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If you come on for the last half an hour you should not be tired, instead Paterson turned into a lazy **** that didn't even look bothered, and wouldn't tackle the guy with the ball which quickly led to their equaliser.


If there is one thing that should be learned from todays game it's to....



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I have to be honest and say i thought a few of them looked quite knackered today, that worries me a bit for the Palace game. But i guess it will be the same for them as they also played today so there is no excuse. To be fair to Patterson though he has not really played much, these run outs will help him gain match fitness.

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If you come on for the last half an hour you should not be tired, instead Paterson turned into a lazy **** that didn't even look bothered, and wouldn't tackle the guy with the ball which quickly led to their equaliser.


If there is one thing that should be learned from todays game it's to....




nothing about Dave mcgoldrick he ****ing plays every game even though he's the laziest player i've seen and he's the worst trainer according to Perry!

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How the hell can you moan about patterson. When youve got mc goldrick and robertson both looking knackered after 15 mins. 2 youngsters under 22 knackered after 15 mins. You've got blokes in the stands in there 30s - 40s that can last longer than robertson and mcgoldrick. Christ knows how long they both last in the bedroom

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Don't agree about Robertson - I was surprised he was taken off - he WAS chasing back, pressuring the goal-keeper etc. Once Paterson came on, all that stopped. I have stopped complaining about McGoldrick as for the last few games (that I have seen) he was been working hard - he didn't today but I thought he was feeling the knock he got near the start.

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Robertson had a decent game today until the head injury. Paterson was, to be fair, total pants and I suspect there was something wrong with him. Jan was giving him a right royal go from the sidelines but he was def not right. It was more than lack of effort I suspect. His head simply wasn't there.

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MacGoldrick is real sh1t, from what I have seen during their training session the other week. Totally useless. Has no pace, stamina and do not provide with passes. Plus, terrible finishing. It was big mistake by previous managers, to stick with him and loose Blackstock. Even Best is better then our lazy man!!!


Bring someone more mature for our finishing. It can even be Windass!!! he would add something more than McG.

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MacGoldrick is real sh1t, from what I have seen during their training session the other week. Totally useless. Has no pace, stamina and do not provide with passes. Plus, terrible finishing. It was big mistake by previous managers, to stick with him and loose Blackstock. Even Best is better then our lazy man!!!


Bring someone more mature for our finishing. It can even be Windass!!! he would add something more than McG.


In all my life i can't believe some of the ****e written on here. FFS get a grip you bunch of ****ing no idea ******s. Have you ever played football, (and i don't mean standing on a ball in the back garden with your 2 year old)


I've had enough of so called saints fans slagging off their own - when will it end? when we are propping up the Southern league? FFS get a grip with reality. We are in big **** financially, we are desperately trying to avoid administation, we are playing a lot of youngsters but what choice do we have? Give the boys some backing, keep this team together and in 3 or 4 years we may just be back where we want to be with a bunch of kids playing the game in the way it should be played.


****ing hell you deluded ****s, seeing this season through and finishing 4th from bottom should be seen as an achievment. Get off their backs and give them some support.



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I was absolutely f*cking disgusted by the morons that make up a large % of our fan base. How the hell can they moan at him for making a small mistake....when he shot instead of squaring it. It visibly took the spring out of his step and he struggled for the remaining 10 minutes or so. Prior to that his movement was fantastic and I have no doubt that one day he will far exceed the success of McGoldrick.


Its not the club that is making me have doubts about attending games, despite having 2 season tickets.....its the ***ts that apparently 'support' our club.


I have committed my money to the club, but its the total mindless morons who are ruining it now.

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I'm with Chez on this one - thank God so many 'experts' on here have nothing to do with our team.


McGoldrick ran his heart out yesterday - the real problem was with Robertson up front. After the Norwich game I thought we had a gem...since then he has struggled. Yesterday he could not hold the ball up, could not pass and was easily outmuscled.


We looked far stronger when Patterson came on and he will only improve the more time he gets. There were times when he should have closed down their defenders with more enthusiasm/commitment but when he came on we looked far more dangerous up front.


Likewise, when Gillett came on we started spreading the play far mroe than before.

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This is the last time that I will ever post on this messageboard.


This thread is a disgrace, and the continued moronic harranging in thread after thread of the kids shows what a low level supporters base we now have. You should all hang your heads in shame. You are not supporters of SFC, but a disgrace to the club.


