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Sam McQueen


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Yep, I think when the dust settles, and people can look at the big picture. Difficult now as people are a bit angry, and rightly so IMO, We really should have put out a better team today. I can only think it's a cultural thing. Cup competitions abroad are generally second best to the League.


Saying that, what an amazing future this club has. Unrivalled academy, infrastructure in place, a squad built around the best young English talent. Progressive manager, who given a pre season has got the squad tactically and physically able to play his pressing game that is a joy to watch and gets results. It's only our 2nd season and we still have a load of below average squad players contracted. The depth isn't there, we all know that. I'm sure the manager knows it too. Let's see what happens over the summer.


My only ITK thing, I work as a cameraman for Sky Sports, not covering Saints unfortunately. I have worked with Guillem Balague a few times, a good friend of Pochettino's and an avid Espanyol fan. He is/was under instruction to use the youth team ahead of signing new players. That was when Cortese was there and 2 months ago.


Things are good in general, major screw up perhaps today, but just look slightly more long term.

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I know it was short and i didn't see the game but what type of player is he ?


He's a left winger, pretty creative from the little I've seen of him. Actually looked pretty bright and confident yesterday, got involved near the very end with a couple of desperate moves.

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Academy debutants in all competitions: Lloyd Isgrove (I think), Harrison Reed, Omar Rowe, Jake Sinclair, Sam Gallagher, Sam McQueen


Academy debutants in the league: Calum Chambers, Harrison Reed, Sam Gallagher. With others on the bench in games.



*** Not his season, but Lloyd Isgrove actually played in that ill-fated League Cup game at Leeds last season.


Others who have already debuted in the League Cup last season - and before

- are; Jake Robinson and Jack Stephens as well as former players (no longer at the club)like; Ben Reeves (scored 10th goal yesterday for MK Dons, and Sam Hoskins (currently Yeovil).. and Ryan Doble.


Although they don't all make the grade, having been at Saints Academy must look good on a youngsters CV, if he eventually " moves on ".

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Great to see yet another academy product make his debut in the first team today. How many debutants is that so far this season? 4?



What's the point if they don't actually contribute anything positive really. Gallagher I liked, full of energy, you could see he has some potential. All the rest are just there to make up the numbers and cloud the issue. I mean this McQueen lad has been out injured for ages so what do we do, stick Gallagher in the stiffs (but we took him to Hull) and put a debutant with just a bit of U21 football under his belt in the last 9 months or so on the bench. I know about Gallagher's recent bereavement but why take him to Hull and then not Sunderland. We could have left him in Southampton for the Hull game,bit more time and all, and then taken him to Sunderland. Sometimes you have to wonder if we know what we're doing with these young lads.

"Oh by the way Mauricio you have to use a kiddy on the bench for the cup" "OK which one" "Oh I don't know stick a pin in the list".

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Yep, really happy about a new academy player coming through who might help us finish slightly higher in the table in a few years to come whilst we don't use our best players to actually win something worthwhile.


It was almost as if for anyone that wasn't sure MP didn't care about yesterday's game he decided to take off our most creative player and give a kid a debut just to make sure they knew.

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My only ITK thing, I work as a cameraman for Sky Sports, not covering Saints unfortunately. I have worked with Guillem Balague a few times, a good friend of Pochettino's and an avid Espanyol fan. He is/was under instruction to use the youth team ahead of signing new players. That was when Cortese was there and 2 months ago.


Things are good in general, major screw up perhaps today, but just look slightly more long term.


Ties in with Mauricio's statements about signings, said he had all he needed in the Academy, obviously toeing the party line there then. Still think that Cortese wanted to sign players but he was told that no money was available and so he resigned back in October when he'd have been planning any signings. To me we are cost cutting and the results are there for all to see, ie the smallest squad of Senior Players in the PL.

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It was almost as if for anyone that wasn't sure MP didn't care about yesterday's game he decided to take off our most creative player and give a kid a debut just to make sure they knew.



Maybe he had to do that, could be just speculation on my part though, I have no idea who is really running the club just now.

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Maybe he had to do that, could be just speculation on my part though, I have no idea who is really running the club just now.


We'll usually when you want to win a game and are 1-0 down with 10 minutes to go you go for broke and throw the kitchen sink. He could have brought Fonte on, pushed Clyne up and gone 3 at the back, he could have brought cork on, pushed Lallana and Rodriguez further up and gone 4-3-3, there were plenty of things he could have done but taking off our most creative player and giving a kid his debut was the one of the last things you'd have thought he'd have done

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We'll usually when you want to win a game and are 1-0 down with 10 minutes to go you go for broke and throw the kitchen sink. He could have brought Fonte on, pushed Clyne up and gone 3 at the back, he could have brought cork on, pushed Lallana and Rodriguez further up and gone 4-3-3, there were plenty of things he could have done but taking off our most creative player and giving a kid his debut was the one of the last things you'd have thought he'd have done


The fact that Fonte was on the bench is confusing many, he was never ever going to play with that leg. If we'd had a problem at CB I'm sure VW would have dropped back. We just didn't have anyone else to put on the bench, the U21s played on Friday night and the 18 yesterday was all that was left. Check for yourselves.

Lallana runs a lot every game, yesterday was his 12 th game in about 50 days I think, you just have to be fair to the lad, he gives his all every game but when the tank is empty it's empty.

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The fact that Fonte was on the bench is confusing many, he was never ever going to play with that leg. If we'd had a problem at CB I'm sure VW would have dropped back. We just didn't have anyone else to put on the bench, the U21s played on Friday night and the 18 yesterday was all that was left. Check for yourselves.

Lallana runs a lot every game, yesterday was his 12 th game in about 50 days I think, you just have to be fair to the lad, he gives his all every game but when the tank is empty it's empty.


