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I am a Happy Clapper ... Or am I


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I am a happy clapper or am I?

When you don’t agree with certain posters on here this is what you get called, what it actually normally means is they don’t have a valid argument to your opinion.

These negative posters criticise & use the weakest excuses, & go from game to game ALWAYS finding SOMETHING to moan, whinge criticise about.

It is ALMOST as if the change in status we have had in the year FRUSTRATES them more than pleases them. Why?

Am I a happy clapper though? Do I appreciate the good times & good feelings are on the way back? Yes I do. Do I feel we are lucky to be where we are now? Yes! But that doesn’t make me want the club to do better, it also doesn’t mean when we lose that I don’t s get angry & frustrated scream at team / manager / chairman lol .. BUT I CAN keep things in perspective .

Should we of chased for Playoff’s this season? Yes too right we should.

Is missing out disappointing & upsetting hell yes!!

Is it a disaster? NO

Has AP failed as a manager? NO

Have the “team let us down? NO far from it, I have had some of the greatest moments at saints games for years this year love being at the ground there is a buzz around the club, eager fans looking forward to kick off . It’s a great feeling.


The argument about negativity/ happy clappers drives me nuts to be frank. WHY do certain posters believe football is so one dimensional? Because apparently you can’t saviour or enjoy what we have & WANT success or improvement at the same time. IF we break down the arguments you would believe that Man utd/ Chelsea/Arsenal never lose OR draw!& deffo never concede “soft” goals”. Football if their opinion is to be believed would be very boring to watch because those that spent MORE would never lose? & defiantly never draw! & Sky the BBC & ITV & ESPN wouldn’t pay MILLIONS for the rights to show it!

Apparently having NO preseason of any use is not a relevant argument to the fact we are so far behind still playing catch up. So next season shall we give the players a break & tell em to report back on the opening day of season? Don’t be ridiculous of course it had an impact BUT we did spend but we bought players, not time not points not extra games. Confidence & belief WAS missing at season start, is it there now? I think so! Where is the winning mentality.. This isn’t about winning the games, this is actually about thinking believing wanting & desiring the win .. sometimes it just doesn’t happen. But this too I believe is there now.

Some fans fork out to away games as well as home games or just go to away games, they have the longest of trips, sing their hearts out & do us really proud ( have heard them) they then of course have the horrid deflated journey back after the draws.( or dreaded defeats ) Some often then post their views on game. I personally like these ( not something I could even begin to do) So thanks for these. When these posts then get hijacked with more whinging & often slating of the views of attendees .. how arrogant! How rude . how pathetic!!

When in the middle of the good run of form we had all be it briefly, they bleated on about fact we conceded a rubbish ( easy goal) this is before the highlights before analysis & based on what? NOTHING it’s just that they WANT to whinge we have all even seen the moaning start 7 mins into a game on here .

I do NOT object to people who criticise the team when they play crap! I don’t mind people differing opinion to anything to be honest. The problem I have ( and others clearly) is when certain posters jump on the team/the manager/the travelling fans opinions/ but don’t back it up when things DO go right! Or worse still they lambast everything as a NEW team we are starting to achieve & haven’t ever actually seen them!! & then when you point this out they use the oh so we can’t have an opinion if we do go ( oh pleaseeeeeeeeeee grow up) of course you can but do you really need & want to nag nag nag nag nag & the real sadness is you don’t ever seem happy when we have a great win!!


Flame away .. but that’s how I feel!

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I am a happy clapper or am I?

When you don’t agree with certain posters on here this is what you get called, what it actually normally means is they don’t have a valid argument to your opinion.

These negative posters criticise & use the weakest excuses, & go from game to game ALWAYS finding SOMETHING to moan, whinge criticise about.

It is ALMOST as if the change in status we have had in the year FRUSTRATES them more than pleases them. Why?

Am I a happy clapper though? Do I appreciate the good times & good feelings are on the way back? Yes I do. Do I feel we are lucky to be where we are now? Yes! But that doesn’t make me want the club to do better, it also doesn’t mean when we lose that I don’t s get angry & frustrated scream at team / manager / chairman lol .. BUT I CAN keep things in perspective .

