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Franny Benali

Saint Charlie

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Actually asked Franny at the launch of "All the Saints" about this incident as Wimbledon had a few players who were not adverse to dishing it out so I was intrigued as to whether Fashanu had said anything to him? Franny said he wasn't on the pitch long enough to find out and didn't hang around after the game either to see how he was! Have to say we both had a good laugh about it, quality bloke.

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Wasn't there an even better one V WHU away? Some fancy dan Brazillian ? got launched over the advertising hoardings and Franny didn't even bother waiting for the ref to get the Red out before walking to the dug out!!!


I'm sure he absolutely clattered Stuart Pearce once too, was a 50/50 both went at it full blooded, franny got up and walked off, Pearce had to go off


Used to often see him running and doing pull ups on the monkey bars at playground area in woodmill when I was a kid.

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I'm sure he absolutely clattered Stuart Pearce once too, was a 50/50 both went at it full blooded, franny got up and walked off, Pearce had to go off


Used to often see him running and doing pull ups on the monkey bars at playground area in woodmill when I was a kid.

Stuart Pearce used to get a rough deal at the Dell. Pearce took out one of ours with a "robust" tackle and Neil Ruddock got him back with a tackle that must have come in with one of Ruddock's legs at chest height; disgusting foul. Blatant red these days but Razor just got a ticking off and a yellow.

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Wasn't it Franny who wound up Roy Keane to the point of getting himself sent off after 20 or so minutes in the famous 6-3 victory?



i can remember Franny being sent off v Derby, not so much for the tackle, which was a "YEAH, GOT iM!!" X rated Franny special, but more for way the referee Mike Riley sent him off. Franny had just cleaned out some hotshot for Derby called Sturridge, if I recall correctly. Everyone in the Dell knew the punishment that was coming, but Old Mother Riley (I think he now heads the Professional Game Match Officials Board - the Referees Boss) decided to make a meal of it, Franny had demolished the Derby player in the penalty box D but Riley as he kept beckoning Franny towards him for the chit chat kept walking backwards until he reached the touch line right in front of the Derby fans at which point he pulled out the Red card sending the Derby fans into a wild frenzy of delight.



When Dave Jones gave Franny's number 3 shirt to Lee Todd! that was a dark day.

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The own goal against Oldham in front of the Milton end.


I still have flashbacks about that goal, deep into made up injury time, right in front of my 15 year old eyes! I as did all Saints fans, knew we would go out with a whimper on the plastic pitch! Dream gone......

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I still have flashbacks about that goal, deep into made up injury time, right in front of my 15 year old eyes! I as did all Saints fans, knew we would go out with a whimper on the plastic pitch! Dream gone......


Dont think Denzil is referring to the league cup game of 1990. That was an Andy Ritchie 95th min equaliser, thanks to the generosity of the preening tw at Roger Milford, followed by the surrender in the replay on the plastic.


The Benali o.g was a league game in March 1994, on the Wednesday night before Easter. We then lost to Chelsea and Man City over the weekend and were doomed.


Cue MLT against Norwich and Blackburn.

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The Benali o.g was a league game in March 1994, on the Wednesday night before Easter. We then lost to Chelsea and Man City over the weekend and were doomed.


Yeah I remember that own goal well, it was a must win game against one of our relegation rivals. It was a glorious diving header, it would have been a great goal if it had been in the Oldham goal and not ours.

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