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Saganowski not in Stoke squad


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Also not in the squad picture in todays daily echo!


It states in the echo "Saganowski missed yesterdays Saints team photacall, a club spokeman saying the Polish striker would not arrive in time due to heavy traffic"


Maybe hes still stuck in traffic....lol

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SAGA out?I hope not

That's what I did find.


Wracajac do Southampton po mistrzostwach liczylem na to, ze bede mial tu silna pozycje. Okazalo sie inaczej. Klub ma duze problemy finansowe i chce sie pozbyc kilku zawodników, którzy maja wysokie kontrakty. W tym gronie jestem niestety ja - dodal.


- Nowy szkoleniowiec daje mi do zrozumienia, ze dobrze byloby, gdybym opuscil zespól - przyznal.

Wiecej na saganowski.com.pl


After EURO I did return to Southampton with expextation that I secure strong position in first eleven,but the club got a big financial problems and like to rid off all players with high wages contracts.Saga add:In this group I did find myself.The new manager make suggestion that it could be good if I leave the club.


More on http://www.saganowski.com.p


Today in polish newspaper I did find that Norway FC Brann Bergen looking to sign him.


Saganowski bliżej fiordów

Działacze norweskiego pierwszoligowego klubu piłkarskiego Brann Bergen przyznali, że pilnie poszukują nowego napastnika i są bardzo zainteresowani pozyskaniem Marka Saganowskiego.












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Also not in the squad picture in todays daily echo!


It states in the echo "Saganowski missed yesterdays Saints team photacall, a club spokeman saying the Polish striker would not arrive in time due to heavy traffic"

Maybe hes still stuck in traffic....lol



WHY does a "Club Spokesman" have to tell such a pathetic blatant LIE !!!!!!!!!

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i would rather keep saga. another clue he is going i noticed is that in a recent portvliet interview on saintstv he lists all the strikers he has got and he didn't include saga. shame really because i still think he has the ability to score lots and especially with the new system

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Sooner or later the message is going to strike home, that if we are to sell any of the strikers capable of scoring goals and rely on unproven youngsters who have not played at this level, then we are taking a huge risk. If we are to have any hope at all of progressing, then we need to score more goals in a match than we let in. We will not manage that if we are jettisoning the very players who are more highly paid because they have a capability to score goals. At the other end of the pitch, we are short of cover at full back, so things don't look great.


But where it's been proven that it is possible to replace one manager with two others for less money, no doubt this philosophy will hold good with strikers too. Step up to the mark McGoldrick and Paterson and let's see what you can do. If it's a step too far for you, then we're deep in the brown stuff. But if you produce the goods, then it's off to pastures greener with the glory of playing for a Premiership team for you, to be replaced with other players worth half as much again.

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Sooner or later the message is going to strike home, that if we are to sell any of the strikers capable of scoring goals and rely on unproven youngsters who have not played at this level, then we are taking a huge risk. If we are to have any hope at all of progressing, then we need to score more goals in a match than we let in. We will not manage that if we are jettisoning the very players who are more highly paid because they have a capability to score goals. At the other end of the pitch, we are short of cover at full back, so things don't look great.


But where it's been proven that it is possible to replace one manager with two others for less money, no doubt this philosophy will hold good with strikers too. Step up to the mark McGoldrick and Paterson and let's see what you can do. If it's a step too far for you, then we're deep in the brown stuff. But if you produce the goods, then it's off to pastures greener with the glory of playing for a Premiership team for you, to be replaced with other players worth half as much again.


Yeah - lets keep all of the highly paid players and hope they don't realise the coins are in fact chocolate

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Yeah - lets keep all of the highly paid players and hope they don't realise the coins are in fact chocolate



No, let's get shot of all the good ones who have proven goalscoring records and replace them with cheap alternatives and hope that we might strike lucky and unearth a gem. Never mind the quality, feel the width - our new motto.

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Sooner or later the message is going to strike home, that if we are to sell any of the strikers capable of scoring goals and rely on unproven youngsters who have not played at this level, then we are taking a huge risk. If we are to have any hope at all of progressing, then we need to score more goals in a match than we let in. We will not manage that if we are jettisoning the very players who are more highly paid because they have a capability to score goals. At the other end of the pitch, we are short of cover at full back, so things don't look great.


