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Have we a striker replacement??

Dublin Saint

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I don't think we will get rid of Osvaldo unless we have a replacement lined up. Juve said they need to sell before they buy, so makes sense that we get Vucinic in return, straight loan swap. I just can't see Osvaldo playing again.

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Our forward line is very weak, Lambert well of the boil and Rodriquez who is playing well but is not a natural goalscorer as if he takes a snap shot or does something instinctive I feel it has a better chance of comeing off than if he has to think about it like a one on one etc etc.

Assured quality is needed and if we are not prepared to pay that then a Premiership proven player is required and if we are not prepared to pay that we should be buying the cream from the Championship.

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Our forward line is very weak, Lambert well of the boil and Rodriquez who is playing well but is not a natural goalscorer as if he takes a snap shot or does something instinctive I feel it has a better chance of comeing off than if he has to think about it like a one on one etc etc.

Assured quality is needed and if we are not prepared to pay that then a Premiership proven player is required and if we are not prepared to pay that we should be buying the cream from the Championship.


Yes Barry Sanchez lets go and buy a left back better than Fox and not give Luke Shaw his debut, because he's only 18.


Gallacher could be worth £15 million like Luke Shaw in 45 appearances.


The club policy is to use Academy players.

Edited by Andy Durman
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It'll be tough to precisely replace what Osvaldo brings to the squad. Nile Ranger could do it possibly. Balotteli & Suarez have similar qualities but prob score too many goals. Tricky one for the scouting dept.


Marlon King is available on a free, definitely could replace the violence and from memory would add some form of car-related offences to the above list as well (although my memory can be hazy). Had him down to sign for the skates though but it comes to something when even they don't want him.

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The Osvaldo situation is a bit like having loads of watchers on an ebay auction. You hope for a ding dong auction at the end pushing the price up, but more often than not, no-one bids! We could end up with no-one wanting to take Osvaldo either to buy or on loan. Let's just wait and see.


Apparently that Vukinic bloke is on his way to Arsenal. Did he come to the game on Tue, and pick the wrong team to join? :)

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Marlon King is available on a free, definitely could replace the violence and from memory would add some form of car-related offences to the above list as well (although my memory can be hazy). Had him down to sign for the skates though but it comes to something when even they don't want him.


None of these can compete with Lee Hughes who not only has assault convictions but has been jailed for causing someone's death. He has dropped down to Forest Green Rovers but some accounts suggest he remains unrepentant so I am sure he could do the job.

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None of these can compete with Lee Hughes who not only has assault convictions but has been jailed for causing someone's death. He has dropped down to Forest Green Rovers but some accounts suggest he remains unrepentant so I am sure he could do the job.



But there was that bloke who scored a pretty good goal for us (just the one mind) didn't he run someone over with his Porsche ?

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Worrying if MP really thinks the depth of our squad is good enough if Dani Osvaldo leaves. We are definitely 1 striker light and while Sam Gallagher showed some potential I would definitely not want to be reliant on him for the rest of the season if we have a longer term injury to Lambert or JRod unless we plan to just limp over the line and finish 13/14 and have given up on this season


I don't expect other signings until the summer but we need better back up options at goalkeeper and centre back for starters if we really plan to push forwards?

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Is that a joke? Forte??? Guly???


Lukaku in the summer..... Chelsea are willing to sell


I'd quite like to see Jono quick given a run out in the PL just for the crack......


Guly isn't even a striker he says himself he is a midfielder and doesn't score many (I think the 11 in the championship is his highest number of goals in a season in his career).

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