Should we of chased for Playoff’s this season? Yes too right we should.

Is missing out disappointing & upsetting hell yes!!

Is it a disaster? NO

Has AP failed as a manager? NO

Have the “team let us down? NO far from it, I have had some of the greatest moments at saints games for years this year love being at the ground there is a buzz around the club, eager fans looking forward to kick off . It’s a great feeling.


The argument about negativity/ happy clappers drives me nuts to be frank. WHY do certain posters believe football is so one dimensional? Because apparently you can’t saviour or enjoy what we have & WANT success or improvement at the same time. IF we break down the arguments you would believe that Man utd/ Chelsea/Arsenal never lose OR draw!& deffo never concede “soft” goals”. Football if their opinion is to be believed would be very boring to watch because those that spent MORE would never lose? & defiantly never draw! & Sky the BBC & ITV & ESPN wouldn’t pay MILLIONS for the rights to show it!

Apparently having NO preseason of any use is not a relevant argument to the fact we are so far behind still playing catch up. So next season shall we give the players a break & tell em to report back on the opening day of season? Don’t be ridiculous of course it had an impact BUT we did spend but we bought players, not time not points not extra games. Confidence & belief WAS missing at season start, is it there now? I think so! Where is the winning mentality.. This isn’t about winning the games, this is actually about thinking believing wanting & desiring the win .. sometimes it just doesn’t happen. But this too I believe is there now.

Some fans fork out to away games as well as home games or just go to away games, they have the longest of trips, sing their hearts out & do us really proud ( have heard them) they then of course have the horrid deflated journey back after the draws.( or dreaded defeats ) Some often then post their views on game. I personally like these ( not something I could even begin to do) So thanks for these. When these posts then get hijacked with more whinging & often slating of the views of attendees .. how arrogant! How rude . how pathetic!!

When in the middle of the good run of form we had all be it briefly, they bleated on about fact we conceded a rubbish ( easy goal) this is before the highlights before analysis & based on what? NOTHING it’s just that they WANT to whinge we have all even seen the moaning start 7 mins into a game on here .

I do NOT object to people who criticise the team when they play crap! I don’t mind people differing opinion to anything to be honest. The problem I have ( and others clearly) is when certain posters jump on the team/the manager/the travelling fans opinions/ but don’t back it up when things DO go right! Or worse still they lambast everything as a NEW team we are starting to achieve & haven’t ever actually seen them!! & then when you point this out they use the oh so we can’t have an opinion if we do go ( oh pleaseeeeeeeeeee grow up) of course you can but do you really need & want to nag nag nag nag nag & the real sadness is you don’t ever seem happy when we have a great win!!


Flame away .. but that’s how I feel!


I think a happy clapper is someone who continually suggests that promotion is possible this season and then complains when others with possibly more realistic ideas disagree.



I think a happy clapper is someone who continually complains when others suggests that the team is not performing well.



I think a happy clapper is someone who thinks automatic promotion next season is a foregone conclusion.



Personally I am happy the club is doing well


This season has been one of the best in the last twenty years and I have watched more games than usual and hope for a better one next

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You have no right to such an opinion with less than 100 posts! ;)


Seriously though I agree with you 100%. I think the problem is that only a very small minority, perhaps just half a dozen posters are serial whingers. I've put some of them on ignore but others keep on quoting them :mad:

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I would love to respond, but being a mere "expat", I am completely out of touch with what is happening and can only say that things aren't as good as they used to be :(, so take no notice of my outdated, ill informed opinions. ;)


You don't have to be Happy Clappy to feel good about what has happened to The Club over the last 7 months or so, just a normal Saints fan.


It is great to hear that people are actually enjoying going to matches again, and doing so with a smile on their face, rather than just going through the motions with a feeling of dread before each game, as per the previous 5 years or so.


The great thing is , that the level of expectation has risen, maybe be to an unrealistic level too quickly, and when the unrealistic target hasn't been reached then people forget just how low (e) we'd sunk, and start sniping away.


Yep the recent away games with the exception of Norwich have failed to yield the desired and expected wins, but an overall total of just 3 away defeats in 19 games since the end of August isn't too shabby really is it?