But where it's been proven that it is possible to replace one manager with two others for less money, no doubt this philosophy will hold good with strikers too. Step up to the mark McGoldrick and Paterson and let's see what you can do. If it's a step too far for you, then we're deep in the brown stuff. But if you produce the goods, then it's off to pastures greener with the glory of playing for a Premiership team for you, to be replaced with other players worth half as much again.


Can't afford them and they don't deliver consistently. We are going to have to go with our own home-grown youngsters - and I am quietly optimistic that they will deliver.

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There are only 10 outfield players allowed in association football and JP has decided on his first choice 11 who are now being played together with just a few changes around the fringe, such as Killer not being played too much while still in rehab. Injury and form will provide opportunities for others but it will be a good thing if we don't see the constant switching of the team as we did under Burley. The CCC is about winning games, not giving people a run out.

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You mean David '3 goals in two games against Premiership opposition' McGoldrick? ;)


Don't you mean, "David '3 goals in 1.5 games against premiership opposition' McGoldrick"?


I will be very happy if he maintains his one goal in every 45 mins of football scoring streak. (I doubt it, but I can live in hope.)

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DMG is a 20 year old with the turning point of his career in front of him...It's really make or break for him this season.


He has started in the right fashion...It could be good, could be bad...But early signs are promising for all parties.

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Can't afford them and they don't deliver consistently. We are going to have to go with our own home-grown youngsters - and I am quietly optimistic that they will deliver.


I would say both Rasiak and John do deliver consistantly in this league going by their scoring records. I hope we keep at least one proven goal scorer in this league otherwise we will probably struggle over a long hard season with youngsters making their mark, injuries, suspensions and loss of form.

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I would say both Rasiak and John do deliver consistantly in this league going by their scoring records. I hope we keep at least one proven goal scorer in this league otherwise we will probably struggle over a long hard season with youngsters making their mark, injuries, suspensions and loss of form.


The problem I see with the youngsters none of them have played 30-40 games a season at this level thats where I see us struggling over the season.

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we have too many forwards for a club in our situation -McGoldrick, BWP, John, Rasiak, Saganowski, Euell - the club wouldn't plan on keeping them all -even if we were better off


Euell has never been a striker for us, BWP has been playing as a right winger pre-season and McGoldrick is a reserve player unless we sell one of the other strikers. I think we should get rid of Saga personally, then we'd have probably the right amount of strikers and less wages to pay.

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No, let's get shot of all the good ones who have proven goalscoring records and replace them with cheap alternatives and hope that we might strike lucky and unearth a gem. Never mind the quality, feel the width - our new motto.


I don't want to sound overly negative because everything I'm hearing about the new set up sounds promising, I also appreciate we have major financial problems, but this has always been Rupert's philosophy. Selling quality players of higher value and replacing them with more players of lower value hoping they will be as good. It worked once, when the money from the Dean Richards sale was used to bring in Niemi and Svensson, unfortunately on other occasions it wasn't so successful, hence we ended up with a massively over inflated squad of average players and a wage bill similar in size to that of a smaller squad of higher quality; and got relegated.

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Can't afford them and they don't deliver consistently. We are going to have to go with our own home-grown youngsters - and I am quietly optimistic that they will deliver.


Did you think about what you were going to type before making this post? Obviously not. So Rasiak didn't score a hatful when he played during 06/07 and John didn't score 20+ in 07/08. Of course we could rely on the goal machine that is DMG.

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No, let's get shot of all the good ones who have proven goalscoring records and replace them with cheap alternatives and hope that we might strike lucky and unearth a gem. Never mind the quality, feel the width - our new motto.


What's the point in a sarcastic response like that? We all know that the big earners in the squad are up for sale as we have to bring in some money and get the wage bill down. I expect at least a couple of the likes of Rasiak, Saga, John, Euell and Saga will leave before the end of August. At least the manager is planning for life without them rather than living in denial by including them in his preparations for the season and hopeing they all stay.

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Sooner or later the message is going to strike home, that if we are to sell any of the strikers capable of scoring goals and rely on unproven youngsters who have not played at this level, then we are taking a huge risk. If we are to have any hope at all of progressing, then we need to score more goals in a match than we let in. We will not manage that if we are jettisoning the very players who are more highly paid because they have a capability to score goals. At the other end of the pitch, we are short of cover at full back, so things don't look great.