I for one am delighted with what I am seeing from this Southampton team. With such a low average age to be in the position we are now, with no finances, is nothing short of miraculous. Taking your frustrations out on a 18/19 year old kid is diabolical. Yes, I worked with Patersons dad when I was in the Navy, but that does not cloud my own personal judgement. I think young Paterson is going to be a quality striker, indeed yesterday, if he hadn't gone for goal you would have been slaughtering him for not having a go - they just can't win. For what it's worth, JP was telling Paterson when to close down and when to shore up the midfield.


I hope that Paterson gets a start soon, because we need his speed and mobility up front, and his desire to score goals for Southampton FC.


To me, my love affair of writing about the team I have followed for over 50 years is over, thanks for all the pm's I've received over the time, the true supporters of this club will always have the best interests of SFC in their hearts, the rest of you can all **** off.


For the last ever time on here



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This is the last time that I will ever post on this messageboard.


This thread is a disgrace, and the continued moronic harranging in thread after thread of the kids shows what a low level supporters base we now have. You should all hang your heads in shame. You are not supporters of SFC, but a disgrace to the club.


I for one am delighted with what I am seeing from this Southampton team. With such a low average age to be in the position we are now, with no finances, is nothing short of miraculous. Taking your frustrations out on a 18/19 year old kid is diabolical. Yes, I worked with Patersons dad when I was in the Navy, but that does not cloud my own personal judgement. I think young Paterson is going to be a quality striker, indeed yesterday, if he hadn't gone for goal you would have been slaughtering him for not having a go - they just can't win. For what it's worth, JP was telling Paterson when to close down and when to shore up the midfield.


I hope that Paterson gets a start soon, because we need his speed and mobility up front, and his desire to score goals for Southampton FC.


To me, my love affair of writing about the team I have followed for over 50 years is over, thanks for all the pm's I've received over the time, the true supporters of this club will always have the best interests of SFC in their hearts, the rest of you can all **** off.


For the last ever time on here




Its a shame to lose a poster in this way.....but I have to say I totally agree with your feelings on the topic. I come home from every game frustrated and angry....not because of performances or results, but the morons who are at the ground.

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This is the last time that I will ever post on this messageboard.


This thread is a disgrace, and the continued moronic harranging in thread after thread of the kids shows what a low level supporters base we now have. You should all hang your heads in shame. You are not supporters of SFC, but a disgrace to the club.


I for one am delighted with what I am seeing from this Southampton team. With such a low average age to be in the position we are now, with no finances, is nothing short of miraculous. Taking your frustrations out on a 18/19 year old kid is diabolical. Yes, I worked with Patersons dad when I was in the Navy, but that does not cloud my own personal judgement. I think young Paterson is going to be a quality striker, indeed yesterday, if he hadn't gone for goal you would have been slaughtering him for not having a go - they just can't win. For what it's worth, JP was telling Paterson when to close down and when to shore up the midfield.


I hope that Paterson gets a start soon, because we need his speed and mobility up front, and his desire to score goals for Southampton FC.


To me, my love affair of writing about the team I have followed for over 50 years is over, thanks for all the pm's I've received over the time, the true supporters of this club will always have the best interests of SFC in their hearts, the rest of you can all **** off.


For the last ever time on here




Right, so now someone who has neutral feelings on lowe, a season ticket and a lot of feelings for the club is now being told to **** off. Now we can't win.

I was saying that if you come on the for last 30 mins, are protecting a vitally needed 3 points and you are 18/19 then you should be running your heart out for the club you have been so desperate to play for, not sitting back and letting the opposition run rings around you before watching them equalise with 3 minutes to go. DMG was lazy yes, but that is unfortunately something we see week in week out and he had played the full 90 minutes.


Navy I am also very suprised by the high level of football the young players have shown this season and I don't slate paterson for having a go yesterday when he had the chance, i'm glad he did. But you MUST close down players in the dying minutes of the game if you want to take back some points, something which i thought we had learned from last season.


And i'd prefer it if you didn't call people who have been to 15+ games this season and given their money to saints a 'disgrace to the club'.

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I am a Patterson fan and was astounded when Saints took on or were forced to take on Robertson in the Dyer loan deal. No disrespect about Robertson,,but Patterson was always our player and should be inthe side before him or Mac, as target man.