The problem with so many draws is that it means we are either very close to being a totally crap team if they'd been loses or world beaters if they'd been wins .... I know which side of the fence I tending towards ... at the fear of being branded happy clappy ;) Rather that than wrist slitting like some on here, who'd call for APs head even after a Pools Panel defeat :p


Don't worry about being labelled Happy Clappy, just carry on enjoying the moment whilst you (we) can.

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Your name suggests you are A Bishop Basher, A Chicken Choker or A Monkey Spanker :p


Admittedly all involve the use of the palm of your hand, but for a different end result :D


I once had the highest score on spank the monkey, then one of the mods/admin reset the scores :( Think I still have the highest score on Mad Shark.

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Just put Glasgow_Saint on ignore. It works wonders. He is a troll, don;t rise to him. He reminds me of that poster that was shown to be a troll and linked with films or something, someone related to one of the former dictators, sorry, directors. Can't recall his username, long since forgotten his dribble, put Glasgow_Saint on ignore, like most people have, and just talk to Saints fans.

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OK, a happy clapper is someone for whatever reason is a top nob goody goody, he will go grassing to the steward, then go finger pointing like a cry baby he is, he will keep telling you about ground regulations, he will look like a Xmas tree & jump up & down like a big fairy, he will never be disloyal to his boyfriend.

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Just put Glasgow_Saint on ignore. It works wonders. He is a troll, don;t rise to him. He reminds me of that poster that was shown to be a troll and linked with films or something, someone related to one of the former dictators, sorry, directors. Can't recall his username, long since forgotten his dribble, put Glasgow_Saint on ignore, like most people have, and just talk to Saints fans.


+1 I have as well....troll


I came away from the last 2 home games feeling far better than I have done in many years. Having sat through the dross

we have endured in the last few seasons it was brilliant.

Saturday was no surprise....its what we have always done and will continue to do....I felt totally deflated but come Saturday

will be back believing we can beat Leeds.


We ALL want to be up a division but that doesn't stop us having to go through highs and lows, no team has the right to automatically go up and we have to earn it.

We are rebuilding slowly and for the first time in many years I enjoy going why is that wrong...even if it is the 3rd division?

Is it better being a Hull supporter right now getting stuffed every week?

Edited by Give it to Ron
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Here you go again. Dismissing the opinions of people who don't agree with yours.


Apparently the way to deal with those that have alternative opinion is to add said to your ignore list.


Just think if you add everyone that has a different opinion you can all chat in ‘happy land’ you could even kiss and cuddle each other in celebration of a world where EVERYONE agrees. It really would be amazing. :smt059


How sad!

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Apparently the way to deal with those that have alternative opinion is to add said to your ignore list.


Just think if you add everyone that has a different opinion you can all chat in ‘happy land’ you could even kiss and cuddle each other in celebration of a world where EVERYONE agrees. It really would be amazing. :smt059


How sad!


I'm the only one left who hasn't got you on ignore.


Now get back to work!

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Apparently the way to deal with those that have alternative opinion is to add said to your ignore list.


Just think if you add everyone that has a different opinion you can all chat in ‘happy land’ you could even kiss and cuddle each other in celebration of a world where EVERYONE agrees. It really would be amazing. :smt059


How sad!


At least there is a COUNTRY where everyone agrees - the one where everyone thinks you are a tosser. You've been living in Scotland too long.

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Someone has quoted him again and I am going to have to respond.


GS, what you (and Alpine) clearly don't understand is that it's not the fact that you have opposing views, rather the way you express them and how that the majority of the time they are negative. You come across as someone who revels in the negativity and almost seem to enjoy moaning. Do you actually gain any pleasure from this forum?


For me as someone who rarely attends away games it is always interesting to read the 'Back from the game' thread to see the balanced views of those who actually attend the game. It's a shame when these threads get hijacked by the whingers who didn't attend.


I don't consider myself to be a happy clappy. Back in December I was of the opinion that although we were winning games we were playing poorly. That performance level has improved and I believe we are now playing well. But there is still more room for improvement. However I am thoroughly enjoying this season and I make no apology for that.

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Someone has quoted him again and I am going to have to respond.


