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Attendance Vs Blackpool 5th lowest in the league


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Very. I was expecting over 20,000.


Booing and 15,000 equals relegation or administration IMO. Supporting and 20,000 plus equals mid table this year and maybe promotion next. Simple choice really.

****....if that booing and only having 15000 fans mean admin than at least 6 or 7 other clubs will be there before us then

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Very. I was expecting over 20,000.


Booing and 15,000 equals relegation or administration IMO. Supporting and 20,000 plus equals mid table this year and maybe promotion next. Simple choice really.


HAHA! so for every extra 500 fans we will jump a place in the league?

So it will be the fans fault if we go down:rolleyes:

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Very. I was expecting over 20,000.


Booing and 15,000 equals relegation or administration IMO. Supporting and 20,000 plus equals mid table this year and maybe promotion next. Simple choice really.



I fear mid-table will mean that the 3 or 4 players who played well enough to get us there will be picked off by the bigger clubs before next season starts. Sorry to sound pessimistic but thats the way I see it going. I think the only way to keep the squad together is to go up this year....and I just don't see it happening.

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Very. I was expecting over 20,000.


Booing and 15,000 equals relegation or administration IMO. Supporting and 20,000 plus equals mid table this year and maybe promotion next. Simple choice really.


Booing and small crowds will not get us relegated. If we avoid relegation, I cannot see why we would go into administration. We surely have one of the lowest wage bills in this league.

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I guess the fact that Blackpool only brought 2 men and a dog didn't help either. This is always one of the worst weekends of the season for attendances, and with the game being on TV, the opponents being Blackpool, the credit crunch and the general falling off of football atendances, I'm surprised we managed 15k. If we continue to lose at home we will be looking back on this game and remembering with delight when we had 15k supporters turning up.

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For the rest of the country to see our half empty stadium is an embarrassment.


Our fans should feel ashamed of themselves.

We are not the big club we think we are, when the huge majority can't be bothered to turn up

the two go hand in hand...in a contradictory way..


surely if we are not the big club some think we are then 15k is a decent turn out?

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Maybe, but surely you agree there is a link between lower attendances and income equalling needing to sell?

of couse there is....that would be the same for most clubs in the country..



only a moron would be shocked at the need to sell in Jan should the attendances be regularly lower than 20k every home game...


sadly, I can easily believe that we have plenty of said morons supporting saints..

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If the results start to pick up, so will the attendances. You can probably add a thousand for the sky viewers, too.


If the results don't pick up attendances will stay low and it will prove what I've been saying all along. In any business, you can't cut costs to the extent that you supply an inferior product, and still espect the same number of customers to spend the same amount of money as before.


The huge drop in spending on the first team is invariably going to affect our income. To what extent remains to be seen.

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I would be shocked if we never sold a player in jan regardless of the crowds..as I think most CCC feel the same


But it would help if we had some money, as we wouldn't be desperate to offload players.

Lets assume Lowe has got us into a financial position where we need to average 20,000 to break even. If we then go and average 15,000 we will have to reduce the wage bill by 25% and therefore get rid of 6 or 7 players.

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Very. I was expecting over 20,000.


Booing and 15,000 equals relegation or administration IMO. Supporting and 20,000 plus equals mid table this year and maybe promotion next. Simple choice really.


**** off

thank you:roll:

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lol just how much MORE emoty it would have looked in the telly if we'd kept the corners open.




It's the last weekend of August, people are still on vacation, they saved a day from their allowance last week with the bank holiday. Was never going to be busy. We are now a 17/18,000 fans club until we attract a few more back to watch.

One win away and a game you could see on tv was never going to give more than the Brum game

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Football is a commodity for sale like any other product and as such , as a potential customer who has been away since watching pretty dire stuff last season, I thought......given the hype following Derby and Birmingham City......... I would watch on TV and see if there was the desire to return, along with the 10,000 + who have probably done the same........


Sadly , Saints either choose to reserve their more disappointing performances for live TV or others are seeing a silver lining where I don't........


..........therefore, like others , I am unconvinced..........


....... I want to see the shoots of recovery......but they are not there yet!

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Wow the doom and gloom has well and truly returned hasnt it! I fail to understand how the optimism has evaporated so quickly after one game that, while not being great, wasnt too terrible a performance. The fans need to be level-headed and to understand that our team will most likely struggle this season. Survival would be excellent IMO, then we can improve on it the next year.

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Not one single person has mentioned the price of the match. I paid for me, my son and an old friend of mine who was down staying with us from Worcester. That cost a total of £72 to watch a match that we could have watched on the TV.

When are the jokers who run the club, (who some allege are astute financial experts) going to finally have it sink into their blinkered craniums that under the circumstances of that match, a competitive price might well have increased numbers though the turnstiles, increasing revenue through the shop and the concourses at the same time, as well as making for a better atmosphere in the stadium?


This is always the sort of problem in any organisation run by somebody from a financial background. They can only see the bottom line on a balance sheet and have no understanding of concepts that might increase revenue streams, but where it may be more difficult initially to quantify the benefits in terms of £s.

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Not one single person has mentioned the price of the match. I paid for me, my son and an old friend of mine who was down staying with us from Worcester. That cost a total of £72 to watch a match that we could have watched on the TV.

When are the jokers who run the club, (who some allege are astute financial experts) going to finally have it sink into their blinkered craniums that under the circumstances of that match, a competitive price might well have increased numbers though the turnstiles, increasing revenue through the shop and the concourses at the same time, as well as making for a better atmosphere in the stadium?


This is always the sort of problem in any organisation run by somebody from a financial background. They can only see the bottom line on a balance sheet and have no understanding of concepts that might increase revenue streams, but where it may be more difficult initially to quantify the benefits in terms of £s.