Patterson should have been playing more regularly by now and would have been showing his real worth and scoring goals, which others like Mighty Mac and Robertson have not been doing.


Navyred...I would ask you on behalf of all football followers to reconsider and return to the classic postings you have supplied to this forum..Your imput is invaluable and would be sorely missed.

I enjoy the banter on other subjects, but football is serious and without your contribution to me and many others will find it a less enjoyable experience.


I know from my own experience and others who know what young footballers are all about, there is very good talent at The Saints and Patterson is definitely one of them without a doubt....Thomson is another with White who have been misused in my opinion but then I do not have the insight like you about their fitness/training etc and particularly the matches you watch...Who better to give good/educated football coverage that you so clearly have shown to date, than you......Well me, but I am not available (joking) So please get back on here and talk football..YOU KNOW IT MAKES SENSE........PLEASE.....Ignore the other comments, you will always get that....


PS tHIS IS FROM AN EX ...PTI, who knows you are one of the best at what you have been doing...... Trust me, we can not afford to lose Patterson.....The right experience alongside would help him and Mac....

Hope you have reconsidered by now....

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We looked far stronger when Patterson came on and he will only improve the more time he gets. There were times when he should have closed down their defenders with more enthusiasm/commitment but when he came on we looked far more dangerous up front.


Likewise, when Gillett came on we started spreading the play far mroe than before.


Were you at the game????


Sheff Wednesday ****5ed on us in the second half, after dominating the first half.


It wasn't all down to Paterson (more about Gillett later), but we were much stronger in the first half before these substitutions were made. The opening part of the second half wasn't very clever, but the latter part was just as bad, if not worse.


As for Gillett, I presume you missed it when he gave away possession and they should have scored. Lallana didn't, as he and others were giving Gillett a roasting. You may have also missed him not tracking back as Tungay pushes on and Gillett just watches him go and score.

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In all my life i can't believe some of the ****e written on here. FFS get a grip you bunch of ****ing no idea ******s. Have you ever played football, (and i don't mean standing on a ball in the back garden with your 2 year old)


I've had enough of so called saints fans slagging off their own - when will it end? when we are propping up the Southern league? FFS get a grip with reality. We are in big **** financially, we are desperately trying to avoid administation, we are playing a lot of youngsters but what choice do we have? Give the boys some backing, keep this team together and in 3 or 4 years we may just be back where we want to be with a bunch of kids playing the game in the way it should be played.


****ing hell you deluded ****s, seeing this season through and finishing 4th from bottom should be seen as an achievment. Get off their backs and give them some support.




Calm down mate. He's right, McGoldrick is garbage.

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What an absolutely useless, lazy, clueless tit. Why on earth was Robertson taken off, Jan?


Jan, are you listening? Do you ever listen?


I have to say I thought Jan got the substitutions spot on. The only thing with hindsight is that maybe Wotton would have been better than Gillett, but we needed that sort of player to break up play as Sheff Wed were controlling the midfield.

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I have to say I thought Jan got the substitutions spot on. The only thing with hindsight is that maybe Wotton would have been better than Gillett, but we needed that sort of player to break up play as Sheff Wed were controlling the midfield.


Spot on as in???????


Wednesday continued to dominate the game and Gillet almost cost us a goal and then watched Tungay run past him without tracking back.


Paterson was a like for like that did nothing, in that it didn't alter our shape and didn't make Wednesday readapt, they just carried on as before.


Gillett did make us change our shape, but for the worse. It was no coincidence that their best chances came after he came on.

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Spot on as in???????


Wednesday continued to dominate the game and Gillet almost cost us a goal and then watched Tungay run past him without tracking back.


Paterson was a like for like that did nothing, in that it didn't alter our shape and didn't make Wednesday readapt, they just carried on as before.


Gillett did make us change our shape, but for the worse. It was no coincidence that their best chances came after he came on.

seeing the goal I agree Gillette was slow to get to Tuguy.It was a poor goal to concede to have a player unmarked in the d
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What an absolutely useless, lazy, clueless tit. Why on earth was Robertson taken off, Jan?


Jan, are you listening? Do you ever listen?

He was taken off cos he was c***. No pace, cannot control the ball and did not have a shot all game.. he was the obvious choice to come off.