GS, what you (and Alpine) clearly don't understand is that it's not the fact that you have opposing views, rather the way you express them and how that the majority of the time they are negative. You come across as someone who revels in the negativity and almost seem to enjoy moaning. Do you actually gain any pleasure from this forum?


For me as someone who rarely attends away games it is always interesting to read the 'Back from the game' thread to see the balanced views of those who actually attend the game. It's a shame when these threads get hijacked by the whingers who didn't attend.


I don't consider myself to be a happy clappy. Back in December I was of the opinion that although we were winning games we were playing poorly. That performance level has improved and I believe we are now playing well. But there is still more room for improvement. However I am thoroughly enjoying this season and I make no apology for that.


I know you are not a happy clapper but you are beginning to sound like one you dont have to attend to have opinions I watch the Saints once a month but I post most of the time

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I know you are not a happy clapper but you are beginning to sound like one you dont have to attend to have opinions I watch the Saints once a month but I post most of the time


You are correct of course, but when certain posters make assumptions based on the match stats/ radio commentary when those of us at the game could see they are completely wrong, it is a little annoying.

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Don't know what everybody gets all worked up about, everyone is entitled to their opinions. If they put them badly then just picture them at the keyboard as they are typing, works a treat.


Marvin The Paranoid Android always springs to mind for some reason

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I know you are not a happy clapper but you are beginning to sound like one you dont have to attend to have opinions I watch the Saints once a month but I post most of the time


Hey I hopped I had made it clear I don't think people have to attend to have an opinion if I implied otherwise I retract it that was NOT my point.

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I am a happy clapper or am I?

When you don’t agree with certain posters on here this is what you get called, what it actually normally means is they don’t have a valid argument to your opinion.

These negative posters criticise & use the weakest excuses, & go from game to game ALWAYS finding SOMETHING to moan, whinge criticise about.

It is ALMOST as if the change in status we have had in the year FRUSTRATES them more than pleases them. Why?

Am I a happy clapper though? Do I appreciate the good times & good feelings are on the way back? Yes I do. Do I feel we are lucky to be where we are now? Yes! But that doesn’t make me want the club to do better, it also doesn’t mean when we lose that I don’t s get angry & frustrated scream at team / manager / chairman lol .. BUT I CAN keep things in perspective .

Should we of chased for Playoff’s this season? Yes too right we should.

Is missing out disappointing & upsetting hell yes!!

Is it a disaster? NO

Has AP failed as a manager? NO

Have the “team let us down? NO far from it, I have had some of the greatest moments at saints games for years this year love being at the ground there is a buzz around the club, eager fans looking forward to kick off . It’s a great feeling.


The argument about negativity/ happy clappers drives me nuts to be frank. WHY do certain posters believe football is so one dimensional? Because apparently you can’t saviour or enjoy what we have & WANT success or improvement at the same time. IF we break down the arguments you would believe that Man utd/ Chelsea/Arsenal never lose OR draw!& deffo never concede “soft” goals”. Football if their opinion is to be believed would be very boring to watch because those that spent MORE would never lose? & defiantly never draw! & Sky the BBC & ITV & ESPN wouldn’t pay MILLIONS for the rights to show it!

Apparently having NO preseason of any use is not a relevant argument to the fact we are so far behind still playing catch up. So next season shall we give the players a break & tell em to report back on the opening day of season? Don’t be ridiculous of course it had an impact BUT we did spend but we bought players, not time not points not extra games. Confidence & belief WAS missing at season start, is it there now? I think so! Where is the winning mentality.. This isn’t about winning the games, this is actually about thinking believing wanting & desiring the win .. sometimes it just doesn’t happen. But this too I believe is there now.

Some fans fork out to away games as well as home games or just go to away games, they have the longest of trips, sing their hearts out & do us really proud ( have heard them) they then of course have the horrid deflated journey back after the draws.( or dreaded defeats ) Some often then post their views on game. I personally like these ( not something I could even begin to do) So thanks for these. When these posts then get hijacked with more whinging & often slating of the views of attendees .. how arrogant! How rude . how pathetic!!

When in the middle of the good run of form we had all be it briefly, they bleated on about fact we conceded a rubbish ( easy goal) this is before the highlights before analysis & based on what? NOTHING it’s just that they WANT to whinge we have all even seen the moaning start 7 mins into a game on here .

