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Player Contracts

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What could be delaying contract extensions for Cork and Fonte? You would think that these would be quick and easy PR wins in amongst the ****e...


What an utter disaster if we end up losing players like that


In addition, Rodriguez is due a contract extension and has been since he made the appearance threshold in his original contract. Can't see him wanting to sign one now.

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In addition, Rodriguez is due a contract extension and has been since he made the appearance threshold in his original contract. Can't see him wanting to sign one now.


As harsh as it sounds, I can't see us wanting to give him one until we know his knee is recovering. That injury has ended more than one career.

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They'll wait for everything to settle first and it'll be a job the new manager can take part in. That will be an even bigger PR win, shows the club is stable and the players are happy with the new manager. Doing it now, would be silly- what players going to sign a new contract without knowing who's going to be managing them?

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They'll wait for everything to settle first and it'll be a job the new manager can take part in. That will be an even bigger PR win, shows the club is stable and the players are happy with the new manager. Doing it now, would be silly- what players going to sign a new contract without knowing who's going to be managing them?


Both have been happy and ready to sign for months, could and should have been sorted out by now. I very much doubt that anything which is happening is all part of some planned PR crusade.

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Just wait until next week when the papers come out...



Still nothing in the offing for either of them. Easy chance for a bit of positive news here but no attempts as of yet. Shameful really.



which papers ?

perhaps we're waiting for a new supply of watches or stuffed toys or whatever, perhaps we've mislaid the club's only pen.

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Contracts have been withdrawn for both. They were on the table.


Fonte is next out of the door, apparently.



right, we'll believe it all when we see it then, that would just give the impression that they are deliberately extracting the urite and that they've hired Baghdad Bob to front it all until the U17s turn up in the PL squad in August..

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If we lose players like Fonte and Cork then we really are ****ed

Very true Charles. Very true. Losing players to Man U, Man C, Chelsea, Arsenal, Liverpool and perhaps Spurs is inevitable IMO, those clubs have far much more to offer than Saints do. So when they come calling, those players will go 99% of the time. Fonte and Cork in all likelihood won't go to one of them; yet if they leave us for any other club it's a sign that we're just as inconsequential as we've always been. I thought at least that the days of losing players to the likes of Everton, Villa, Newcastle and Sunderland might be behind us. We'll see if that was misguided.

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Contracts have been withdrawn for both. They were on the table.


Fonte is next out of the door, apparently.


So the board have taken a tough negotiating stance? Christ, they are ****ed either way.


Surprised nobody has mentioned that Boruc and Steven Davis contract are up as well.

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Contracts have been withdrawn for both. They were on the table.


Fonte is next out of the door, apparently.


Would be on the same level as Lambert going IMO. Another hero out the door. Fonte should be here for the rest of his career given what he's done and how much of an influence he is in the dressing room

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Would be on the same level as Lambert going IMO. Another hero out the door. Fonte should be here for the rest of his career given what he's done and how much of an influence he is in the dressing room


So would you pay him what he wants or what you are prepared to pay

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From memory both Cork and Fonte's deals were when we were in the Championship. Perhaps we are not offering them the pay rise they had assumed they were in line for?


Sounds more like we havent offered anything or even spoken to them about it, which is plain mental. Both really good solid PL pros.

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From Journo Joe Batchelor..


Can't promise...but look out for some big quotes from a certain #saintsfc CB in papers tomorrow. The one that rhymes with Harry Belafonte.


Thanks for warning I'll strap myself in for this week's bumpy ride through to the calm of next sunday, that is once I manage to squeeze the extra £300 Saints ticket office took off me for renewal.

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Would be on the same level as Lambert going IMO. Another hero out the door. Fonte should be here for the rest of his career given what he's done and how much of an influence he is in the dressing room


Over the top in my view. If we are to move to the next level then sadly Fonte is not good enough.

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Over the top in my view. If we are to move to the next level then sadly Fonte is not good enough.


selling lambert, lallana and probably shaw tells you all you need to know about moving on to the 'next level'


we wont be buying a better left back and attacking midfielder, for starters

fonte has had an excellent season. Why on earth would the club let him go


if we have to replace 4-5 first team players AND add to the squad with other departures

we will go down IMO

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give it a rest will you


Sorry for passing on what I heard, and I'm sorry it's not positive, shiny and sparkly.


We should not be getting rid of Fonte and we should be signing him up long-term. There is no next level for us to move to, so we need to retain players like Fonte and Cork - they are more than good enough for us and where we are.

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In a summer of change, solid players like Fonte and Cork become invaluable.


I would say its too much for Fonte to ask for them to at least speak to him.


If we lose the likes of these guys it is almost worse than the Lallana's and Shaw's because you know they love it here and would happily stay. Wouldnt be overly tough negotiations, or ludicrous wages.


Don't blame him at all for going to the press if that is the only other options he thought he had.

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Contracts have been withdrawn for both. They were on the table.


Fonte is next out of the door, apparently.


What is Les Reed playing at? Every time Hockey Ralph or anyone else associated with the cluib is asked about this kind of thing we get told it's his responsibility so what is he playing at?

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Contracts have been withdrawn for both. They were on the table.


Fonte is next out of the door, apparently.


This is insanity. It's one thing to lose players to bigger clubs but this would be shooting ourself in both feet whilst smashing our face in with the recoil of the gun. I'm just about able to deal with us being bullied by the big 4, but I don't think I can watch us self-harm too.

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Why wait for Monday. If you know something why not just come out and say it now. It'd do your street cred a world of good :)

I think from looking back at the previous few posts it is fairly clear as to the content of the reports Armstrong is refering to.


But best wait for the real quotes to get the full picture. Clearly Fonte isn't a happy bunny.


I think SA only has 3 posts and has used them today so lets just wait and see what comes out tomorrow.

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I think from looking back at the previous few posts it is fairly clear as to the content of the reports Armstrong is refering to.


But best wait for the real quotes to get the full picture. Clearly Fonte isn't a happy bunny.


I think SA only has 3 posts and has used them today so lets just wait and see what comes out tomorrow.


Probably going to be a mountain out of a molehill - we'll see.

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Oh and look out of the nauseating, look-at-us-aren't-we-nice-people videos and statements of every player departure. It's all false, it's all bullsh1t from those at the top trying to project the human touch. Shove your nice open letters up your fat arses. T0ssers.

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Oh and look out of the nauseating, look-at-us-aren't-we-nice-people videos and statements of every player departure. It's all false, it's all bullsh1t from those at the top trying to project the human touch. Shove your nice open letters up your fat arses. T0ssers.


Which videos and statements of which player departures?

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Oh and look out of the nauseating, look-at-us-aren't-we-nice-people videos and statements of every player departure. It's all false, it's all bullsh1t from those at the top trying to project the human touch. Shove your nice open letters up your fat arses. T0ssers.


How can you know anything when even those on the inside are in the dark?

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