Were u there ??

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Do you have a season ticket?

How many matches have you seen DMcG play this season?


DMcG is not fit to wear the shirt IMO

I do have a ST and I go away as well. I've watched pretty much all his games in the first team and I saw him play in the youth team as well. How about yourself?


He was lazy at the start if the season. Stern John left and he improved greatly. He's a nipper, give him time.

Edited by Chez
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Spot on as in???????


Wednesday continued to dominate the game and Gillet almost cost us a goal and then watched Tungay run past him without tracking back.


Paterson was a like for like that did nothing, in that it didn't alter our shape and didn't make Wednesday readapt, they just carried on as before.


Gillett did make us change our shape, but for the worse. It was no coincidence that their best chances came after he came on.


In the sense that we were being over run in midfield. Therefore we needed the type of player who will break up play and Gillett is that player.....it is not Jan's fault that he didn't perform on the day.


Patterson gave us much more movement up front....that was until our so called "fans" booed him after making a mistake.


Oh and FWIW its TUDGAY, not Tungay.

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In the sense that we were being over run in midfield. Therefore we needed the type of player who will break up play and Gillett is that player.....it is not Jan's fault that he didn't perform on the day.


I would counter that it was Jan's fault as Gillett is just not up to it. IMHO he's a very poor player and we were even more overpowered when he came on. Wotton would have been a better bet, or maybe even shuffling who was already out there.


Patterson gave us much more movement up front....that was until our so called "fans" booed him after making a mistake..


IMHO I don't think Paterson made a difference one way or the other. As I have said elsewhere, I think it was the fact that the one up top was isolated too much and we continued to surrender possession.

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I would counter that it was Jan's fault as Gillett is just not up to it. IMHO he's a very poor player and we were even more overpowered when he came on. Wotton would have been a better bet, or maybe even shuffling who was already out there.




IMHO I don't think Paterson made a difference one way or the other. As I have said elsewhere, I think it was the fact that the one up top was isolated too much and we continued to surrender possession.


I would agree with hindsight that Wotton would have been a better option, but Gillett is a far more mobile player. I think in the case of being overrun in midfield his technical ability was of little importance. His role should have been to get in and around their feet and break up play. Unfortunately he proved again that he is perhaps not up to this level. My point is....we needed to instill some energy into our midfield and if nothing else, Gillett will usually bring that.

Had Shneiderlin been playing in that game, we would have never conceded that goal as Cork would have been able to sit more infront of the defense.

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This is the last time that I will ever post on this messageboard.



I think that this is a shame as I have always respected your opinion on the youth, as you have made it your business to go and watch them play and your assessments on them seem fair and balanced.


I suppose that I'm a bit disappointed that a Navy man would just surrender so easily without putting forward his counter views to a forum, secure in his knowledge that he knew what he was talking about and confident that for that reason he could change opinions from the more sensible posters and just ignore those others who he deemed to be idiots.


I try not to be too critical of the youngsters who mostly give it their best shot. I just bemoan the fact that due to the lack of finances caused by the mismanagement of the club these past few years, we are blooding most of the youngsters before they are ready and that we have attempted to throw too many of them into the first team at the expense of balance.

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you talk a lot of sense but you've let yourself down here!


I was wincing as I typed that.;)


Best of a bad bunch really!!!!!!!


Wotton may not be that special, but IMHO he's better than Gillett. The other option that I wouldn't have been averse to trying was to reshuffle what was already out on the pitch and try and retain possession.

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I do have a ST and I go away as well. I've watched pretty much all his games in the first team and I saw him play in the youth team as well. How about yourself?


He was lazy at the start if the season. Stern John left and he improved greatly. He's a nipper, give him time.


Difference of opinions are what keeps forums active.


I've seen a lot of DMcG

Personally, I don't think he will be any better than he is now, and currently he's not good enough for CCC


Happy to be proved wrong though

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First time I have seen Paterson, well built for a striker and has a good first touch.Must say though, I did feel as though he looked very tired which is unusual for a youngster who only played a few minutes in ther second half.

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This is the last time that I will ever post on this messageboard.


This thread is a disgrace, and the continued moronic harranging in thread after thread of the kids shows what a low level supporters base we now have. You should all hang your heads in shame. You are not supporters of SFC, but a disgrace to the club.