I do NOT object to people who criticise the team when they play crap! I don’t mind people differing opinion to anything to be honest. The problem I have ( and others clearly) is when certain posters jump on the team/the manager/the travelling fans opinions/ but don’t back it up when things DO go right! Or worse still they lambast everything as a NEW team we are starting to achieve & haven’t ever actually seen them!! & then when you point this out they use the oh so we can’t have an opinion if we do go ( oh pleaseeeeeeeeeee grow up) of course you can but do you really need & want to nag nag nag nag nag & the real sadness is you don’t ever seem happy when we have a great win!!


Flame away .. but that’s how I feel!


An excellent post and although whilst reading it I didn't agree with everything that was being said or at least the way in which it was trying to be said, the sentiment of the message was very clear and I agree 100% with it.

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Hey I hopped I had made it clear I don't think people have to attend to have an opinion if I implied otherwise I retract it that was NOT my point.


I think John B was suggesting that I was starting to sound like an HC. :o


Of course people who don't attend matches should be able to post but it would be nice if the 'back from the game' thread was just that.

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Its not what you said - but how you said it? Are you a girl?


Another incite-full view from GS, always adding to the debate....did you miss understand that a forum was supposed to be a mass-debate....or are you just a wan***


I agree with the original post, some who have a higher post count seem to think they are entitled to belittle those that post less, although it is because of the belittling that others post less, hence a less reasoned debate from a wider range of people.

Everyone seems to be put in a box depending on the trolls view of how they are perceived!

(this doesn't apply to all high count posters mind)

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Someone has quoted him again and I am going to have to respond.


GS, what you (and Alpine) clearly don't understand is that it's not the fact that you have opposing views, rather the way you express them and how that the majority of the time they are negative. You come across as someone who revels in the negativity and almost seem to enjoy moaning. Do you actually gain any pleasure from this forum?


For me as someone who rarely attends away games it is always interesting to read the 'Back from the game' thread to see the balanced views of those who actually attend the game. It's a shame when these threads get hijacked by the whingers who didn't attend.


I don't consider myself to be a happy clappy. Back in December I was of the opinion that although we were winning games we were playing poorly. That performance level has improved and I believe we are now playing well. But there is still more room for improvement. However I am thoroughly enjoying this season and I make no apology for that.


You f**king what ?


The amount of personal abuse that GS, TDD, myself and others get for commenting on the team is staggering, and you have the balls to write that ?

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Its not what you said - but how you said it? Are you a girl?


NOOO He's just a poster who has the ability to use & think about respect of others opinions. Having seen other posts clearly has the ability to admit when wrong too. If being better mannerd & considerate makes people a "girl" .. need I say more? I think not

your post here if I could sum it up & relate it to football .. I would say it was an OWN GOAL

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I think a happy clapper is someone who continually suggests that promotion is possible this season and then complains when others with possibly more realistic ideas disagree.



I think a happy clapper is someone who continually complains when others suggests that the team is not performing well.



I think a happy clapper is someone who thinks automatic promotion next season is a foregone conclusion.




Reckon that is a fair summary.

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Another incite-full view from GS, always adding to the debate....did you miss understand that a forum was supposed to be a mass-debate....or are you just a wan***


I agree with the original post, some who have a higher post count seem to think they are entitled to belittle those that post less, although it is because of the belittling that others post less, hence a less reasoned debate from a wider range of people.

Everyone seems to be put in a box depending on the trolls view of how they are perceived!

(this doesn't apply to all high count posters mind)


Agreed & the frustrating thing from the short time I have been here is that most DO have valid points about things .. BUT that's not the issue I have ..

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I find happy clappers quite rude and arrogant.


Part of me regrets giving them the name 'happy' as they are generally not happy, just like to say they are.


you are negative and a troll n stuff. Please don't comment on HC's if your opinion doesn't fall in line

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At least there is a COUNTRY where everyone agrees - the one where everyone thinks you are a tosser. You've been living in Scotland too long.


