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Saturdays Games (16 Aug)


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United are making Swansea look a better side than they are actually are. My guess is that this year the Swans will struggle, flirt with relegation, but ultimately stay up.


Would fancy Saints against this United lineup.


They're in very poor shape, though don't think they'll stay like this all season!

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Mers and Le Tis getting heated over Saints on SSN, then Merson puts us respectably into 11th placing!


Lots of negativity over Saints, tho some plus points. MLT has clearly been brought back into the fold of the club because he was fighting the clubs corner well. Very anti on Lallana and Lovrens loyalty as you'd expect.


I sense the media are a week behind on optimism. Perhaps Koeman will wake them all up tomorrow. We shall see.

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As much as I dislike West Ham, would be good to see then win today, with Spurs suffering a nice smattering of injuries and cards. Also it would be good to see Leicester and Hull get results for the early destinies of Pearson and Twitchy respectively...


Goes against the grain wanting a team of Fat Reptile Sam's to win, but beating spurs is for the greater good so will be looking to West Ham to do it today.

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swansea 1-0 up lol


The only reason I am slightly surprised is because Swansea are just as bad as Man U. Shame we aren't starting against Manure this weekend... respect to those with Chelski and Citeh we have the toughest - yet most interesting and unpredictable game of the weekend.

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Goes against the grain wanting a team of Fat Reptile Sam's to win, but beating spurs is for the greater good so will be looking to West Ham to do it today.


I think Spurs will struggle as Man U will. There's not a happy camp in Spurs - 11 players that they want to offload!? Potty Chino will struggle to better their placing from last season

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I think Spurs will struggle as Man U will. There's not a happy camp in Spurs - 11 players that they want to offload!? Potty Chino will struggle.


I suspect spurs will push very hard for top 4.

MP is a bloody good coach and they have a bloody good squad

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I wonder Batman. The squad is about to be decimated and their Boardroom makes ours look like professionals. Long way to go, but can't see it.


their squad is not about to be decimated is it.

they have a huge amount of fringe players and they were always going to let some go


their guly, hooiveld, sharp's are just miles better than ours

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I think we are looking at 12-14th this season. Spuds are hoping for Europe. We can achieve our expectations.


do you not think spurs can make top 6?

where did you find out our aims?

I hear a LOT of going to match last seasons 8th finish

heard NOTHING saying we are aiming for 12-14th???????????????????

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do you not think spurs can make top 6?

where did you find out our aims?

I hear a LOT of going to match last seasons 8th finish

heard NOTHING saying we are aiming for 12-14th???????????????????




He said 'we are looking at 12-14th', thats his opinion, he is not saying that that is what the club has said. Chill ya beans.

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BT Sport coverage is such a Man Utd love in, I feel I should go to my room and wait until they've finished


Well, you should watch the US/NBC feed because they've aired 3 or 4 commercials stating "I'm a Man U Fan" extolling the virtues of being part of the world's bestest fan base!

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