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Lee Rigby killers sentenced


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no doubt they will get the snot beat out of them in jail.

one of them will no doubt kill themselves in the next 10 years


They'll be put in Belmarsh where they'll be treated as heroes by the majority of inmates I imagine. Death isn't good enough for these 2. How can the defence lawyers, no matter how much they're being paid, stand with these 2 c*nts and try and defend them? They're scum as well.

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They'll be put in Belmarsh where they'll be treated as heroes by the majority of inmates I imagine. Death isn't good enough for these 2. How can the defence lawyers, no matter how much they're being paid, stand with these 2 c*nts and try and defend them? They're scum as well.




I get the feeling summary execution may be more your style, but under the English common law everyone accused of a crime in this country is entitled to legal representation. The barristers doing that job are acting under the instructions of their client of course.


This is the cornerstone of the finest legal system in the world.

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no doubt they will get the snot beat out of them in jail.

one of them will no doubt kill themselves in the next 10 years


Here's hoping. Shame we don't have the death penalty for cases like this. I can understand that it might not be imposed where there is reasonable doubt about whether the accused did it, but there was absolutely no doubt about these two at all. If one has a provable mental illlness, OK, but the other one is not deserving of one ounce of mercy.

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I get the feeling summary execution may be more your style, but under the English common law everyone accused of a crime in this country is entitled to legal representation. The barristers doing that job are acting under the instructions of their client of course.


This is the cornerstone of the finest legal system in the world.


I know they're entitled to it. My point was I don't know how they can sleep at night knowing they're trying, as their job, to get people like these 2 off their charges/lessen their sentences.

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I know they're entitled to it. My point was I don't know how they can sleep at night knowing they're trying, as their job, to get people like these 2 off their charges/lessen their sentences.


They are doing their job plain and simple.


The alternative would seem to be that accused people - who in our system are deemed innocent until proven guilty of course - are put on trial and left to their own devices. You can rest assured that another of your "scum" barristers will be doing his level best to make sure they are convicted.

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They'll be put in Belmarsh where they'll be treated as heroes by the majority of inmates I imagine. Death isn't good enough for these 2. How can the defence lawyers, no matter how much they're being paid, stand with these 2 c*nts and try and defend them? They're scum as well.


Because even c***s have human rights.


That's not a very intelligent comment. You seem to have this strange idea the defence lawyers are defending these two because they condone their actions or share their beliefs or something similar. LOL if anything I feel sorry for the poor sods who got lumbered trying to defend those two. Their entitled lawyers by British law and that's not decided by anyone's personal feelings of them, and history has repeatedly shown thank **** that is the case.



Here's hoping. Shame we don't have the death penalty for cases like this. I can understand that it might not be imposed where there is reasonable doubt about whether the accused did it, but there was absolutely no doubt about these two at all. If one has a provable mental illlness, OK, but the other one is not deserving of one ounce of mercy.


Why? That's exactly what they'd want.


They'd consider themselves martyrs for their cause and the news coverage would be used for extremist propaganda. Having to rot in jail for the rest of their lives is probably the best outcome.

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I know they're entitled to it. My point was I don't know how they can sleep at night knowing they're trying, as their job, to get people like these 2 off their charges/lessen their sentences.


Because it's their job.


You don't honestly think they'd enjoy doing it, or being associated with those two do you?

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I know they're entitled to it. My point was I don't know how they can sleep at night knowing they're trying, as their job, to get people like these 2 off their charges/lessen their sentences.


They can sleep at night because they are an essential part of the justice system.


I think the sentences for these two scumbags is about right, hopefully they will both die inside. There should be more whole life sentences handed out.

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Because even c***s have human rights.


That's not a very intelligent comment. You seem to have this strange idea the defence lawyers are defending these two because they condone their actions or share their beliefs or something similar. LOL if anything I feel sorry for the poor sods who got lumbered trying to defend those two. Their entitled lawyers by British law and that's not decided by anyone's personal feelings of them, and history has repeatedly shown thank **** that is the case.





