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Duckhunter and Friends

Lord Duckhunter

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2 hours ago, Antrimsaint said:

Scotland and NI have decided that England and Wales don’t have a veto on what’s best for Scotland and NI hence the imminent destruction of the union.

well done Brexit. To be fair that is a brexit benefit.

We’ll see, hopefully The Sweaties will piss off, but I doubt it. They enjoy moaning and whinging, but I doubt they’ll have the balls to go it alone. As for your mob, they’ll be gone eventually and good riddance. 

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8 minutes ago, Lord Duckhunter said:

We’ll see, hopefully The Sweaties will piss off, but I doubt it. They enjoy moaning and whinging, but I doubt they’ll have the balls to go it alone. As for your mob, they’ll be gone eventually and good riddance. 

Then you’ll have Little England all to yourself. Billy nomates in a sea of blue under seige just the way you like it.

Enjoy the retreat into  your cave.

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11 minutes ago, Antrimsaint said:

Then you’ll have Little England all to yourself. Billy nomates in a sea of blue under seige just the way you like it.

Enjoy the retreat into  your cave.

Don't for a second think that every Englishman thinks like Duckypoos.

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Just now, badgerx16 said:

Don't for a second think that every Englishman thinks like the Duck killer.

Oh of course not, I love England and the English. When I first came here I thought Id found paradise. A country that didn’t care where you came from or what religion you were.

Coming from the sectarian ravaged place I call home and flying into heathrow I was hit with a world of diversity, possibilities and verve. Thats the England I love and it has been up till five years ago. The most tolerant have been shouted down by the culture warriors and backward nostalgists who thought the second world war was Britains finest hour(hint, it wasn’t)

only by standing up to those  who think having a picture of the Queen in every house is what being British means can we try and redress the balance.

 I love England which is why I think its worth fighting for.

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27 minutes ago, Antrimsaint said:

Then you’ll have Little England all to yourself. Billy nomates in a sea of blue under seige just the way you like it.

Enjoy the retreat into  your cave.


NI & Sweatland have been a milestone round our necks for the past 40 years. NI & Sweatland’s sectarianism, whinging  & victim hood belong in a cave. 

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22 minutes ago, Lord Duckhunter said:


NI & Sweatland have been a milestone round our necks for the past 40 years.

What happened in 1971 to upset you ?


Edit: something went wrong with my maths there - 1981, of course.

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1 minute ago, Lord Duckhunter said:


NI & Sweatland have been a milestone round our necks for the past 40 years. NI & Sweatland’s sectarianism, whinging  & victim hood belong in a cave. 


lol. Your belief in English exceptionalism and superiority will cause England to be as influential as Norway or Poland.

Ni and Scotland will rejoin the family of nations and will be outward looking.

England will continue to fall apart and end up as Rome and Athens. A shadow of itself shouting at the waves as Canute once did.

Be very careful what you wish for. My guess. Permanent seat on the UN Security Council to go soon.

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12 minutes ago, Antrimsaint said:

Oh of course not, I love England and the English. When I first came here I thought Id found paradise. A country that didn’t care where you came from or what religion you were.



The immigration system did care where you came from. If you were from  a white European Country, like Sweden or Holland, you had more rights than if you came from Africa or The Caribbean. Being such a “we are the world” wokie, I’m sure you’ll agree treating everyone alike is a far better system. 

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1 minute ago, Lord Duckhunter said:


The immigration system did care where you came from. If you were from  a white European Country, like Sweden or Holland, you had more rights than if you came from Africa or The Caribbean. Being such a “we are the world” wokie, I’m sure you’ll agree treating everyone alike is a far better system. 

I arrived in 1991 into heathrow as a youngster and what I saw was wonderful diversity which scares you I know.

 I don’t know what a wokie is? Did you mean wookie as in Star Wars?

If so, no,I am a do gooder. That other well known throwaway negative term.

 I believe in doing good as opposed to harm.

so I suppose you could call me woke as in awake to things that have been allowed to exist as the norm for too long like racism, xenophobia, sexism etc.

If you throw around terms such as woke I assume you are “anti woke” and all for racism, xenophobia and sexism. I know which side of History I will fall on.

Enjoy your pony, miss

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10 minutes ago, Antrimsaint said:


lol. Your belief in English exceptionalism and superiority will cause England to be as influential as Norway or Poland.

Ni and Scotland will rejoin the family of nations and will be outward looking.

England will continue to fall apart and end up as Rome and Athens. A shadow of itself shouting at the waves as Canute once did.

