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Other clubs views on whats happening at saints?


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I'm sure I'm not the only one who occasional takes a gander at other clubs forums. I thought it might be fun/interesting if we had a thread with links to what other clubs fans are making of our current situation. I came across this thread on KUMB (being KUMB they, of course, seem to have a bit of bee in their bonnet about us) which I found interesting just to see some non saints fans views.




So if anyone has any other links to threads on none saints boards they want to share I'd like to read them

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Saw this on their transfer thread. Slightly more balanced.


Excellent point, and the same thing is likely to happen in Spain to Atletico Madrid by the look of it.

Most of us won't really care as it will weaken a team like Southampton possibly to our advantage. But the point is, this club and many other clubs around us, scrimp and scrape and try whatever is necessary to get some kind of relative success, then after years of struggling get just one enjoyable season, only for the team to be dismantled by the big clubs lazily cherry picking the best players !

Half the time these plates don't ever make it to the 1st 11 and end up ruining they're progression and more importantly intentionally weakening the clubs that they're nicked from.

I've said it before, but now more than ever, the Premier league is so far removed from anything resembling sport that I find it a bit of a turn off.

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Leaving aside those that say it serves us right, which of course it does - that's just football banter, there are the realistic ones who bemoan the Big 4 to 7 (depending on your view) and the rest = uncompetitive league. They know full well about how hard it is breaking into the top echelons.

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The only real nonsense I saw on there was the quotes from a supposedly "in the know" saints fan. It was clearly just somebody stating the rumours he'd heard as fact, a bit like people on here do. Most of it was either disappointed to see the big clubs sucking up the best players, or disliked us because too many of our fans are dicks, which is just what many of our fans say about them, so fair enough.

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Here's some quotes from the footballing oracle that is PompeyOnline (if you can make it past the spelling and grammar errors)


4m for Lambert, maybe their financle position is much worse than any of us guessed & they are just glad to get rid @ almost any price. Bit like we were.


What gets me though is the 2000+ page thread on their forum titled 'Pompey takeover saga'.


They sit there and write comments saying how insignificant we are, yet feel the need to comment daily.


They sit there and work out the state of our finances in great detail, yet could not see the impending exodus that was on their doorstep.


They are obsessed with us. Even with our lowly league position.


I hope they go through what we went through, just for the smugness that so many of them seem to possess But I don't wish liquidation on anyone, not even Scum.


My guess is they'll sell Lallafellah, Shaw and obviously Lambert. The question is for Fräulein Liebbherr is, does she take the chance on recouping the losses over a steady period of time thus minimising the shock to the playing side or go hell for leather and sell the whole lot? We all know the balance at that level between success and failure is a fragile one. I still maintain that there was a point with Gaydamak when if he'd not let Judas buy a few fringe players ie Traore, Lauren etc he could have steadied the ship and reduced the debt more slowly.. And we may have been ok


Think they are fed up with thier new toy now , time to sell it and buy something else


I do think there is an assumption amongst scummers that every penny gained from player sales will go into the transfer pot for replacements. I'm not at all convinced that's going to be the case.


Incidentally I did see in the papers this morning that scum are in for a swansea full-back (forget his name) as a replacement for Shaw. Apparently he is desperate for regular first team action. I find that amusing, a swansea player having to go to them in order to start.


It 'seems' quite simple.. She's a businesswoman and has inherited a club she didn't expect to so soon. She or her siblings aren't going to put money into something they're not that interested in so she's put it up for sale. Nothing has happened on that front since her dads death. So she will sell to pay as much debt as possible and run it on a non-loss basis... We know better than anyone the assets of your club are players and fan..simples. It's hard to accept if it's your club but very obvious to outsiders.


The recent media love in with scum is inevitable and I have empathy in principal with clubs who just keep losing home grown talent. But the facts aren't portrayed correctly. Their development of English talent is correct but not to the extent they portray. I had to show someone recently on Wikipedia that Lallana came from Bournemouth centre of excellence.. Jay Rodriguez from Burnley and Schneiderlein from Strasbourg. Villa has developed as much English talent.. albeit not to the level of Walcott ... even Shaw was from Chelsea Academy, from a young age admittedly.. Incidentally I've heard they're taking over Aldershot academy


Just Saw Ward-Prowse in the unders 20s who was ok and quite good technically.. but not outstanding. Ademilson who's playing in the final now for Brazil.. Now that's a player... never played for the full Brazil team and would probably walk into a Premiership team tomorrow. Shows the difference in depth between Brazil and others including us.