That was just an example of the things he could have done. Dropping Wanyama into centre back and bringing on Cork and go 3 at the back was another option. The point being there were lots of things he could have done to shake things up and go for the equaliser,bringing on a kid to make his debut and taking off our most creative player when you're 1-0 down with 10 minutes to go is not an option you'd take if you were busting a gut to make the quarter final. I don't buy that the tank was empty, what difference does 10 minutes make? Lallana said himself it was our biggest game of the season, I doubt he'd have been too pleased coming off if this was truly the case.

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That was just an example of the things he could have done. Dropping Wanyama into centre back and bringing on Cork and go 3 at the back was another option. The point being there were lots of things he could have done to shake things up and go for the equaliser,bringing on a kid to make his debut and taking off our most creative player when you're 1-0 down with 10 minutes to go is not an option you'd take if you were busting a gut to make the quarter final. I don't buy that the tank was empty, what difference does 10 minutes make? Lallana said himself it was our biggest game of the season, I doubt he'd have been too pleased coming off if this was truly the case.



Lallana can say what he likes, it obviously wasn't our biggest game of the season, for him perhaps but he's not running the club now is he. Anyway for Lallana his biggest game of the season will be the one who that gets him on the plane to the WC, perhaps the international in what 17 days time, before that he's got West Ham and Liverpool to consider.

You just cannot underestimate the effect that the WC is having on players just now. The club already knows who's in and who's not for the games in March, they've been sent lists of players susceptible to play.

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So why didnt he then? If he'd lasted 80 minutes what difference was another 10 going to make?


If he cannot manage 90 minutes at Sunderland how long is he going to last in the heat and the humidity of Brazil??


I could not believe that we took off our most creative player with 10 minutes to go and brought on a debutant when we just needed one goal to keep us in the Cup. A complete admission on MP's part that he didn't want us to go any further in the competition.


Good luck to the lad. I hope he does well but did McQueen even touch the ball??

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If he cannot manage 90 minutes at Sunderland how long is he going to last in the heat and the humidity of Brazil??


I could not believe that we took off our most creative player with 10 minutes to go and brought on a debutant when we just needed one goal to keep us in the Cup. A complete admission on MP's part that he didn't want us to go any further in the competition.


Good luck to the lad. I hope he does well but did McQueen even touch the ball??



WC matches are more spaced, Saturday,Saturday,Thursday,Tuesday I think. PLus the load will be spread over 22 players of presumably roughly equal ability and not Saturday,Tuesday,Saturday to be played by the same 15 or so lads come what may.

Plus everyone has roughly equal spacing, not 3 days for one team and 7 days for the other.

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Oh and with England he won't have to put half the effort in he does now as Hodgsons tactics dictate that all 11 players stand and watch when the opposition have the ball rather than pressing them the way saints do.


imo Adam puts in the most defensive effort of anyone in the side in terms of the amount of ground he covers to press the opposition players. Like I said he won't do this with England

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Oh and with England he won't have to put half the effort in he does now as Hodgsons tactics dictate that all 11 players stand and watch when the opposition have the ball rather than pressing them the way saints do.


imo Adam puts in the most defensive effort of anyone in the side in terms of the amount of ground he covers to press the opposition players. Like I said he won't do this with England



Morgan and Adam run a bit less than 8 miles each per game, now I know that 8 miles isn't 10 miles but there a plenty who consider their GSR performances of 1hr 40 as the bees nuts. Given that the actual playing time of a game of football must be somewhere around what an hour that means that if these lads were in constant motion for that time they'd be running 7.30 miles which isn't all that bad. Most of it is sprinting though and you'll have difficulty finding a sprinter who runs 120 or so 100 metre reps in a single training session. That's Lydiard run until you drop and then run some more training. People need to go and try it, go on go to the Sports Centre and run 120 x100 m reps in 90 minutes, that's one every 80 seconds.

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Morgan and Adam run a bit less than 8 miles each per game, now I know that 8 miles isn't 10 miles but there a plenty who consider their GSR performances of 1hr 40 as the bees nuts. Given that the actual playing time of a game of football must be somewhere around what an hour that means that if these lads were in constant motion for that time they'd be running 7.30 miles which isn't all that bad. Most of it is sprinting though and you'll have difficulty finding a sprinter who runs 120 or so 100 metre reps in a single training session. That's Lydiard run until you drop and then run some more training. People need to go and try it, go on go to the Sports Centre and run 120 x100 m reps in 90 minutes, that's one every 80 seconds.


A point well made!

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Morgan and Adam run a bit less than 8 miles each per game, now I know that 8 miles isn't 10 miles but there a plenty who consider their GSR performances of 1hr 40 as the bees nuts. Given that the actual playing time of a game of football must be somewhere around what an hour that means that if these lads were in constant motion for that time they'd be running 7.30 miles which isn't all that bad. Most of it is sprinting though and you'll have difficulty finding a sprinter who runs 120 or so 100 metre reps in a single training session. That's Lydiard run until you drop and then run some more training. People need to go and try it, go on go to the Sports Centre and run 120 x100 m reps in 90 minutes, that's one every 80 seconds.


More like one every 45 seconds isn't it?

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Lallana can say what he likes, it obviously wasn't our biggest game of the season, for him perhaps but he's not running the club now is he. Anyway for Lallana his biggest game of the season will be the one who that gets him on the plane to the WC, perhaps the international in what 17 days time, before that he's got West Ham and Liverpool to consider.

You just cannot underestimate the effect that the WC is having on players just now. The club already knows who's in and who's not for the games in March, they've been sent lists of players susceptible to play.


Literally the most stupid post I've ever read.

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