Be very careful what you wish for. My guess. Permanent seat on the UN Security Council to go soon.

I think you are going into a tailspin too. Rivalling MLG v Turkish borefest.

maybe you two will get your own thread too? Lighthouse?

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Just now, Lord Duckhunter said:

Is that why you threatened  to call the police lol.


Anyway, I’m done. Brexit has been won and I couldn’t be happier. 

No, Ill repeat, it’s because you are a xenophobe and made a xenophobic remark. It really does  leak out of your head doesn’t it?

Brexit is the loss that keeps on giving.

 I am glad you are done. Like all bullies you run out of ideas and run home to lick your wounds. Run home now to mummy and I’ll  be here when you’re ready.

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35 minutes ago, Antrimsaint said:

Permanent seat on the UN Security Council to go soon.

Almost impossible for 2 reasons; firstly the 5 permanent member states have to reach a concensus that one of them is to be removed, and then a 2/3rds majority of the UN member states must support it. The only time it has happened was when the Peoples Republic of China took over the seat originally granted to the Nationalist Chinese ( Taiwan ), as they were clearly the true Government of China.

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46 minutes ago, Lord Duckhunter said:

Let’s see how outward looking these countries are on 12th.








I'm sure you've got a point - its just that neither you or anybody else know what it is. 


Lewes, Sussex


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3 minutes ago, Antrimsaint said:

Ps why the title change, lost the Brexit argument so change the goalposts is it?

I think Lighthouse responded to Whelk's suggestion that this exchange was taking the other thread off topic, ( though it has tended to meander ), and merited being hived off into it's own arena.

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1 minute ago, badgerx16 said:

I think Lighthouse responded to Whelk's suggestion that this exchange was taking the other thread off topic, ( though it has tended to meander ), and merited being hived off into it's own arena.


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12 minutes ago, suewhistle said:


Clearly because he doesn't like union loving "Sweaties," peace loving "Micks" from the North of Ireland, Mr Fraggle of Wetherspoons,  farmers or fishermen who have all so far lost out big time from Brexit. 

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16 minutes ago, badgerx16 said:

Because now he can have a blue passport, and we can negotiate our own trade deals with Leichtenstein and Iceland.

 My new passport arrived this week. Slightly darker shade than I was hoping for. I was impressed by the tint on the photos, I’d aged less then I though I had, also despite a ten week lead time quoted when we submitted our applications turned out to be just 3 weeks. Superb service which included text and email alerts at each stage of the application process, better than anything I had from the passport office whilst we were in the EU. Surely not a coincidence.

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55 minutes ago, Turkish said:

 My new passport arrived this week. Slightly darker shade than I was hoping for. I was impressed by the tint on the photos, I’d aged less then I though I had, .........

An unexpected Brexit benefit ?

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6 minutes ago, badgerx16 said:

An unexpected Brexit benefit ?

Possibly.  Certainly the increased usage of local green grocers and butchers has helped eradicate the mild anger having to push my the trolley around low income families looking for late afternoon bargains, along with the business recent association I’ve made with an Italian wine importer means I’m no longer having to make a late evening  trip to coop every Friday and Saturday. Th fridge is full of good quality local meat, fish and veg, the wine rack is full. So far so good in my opinion. 

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1 hour ago, Lord Duckhunter said:

Strange that discussing Brexit implications for the continuation of the  union is deemed off topic on a “Brexit post match reaction” thread. Even stranger that it’s titled around the IRA, when the discussion was about July 12th. 

First time we agree I think Muckie

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  • Lighthouse changed the title to Duckhunter and Friends

This post's oompletely off-topic but the thread's swerving all over the road anyway.  The thread about Ian Paisley and this one are ultimately about religiion and how religion is a form of political hegemony. The teachings of the bible and canons of faith are irrelevant to the crazy nut jobs who use religion to justify using fear and violence to get power.  I've said in another thread that I was brought up Catholic. It's impossible for me with that background to be atheist or even agnostic but, having read probably a few thousand scholarly books since my childhood, I do know that the public phenomenon of religion (Catholic or otherwise) has massive limitations that were and are easily and often exploited by the unscrupulous. I can see now why Marx famously said that religion is the opiate of the masses.

No offence intended to any posters here or elsewhere.  Just a random comment after reading these posts.

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1 hour ago, Jeremy said:

 It's impossible for me with that background to be atheist or even agnostic

Like every other person on the planet you were born an atheist. Babies are not Christian, Muslim etc as the indoctrination and brainwashing happens later in life.

