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We Are In The Poo


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Back of fag packet maths, but surely we were looking to get rid of or loan of a few more players, like Ewell, Bwp, Skatchel etc, who aren't featuring in the first team, but costing us a packet.


With gates of 15,000, and these boys on the wage bill, administration isn't a million miles away

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Administration will only happen if someone applies to put us into it.


It doesn't just happen suddenly on account of being skint.


Can't see Barclays doing it so that only leaves Norwich Union and they will only be able to do it if we default on the loan notes (assuming we can pay all our trade creditors etc.) - which we may have done; who knows without seeing it and the management accounts? Presumably this year's interest payment on the loan notes is part of the plan of action apparently agreed with Barclays.


The question is: what assumptions were made regarding attendances and player sales/loans when we sat down with Barclays and did the maths?


I can't see the panic button being hit yet. We didn't need to sign Pullis and Gasmi.

Edited by benjii
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I don't think we are retarded enough to sign another player unless either:


a) Other players are leaving in the near future and the deals have been confirmed.

b) We can afford to bring them in based on our current income.


Don't forget that other than Skacel, BWP, Euell and John, we are in effect paying a youth team. Nigh on 20 players on pretty high wages have left and been replaced by about 6 on very low wages.


Our wage bill must surely now be amongst the lowest in this division and we really should be breaking even. If not there is one serious hole in our money pot.

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Administration will only happen if someone applies to put us into it.


It doesn't just happen suddenly on account of being skint.


Can't see Barclays doing it so that only leaves Norwich Union and they will only be able to do it if we default on the loan notes (assuming we can pay all our trade creditors etc.) - which we may have done; who knows without seeing it and the management accounts? Presumably this year's interest payment on the loan notes is part of the plan of action apparently agreed with Barclays.


The question is: what assumptions were made regarding attendances and player sales/loans when we sat down with Barclays and did the maths?


I can't see the panic button being hit yet. We didn't need to sign Pullis and Gasmi.


Well said. But I am amazed that Lowe signed the indifferent Pullis and crocked Gasmi. Which begs the question. Has Lowe lost the plot?

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I don't think we are retarded enough to sign another player unless either:


a) Other players are leaving in the near future and the deals have been confirmed.

b) We can afford to bring them in based on our current income.


Don't forget that other than Skacel, BWP, Euell and John, we are in effect paying a youth team. Nigh on 20 players on pretty high wages have left and been replaced by about 6 on very low wages.


Our wage bill must surely now be amongst the lowest in this division and we really should be breaking even. If not there is one serious hole in our money pot.


But the results aren't good enough, and so the gates are terrible. Lowe must surely have realised that selling the players the fans wanted to see, attendances would tumble.

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But the results aren't good enough, and so the gates are terrible. Lowe must surely have realised that selling the players the fans wanted to see, attendances would tumble.


Which players have been sold that the fans want to see? Davies possibly but I can't think of another.

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Which players have been sold that the fans want to see? Davies possibly but I can't think of another.


Rasiak, Saganowski, Safri and Viafara were all popular with various supporters. Add to that John, Skacel and BWP not being in the first team much and there are several reasons why people might not be so inclided to part with £20+ every weekend.

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Rasiak, Saganowski, Safri and Viafara were all popular with various supporters. Add to that John, Skacel and BWP not being in the first team much and there are several reasons why people might not be so inclided to part with £20+ every weekend.


People don't abstain because those players dont play. They are hardly entertaining are they?

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Rasiak and a confident Saga (not last seasons version) will be missed.


would rather pay to watch Holmes, Lallana, Schneiderlin than Viafara

John and BWP are not out of squad cos sold but cos DMG is playing better and they will likely return at some stage

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People don't abstain because those players dont play. They are hardly entertaining are they?


I bet they do. Especially those that live further away from Southampton for whom it was a real wrench to get to a match. I used to travel down from the East Midlands whenever possible. After Skacel and Rasiak were loaned out in January, I actually decided it really wasn't worth the 8 hour, £70 round trip and only went to a couple more home games.


It's not so much a case of refusing to go because they have left, so much as making the effort to get their as often IMO.

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Have we managed (by some clever trickery, magic or agent) to get rid of Euell?


* Hang on there's lots of people having sex on my television? Not literally "on top" of my television but in the screen bit. What's that all about then?


* Sorry, no rush for an answer about Jason Euell at the moment but I'd like to know if we were saving the worst spent wages in SFC's football history?

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Rasiak, Saganowski, Safri and Viafara were all popular with various supporters. Add to that John, Skacel and BWP not being in the first team much and there are several reasons why people might not be so inclided to part with £20+ every weekend.


