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Pride in the club


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As I write this I have England against Egypt on the tv in the background and have just realised that I am not bothered about watching England. I can't bring myself to cheer on John Terry or Ashley Cole (injured, I know) or even many of their team mates who almost condone their poor and irresponsible behaviour.


At present at Southampton we have got a squad of good professionals and it is great to be able to praise a player without having to add an additional line of "if only he didn't" or "if only he hadn't". I struggled to support Dyer and BWP after their antics (and before in all honesty!) and I am just over the moon that at present we have a good club and a set of honest, law abiding, and responsible professionals who seem to realise their role as positive role models.


Long may it continue and, unlike so many other clubs, lets keep making headlines for all the right reasons.

Edited by Scoobysaint
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Is the final July 1st? Methinks Pompey would have gone snap, crackle 'n' pop by then.




Final is July 11th - (very optimistically) booked the 12th off just in case!!! Love Saints but England winning the World Cup would be massive for the country as a whole (as winning the FA Cup would be for the City of Southampton). I'm a pround Englishman, but during the World Cup the amount of non football blokes that take their birds to the pub, paint their face, buy the shirt and generally jump around like over excited screaming retards sums up a lot of what makes me despair for modern "footy". Still takes nothing away from being a pround England fan and having a memory that will stay with me for live ala those that can remember '66.


I'll be watching every game at home on 47 inches of HD away from the face painted screamers.

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As I write this I have England against Egypt on the tv in the background and have just realised that I am not bothered about watching England. I can't bring myself to cheer on John Terry or Ashley Cole (injured, I know) or even many of their team mates who almost condone their poor and irresponsible behaviour.


At present at Southampton we have got a squad of good professionals and it is great to be able to praise a player without having to add an additional line of "if only he didn't" or "if only he hadn't". I struggled to support Dyer and BWP after their antics (and before in all honesty!) and I am just over the moon that at present we have a good club and a set of honest, law abiding, and responsible professionals who seem to realise their role as positive role models.


Long may it continue and, unlike so many other clubs, lets keep making headlines for all the right reasons.


Welcome to my world. Haven't got worked up over England games for years, and certainly care far, far less about england's results than saints'.


Will watch world cup games on telly but may well have a good book on my knee at the same time! (Definitely not John Terry's autobiography.)



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Haven't been bothered about England scores for many years.


In fact, if England come up against a team with an ex-Saint playing I will usually be hoping hoping for the other team to win.


I will follow ex-Saints through the World Cup but will not be bothered in the slightest if I miss the England games, including the final if we get there. Good time to get shopping or vistiting done as the roads will be clear. ;->

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Can't see why some feel they need to chose between their club and the national side.


When Saints, my club, play there's no-one else, when it's England, my country gets my 100% support.


Come the World Cup I'll back my country with a passion equal to that of my club, if they win it I can't believe I would feel any less elation than what I'd feel with Saints lifting a major trophy (probably not the JPT tho!).


How does it go...English by birth, Southampton by the grace of God.

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I must be honest though and say that when we failed to return to the Premiership and were bottom of the Championship last season, I never had an inkling that we would be able to play so well and have so many quality players as we have now.

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Can't see why some feel they need to chose between their club and the national side.


When Saints, my club, play there's no-one else, when it's England, my country gets my 100% support.


Come the World Cup I'll back my country with a passion equal to that of my club, if they win it I can't believe I would feel any less elation than what I'd feel with Saints lifting a major trophy (probably not the JPT tho!).


How does it go...English by birth, Southampton by the grace of God.


Not quite "British by Birth, English by the grace of God"


But my feeling are the same Proud and Fervent about my Country, but I even more Fervent about my Club

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Welcome to my world. Haven't got worked up over England games for years, and certainly care far, far less about england's results than saints'.


Will watch world cup games on telly but may well have a good book on my knee at the same time! (Definitely not John Terry's autobiography.)




Same here. I don't feel England players are representing the country anymore. Besides, about 20 years back I decided that my other country, by family connection, Italy, were worth just as much attention. And they've proved so, ever since.


But really it's Saints and nobody else.

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Don't care about England and probably never will. I love Saints and love the fact that nobody else does apart from Saints fans. I hate football fans who sit in the pub watching football, whos sole care is the result of the game. I've been to Saints games before where we have lost but it doesnt feel like it because i've had such a good day out. These people have no grasp on what being a football fan is and I can't get into their way of "supporting" a team.