Why? That's exactly what they'd want.


They'd consider themselves martyrs for their cause and the news coverage would be used for extremis propaganda. Having to rot in jail for the rest of their lives is probably the best outcome.


Agree because I think that is much harder on there warped minds then a quick murder for revenge we would be sinking to there levels of thuggery and has they want death let's not make them martyrs .I expect they will top themselves in the end.


Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk

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Why? That's exactly what they'd want.


They'd consider themselves martyrs for their cause and the news coverage would be used for extremist propaganda. Having to rot in jail for the rest of their lives is probably the best outcome.

Alternatively, they could have a life-time of converting and preaching to fellow inmates, feeding off their notoriety and can and will class themselves as martyrs, all well fed and clothed, paid for by us for the next 50 years.

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Because it's their job.


You don't honestly think they'd enjoy doing it, or being associated with those two do you?


They can sleep at night because they are an essential part of the justice system.


I think the sentences for these two scumbags is about right, hopefully they will both die inside. There should be more whole life sentences handed out.

His point is correct, it is a very weird, tough job, I can't see how anyone can deal with that day in day out, I'm still fully aware why it's an essential part of our justice system.
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Why? That's exactly what they'd want.


They'd consider themselves martyrs for their cause and the news coverage would be used for extremist propaganda. Having to rot in jail for the rest of their lives is probably the best outcome.


Or is it the case that this martyr thing is really just propaganda to make everybody think that the imprisonment for an indefinite term is the greater punishment by denying them a supposed martyrdom? In reality they are probably thinking that they fooled the gullible liberal Westerners into letting them live and some opportunity will be created in the future whereby their fellow fanatics will create a hostage situation and try to bargain for their release.


I'm all for giving them what they want. After all it's what I want too, so win/win.

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Here's hoping. Shame we don't have the death penalty for cases like this. I can understand that it might not be imposed where there is reasonable doubt about whether the accused did it, but there was absolutely no doubt about these two at all. If one has a provable mental illlness, OK, but the other one is not deserving of one ounce of mercy.


if there is "reasonable doubt as to whether the accused did it" that would surely mean they would be acquitted

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Alternatively, they could have a life-time of converting and preaching to fellow inmates, feeding off their notoriety and can and will class themselves as martyrs, all well fed and clothed, paid for by us for the next 50 years.


No doubt will go on a much publicised hunger strike or try to take the justice system to court for a form of compensation (and win)

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That is an interesting view.

I'm not sure everybody would agree with it.


The finest money can buy, perhaps?


i sometimes think that! I sometimes think it would be much cheaper if they just asked someone v.sensible like me to make the decision + i would let them know within 5 minutes. I've learned from TV that these big court cases are often settled by who has best lawyer, not who is most guilty. I reckon if i just made gut calls overall there would be no less justice.

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- who in our system are deemed innocent until proven guilty of course -

Quaint, but sadly no longer true.


While sitting here typing this reply from somewhere in the Middle East I could very well be picking up a conviction for speeding on the M25

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Alternatively, they could have a life-time of converting and preaching to fellow inmates, feeding off their notoriety and can and will class themselves as martyrs, all well fed and clothed, paid for by us for the next 50 years.


Even if they get fed and clothed, and probably get a playstaion or Sky TV - it would still be thoroughly depressing knowing that you will never be free again. Money well spent IMO.


However I still think there should be special prisons for people like this that are designed to be uncomfortable and include hard labour - I would gladly pay extra tax for that.

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That's what I think, never going to be the case in the UK in 2014 though!


It would make sense to have two types of prisons, one that is geared up to reforming crims that are going to be released and one where we just throw away the key and keep them there for life as cheaply as possible. We should make the whole life sentence apply to more people, not just murderers but other serial criminals who are beyond hope.

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