I really think if Scum just lose Lambert, Lallana and Shaw it puts them in that bottom half prem bunfight to avoid relegation.. Players like Ward Prowse are fine but not top eight yet.


:mcinnes: :mcinnes: :mcinnes:

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Here's some quotes from the footballing oracle that is PompeyOnline (if you can make it past the spelling and grammar errors)
















:mcinnes: :mcinnes: :mcinnes:

Can't see the facepalm in all of that. Some reasonable comments considering where they are from. Quite surprised
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Interesting to know why the Hammers fans think our fans are insufferable? Is it the 'we are Southampton we're going to Brazil' chants?


Those chants are coming back to haunt us now, what with Rickie Lambert being off to Brazil as a Liverpool player

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Crystal palace fans views.......General seem to be enjoying our discomfort. Apparently there is a lot of bad blood between saints and palace, something to do with Channon diving , which is news to me




Cup semi-final in 76. Second Saints goal was a Peach penalty after a foul on Channon. Some people have long memories. Wasn't a dive, but initial contact probably just outside the area, not that it matters

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Cup semi-final in 76. Second Saints goal was a Peach penalty after a foul on Channon. Some people have long memories. Wasn't a dive, but initial contact probably just outside the area, not that it matters


Well our fans still despise Adrian Heath, so I guess these things do matter even 20 or more years after our semi against Everton

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A lot of those Pompey comments ring true, lets be honest.


As for the rest of the forums, it does seem the general consensus of opinion of outsiders is that we are being asset stripped and sold by a disinterested daughter who inherited us and wants shot of it now dad's 5 year plan was realised.

Edited by adrian lord
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Interesting to know why the Hammers fans think our fans are insufferable? Is it the 'we are Southampton we're going to Brazil' chants?


Those chants are coming back to haunt us now, what with Rickie Lambert being off to Brazil as a Liverpool player


"We are Southampton - we're off to Bootle"

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Interesting to know why the Hammers fans think our fans are insufferable? Is it the 'we are Southampton we're going to Brazil' chants?


Those chants are coming back to haunt us now, what with Rickie Lambert being off to Brazil as a Liverpool player


I thinks it's more to do with that one season in the championship Where we kept pointing out their hoofball style while claiming how great our football was...........

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Interesting to know why the Hammers fans think our fans are insufferable? Is it the 'we are Southampton we're going to Brazil' chants?


Those chants are coming back to haunt us now, what with Rickie Lambert being off to Brazil as a Liverpool player


I thinks it's more to do with that one season in the championship Where we kept pointing out their hoofball style while claiming how great our football was...........


I think its partly that, and partly the fact that they always used to be well-regarded for playing an attractive style of passing football similar to what we are now playing. They moan about the "hoofball" comments, but very rarely refute them.

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A lot of those Pompey comments ring true, lets be honest.


As for the rest of the forums, it does seem the general consensus of opinion of outsiders is that we are being asset stripped and sold by a disinterested daughter who inherited us and wants shot of it now dad's 5 year plan was realised.


Lot of us think that could well be the case as well, not just other fans!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Olallana, I do believe you are correct, as that manager had left a club on the brink of the abyss. Let's also not take into account the feelings/actions of the players/supporters to RK resigning (rather than being sacked).


Anyway, it may work out badly, it may not. Other clubs are welcome to their views, but as they don't contribute to the club in any way, then why waste time worrying what others think. Especially those from WHU - honestly, who would they prefer as manager - Fat Sam or the Cowman?

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PS why not take what the Baggies think? Paints a different picture. Seen a lot of comparison between their and our appointment and who has ambition and who doesn't.


your wish is my command and all that




particularly like this one :lol:


Saints are in severe debt and in danger of having the liquidators in...yet they still have enough ambition to bring in a top european coach with a proven record !!


we are in the black,with millions knocking around doing nowt...and we appoint some clown with a worse CV than Barry Fry !


a f***ing disgrace >:(


Like I said in the OP I just find other fans views on us interesting and quite fun to read and thought I'd share no harm intended. You've got take it all with a pinch of salt though I mean some other teams fans are even less clued up on our club than some of our fans:scared:

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Not quite sure where this 'terrible, terrible record' is that someone on there mentions...?

We need to remember that a lot of (most!) ManU supporters are glory hunters and actually don't know all that much about football.

