schneiderlin is the only player who might have a claim for leaving to increase the chance of playing for his country. I don't see any major players being sold this summer unless sh#t hits the fan with our owners.

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As much as I like Shaw and his head is in the right place, Chelsea will turn him in the end. He probably has ambitions of being England's LB for the next decade, everyone knows he will have a better chance if he is playing Champions League football, no matter how well he plays at Saints.


Playing for Saints won't stop him playing for England...





Shaw has apparently been penciled in for a England senior team debut vs Denmark aged 18 whilst at Saints...







Edited by Matthew Le God
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It looks like we are going to use the rest of the season to evaluate the youth players who should be ready for first team action. I think we also used the FAC to asses squad players. I expect De Prado and co to go in the summer and three or four fresh faces to come in. Davis will become third goal keeper, Gas will go, a new striker, CB and LB cover will be recruited in addition to a rising star keeper.


I reckon you could be right. Lets hope that we keep our manager and owner and we have a bit of stability over the summer.

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Would settle for zero signings and keeping our best players.




Zero signings really is not an option. We need to sign at least 4 players if only to make up the numbers. We just cannot go through another passage like that of late last year where we had a complete duffers in goal at LB and at CB. People also need to stop with these illusions about "The Academy" we've pulled out what's useful just now, the rest lost 5-1 to Bournemouth today.

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Lallana a move away but not too sure where, United as a squad player a probable, Lovren could could to Chelsea, longshot but again could happen, Shaw to Chelsea and Schneiderlin to Arsenal, they are my departures, we will lose some of our better players if they are are offered terms from clubs with European football.

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Lallana a move away but not too sure where, United as a squad player a probable, Lovren could could to Chelsea, longshot but again could happen, Shaw to Chelsea and Schneiderlin to Arsenal, they are my departures, we will lose some of our better players if they are are offered terms from clubs with European football.


So all our best players will leave?



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Lallana a move away but not too sure where, United as a squad player a probable, Lovren could could to Chelsea, longshot but again could happen, Shaw to Chelsea and Schneiderlin to Arsenal, they are my departures, we will lose some of our better players if they are are offered terms from clubs with European football.


f*ckin happy clappers

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