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To those that think JP is on his way this week...


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He has to go along with Lowe and Wilde


He does? He has to go? Says who?


I don't have a problem with Poortvliet. The way the finances are keeping him handcuffed, I doubt anyone would do better. Probably worse. Radical change is required. Takeover please. Get it sorted. And Rupert never to darken the doorstep ever again.


Well I can dream.


Sadly Andrew, you seem to be one of the few people who realise that what they really want to happen is justr a dream. I'm afraid more people are needed to face up to reality of the situation - this season is going to be one hell of a struggle no matter who is in charge. Calling for the head of one manager only for him to be replaced by someone else in the same situation is utterly, totally, pointless.

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He does? He has to go? Says who?




Sadly Andrew, you seem to be one of the few people who realise that what they really want to happen is justr a dream. I'm afraid more people are needed to face up to reality of the situation - this season is going to be one hell of a struggle no matter who is in charge. Calling for the head of one manager only for him to be replaced by someone else in the same situation is utterly, totally, pointless.


Are finances are no worst than Forests, i left SMS after their second goal went in and it must be great being positive from a keyboard.

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all those who are standing up for the dutch pratt appear to have not seen the game


It's not about standing up for anyone, it's about a rational perspective on the situation. Whether I was at St. Mary's today or not doesn't change the fact that we are financially f*cked.

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Lowe will sack him and appoint my nan because


1. Its a revolutionary appointment

2. She's got some great left field ideas .. like coming off after ten for a cup of tea

3. She's got no experience whatsoever (like Wigley, Portaloo etc)

4. Its a revolutionary appointment

5. She'll do it for a scotch egg

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To sack JP would be an admission of failure by Lowe. And Lowe does not admit mistakes readily. As much as I wish the lot of them were gone (please Santa' date=' I've been good this year!) I fear we're stuck with them for the long haul.[/quote']


All too true.

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It's not about standing up for anyone, it's about a rational perspective on the situation. Whether I was at St. Mary's today or not doesn't change the fact that we are financially f*cked.


just disagree it has nothing to do with money why we rolled over today.

rationally ilttle old southampton in the cramped dell should not have got promoted in 67 but the club had leaders in those days who understood that money would come with a successful team.

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just disagree it has nothing to do with money why we rolled over today.


Well it does. We have team of kids who appear to be barely up to the job and a manager who is struggling to keep us in safe position. Why? Because we have no money to play with whatsoever and we're trying to make the best we can with what we have.


Some days that's going to be enough, some days it ain't. Welcome to life as a fan of a poor club at the wrong end of the table.

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just disagree it has nothing to do with money why we rolled over today.


If we had money, a proven goalscorer like Stern John would not have been forced to go out on loan.


If we had money, we would not have had to appoint JP.


If we had money, we would be able to strengthen our squad in Jan.


If we had money, we would not be forced into selling our best players in Jan.


I'd say this has a lot to do with money.

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Well it does. We have team of kids who appear to be barely up to the job and a manager who is struggling to keep us in safe position. Why? Because we have no money to play with whatsoever and we're trying to make the best we can with what we have.


Some days that's going to be enough, some days it ain't. Welcome to life as a fan of a poor club at the wrong end of the table.


We had no money at the end of last season, but we had a manger who kept us safe...

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Well it does. We have team of kids who appear to be barely up to the job and a manager who is struggling to keep us in safe position. Why? Because we have no money to play with whatsoever and we're trying to make the best we can with what we have.


Some days that's going to be enough, some days it ain't. Welcome to life as a fan of a poor club at the wrong end of the table.


we do not have a team full of kids at all


wolves had a team with an average age lower than ours...palaced have one or two younger kids...










are not kids...

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we do not have a team full of kids at all.


OK - I'll alter that. We have a team of kids with potential, ****e that nobody else wants and players who don't want to be here - mixed in with a couple who we'll probably be forced to sell by the financiers in January.

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If we had money, a proven goalscorer like Stern John would not have been forced to go out on loan.