But where it's been proven that it is possible to replace one manager with two others for less money, no doubt this philosophy will hold good with strikers too. Step up to the mark McGoldrick and Paterson and let's see what you can do. If it's a step too far for you, then we're deep in the brown stuff. But if you produce the goods, then it's off to pastures greener with the glory of playing for a Premiership team for you, to be replaced with other players worth half as much again.



How many goals had Steve Moran scored and for whom before he set my world alight??

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How many goals had Steve Moran scored and for whom before he set my world alight??


McGoldrick, Lallana, Paterson might set the world on fire and amaze us. Brilliant if they do. As I said though, if they don't it's a high risk strategy and a failure to knock in the goals that we might have reasonably expected from John, Raziak or Saganowski will almost certainly be fatal to our chances of surviving this coming season, especially as there are still holes in defence.


If they are a revelation though, how long are they going to stay here if a Premiership team dangles megabucks under their noses? If they gain us promotion, they would probably stay. If we score lots but let in more so are not promoted, then they might well go leaving us to replace them again with either cheaper alternatives, or the next crop of youngsters. As others say, along this route lies our future as a feeder club rather than a contender for promotion.

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McGoldrick, Lallana, Paterson might set the world on fire and amaze us. Brilliant if they do. As I said though, if they don't it's a high risk strategy and a failure to knock in the goals that we might have reasonably expected from John, Raziak or Saganowski will almost certainly be fatal to our chances of surviving this coming season, especially as there are still holes in defence.


If they are a revelation though, how long are they going to stay here if a Premiership team dangles megabucks under their noses? If they gain us promotion, they would probably stay. If we score lots but let in more so are not promoted, then they might well go leaving us to replace them again with either cheaper alternatives, or the next crop of youngsters. As others say, along this route lies our future as a feeder club rather than a contender for promotion.


Its a high risk strategy to keep paying c£40k a week on Saga, John & Rasiak. Just as fatal to our very survival, let alone in the CCC.


Unless you can guarantee promotion, that is a strategy that simply will not be supported by the bank.

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Its a high risk strategy to keep paying c£40k a week on Saga, John & Rasiak. Just as fatal to our very survival, let alone in the CCC.


Unless you can guarantee promotion, that is a strategy that simply will not be supported by the bank.



Yes Very True we need to cut the wage bill in order to survive

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Its a high risk strategy to keep paying c£40k a week on Saga, John & Rasiak. Just as fatal to our very survival, let alone in the CCC.


Unless you can guarantee promotion, that is a strategy that simply will not be supported by the bank.


Unless I'm mistaken, the bank had agreed to continue supporting us when Crouch's board was in control. Now nobody on here knows what conditions or stipulations were made to that agreement, as indeed nobody knows about them any better under the Lowe/Wilde regime. I suspect that the bank asked us to make some cost economies, but whether those demanded that we sell all players on high wages, that is debateable. We have already sold or released several players who fit into that category anyway. Viafara, Wright, Idiakez, Safri are all gone and Scacel looks set to follow. Before we get stuck into John, Rasiak and Saganowski, Euell could also go and I won't bat an eyelid. But I remain unconvinced that the bank's outlook is so one dimensional and blinkered that it does not realise that in the game of football decent strikers who score goals cost money, but give a return in terms of the team's success and bums on seats.


Nobody can guarantee promotion, but it is easier to make a business a failure than it is to make it succeed. Easy ways to make a business fail? Reduce the quality of the product, raise the price to unreasonable levels, p*ss off the customers. I'd say that there were elements of this strategy already being put in place. There is just one saving grace; we are in the entertainment industry and the jury so far finds that the youngsters are entertaining for the moment. But it is like the theatre company on the breadline axing Gielgud to save costs, when many of the audience came only to see him. It could be that his unknown understudy becomes the new rising star in the firmament, but that is the stuff of dreams rather than a common occurence.


So I'd rather say that the higher risk strategy was the one employed by two failed past chairmen, getting rid of the proven goalscorers and a rookie but respected manager, playing the untried youngsters under the direction of two foreign coaches with nil experience in this country, let alone at this level. It might work, but it is as unlikely a scenario as the theatre understudy becoming an overnight star.


I wonder what the bank make of that position?

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