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It just gets better! I heard that an elf got knocked unconscious by a disgruntled punter but not sure if that is one of those urban myths or not.

Posted (edited)

Do ya loike dags?




Now I don't want to accuse anyone of being a little bit simple or anything, but would you make a booking to a company that lists a solitary mobile number as it's ticket hotline???



Edited by Weston Super Saint

The owners of said attraction are said to be making £1M in ticket sales, it really does seem like a tax on the stupid. I can't believe people are willing to pay £30 EACH!!!! so that their children can experience Christmas when it's still a 3 weeks away. :rolleyes:

In my day it was a trip to British Home Stores to sit on some dirty old paedos lap.


You should of gone to M&S.

"this isn't just any paedo,this is an Marks and Spencer peado"

I thought about it for about 3 seconds and decided against it.


That long? Wow.


There was me hoping we would get to see some more of this place, without having to pay for it!


I wonder how many more people are going to book tickets now.


They must be cursing their luck the fact that its been found out this early! I bet they were hoping to make a mint out of it!

Posted (edited)

Taken from the thread in TMS:




Anyone been, Looks good. Website doesn't seem to be working for some reason




£25 a ticket. Jeez. Deserve to be ripped off by for paying that much in the first place.


Hmmm, it maybe just me, but when I click the second link (the one to their site) all the pictures are little white boxes with red crosses!


Methinks they have removed the pictures which are 'allegedly' misleading.


I like this though:


The attention to detail of our theme park will truly wow you!


The 'log cabins' were a few green painted sheds with more or less nothing in them



Looks like their site has now been shut down too! :shock:

Edited by Im_no_sinner

TBF I think it would be funny if it actually snowed and continued snowing until January. Then all their special "FX" that the pikey owners have shelled out for would be for nothing. :-)

Must be cached in your browser as the site is definitely off-line.


I don't know what any of that means, but you're probably right! At least I got to see it before it was taken away!

Posted (edited)
Yup, just another white bx with a red cross in it! :)


It's on my screen. I am truly blessed. :-)


My colleague told me that a similar thing to this has been done in Kent, only much more succesful. Must try and find a link though...




Here it is: http://www.laplanduk.co.uk/


I love the disclaimer at the bottom of the About Us page:



Please note: Lapland UK is NOT and never has been in any way associated with Lapland New Forest"


Edited by SNSUN
It's on my screen. I am truly blessed. :-)


My colleague told me that a similar thing to this has been done in Kent, only much more succesful. Must try and find a link though...



:lol: - does this mean they got away with it for longer without the media attention?

:lol: - does this mean they got away with it for longer without the media attention?


:D In fairness I could sell tickets for people to come and look at my Christmas decorations at home and they'd go away more satified than the one in the New Forest! I'd even throw in a free mince pie. (Because I hate them.)

At least we've found out what 'surfer dudes' do during the winter...



Please tell me it's all a joke.


Im pretty sure WSS was joking. We all know surf dudes snowboard when its cold....

£85 a bloody ticket!!!


i know i thought that when I first looked, but when you see what is included in the price it is very good. the kids even get their very own invitation to see Santa sent out to them in the post before they go. Also you have to pre-book and there are limited places each day.


When you look at everything they do to make the day special I think it is very good value. Also deoending on what day you go the prices do vary slightly

TBF the kent one does look bloody good it's obvious they have spent 10 times more money than the new forest pikeys


I would suggest the Kent one has spent more than £300.

I visited lapland yesterday with my two children who are aged 6 and 9. we had a wonderfull time as did my friend and her 2 children. I cannot understand what all the controvesy was about as staff were friendly the atmosphere was lovely and there was plenty of snow and things for the children to do. As for the log cabins looking more like b&q sheds, what utter nonsense! Yes the original web site was a bit over the top but they rectified that along with the other things that people made complaints about. Why was the daily echo hell bent on only reporting the negatives about the park? Surely I my friend and our children cannot be the only ones who were happy with the experience. The people at the daily echo along with other journalists from the news and national papers should be ashamed of themselves because it is down to you that thousands of childeren are going to be dissapionted because the park has now shut down aswell as tens of people now having no christmas job. Is it any wonder that hardly anyone visited after your outlandish reports of fights breaking out etc. I hope you are all very pleased with yourselves.


Sad if this is genuine, as we all the the press have a habbit of blowing things out of proportion, however, the voice in my head says this could be a disgruntled worker/owner of said site.

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