Actually this is a good point.

I go to the supporters club before the game and i find that they have put the price of beer up by a whopping 60p a pint.So the result is that i tend to now go elsewhere,so the club loses money.

People will only go if they think the price matches the product.

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Wow the doom and gloom has well and truly returned hasnt it! I fail to understand how the optimism has evaporated so quickly after one game that, while not being great, wasnt too terrible a performance. The fans need to be level-headed and to understand that our team will most likely struggle this season. Survival would be excellent IMO, then we can improve on it the next year.


The thread was about the attendance. I wouldn't begrudge the expenditure even though I could have watched the match for free and saved £72 had the game been a real entertainment. Regrettably, the match wasn't very good entertainment and although I will continue to attend home games, I can well understand others deciding not to the next time when the match is televised, unless in the interim we improve again, or prices are set at a more reasonable level.

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It was disappointing. Even with the game on Sky, I expected a bigger crowd, given the previous 2 results and the fine weather, but I doubt if a few pounds off the ticket price would have made much difference. A lot of fans live a lot closer than me, so my travel costs are higher than some, but the total cost of the day for me was £33 for ancilliaries an £28 for the ticket.

I'm not sure that £5 off the ticket price would have made much difference, especially since the lower price for the Carling Cup game didn't seem to. Reducing prices would be a gamble, although as a high proportion of the 15000 crowd were there on STs the income loss would not be as much as might appear at first sight. At a guess, a £5 reduction might need to put 6,000 on the gate in order to break even, although maybe someone can do a more accurate calculation.

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Whats your f*ckinf point??? no really what the f*ck is your point???



Oh i get it every f*ckin chance to put down the club you apparently love you have a f*cking pop at, just shut the f*ck up and die.


Ah, the erudite and intelligent response! Cut to the chase and straight to the nub of the matter in a few well chosen words. No debate required, no opinions that aren't praising the club allowed and the couple of dozen responses received on this topic are all a total waste of time.


Only your contribution, with its awesome command of language is the definitive response. Might as well close the thread now mods, as saintkiptanui has rendered any further debate pointless.

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The ticket prices are a bit high, I don't think they are doing gold/silver/bronze games again so people are just going to cherry pick - especially with all the doom and gloom about the economy.


To be honest, if I hadn't been dumb enough to get a ST I probably would have considered stayng in the pub and spending my cash on beer, at least then I could watch the game standing up without having some tosser steward shout in my ear all game.

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When you consider Leicester's two home games in League 1 have produced crowds of 23k and 17k, a crowd of 15k is hugely disappointing.


I'd like the fans who haven't bothered this season to give explanations why!


Were either of those two games televised? Had they also had a match on Tuesday too? What did those matches cost per ticket? And also a factor possibly, is the winning streak they have been on.


PS I attended all home matches myself, but perhaps these were some of the reasons that might be given.

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When you consider Leicester's two home games in League 1 have produced crowds of 23k and 17k, a crowd of 15k is hugely disappointing.


I'd like the fans who haven't bothered this season to give explanations why!

why cherry pick leicester...why not compare us at times to wigan or fulham...???

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The ticket prices are a bit high, I don't think they are doing gold/silver/bronze games again so people are just going to cherry pick - especially with all the doom and gloom about the economy.


To be honest, if I hadn't been dumb enough to get a ST I probably would have considered stayng in the pub and spending my cash on beer, at least then I could watch the game standing up without having some tosser steward shout in my ear all game.


agree the reason i buy a season ticket is, as i get older, it makes me go because i have paid.

it gets harder every year to justify the price of our three season tickets to the wife, especially when i claim we do not have enough money for a holiday

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agree the reason i buy a season ticket is, as i get older, it makes me go because i have paid.

it gets harder every year to justify the price of our three season tickets to the wife, especially when i claim we do not have enough money for a holiday

Hadn't thought about this before, and I'm a member, not an ST holder, but for £500 an ST holder gets 22 days entertainment (OK 22 x 90 mins) while on holiday you'd be lucky to get 14 days for £500 for one person. And not only that but if your wife isn't an ST holder, she has the bonus of being able to have 22 days when she can do her own thing! The ST is looking a good deal!

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Significant Mr T in the fact that we seem to have about 15,000 fans who would only prefer to come and support us in case they miss out on witnessing some success or disaster and otherwise choose to stay away or make some pathetic stance against the club because they don't like the chairman?


Where have the chavvy little tits gone from the Sheff Utd game gone? Perhaps Ruperts biggest mistake was building a stadium to accommodate the chavvy plastics and wannabe fairweather fans perhaps the capacity should have been 10k lower and give the ground back to the real fans. Ironically though who booed?

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Truth is, we're a club with 15000 supporters.


Oh, and 23,900 messageboard addicts, who if they collectively cut back on broadband could buy the fecking club... ;)


Still, if we win a few games and sneak promotion, the 18000 Ronaldo fans will be back.


Good times!


(Chill, I'm just joshing before all you never go to game types tell me what wonderful fans you used to be before Lowe came back and we started playing football again...) irony alert... ;)

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why cherry pick leicester...why not compare us at times to wigan or fulham...???


Because Leicester are a club that many will feel are similar to Saints in terms of stature.


They have just been relegated to the 3rd tier for the first time ever, yet get bigger crowds than us.

Surely, they have a reason to be more depressed than us.

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Because Leicester are a club that many will feel are similar to Saints in terms of stature.


They have just been relegated to the 3rd tier for the first time ever, yet get bigger crowds than us.

Surely, they have a reason to be more depressed than us.

that is just about it...saints fans seem to want to boo, blame someone and be depressed...and harp on about our spectacular fall from grace (if that what it was called)..

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