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Mp is quality we need to keep him


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Terrible error last week, Clyne should be playing, gaston should and we need to learn how to finish chances and create and learn how to play against teams who play long ball. However, love the style of play and a few reinforcements will be fine next year. Also think puncheon going was mistake. However, we and he will learn. Ref didn't help and I'd rather see my team try and play like we do. Keep the faith.

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I can imagine if I only participated in my club through the internet then I would also be ambivalent about what was happening.


Some of the team set-ups and substitutions have occasionally raised the eyebrows as well as some dips in form but what club out there plays to the pinnacle of their capability week in week out without question marks over some of the decisions made? Not one.


In saying that I have my doubts he will be here next season but the grass is not always greener on the other side and I, for one, would like to see him stay.

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I am totally ambivalent to whether he is here next year or not.


Doesnt get the club, fans, English game and makes odd decisions.


Jesus Christ. I honestly think we could win the quadruple and give away free tickets to the whole ground the following season for free, and you would still find something to moan about...

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I'm ambivalent.


I rate him, think we're close to being a good side but not quite there. He's respected, seems ambitious and the players like him. I'd worry players would leave if he does.


BUT, I don't think it's a huge achievement getting this squad of players 8th. It's good, it's what I expected, but the bottom half is appalling quality, and I think plenty of managers could have us sitting in the same place in the table.


Our squad isn't all that, we have some excellent first team players but if you scratch below that, there isn't much there. 8th or higher is a very good achievement considering the number of injuries and illness we've had.


If the bottom is so bad, remember, that's where we were for all of last season. Big progress under an excellent manager with a great work ethic.

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Of course - we have played some of the best football I've ever seen us play and the stature and ability of the players seems to be growing within the unit.


Maybe there are others that could do this but why would we even look when we have a guy in place who is obviously respected by the players?

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Our squad isn't all that, we have some excellent first team players but if you scratch below that, there isn't much there. 8th or higher is a very good achievement considering the number of injuries and illness we've had.


If the bottom is so bad, remember, that's where we were for all of last season. Big progress under an excellent manager with a great work ethic.

Agree with that Doggo. I don't remember too many people at the start of the season saying that 8th was the minimum benchmark. 8th would be an excellent finish, anywhere top ten would be a very good achievement, both from the start of the season and also from now.

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Agree with that Doggo. I don't remember too many people at the start of the season saying that 8th was the minimum benchmark. 8th would be an excellent finish, anywhere top ten would be a very good achievement, both from the start of the season and also from now.


if we go through the whole season in the top 10, that would have been a fantastic achievement. with some memorable games along the way

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Terrible error last week, Clyne should be playing, gaston should and we need to learn how to finish chances and create and learn how to play against teams who play long ball. However, love the style of play and a few reinforcements will be fine next year. Also think puncheon going was mistake. However, we and he will learn. Ref didn't help and I'd rather see my team try and play like we do. Keep the faith.

Its my absolute pleasure to completely agree with you.Spot on.

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Go back and look. There was talk of higher but most seemed to think 7/8th was the limit and 10th the least we could expect. We've done it in style and with academy players which is brilliant, but let's not pretend it's some outstanding achievement in terms of the table.


You just said 8th was your expectation of where we'd finish. Was it your limit too? You expected 8th, but we'd finish no higher than 8th? You said "I don't think it's a huge achievement getting this squad of players 8th."


But OK Aids. I went and looked. Right here in the SWF season preview.




Shroppie: They should improve on last season but I think 8th is probably as high as we can reasonably hope for. There are so many factors - will the new signings gel, will we get any more in before the deadline (striker,wide midfield with pace, LB), what sort of start will we get. We have a relatively easy start so will need a flying start or we could be in trouble later. Will teams have worked out how to counter our pressing game and if so, what's Plan B? The key for me is the attacking midfield being creative and having more than one clinical finisher. I felt last season that, under MP our defence tightened but we lost some creative movement and goals dried up. Overall though, as long as we get a good start, I'm optimistic that we should manage 8th - 12th.

S-Clarke: We have the potential to do very, very good things this season. We already had a really strong spine, with the likes of Morgan, Rickie,Cork, Shaw and Clyne, who are easily top half premiership players in my opinion. We've added international quality players in Wanyama and Lovren to that spine, so you'd have to think we can only do better than last year.


Once we sorted ourselves out last season, we were consistently showing top 10 form. I see no reason why we cannot take that form over the entire season, and I wouldn't be surprised to see us finishing comfortably in the top 10 - I'll say 8th.


The9: It's a really tricky one this year - I can't see us going down unless there's some kind of insane injury crisis or Pochettino sees us getting nailed by long balls week on week and still persists with Plan A, and last season's finishing position has to be seen as an absolute minimum.


You have to assume the players we do have will improve on last season provided they can keep their motivation, and the stated goal of a Chairman who usually delivers on his promises is to challenge for Europe. We still have a couple of weaknesses, lack of depth up front and as yet we don't have a fixed CB partnership yet, but we can press and score against anyone and have a young side with enthusiasm and desire. I'll go for a slap bang in the middle 10th.


stevegrant: 12th.A marginal improvement on last season in terms of finishing position,but I expect us to be safer in terms of points between us and the bottom three. The club's policy on cup competitions will determine whether our relatively small squad causes us issues later in the season, as will - naturally - the fitness of key personnel.


The Kraken: I think that 14th has to be the minimum benchmark, and I’d be reasonably happy with any improvement on that. While we’ve spent a decent amount of money this summer, for me its very much a waiting game as to how much we’ve actually improved the first team. Wanyama and Lovren seem to be decent players, definitely; I’m just not convinced that the addition of the pair of them will propel us to a top ten position. I’m going to go with 11th.


Now admittedly you and your I'm never wrong opinions didn't make into that collection, but it's just the first review I found. So it would seem the general consensus from that was 8th - 12th. Not exactly your minimum expectation of 8th, really.

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I want him to stay, cos I like continuity and he's clearly a good manager. (Don't really see how people can say they want him to leave?) our team is good, but the project is bigger than the first 11. I've got no problem with us just playing in the prem, bringing through good young players, and playing the right way. It's been a great season this season, but something has gone. No urgency at the moment and we're not converting chances. But just enjoy the rest of the season.

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Terrible error last week, Clyne should be playing, gaston should and we need to learn how to finish chances and create and learn how to play against teams who play long ball. However, love the style of play and a few reinforcements will be fine next year. Also think puncheon going was mistake. However, we and he will learn. Ref didn't help and I'd rather see my team try and play like we do. Keep the faith.


Good post.

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Of course - we have played some of the best football I've ever seen us play and the stature and ability of the players seems to be growing within the unit.


Maybe there are others that could do this but why would we even look when we have a guy in place who is obviously respected by the players?


My feelings exactly. I can't for the life of me understand why anyone would want him to leave. If he goes then the whole thing is in danger of falling apart. I can't imagine all of this OTT criticism is making a positive impression on him about English football either - everyone needs to back off and let him get on with the job. He knows what he's doing.

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