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Like I said in the OP I just find other fans views on us interesting and quite fun to read and thought I'd share no harm intended. You've got take it all with a pinch of salt though I mean some other teams fans are even less clued up on our club than some of our fans:scared:


Think you mistook my post as a criticism - it was more that most fans see us being relegated, apart from WBA who use as a yardstick for their lack of ambition. I do find other opinions interesting, but as I say, as they don't contribute (eg season ticket) then it is nothing but an opinion, usually wrong, but they are of course entitled to their wrong opinions. The one that I would be interested in is how Spuds view MP & RK. I imagine that they will take the natural stance, and not think that they have made a mistake and got the better deal, esp as they say that they turned RK down a few years ago.


As for the Baggies post, I like the view on the relative finances of the clubs.

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As for the Baggies post, I like the view on the relative finances of the clubs.

Yep. If it's true it must make them feel really good watching their team every Saturday, knowing they've got a huge transfer kitty.



In the bank.

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Think you mistook my post as a criticism - it was more that most fans see us being relegated, apart from WBA who use as a yardstick for their lack of ambition. I do find other opinions interesting, but as I say, as they don't contribute (eg season ticket) then it is nothing but an opinion, usually wrong, but they are of course entitled to their wrong opinions. The one that I would be interested in is how Spuds view MP & RK. I imagine that they will take the natural stance, and not think that they have made a mistake and got the better deal, esp as they say that they turned RK down a few years ago.


As for the Baggies post, I like the view on the relative finances of the clubs.


Interestingly I've looked on a few spurs sites and there has been no mention of us or the manager situation....I think we are to small of a club to register on the minds of fans of the mighty spurs:cry:

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Think you mistook my post as a criticism - it was more that most fans see us being relegated, apart from WBA who use as a yardstick for their lack of ambition. I do find other opinions interesting, but as I say, as they don't contribute (eg season ticket) then it is nothing but an opinion, usually wrong, but they are of course entitled to their wrong opinions. The one that I would be interested in is how Spuds view MP & RK. I imagine that they will take the natural stance, and not think that they have made a mistake and got the better deal, esp as they say that they turned RK down a few years ago.


As for the Baggies post, I like the view on the relative finances of the clubs.


I live and work with a myriad of fans etc and none, not one, sees us struggling.

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your wish is my command and all that




particularly like this one :lol:


Saints are in severe debt and in danger of having the liquidators in...yet they still have enough ambition to bring in a top european coach with a proven record !!


we are in the black,with millions knocking around doing nowt...and we appoint some clown with a worse CV than Barry Fry !


a f***ing disgrace >:(


Like I said in the OP I just find other fans views on us interesting and quite fun to read and thought I'd share no harm intended. You've got take it all with a pinch of salt though I mean some other teams fans are even less clued up on our club than some of our fans:scared:


Think the opening part of their statement is about them down the road, obviously not very good at Geography.

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A view of man U fans at Red café on Koeman's appointment ... some seem to think he will get us relegated:?




If I was them I'd be looking at the Dutch national team defence and what Van Gaal is or isn't doing about it, cause it's pretty average. Given who Manure have in their back four I'd be more concerned about that.

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You would think most clubs outside of the top 6 or 7 would give their right arm to be us. A strong, ambitious and forward thinking board, a well known, experienced new manager, a talented young squad, an academy the envy of many clubs in Europe, a revamped training ground, money to spend and should any of our players be sold then the promise that the money generated will be poured back Into the team. Players will come and go and maybe we will need to rebuild a bit but the desire is there to keep improving which was emphasised by the appointment of arguably the best manager we could have hoped for. We are certainly a club for the rest to look up to as to how things should be done.

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You would think most clubs outside of the top 6 or 7 would give their right arm to be us. A strong, ambitious and forward thinking board, a well known, experienced new manager, a talented young squad, an academy the envy of many clubs in Europe, a revamped training ground, money to spend and should any of our players be sold then the promise that the money generated will be poured back Into the team. Players will come and go and maybe we will need to rebuild a bit but the desire is there to keep improving which was emphasised by the appointment of arguably the best manager we could have hoped for. We are certainly a club for the rest to look up to as to how things should be done.


Maybe they see us akin to social climbing nouveau riche

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A Liverpool thread on Koeman...though not surprisingly they are most interested in how the appointment will effect the Lallana and Lovern sales




and a 161 page thread on Adam. Seems they think 25-30 million is to much...



Edited by doddisalegend
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