Rant Over

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Don't care about England and probably never will. I love Saints and love the fact that nobody else does apart from Saints fans. I hate football fans who sit in the pub watching football, whos sole care is the result of the game. I've been to Saints games before where we have lost but it doesnt feel like it because i've had such a good day out. These people have no grasp on what being a football fan is and I can't get into their way of "supporting" a team.

Rant Over


Spot on mate, i've tried explaining what supporting a club means to some of the Sky fans but they just don't get it.


It's funny since i'm dual nationality too but for years i followed england (going to games etc.) but i just got so ****ed off with all the bull**** and hype that i lost interest. One too many nothing friendlies built up as the biggest game ever, and too many primadona players.


Got to be honest too i've never felt the excitement of saints pompey at any kind of england game.


Oh and i found it really difficult to support an england team with skates in it!

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Can't see why some feel they need to chose between their club and the national side.


When Saints, my club, play there's no-one else, when it's England, my country gets my 100% support.


Come the World Cup I'll back my country with a passion equal to that of my club, if they win it I can't believe I would feel any less elation than what I'd feel with Saints lifting a major trophy (probably not the JPT tho!).


How does it go...English by birth, Southampton by the grace of God.



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As I write this I have England against Egypt on the tv in the background and have just realised that I am not bothered about watching England. I can't bring myself to cheer on John Terry or Ashley Cole (injured, I know) or even many of their team mates who almost condone their poor and irresponsible behaviour.


At present at Southampton we have got a squad of good professionals and it is great to be able to praise a player without having to add an additional line of "if only he didn't" or "if only he hadn't". I struggled to support Dyer and BWP after their antics (and before in all honesty!) and I am just over the moon that at present we have a good club and a set of honest, law abiding, and responsible professionals who seem to realise their role as positive role models.


Long may it continue and, unlike so many other clubs, lets keep making headlines for all the right reasons.


Agree with this. I wont even switch on the World Cup, I reckon.


The England team are like the representative XI of a bunch of scumbag greedy corrupt pigs.


I expect RBS to sign a sponsorship deal any day soon...

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I was at the game last night, England has its fair share of muppets following them. It puts me right off.


Its been announced England will play Japan here in Austria for their last warm-up game before the World Cup.


I am half-tempted to go to ensure my revulsion is complete in advance of the tournament - just to stiffen my resolve not to follow that bunch of w*nkers.


I feel sorry for Capello, but at least he is being paid well..


I am hoping that David Gold of WHU is correct that a couple more PL teams go into admin next season: hopefully by the time we return, it will be a proper football league again.

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Agree with this. I wont even switch on the World Cup, I reckon.


The England team are like the representative XI of a bunch of scumbag greedy corrupt pigs.


I expect RBS to sign a sponsorship deal any day soon...


I must be ferk1ng tired, I actually agreed with Mountain man;)

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Agree with this. I wont even switch on the World Cup, I reckon.


The England team are like the representative XI of a bunch of scumbag greedy corrupt pigs.


I expect RBS to sign a sponsorship deal any day soon...


How can you call yourself a football fan? Ok admittedly I'm not overly bothered about England and how well they do.


But the World Cup is something that a football fan should be excited about and enjoy.


Theres something special about people coming together and representing their countries, and the excitement this breeds amongst fans. The spectacle is, let's face it something we aren't going to experience for at least a few more years whilst we are still kicking around in the lower leagues.


Even forgetting the fact that the England team is made up of over-paid, over-rated, over-hyped, over-preened knuckle-dragging neanderthals. Watching the drama, of the perennial smaller nation over-achieve is something rather enjoyable. Who didn't enjoy South Korea's run in '02? The drama and spectacle of the World Cup offers something to a football fan that no other competition can, and is very special.


To so blindly write it off would make me question anyone that calls themselves a football fan.

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When I watch England I want them to do well and I'm proud to be English, but I never get as excited or as passionate as I do with Saints, nor as dissapointed if we lose.


International tournaments are brilliant, but I generally get excited because it means multiple weeks of constant footie, rather than because it means England have another chance to let the country down.


I went to Germany 2006, saw two games, neither of them England, it was brilliant.


I think it's something to do with the attitude of the England players (a few apart, most look like they don't give a toss) rather than my feelings for my country, because I get far more fired up for an England rugby game than an England footie game.

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Its been announced England will play Japan here in Austria for their last warm-up game before the World Cup.