I for one am delighted with what I am seeing from this Southampton team. With such a low average age to be in the position we are now, with no finances, is nothing short of miraculous. Taking your frustrations out on a 18/19 year old kid is diabolical. Yes, I worked with Patersons dad when I was in the Navy, but that does not cloud my own personal judgement. I think young Paterson is going to be a quality striker, indeed yesterday, if he hadn't gone for goal you would have been slaughtering him for not having a go - they just can't win. For what it's worth, JP was telling Paterson when to close down and when to shore up the midfield.


I hope that Paterson gets a start soon, because we need his speed and mobility up front, and his desire to score goals for Southampton FC.


To me, my love affair of writing about the team I have followed for over 50 years is over, thanks for all the pm's I've received over the time, the true supporters of this club will always have the best interests of SFC in their hearts, the rest of you can all **** off.


For the last ever time on here




100% agree all those young kids will get betterand better, mcgoldrick is not a bad player nor is paterson.

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I have watched Paterson a bit....I was always concerned that this would happen as he is not ready yet the same way as Gobern wasn't ready yet we throw another great young prospect to the wolves.

This was not down to Paterson but again a shocking decision by the manager(before you jump on the 'lets sack the manager') he has to learn to get it right at home and he is still costing us by poor tactics.

If we had moved Bradley up front -Surman to the left and Wotton height to the middle then I am sure we would of held on. By playing to one untried youngster against 4 big defenders it was only going to add more pressure onto the back four with 2 right up it gives them more to think about rather than just winning the ball everytime then bypass our midget midfield.

Then again I would of used Euell on the bench but I guess we had used up the wages budget for this match.

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This is down to the manager for me. Patterson played the way he always plays - he's not the best physical specimen and can look languid etc at times. I've also said elsewhere that he's a year off of a first team place.


As for those of you that boo our young players, you really are sad individuals. I have never booed one of our own players and never would - I don't see what good it could do.


However, some people on this thread do seem to have taken things a little too sensitively. Football players get called this that and the other week in and week out - by their own fans (sad indictment of modern football but a fact unfortunately) and especially by the oppo fans. They have to grow thick-skinned quickly and react in the best way possible - by helping to win games - the true mark of an excellent player.


Let's encourage our players but at the same time let's not expect them to be kept wrapped in wool.


We lost on Saturday because as a TEAM we werent good enough. let's not blame one or two individuals - thats' just stupid.

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This is down to the manager for me. Patterson played the way he always plays - he's not the best physical specimen and can look languid etc at times. I've also said elsewhere that he's a year off of a first team place.


As for those of you that boo our young players, you really are sad individuals. I have never booed one of our own players and never would - I don't see what good it could do.


However, some people on this thread do seem to have taken things a little too sensitively. Football players get called this that and the other week in and week out - by their own fans (sad indictment of modern football but a fact unfortunately) and especially by the oppo fans. They have to grow thick-skinned quickly and react in the best way possible - by helping to win games - the true mark of an excellent player.


Let's encourage our players but at the same time let's not expect them to be kept wrapped in wool.


We lost on Saturday because as a TEAM we werent good enough. let's not blame one or two individuals - thats' just stupid.


Fair Comment and although a draw...No what you felt, like many others felt like a loss but still one point gained....Patterson will be a star..


By the way I agree with others Do not boo our own players individually...

But if the team plays absolute pants a short collective boo just to let them know how the crowd is just a short sharp message.

Now booing Lowey and Wildey is a big message and the individual or the collective...Fill your boots.


Also agree with other posters, about JE probably collective wages problem with squad/appearances....If he comes in against Palace, someone else in high wage bracket will drop out of squad...sign of times afraid...Money too tight to mention.


The youngsters definitely need to be harnessed in the right way with the right blend of experience...JE up there with Patterson or Mighty Mac or they get eaten for breakfast...JP...Hands tied , no doubt...or he is not up to it?

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Simple fact of the matter is that if we were to field BWP with Euell up front consistently, we would be scoring many more goals and would not be talking once again about losing/drawing a game we dominated. Putting a lone kid up front is a recipe for disaster, as is placing a midget who is not match fit at CM when defending a 1-0 lead with 15 mins to play. Patterson looks a better prospect than Robertson and McG, BUT...he is not ready yet.

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