How have you determined it to be impossible for you to become an atheist for a second time?

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I agree with your basic proposition that in the natural state we are just sophisticated animals MLG. But two million years of social evolution has changed that for at least some people (such as me) where sustained, simplistic and misconceived religous acculturation has burned out some of the wires in my metasphorical hard-drive and there's no way back for me. I've tried to forget it but can't. I believe in something (concept) called "God" or whatever variously named higher life force or deity because, now, I just do because that was my life experience when i was young and impressionable. Otherwise, as an adult, I can't find much meaning in my life and human existence generally. I know, this resembles mysticisim, but I am what I am. Even the atheist Einstein famously said something like "God doesn't play dice" in response to the probablistc premises of quantum mechanics. 

It's all very complicated whichever way you look at it.

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9 hours ago, Matthew Le God said:

Like every other person on the planet you were born an atheist. Babies are not Christian, Muslim etc as the indoctrination and brainwashing happens later in life.

How have you determined it to be impossible for you to become an atheist for a second time?

No one is born an atheist either 

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Finally becoming a sensible discussion again, thank God 😉. I think most of mankind is susceptible to some kind of indoctrination from birth be it religious or otherwise. I am not a religious person but did get the whole God thing drummed into me at school. As I got older and started thinking for myself it made little or no sense butI remember vividly offering to make a deal with God (if he existed) to save my baby daughters life the night she was born asphyxiated by the umbilical cord and not breathing on her own. She was hand ventilated for one and a half hours and the doctors could have pulled the plug at any time - fortunately she eventually started breathing on her own and celebrates her 25 birthday next month will no lasting ill effects. My rational mind tells me that her survival was down to the skill and dedication of the medical team rather than a personal intervention from the Almighty.

The whole existence thing is very strange when faced with the vast enormity of the universe and it is only rational for entities like us to try and make sense of our place in the scheme of things. By nature we are a superstitious animal so I can see how we have, over thousands of years, built narratives around a higher power to try and make sense of things. All civilisations since Man crawled out of the mud have created something to cede overall power to.

I don’t have a problem with religion per se, but when people start using as a reason to persecute or belittle others then it becomes an issue. We have seen how religious persecution along with racial intolerance (and you only have to look at the likes of Duckhunters posts on here) causes divisions and arguments despite the fact that every single one of us is made of exactly the same stuff and all are a recruit of a chemical reaction in organic tissue.

Human beings are hard wired to protect themselves, their tribes and the future members of their tribes, hence the constant bickering about things like politics, Brexit, football managers etc. The things that have made us the dominant species on this planet at this moment in time are the very things that will see our demise. Whilst religion gives millions some spiritual comfort and moral guidance, it’s very existence comes from the weakness in humans to deal effectively with our own mortality and being. 


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12 minutes ago, Turkish said:

No one is born an atheist either 

An atheist is a person who lacks the belief in the existence of God. Surely we are all blank canvasses at birth and have no belief in anything? Even WUMs on Internet forums are born without a belief system. So how are not all new borns essentially “athiests”?

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2 minutes ago, sadoldgit said:

An atheist is a person who lacks the belief in the existence of God. Surely we are all blank canvasses at birth and have no belief in anything? Even WUMs on Internet forums are born without a belief system. So how are not all new borns essentially “athiests”?

An atheist disbelieves. We're born neutral, ie with neither a belief in a god or religion, nor a disbelief. To suggest that we're born atheist is as nonsensical as suggesting that we're born with belief. 

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10 minutes ago, sadoldgit said:

An atheist is a person who lacks the belief in the existence of God. Surely we are all blank canvasses at birth and have no belief in anything? Even WUMs on Internet forums are born without a belief system. So how are not all new borns essentially “athiests”?

Yes born a blank canvass with no belief or disbelief. You’ve answered your own point. I’m assuming it was you who posted the confused response and the went on to agree with me 😂

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1 minute ago, Turkish said:

Yes born a blank canvass with no belief or disbelief. You’ve answered your own point. I’m assuming it was you who posted the confused response and the went on to agree with me 😂

Glad it's not just me. We're born completely devoid of opinion on race, religion, faith, etc. Everything thereafter is learned, discovered, or imposed. 

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8 minutes ago, egg said:

An atheist disbelieves. We're born neutral, ie with neither a belief in a god or religion, nor a disbelief. To suggest that we're born atheist is as nonsensical as suggesting that we're born with belief. 

That would be an antitheist, atheism is a position of neutrality 

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