I am half-tempted to go to ensure my revulsion is complete in advance of the tournament - just to stiffen my resolve not to follow that bunch of w*nkers.


I feel sorry for Capello, but at least he is being paid well..


I am hoping that David Gold of WHU is correct that a couple more PL teams go into admin next season: hopefully by the time we return, it will be a proper football league again.


Walking to and from the game, I heard; No surrender, ten Egyptian bombers on the train, a chav family screaming at a group of Egyptian's on the train, a seven year old shouting 'go back to your ****ing country you ****ing Pakis'.

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Walking to and from the game, I heard; No surrender, ten Egyptian bombers on the train, a chav family screaming at a group of Egyptian's on the train, a seven year old shouting 'go back to your ****ing country you ****ing Pakis'.


This does make me question why anyone is proud to be English. Why are so many so irrational, idiotic, ignorant and blind to the fact that we are so lucky to live in such a cosmopolitan country with such a fantastic melting pot of cultures and people from all over the world.


Despite this, we are disproportionately racist and moronic. Anyone who understand the history of England and Britain should realise that such behaviour goes against what being British is.

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Walking to and from the game, I heard; No surrender, ten Egyptian bombers on the train, a chav family screaming at a group of Egyptian's on the train, a seven year old shouting 'go back to your ****ing country you ****ing Pakis'.


Makes you proud to be English doesn't it?


Lest we forget Marseille, Charleroi and Albufeira.........

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I will certainly be watching the World Cup when it comes around but not with the same passion or interest as in previous years. It may be because we are out of the top flight and a temporarily a little more removed from any England squads. I will certainly be watching the likes of Spain, Italy and Brazil but often I find these teams infuriating due to all the diving and cheating! At least in League one it tends to be a bit more of a mans game.

Back to the World Cup, I think my fondest memories of a World Cup was Italia 90. Still at school, full of wide eyed optimism and belief, unlike now, full of cynicism and irritation. They just don't make international footballers like they used to!

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I will certainly be watching the World Cup when it comes around but not with the same passion or interest as in previous years. It may be because we are out of the top flight and a temporarily a little more removed from any England squads. I will certainly be watching the likes of Spain, Italy and Brazil but often I find these teams infuriating due to all the diving and cheating! At least in League one it tends to be a bit more of a mans game.

Back to the World Cup, I think my fondest memories of a World Cup was Italia 90. Still at school, full of wide eyed optimism and belief, unlike now, full of cynicism and irritation. They just don't make international footballers like they used to!


And Bobby Robson was in charge, what a man he was

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Walking to and from the game, I heard; No surrender, ten Egyptian bombers on the train, a chav family screaming at a group of Egyptian's on the train, a seven year old shouting 'go back to your ****ing country you ****ing Pakis'.


You know what ? That comes as no surprise to me.


I'm done with England. The place is a Third World country with the sh*ttiest health and education services this side of Mozambique, that somehow still thinks it is a big world player.


The surrender of Cadburys really affected me, and I am just waiting until after an election for when Brown, who for some worrying reason I think will squeak back in, surrenders the Falklands to the Argies. Then I think I will change citizenship to Austria.


Football support is soley restricted to Saints first and my local team here second; England does not get a look in. I've watched more Austria games in the past 5 years.

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What is left to be proud of ? Seriously ?


Our teenage pregnancy rate.....our youth crime/knife crime....our ability to beat old age pensioners up for a few pounds...our dirty streets.....our potholed roads....our jail population.....our cheating MP's.....our stealth taxes....our poor broadband speed......our heavily taxed fuel...


Why the list is endless, of reasons to be proud. But on sport, I agree about the footballs, but will always support the fringe sports.

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Definitely one in the Club over country gang.


If there is an ex Saint in the team then I'd be hoping they do well, but to be honest i wouldn't bust a gut to watch an England match, especially a crap friendly, or feel bad if i couldn't watch it. Maybe that will change a little for the actual World Cup once it gets underway.


Saints to win The JPT or England to win The World Cup? ...... Saints edge it, Saints promoted via the playoffs v England World Cup Winners ..... Saints by a country mile!!


Not that I'll be back, but loads of Flag of St George's displayed across the country and pubs festooned with flags etc and packed to the rafters would be nice, until the ritual of smashing up Volkswagons, Renaults or Fiats (depending who knocks us out on penalties :cool:) begins.


The best bit of The World Cup is the lecherous camera men zooming in on scantily clad women, especially when Brazil are playing :D

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