Rasiak, Saganowski, Viafara had little or no impact in the side last year so fail to understand why their exclusion would influence someones decision to support their team, how often did they play last season anyway ??

If people are staying away because there are no 'names' playing then that is fickle at best, Saturday aside(65mins anyway) this season has seen our team play decent football with a higher work rate than 50% of those 'names' you speak of, would people really travel to watch Rasiak ?? I do not believe that is the reason people are staying away and the stay aways will return once there is a run of results

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But the results aren't good enough, and so the gates are terrible. Lowe must surely have realised that selling the players the fans wanted to see, attendances would tumble.



There wasn't a day last year when I didn't dream about seeing the players we have sold...



seeing them LEAVE!!! ;)


On a serious note, Rasiak is a shame, Davies a real shame. But between them, the squad bumbled to a pitiful (if highly entertaining on the day) car-crash end to the season.


Bar Davies, EVERY player sold was given some right old fearful hammer on here. Even Safri was lightweight really, Viafara inconsistent, Idiakez crocked, Ostlund erratic, Wright....

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Crocked for a month, not life. AND we arent even paying for him yet. FFS.


FFS we didn't need either player so why add more players when you are trying to get rid of others. Anyway if the loan window has just started what was the point of signing Gasmi until his fitness is proved? This is all a bit surreal!

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FFS we didn't need either player so why add more players when you are trying to get rid of others. Anyway if the loan window has just started what was the point of signing Gasmi until his fitness is proved? This is all a bit surreal!



I don't think you can contract season long loans outside of the official transfer window,Isn't it 3 month maximum in the 'loan window'?

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Rasiak, Saganowski, Viafara had little or no impact in the side last year so fail to understand why their exclusion would influence someones decision to support their team, how often did they play last season anyway ??

If people are staying away because there are no 'names' playing then that is fickle at best, Saturday aside(65mins anyway) this season has seen our team play decent football with a higher work rate than 50% of those 'names' you speak of, would people really travel to watch Rasiak ?? I do not believe that is the reason people are staying away and the stay aways will return once there is a run of results


Look at the numbers. Unfortunately a large number of supporters are not convinced at all by this experiment are they? I have seen Brum in the league, Blackpool and Celtic. In all 3 games we played some pretty football without really looking like scoring enough, In the second half we have been outplayed in all 3 matches. The defending has been awful Killer looks like a shadow of himself, Perry is too small and neither full backs look comfortable. KD has been brilliant. Playing so many youngsters is looking a bit silly frankly, and that's why no one's turning up apart from the hard core'


However, If a few of the players you mentioned were playing with some of the youngsters.........

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I'm sure they wanted to get rid of them, but there haven't been any offers, and there's no way they'd have signed Pekhart, Gasmi, Pulis etc if there was any chance it would push us towards administration.


Hopefully Skacel will want to play now rather than slip away into obscurity. Perhaps they'll terminate contracts instead, who knows.


Can't do that I'm afraid, not if the players concerned don't want to be terminated. Apparently Skacel didn't want to move to Ipswich for less money,so don't really think he'd want to be "terminated" for even less money.

Contracts are a pig huh.

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Back of fag packet maths, but surely we were looking to get rid of or loan of a few more players, like Ewell, Bwp, Skatchel etc, who aren't featuring in the first team, but costing us a packet.


With gates of 15,000, and these boys on the wage bill, administration isn't a million miles away


Just to clarify I do not get paid by the club! :D

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Look at the numbers. Unfortunately a large number of supporters are not convinced at all by this experiment are they? I have seen Brum in the league, Blackpool and Celtic. In all 3 games we played some pretty football without really looking like scoring enough, In the second half we have been outplayed in all 3 matches. The defending has been awful Killer looks like a shadow of himself, Perry is too small and neither full backs look comfortable. KD has been brilliant. Playing so many youngsters is looking a bit silly frankly, and that's why no one's turning up apart from the hard core'


However, If a few of the players you mentioned were playing with some of the youngsters.........


One of the more sensible posts of recent weeks.


Though I'd love to be able to say otherwise, I have seen nothing to make me revise my original prediction of 24th this season. Derby might be worse than us at the moment, but they will sack Jewell soon.

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Look at the numbers. Unfortunately a large number of supporters are not convinced at all by this experiment are they?


However, If a few of the players you mentioned were playing with some of the youngsters.........


The only way to persuade this large number is for them to attend and continue to attend to give this necessary procedure every chance of success and in turn improve the liquidity of the club, are they being convinced by others opinions or their own experiences ?


I take on board your last comment but what few do you factor in, will they be able to play with the current pace of our play ?

