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100% correct decision. Gouffran is involved in the play. If he doesn´t move ball hits him and dont end up in goal, therefore he IS involved in the situation.


That is not the Offside rule as it stands... its a clear goal.

Otherwise we can claim that Aguerro goal against us should have been ruled out... Negredo had to move quickly to avoid it..

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That is not the Offside rule as it stands... its a clear goal.

Otherwise we can claim that Aguerro goal against us should have been ruled out... Negredo had to move quickly to avoid it..


Maybe the ref was wrong then rather than now.


Richard Keys ‏@richardajkeys 22m

Mark Halsey says right call. 'Moving towards the ball or interfering with an opponent - off side'

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So you dont think its an advantage that the ball ends up in net because of his movement?


I think so honestly.


Gouffran got out of the way of the ball. If it had struck him then I would agree with you. In what way did his movement help the ball end up in the net? Hart wasn't distracted and had no chance of getting to the ball.

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Gouffran got out of the way of the ball. If it had struck him then I would agree with you. In what way did his movement help the ball end up in the net? Hart wasn't distracted and had no chance of getting to the ball.


IMO he gaines an advantage by moving out of the balls way. And thats why players in offside position cant let the ball go through their legs to an onside teammate and claim they didn´t play it.


But it is a matter of opinions, agree about that. And the big problem is the rules that allows individual interpretations of it...

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Gouffran got out of the way of the ball. If it had struck him then I would agree with you. In what way did his movement help the ball end up in the net? Hart wasn't distracted and had no chance of getting to the ball.
Hart could well have assumed Gouffran was going to touch it and therefore Hart didn't dive for it. Who knows in less than a split second?
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Hart could well have assumed Gouffran was going to touch it and therefore Hart didn't dive for it. Who knows in less than a split second?


We shall never know, of course. Hart doesn't make anything of it at the time. The guidance from FIFA is:


“interfering with an opponent” means preventing an opponent from

playing or being able to play the ball by clearly obstructing the opponent’s line of vision or movements or making a gesture or movement which, in the opinion of the referee, deceives or distracts an opponent.


It must have been the referee's decision although why we needed to go to his assistant I don't know.

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We are due a few bad decisions from refs imho


Im a believer that things even out over a season and as it stands we are 4-5 decisions up


Are you a professional turdtalker? Do you get paid to talk total dogshyte daily?


Sent from my HTC One S using Tapatalk

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Foul on the Burnley keeper before our 3rd

Foul on WBA player in build up to our goal yesterday


Think we have largely been lucky with decisions this season and seem to win majority of the 50/50's..... Good job too. Look at the stink after the Everton 'handball'


Yes those 2 evens out everything...


All the wrestling John O´Shea was allowed to do.

The blatant handball against Norwich. (And dont say anything about Norwichs penalty in the last seconds cause if the first one is given that never happens cause it only happened because we were desperately chasing in the final minutes)

The offside for Man Uniteds goal.

The handball (not 'handball', just simply handball) at Everton.


And that´s just a few of those we can discuss....


Btw, which player fouled which yesterday in the run up for our goal?

Something 5 minutes before the actual goal?

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