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worst ref in 35 years


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You've completely missed the point of what I was saying. As if I would dig at peoples attendances (apart from people in Currently Maidstone)


Alps it wasnt a dig hence the smiley face. The ref for us against Tranmere was 10 times better than today

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Do you honestly believe that or are you posting for a reaction?


My honest belief, yeah he got a few wrong, but Hammond could have been sent off towards the end. Maybe a couple of ball to hand incidents that COULD have gone for us. The only big one was maybe Barnard getting felled by the last defender but looked like an accident/tangle of legs to me

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Christ, that bad ?


Worse. I know this gets trotted out most weeks, but he was the worst I have seen, he was actually worse than Roger Milford. I mean my God, to come away with a win and STILL be moaning about the ref, what does that tell you?

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My honest belief, yeah he got a few wrong, but Hammond could have been sent off towards the end. Maybe a couple of ball to hand incidents that COULD have gone for us. The only big one was maybe Barnard getting felled by the last defender but looked like an accident/tangle of legs to me


Well you need to go to Specsavers....so why is it ok for Leeds defenders to be all over Lambert and Barnard yet as soon as Jaidi, Thomas, Fonte and Harding got anywhere within 5 yards it was a Leeds free-kick.

Why would Barnard go down when through on goal?

On several occasions the linesman was about 3 yards away never flagged but he can see a free-kick against us from 40 yards?


He was atrocious! You are the only one posting on here and on the match thread to think otherwise.


I have referee'd many games over the years so know how difficult it is and I try to give them the benefit of the doubt - this fool was totally incompetant .

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Well you need to go to Specsavers....so why is it ok for Leeds defenders to be all over Lambert and Barnard yet as soon as Jaidi, Thomas, Fonte and Harding got anywhere within 5 yards it was a Leeds free-kick.

Why would Barnard go down when through on goal?

On several occasions the linesman was about 3 yards away never flagged but he can see a free-kick against us from 40 yards?


He was atrocious! You are the only one posting on here and on the match thread to think otherwise.


I have referee'd many games over the years so know how difficult it is and I try to give them the benefit of the doubt - this fool was totally incompetant .

Barnard was clipped, but thought it looked a bit like barnard running accross the defender and getting accidently taken down, the defender couldnt have got out the way IMO.


He wasn't good, but he wasn't THAT bad i didn't think. A few decisions went against us, or didnt go for us, but build a bridge, get over it, we won.

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wasn't that bad.......few wrong decisions possibly, but that's the same of any match.


Fonte was fouling the defender for our 'second' btw


I'm sorry, but with respect, you're wrong!


It was right infront of me and Fonte was being fouled. How a free kick was given the other way was unbelieveable!


Also, the Barnard one was quite clearly a tug. He bottled it as it was the last man meaning it would have to be a red card. And just before that there was the shove in the back of Puncheon as he was about to control the ball. AP went mental about that!


The incident with Harding was a joke. He booked the player meaning he saw what happened. And what happened was violent conduct. Therefore, red card. You can't just book him because he didn't cause any damage from lashing out. Seems he would have only sent him off if he knocked him out!


I've been going 19 years and that is the worst ref I have ever seen.


Don't think I've ever heard such loud and constant chants about a ref before either.

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worst ref. for a long long time, in the first half you had to wonder if he'd been plucked out of the street or something.


2nd half he improved a bit (not hard...!) but he really did have a stinker today, no getting away from that.


glad it didn't cost us!

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My honest belief, yeah he got a few wrong, but Hammond could have been sent off towards the end. Maybe a couple of ball to hand incidents that COULD have gone for us. The only big one was maybe Barnard getting felled by the last defender but looked like an accident/tangle of legs to me


You must be posting for a reaction......go on admit it.


Hammond should have been sent off??? Gradel should have gone


Fonte fouling thier man??? What, by holding the mans arm with his neck

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You must be posting for a reaction......go on admit it.


Hammond should have been sent off??? Gradel should have gone


Fonte fouling thier man??? What, by holding the mans arm with his neck


Hammond was on a booking and then went through the back of the Leeds player, the ref waved play on but went back and had a word after.


Well before that corner was taken, the ref had a word about shirt pulling etc, then when the corner came over, they both had a lump of each others shirts, and i honestly thought Fonte was fouling the defender, hence why he missed the header at the near post.

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Was he as bad as Roger the perm milford???

Are you thinking about the FA cup match against Oldham at the Dell where he just played till Oldham equalised?

I thought then I would never see such a bad ref but today "Les Battersby lookalike" Peter Walton takes the award!

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Hammond was on a booking and then went through the back of the Leeds player, the ref waved play on but went back and had a word after.


Well before that corner was taken, the ref had a word about shirt pulling etc, then when the corner came over, they both had a lump of each others shirts, and i honestly thought Fonte was fouling the defender, hence why he missed the header at the near post.


You had a link to the refs conversations, did you?

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i was pretty hungover today tbf


Hungover.............! Are you sure you were'nt unconscious.


I was not at the game but I heard 30,000 people on the radio giving what can only be described as one of the biggest negative reactions to a ref I have ever heard as the players were coming off at half time.

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Hungover.............! Are you sure you were'nt unconscious.


I was not at the game but I heard 30,000 people on the radio giving what can only be described as one of the biggest negative reactions to a ref I have ever heard as the players were coming off at half time.


Then i don't want to hear it

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I have watched Saints for 35 years and have witnessed some poor ref decisions but that was quite honestly the worst ref i have ever seen. He was consistantly poor from the moment he stated the game.


Just spoke to my brother who said the same thing although in his case 48 years

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Absoloutly unbelievable display from the Ref.


How Gradel was not sent off for what can only be described as an assault on Harding is beyond me.


Then Hammond was booked for basically nothing on 80 mins- how can those two incidents have the same punishment?!!!


Thank god he didn't cost us today because in the first half he lost all control of the game.

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A really good game completely ruined by an absolute dog of a referee...


A blatant penalty.

Numerous fouls on Harding, Lambert and Barnard.

A blatant assault on Harding.

A perfectly good goal disallowed..


Quite easily the worst referee I've ever seen...

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Absoloutly unbelievable display from the Ref.


How Gradel was not sent off for what can only be described as an assault on Harding is beyond me.


Then Hammond was booked for basically nothing on 80 mins- how can those two incidents have the same punishment?!!!


Thank god he didn't cost us today because in the first half he lost all control of the game.


Was Hammond booked for kicking the ball away, or was that Morgan?

I liked it when the ref had a go at Puncheon/Lallana about the time it took to take the corners... Saints can't do much if the left footer plays on the right wing!

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My honest belief, yeah he got a few wrong, but Hammond could have been sent off towards the end. Maybe a couple of ball to hand incidents that COULD have gone for us. The only big one was maybe Barnard getting felled by the last defender but looked like an accident/tangle of legs to me


God knows where you were sitting the ref was bloody awful today.

I have seen a lot of bad refs but that to55er took the **** !:mad:

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