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Egypt for a holiday


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41 minutes ago, whelk said:

I can be a bit of a snob regarding travelling but fancy some winter sun.

Is an all inclusive in Hurghada or Sharm el Sheik worth doing? Is there anything to do but sit by pool and get pissed on all inclusive booze?

No it’s shit. I went to sharm about 10 years ago for some winter sun. Sharm is an absolute shit hole. The hotel was full of scummy English people and Russians aside from a handful of nice couples. I will however say the snorkelling is fantastic 

we went to Jamaica in February 3 years ago, now that is class for some winter sun

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25 minutes ago, Turkish said:

No it’s shit. I went to sharm about 10 years ago for some winter sun. Sharm is an absolute shit hole. The hotel was full of scummy English people and Russians aside from a handful of nice couples. I will however say the snorkelling is fantastic 

we went to Jamaica in February 3 years ago, now that is class for some winter sun

ta - enough for me to give it a swerve

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We did Sri Lanka a few Christmases ago, had a lovely time.

Few cuntish Russians there as well, but not too noticeable. There are a group of turtles that come to the beach and they are beautiful to swim around with and feed, they have only been coming since the tsunami and the locals say they are the spirts of those who died. A fat Russian pulled the largest one out of the water and lifted it above his head, Putin style, whilst his mate filmed it. The locals went potty and chased him off the beach.

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6 minutes ago, Fan The Flames said:

We did Sri Lanka a few Christmases ago, had a lovely time.

Few cuntish Russians there as well, but not too noticeable. There are a group of turtles that come to the beach and they are beautiful to swim around with and feed, they have only been coming since the tsunami and the locals say they are the spirts of those who died. A fat Russian pulled the largest one out of the water and lifted it above his head, Putin style, whilst his mate filmed it. The locals went potty and chased him off the beach.

British Airways should add the option to their filters. Sort by: number of Russian cunts low to high

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1 minute ago, Toadhall Saint said:

Went to sharm for new year a few years ago - reminded me of a poor Ben hur film set tbh - wouldn’t go again. Go to goa far far better.

Goa is on my list a friend of mine has been twice loves it but said due to the poverty not a place to take kids. What do you think? 

I would rate Sharm as the worst place I’ve been too. Scummy tourists, very aggressive locals trying to get you into their shop, shitty restaurants and bars, taxi drivers trying to rip you off. As I mentioned above the snorkelling it out of this world, we went most days and one day a 6 foot manta swam About 30 foot below us, for that it’s was great but the place itself is awful. 

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51 minutes ago, Turkish said:

Goa is on my list a friend of mine has been twice loves it but said due to the poverty not a place to take kids. What do you think? 

I would rate Sharm as the worst place I’ve been too. Scummy tourists, very aggressive locals trying to get you into their shop, shitty restaurants and bars, taxi drivers trying to rip you off. As I mentioned above the snorkelling it out of this world, we went most days and one day a 6 foot manta swam About 30 foot below us, for that it’s was great but the place itself is awful. 

Goa is beautiful no doubt about it. Yes there is poverty and stuff you will not see in the west but not as bad as India in-general.  It depends on how old your kids are 0 - 5 they would not notice 5 - 8 you might d get some questions 8+ be prepared to answer some awkward questions but you may not In goa see any of the true poverty you would experience in say Mumbai. 

I would go and no matter how old and take it as a learning experience - the only reason I’ve not taken mine is due to not being able to go for longer than a couple of weeks - he’s just turned 9.

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15 minutes ago, Toadhall Saint said:

Goa is beautiful no doubt about it. Yes there is poverty and stuff you will not see in the west but not as bad as India in-general.  It depends on how old your kids are 0 - 5 they would not notice 5 - 8 you might d get some questions 8+ be prepared to answer some awkward questions but you may not In goa see any of the true poverty you would experience in say Mumbai. 

I would go and no matter how old and take it as a learning experience - the only reason I’ve not taken mine is due to not being able to go for longer than a couple of weeks - he’s just turned 9.

 Cheers, he’s  few months younger than yours then. Will take a look, definitely fancy it

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1 hour ago, Turkish said:

 Cheers, he’s  few months younger than yours then. Will take a look, definitely fancy it

You won’t be disappointed north = hippy vibe. South just beautiful (but less to do unless it’s beach life). Plus they need to see/understand this stuff sooner or later. The questions need to be delt with sooner or later better they are old enough to understand the answers.