Well said, 99% of his 7040 something posts are of him being a git

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All depends on your expectations - very high and despite good results such as Walsall, NOorwich and Hudersfield, there will a shed load of dissapointment after Tranmere... mostfans I thin have gone from having expectations of consolidation and mid tabel rebuild at the start, having had most of the optimism knocked out of us after the previous seasons, and after the first 10 games thought that that was afir ambition in a rebuild season.


BUt as is typical and RIGHT of fans when we see the improvements and also game sin which we excel, our expectations are rapidly reevaluated - hope afterall is the biggest factor in football, its what drives fans to keep going back year on year despite what happens - and so when we see the way we 'can' play, anything that fails to live up is dissapointing.


This is, if I compare how I felt at teh start of the season, eg if someone had said top 10, but in reality playoff form if we had not had the -10, I would have taken it and been more than happy.... but having now seen waht we ARE capable of and not just on a 'good day' but because of teh players we have and the investment we have made, I must adit I would be dissapointed if we dont make them...but not so dissappinted that its worth a chnage of manager, far from it - the progress we have made in the performance level means he has more than justified a real go next season...IMHO

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Just put Glasgow_Saint on ignore. It works wonders. He is a troll, don;t rise to him. He reminds me of that poster that was shown to be a troll and linked with films or something, someone related to one of the former dictators, sorry, directors. Can't recall his username, long since forgotten his dribble, put Glasgow_Saint on ignore, like most people have, and just talk to Saints fans.


Does not work when people continue to quote the saddo.

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With regards to the OP/Thread - tend to find that those with more posts tend to have a bit of history with certain posters and that too many people tend to argue with the poster than discuss the actual thread.


I have followed this site for a while but have only really started posting recently and already have picked up an idea of who the 'moaners' are supposed to be and who the 'happy clappers' are supposed to be and who is whose arch-nemesis etc... and its a shame because when you read individual posts on most occassions they all have something of interest to say that gets lost in personal agendas.


It would be nice to have balanced debate without being labelled troll/moaner OR happy clapper but its difficult - too many people want to see things as black or white - Shame really but i suppose thats the curse of the internet.


When I post i try to envisage how i would argue my point across a table in a pub over a pint or two - find this helps keep some of the abuse out of the posts - would be nice if some posters could think the same.

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I think a happy clapper is someone who continually suggests that promotion is possible this season and then complains when others with possibly more realistic ideas disagree.


>>Yes that's fair, BUT by happy clapper I was refering to people who others insult purly because they dont have the opinion we SHOULD be going up or in the top 6 by now. Yet are content that we are progressing .. Aiming higher is GREAT we should ALWAYS aim higher .. but The posters are refer to & your NOT one of these tho lol


I think a happy clapper is someone who continually complains when others suggests that the team is not performing well.


>> Nope not the type i'm thinking of either if we are playing crap lets say we are playing crap. That wasn't what I was getting at.



I think a happy clapper is someone who thinks automatic promotion next season is a foregone conclusion.



>> Agree here too, there are things we desperatly need to improve on for us to get any better than where we are now!


Personally I am happy the club is doing well


This season has been one of the best in the last twenty years and I have watched more games than usual and hope for a better one next


>> So do I Have had a fab time at the games & the mood is better which also adds to it all ..



To try in put in context who it was aimed at ...


August 2011 we are starting in CCC .. we got promoted we had a good summer in transfer market .. it's 5 past 3 on the first Saturday .. The "mood" should be vibrant & optomistic . BUT you just know we will already have the same old posters telling us the manager ( who ever it is is rubbish, its a poor start .. etc etc etc Many seem to confuse ambition/expectation desire & right The truth is in football it has never matterd how much you spend you still WILL lose you still will concede goals & you will still go through a poor spell every season ..

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God im so sick of these threads. Every week we have one started about 'the negative people' or 'the happy clappers' or 'the people who dont go to games' etc bloody etc.


Cant we just talk about FOOTBALL and accept that people have differing views? ffs a forum where we all agree wouldnt be a forum!

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God im so sick of these threads. Every week we have one started about 'the negative people' or 'the happy clappers' or 'the people who dont go to games' etc bloody etc.


Cant we just talk about FOOTBALL and accept that people have differing views? ffs a forum where we all agree wouldnt be a forum!



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