We have money for Forecast, Gasmi, Pulis, Pekhart, Smith, and Robertson. How much have that lot contributed so far ? They surely come in at more per week than any one of Rasiak, Saga, or Stern.

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OK - I'll alter that. We have a team of kids with potential, ****e that nobody else wants and players who don't want to be here - mixed in with a couple who we'll probably be forced to sell by the financiers in January.



i would argue that we have more talant at our disposal than the likes of plymouth, barnsley, palace, swansea


we have england u21 players, who are wanted by prem clubs..we have other international players...im not saying we should be riding high but to dismiss them all as crap no one wants is silly...



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We have money for Forecast, Gasmi, Pulis, Pekhart, Smith, and Robertson. How much have that lot contributed so far ? They surely come in at more per week than any one of Rasiak, Saga, or Stern.


Funnily enough, the exact same comment was made in an Echo article this week! Hard to disagree with, to be fair.

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i would argue that we have more talant at our disposal than the likes of plymouth, barnsley, palace, swansea


we have england u21 players, who are wanted by prem clubs..we have other international players...im not saying we should be riding high but to dismiss them all as crap no one wants is silly...




Problem is we have a dutch coach who cannot or will not change formations during a home game when we are losing , today was pitiful.

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I don't have a problem with Poortvliet.


Nor do I, other than the lack of tactical nous, no plan B, sh1te loan signings, no idea about the English game, crap substitutions at the wrong point in the game,...did I say lack of tactical nous ? Sorry, but the guy is plainly out of his depth.


Once we are in the bottom three, then maybe, finally, it might sink in that this experiment has failed - probably fatally. :mad:

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we do not have a team full of kids at all


wolves had a team with an average age lower than ours...palaced have one or two younger kids...










are not kids...


McGoldrick is also not a kid.


Forest had a load of youngsters, as have many other teams. We also took a conscious decision to get in youngsters on loan, when we could have got some experience in.


Our squad is actually not that bad, certainly not promotion chasers, but then again not one that should roll over and get spanked at home by Forest.


Make no mistake, this should have been something like 4-1 to them.


A new manager could play a different formation, could motivate the players better, could wheel and deal in January.


The notion that there is no alternative to Jan is fccuking head in the sand thinking.

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that is my point...it seems to be in fashion at the mo suggesting no other way would work with the players we have....



or blame it on money.

passion and desire was lacking from the team today and most home games they have been brainwashed into believeing they can pass their way to the top.

Today they started to appeal every time a nasty forest player put his all into a tackle

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that is my point...it seems to be in fashion at the mo suggesting no other way would work with the players we have....



- but we own contracts for strikers capable of ten goals each per half season. The system should accommodate them. Not the other way round.

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I so much wanted this experiment with "Total Football" to be a success. I applauded the opportunity given to many of the youngsters some of whom, given time, will make a decent career possibly at a higher level. I've even been understanding of the Board as they attempt to balance the financial issues surrounding this once great club of ours.

But, along with many other fans, there has to be a tipping point and unfortunately I think we have reached that today.

The problem is that, even as a fan and modest shareholder, we are non-entities as far as the Boards of SFC and SHL are concerned. I hoped against hope that there would be some form of statement saying -


This is our financial situation for the coming year.

This is the strategy we are putting in place.

And these are the tactics we will adopt ( together with support alternatives ) to achieve that strategy.


Not a word. We are treated like idiots.


I was unable to attend the AGM next Tuesday due to business commitments but on Monday I will try to rearrange my appointments so that I can say to Mr Lowe " What on earth are you still doing at our club when an overwhelming majority of fans don't want you ", and to Mr Wilde " There should be an ASBO banning you from ever getting within 20 miles of St Marys ever again ",

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To sack JP would be an admission of failure by Lowe. And Lowe does not admit mistakes readily. As much as I wish the lot of them were gone (please Santa' date=' I've been good this year!) I fear we're stuck with them for the long haul.[/quote']


correction doesn't admit mistakes fullstop

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