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12 hours ago, Turkish said:

 Cheers, he’s  few months younger than yours then. Will take a look, definitely fancy it

Never been to Goa but if you’re after that Indian feel holiday totally recommend Sri Lanka. A lot to see and do - from beaches to wildlife to temples to tea plantations to Buddhas tooth. Nice people good food and cheap . 

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16 hours ago, whelk said:

I can be a bit of a snob regarding travelling but fancy some winter sun.

Is an all inclusive in Hurghada or Sharm el Sheik worth doing? Is there anything to do but sit by pool and get pissed on all inclusive booze?

Have you thought about Luxor? Done Egypt many times. Have done Sharm three times. If you’re into diving then most if the clubs operate out if there. Lots if Russians.

Stayed in Dahab, much more chilled vibe for diving.

For an experience Luxor is by far the best. Chill in an all inclusive by the Nile (Movenpick my choice) and all sorts of excursions on your doorstep. Karnak next door, valley of the kings a short ferry trip. Id advise doing a hot air balloon over the  Nile.

Ive been around the world a bit and for the budget snd experience Luxor is the best Ive had.

Its even an easy short haul flight from Luxor to Cairo to do Giza and the museums.

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For a number of years we did AI in Makadi Bay close to Hurghada but not in winter. As a teacher we went for the full on summer blast during school hols. Snorkelling was, as others have testified, great. Hurghada Airport is a place of nightmares especially when planes arrive from Moscow, Novosibirsk and Gatwick at the same time. Best winter sun we've done was Feb half-term in  the Maldives but obviously a long way away and not cheap.

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9 minutes ago, alehouseboys said:

Cape Verde Islands are an option, only another 45 mins or so flight time than to Egypt. Off the west coast of Africa but could be (feels) Caribbean. A week was long enough for us on Boa Vista, might struggle to find much more to do any longer there. Winter temps around mid-twenties.

Only thing that puts me off is I’ve heard there is literally nothing to do there and you’re stuck in the resort for two weeks. Is this true? Seems ideal location for a bit of winter sun. 

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1 hour ago, buctootim said:

Never been to Goa but if you’re after that Indian feel holiday totally recommend Sri Lanka. A lot to see and do - from beaches to wildlife to temples to tea plantations to Buddhas tooth. Nice people good food and cheap . 

Bali always appealed and seems to be a good spot for decent weather all year round plus quite interesting with lots to see and do

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14 minutes ago, Turkish said:

Bali always appealed and seems to be a good spot for decent weather all year round plus quite interesting with lots to see and do

Never been but I’m sure somebody, might even have been on here, once referred to it as the ‘Aussie Benidorm’. 

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3 minutes ago, Turkish said:

Only thing that puts me off is I’ve heard there is literally nothing to do there and you’re stuck in the resort for two weeks. Is this true? Seems ideal location for a bit of winter sun. 

We only went for a week, that was a few years back and was enough at the time. We got about, usually just jumped on the back of the local pick-ups/taxi and they'll take you off to 'the sights', got on well with them, very friendly (though you would expect that with tourists with a few bob in their pockets). Not the most picturesque of places, plenty of half-built houses, (apparently they do this to avoid the tax on completed buildings) but got out and had a bit of fun on quad bikes - Santa Monica beach with it's crashing surf was one stop and an interesting sea to swim in.

As said, a few years ago for us, but I've heard more has gone up since we've been but it's really all-inclusive (needed to be really) but usually right on the coast and there was a couple of bars/places to eat on the beach fairly close by. May try Sal in the future.

The open-air airport is something a little different too!

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On 13/11/2021 at 12:10, Turkish said:

Bali always appealed and seems to be a good spot for decent weather all year round plus quite interesting with lots to see and do

Me too - but the distance puts me off. 17 hours on a plane is no fun, after about 11 hours I start to go stir crazy. I know you can stop over somewhere but even so its still a pain. Sri Lanka is only about 10 hours

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1 minute ago, buctootim said:

Me too - but the distance puts me off. 17 hours on a plane is no fun, after about 11 hours I start to go stir crazy. I know you can stop over somewhere but even so its still a pain. Sri Lanka is only about 10 hours

My rule of thumb for travel is that I want at least a day there for every hour I spend on the plane.

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2 hours ago, Lighthouse said:

My rule of thumb for travel is that I want at least a day there for every hour I spend on the plane.

Yes that makes sense. Don’t see why you’d go to the Caribbean for a week when it takes 2-3 days to adjust when you get there same coming back.