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The only way to persuade this large number is for them to attend and continue to attend to give this necessary procedure every chance of success and in turn improve the liquidity of the club, are they being convinced by others opinions or their own experiences ?


I take on board your last comment but what few do you factor in, will they be able to play with the current pace of our play ?


i doubt if we shall see regular crowds of 24K plus at SMS for a while now.

From what I have been able to ascertain financial constraints are really beginning to bite in the UK now across all sectors. A lot of UK residents are carrying far far too much debt and football will be one of the first "luxuries" to go.At 25/30

quid a match for Second Division football it's not on for a lot of people any more.

Think on it, how much have your mortgage repayments gone up this year, what will you cut, your annual holiday or a few football matches?.

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Here's a theory to chew over, controversial as it may be...


Maybe the "financial crisis" isnt quite as bad as we are led to believe, and Lowe is twisting it to make him look like the white knight that came in and rescued us ???


Same thought has crossed my mind over the last few weeks

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It just feels to me that we are paying to see Gielgud and being served up an unknown understudy.


Not only is the cost of watching the youngsters the same as it was to watch established names the season before, but there is no longer any differentiation between watching Blackpool, Doncaster, Swansea rather than Birmingham, Sheffield United and Reading who were in the Premiership last season.


Regardless of how attractive the football might be sporadically, it is simply not value for money when it is costed at the same level as it was in the Premiership for watching youngsters that could have been seen for free last season, playing some teams that would have been priced as "tin" in the old system of Gold, Silver and Bronze pricing that we had for games against Premiership opposition.

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Gasmi and Pulis are now both on our payroll whilst injured. Gasmi is receiving treatment in France but is now our player and contracted and paid by us.


Well I'm not so sure about that but I haven't the full facts to justify what I read yesterday that he'll be paid by Strasbourg until the end of september.


Looked at their ticket prices while I was there,

can't afford any planetary stars on these can you




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People don't abstain because those players dont play. They are hardly entertaining are they?


Anyone who doesnt go to Saints because Rasiak and Saganowski arent at the club anymore need checking over. For a start Lallana and DMG have done more this season so far than those two did in the whole of last....


Ah, that explains why some fans have the players' names printed on their shirts....

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Here's a theory to chew over, controversial as it may be...


Maybe the "financial crisis" isnt quite as bad as we are led to believe, and Lowe is twisting it to make him look like the white knight that came in and rescued us ???


Then he has first to get real. Lowe is living in a day dream. The priority this season (again) is to avoid relegation. In a year's time we have a real chance of doing well with many of the current squad when they will have become older, more experienced and tougher combatants.


He is gambling by spending vital money on two players who are yet more 'might be's'. I can't see Barclays being impressed.

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Then he has first to get real. Lowe is living in a day dream. The priority this season (again) is to avoid relegation. In a year's time we have a real chance of doing well with many of the current squad when they will have become older, more experienced and tougher combatants.


He is gambling by spending vital money on two players who are yet more 'might be's'. I can't see Barclays being impressed.


He has spent virtually nothing (so far) on those 2 players.Less than we got for

Burley moving on, less than we're saving on Burley,Dodd,Gorman,Hoos,Hone,

Lawrie Mac etc etc etc. I doubt if we've paid Strasboug 300K for Morgan yet,

Gasmi is on loan. Their "wages" will be absolutely minimal.I'd stick my neck out and say you could get 3 Morgans and 2 Gasmis for a week of Rasiak's money.

We probabably got decent loan fees for Saga and Rasiak, plus with AAB in group stages of the CL we may be getting a few adds ons on the Saga loan.Strange that we tied up the Gasmi deal after AAB qualified eh,same for Pulis.Read the signs, see facts,associate them with other facts and you'll be

right most times although sometimes 2+2 does seem to make 5.

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Here's a theory to chew over, controversial as it may be...


Maybe the "financial crisis" isnt quite as bad as we are led to believe, and Lowe is twisting it to make him look like the white knight that came in and rescued us ???


Well indeed. Nasty old Wupes is so devious he even managed to get Crouch to publish the last set of plc financial accounts that proved that we are in the financial mire just to perpetuate the myth that we are broke.


Of course Alps, as you well know, Rupes has been able to pull up the false floor of his office at SMS and retrieve that famous bag full of gold and cash that he squirreled away by not 'pushing on' to make us a top 6 team when we were in the Prem so we in fact do not have any money worries at all and would have signed Robinho last night had it not been for the fact that he doesn't like living by the sea.


What colour is the sky in Alpine World? Actaully, I know that one. It's grey, depressive and constantly raining. :rolleyes:

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