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On 13/11/2021 at 12:10, Turkish said:

Bali always appealed and seems to be a good spot for decent weather all year round plus quite interesting with lots to see and do

I'm an Indian Ocean fan, been to the Maldives a few times, but for somewhere interesting with stuff to do, I can't rate Mauritius enough - loads to see, definite interest for kid too. 

Still my sun days are over as I need to stay covered up from now on, so I've booked Scotland next summer and Iceland at Easter.  I fancy Canada the following year. 

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4 minutes ago, Patrick Bateman said:

I'm an Indian Ocean fan, been to the Maldives a few times, but for somewhere interesting with stuff to do, I can't rate Mauritius enough - loads to see, definite interest for kid too. 

Still my sun days are over as I need to stay covered up from now on, so I've booked Scotland next summer and Iceland at Easter.  I fancy Canada the following year. 

Yep agree on Mauritius, wonderful place would definitely go back

Iceland somewhere high on the list too. Has to be done.

always fancied a cruise round the fjords in Norway too. Been to Norway and Sweden for work a number of times and love those countries, great people, beautiful countries.

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18 minutes ago, Turkish said:

Yep agree on Mauritius, wonderful place would definitely go back

Iceland somewhere high on the list too. Has to be done.

always fancied a cruise round the fjords in Norway too. Been to Norway and Sweden for work a number of times and love those countries, great people, beautiful countries.

There are so many places in the world I want to go to, but oddly most of them are cold; South Argentina, Canada, Alaska, Iceland, Greenland, far east Russia, Finland and Norway (I've visited Sweden and Denmark, but only the main cities though) - I'd like to do a big game safari though, that would be warmer ;)

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9 minutes ago, Patrick Bateman said:

There are so many places in the world I want to go to, but oddly most of them are cold; South Argentina, Canada, Alaska, Iceland, Greenland, far east Russia, Finland and Norway (I've visited Sweden and Denmark, but only the main cities though) - I'd like to do a big game safari though, that would be warmer ;)

I did a safari in Tanzania 13 years ago, it was incredible. Highly recommend, will do it again in a few years time when lad is a bit older. Saw all the big 5, had dinner in the shadow of Kilimanjaro, watched a cheetah stalk a gazelle and miss, had a pride of lions walk between our jeeps, came face to face with a wild buffalo in the dark on the way back to our lodge, a hot air balloon ride over the Serengeti where we saw a leopard with a cub in its mouth running through the trees. Amazing experience 

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On 13/11/2021 at 20:25, Lighthouse said:

Never been but I’m sure somebody, might even have been on here, once referred to it as the ‘Aussie Benidorm’. 

Yeah I'd stay out of Bali, especially now Aussies are just about to fly out there again now after a few years locked up. Would be a fun holiday if in your early 20s to be fair, but then you wouldn't fly all the way out here for that and just go to Spain.

Try get to Lombok instead which is island next door, has the Bali feel of about 10 years ago when much quieter and less 'Benidormy'. Good beaches, cheap beer and good surf if that's your thing.

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7 hours ago, Patrick Bateman said:

There are so many places in the world I want to go to, but oddly most of them are cold; South Argentina, Canada, Alaska, Iceland, Greenland, far east Russia, Finland and Norway (I've visited Sweden and Denmark, but only the main cities though) - I'd like to do a big game safari though, that would be warmer ;)

Norway is awesome, and very expensive. The ladies are stunning too.

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Going back to the original question, I went to Hurghada (just before COVID kicked off big time) in February 2019.  I found it all a bit soulless, with just an all inclusive hotel (which was nice but very boring after a few days).  It was dark by 4.30 at that time of year.  Nice to get some winter sum but won't be returning any time soon.  I'm not sure how many Russians were there but they had Saints on TV...

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6 minutes ago, buctootim said:

Alternative to Egypt might be Morocco. I went to Agadir a couple of years ago in February. Sunny, cheap, good food and some decent sight seeing

Yes Agadir is decent. Did two weeks a few years ago Can also do a trip to Marrakesh from there. We went back and did a full week in Marrakesh a few years later had a nice Riad but a week was a bit much. 

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5 hours ago, Turkish said:

Yes Agadir is decent. Did two weeks a few years ago Can also do a trip to Marrakesh from there. We went back and did a full week in Marrakesh a few years later had a nice Riad but a week was a bit much. 

I was going to bring up Morocco but wasn't sure if there were likely to be less Russians there. A cheap Riad in Fez, Meknes or Marrakesh would be my advice...shorter flight too (but no all inclusive pool and booze.)

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On 12/11/2021 at 18:18, Turkish said:

No it’s shit. I went to sharm about 10 years ago for some winter sun. Sharm is an absolute shit hole. The hotel was full of scummy English people and Russians aside from a handful of nice couples. I will however say the snorkelling is fantastic 

This. Avoid at all costs. Shit hole. 

if you’re looking at Egypt; I’m assuming it’s because your after something cheap and cheerful.. ruling out these suggestions of the Maldives etc 😂

Take a look at the canary islands. Temperature in the early - mid twenties and you can usually pick up decent deals around this time. 

If your budget is a bit more extravagant, and you’re after an all inclusive type holiday, then I’d back up Turkish’s suggestion of Caribbean (or Mexico) being the place to go. 

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On 13/11/2021 at 12:25, Lighthouse said:

Never been but I’m sure somebody, might even have been on here, once referred to it as the ‘Aussie Benidorm’. 

I wasn’t a fan of Bali. There’s without doubt some beautiful things to see, but we found it too manic and noisy for a relaxing holiday. The scooter driving had to be seen to be believed too! My judgement of that holiday is somewhat biased though because we got caught up in the 2018 earthquake on Lombok and had to be evacuated home. 

Best place we’ve found for winter sun, or any sun for that matter, is Aruba. Absolutely stunning place. 



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On 18/11/2021 at 00:10, LVSaint said:

I was going to bring up Morocco but wasn't sure if there were likely to be less Russians there. A cheap Riad in Fez, Meknes or Marrakesh would be my advice...shorter flight too (but no all inclusive pool and booze.)

Go to Marrakesh then get the bus to essouara (sp) - it was the destination for jimi Hendricks and the stones - world heritage site now and massive world music festival in the summer. Not much beer tho - that being said we found an off license 😳

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1 minute ago, Toadhall Saint said:

Go to Marrakesh then get the bus to essouara (sp) - it was the destination for jimi Hendricks and the stones - world heritage site now and massive world music festival in the summer. Not much beer tho - that being said we found an off license 😳

Yep Essoura is lovely too and can go to the Atlas Mountains which are great.

We had a bizarre situation in Marrakech where a shop keeper asked us if we wanted some alcohol, we expected him to have some in the shop but waited around for ages and and bloke who must have been about 85 turned up on a motorbike which must have been at least as old as him asking us what we wanted, thinking he’d have it we told him a few bottles of wine would do, have him one cash and off he went on his bike. Thinking we’d be done we decide to cut our losses until the shop keeper insisted we wait, so we did and waited until eventually he came back looking very proud of himself with 3 bottles of red. 

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48 minutes ago, Turkish said:

Yep Essoura is lovely too and can go to the Atlas Mountains which are great.

We had a bizarre situation in Marrakech where a shop keeper asked us if we wanted some alcohol, we expected him to have some in the shop but waited around for ages and and bloke who must have been about 85 turned up on a motorbike which must have been at least as old as him asking us what we wanted, thinking he’d have it we told him a few bottles of wine would do, have him one cash and off he went on his bike. Thinking we’d be done we decide to cut our losses until the shop keeper insisted we wait, so we did and waited until eventually he came back looking very proud of himself with 3 bottles of red. 

We had to keep the wine bottle under the table in the restaurant- all adds to the experience 😎

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  • 1 month later...
On 18/11/2021 at 09:50, Dman said:

This. Avoid at all costs. Shit hole. 

if you’re looking at Egypt; I’m assuming it’s because your after something cheap and cheerful.. ruling out these suggestions of the Maldives etc 😂

Take a look at the canary islands. Temperature in the early - mid twenties and you can usually pick up decent deals around this time. 

If your budget is a bit more extravagant, and you’re after an all inclusive type holiday, then I’d back up Turkish’s suggestion of Caribbean (or Mexico) being the place to go. 

I did a trip up and down Egypt just after (literally a few days) after the Mount Sinai incident a few years ago with G-Adventures. Did all the touristy things (Pyramids and Sphinx in Giza, Cairo museum etc, train down to Aswan to see Abu Simbel, sailboat up the nile, drive into the Sahara and then Luxor and the balloon ride over the valley of the kings). It was dead cheap (about £500 plus flight for a week and a half)...so I suppose I'm not best at just hotels and resorts but I'd say Egypt is definitely worth seeing.

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