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Personnel actions to ensure promotion next season


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Sign Antonio

Sign Papa

Lock Schneiderlin and Lallana in a closet over the summer

Review the progress of Otsemobor and Seaborne, bring in CB and RB if not satisfactory by end of trasnfer window Autumn 2010

Sign a midfield general/engine room

Employ Connolly as an impact sub only - starting front line are Lambert and Barnard

Look to offload fringe players.


Much as I appreciate the contribution they have made, I doubt Wotton, Jaidi, Perry and Murty are up to the demands of next season.

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Sign Antonio

Sign Papa

Lock Schneiderlin and Lallana in a closet over the summer

Review the progress of Otsemobor and Seaborne, bring in CB and RB if not satisfactory by end of trasnfer window Autumn 2010

Sign a midfield general/engine room

Employ Connolly as an impact sub only - starting front line are Lambert and Barnard

Look to offload fringe players.


Much as I appreciate the contribution they have made, I doubt Wotton, Jaidi, Perry and Murty are up to the demands of next season.


I completely agree. However....


I would keep Papa as a good option for a stiking role too though, even just for the fact he is tricky to play against and has that wonderful habit of being in the right place at the right time.


And would Antonio be happy as Puncheon's back up?

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I agree with most of what you say Alpine, have been saying for ages we need another good CM in case either DH or MS out. (by the way, how many runs did Hammond make not spotted?!) But great to see Wootton, Davis and Jaidi have their day at Wembley!


I reckon Jaidi has another season left in him, we need a beast at the back alongside Jose.

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Sign Antonio

Sign Papa

Lock Schneiderlin and Lallana in a closet over the summer

Review the progress of Otsemobor and Seaborne, bring in CB and RB if not satisfactory by end of trasnfer window Autumn 2010

Sign a midfield general/engine room

Employ Connolly as an impact sub only - starting front line are Lambert and Barnard

Look to offload fringe players.


Much as I appreciate the contribution they have made, I doubt Wotton, Jaidi, Perry and Murty are up to the demands of next season.


Broadly agree but I do think that Jaidi can go another season, and he is certainly still good enough to tame any L1 striker that happens to come his way! He left Beckford on his arse for much of the match when we played Leeds.

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You want Schneiderlin and Lallana to come out of the closet at the start of next season? :-o


Much as I have doubts about their consistency and how badly it affects the team if they both have an off-day together, I recognise the impact they have on the team when things go well (more often than not at the moment).


A closet, Mars, or an island in the South Pacific surrounded by naked nymphomaniacs, couldnt care so long as their agents cant reach them.

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Sign Antonio

Sign Papa

Lock Schneiderlin and Lallana in a closet over the summer

Review the progress of Otsemobor and Seaborne, bring in CB and RB if not satisfactory by end of trasnfer window Autumn 2010

Sign a midfield general/engine room

Employ Connolly as an impact sub only - starting front line are Lambert and Barnard

Look to offload fringe players.


Much as I appreciate the contribution they have made, I doubt Wotton, Jaidi, Perry and Murty are up to the demands of next season.


Lallana said in yesterdays paper he would definitely be here next season, good news. Agree with everything, apart from Jaidi, i think he is good for another year at this level.

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Lallana said in yesterdays paper he would definitely be here next season, good news. Agree with everything, apart from Jaidi, i think he is good for another year at this level.


I read that think Lallanna will stay. It was however right next to an article about Lambert wanting to play at a higher level. So I figure we may need a new target man for next season. I reckon we off load Barnard if the happens and bring in both Swindons strikers who would be ready made strike force. Also if Leeds **** up this year we should try and get Kisnorbo very good defender, him and fonte at the back would be immense at this level. Midfield is the most important place though we need quaility backup (or replacement) for Morgan and Hammond, James isn't bad but Wotton and Gillet are no good.

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Lallana said in yesterdays paper he would definitely be here next season, good news. Agree with everything, apart from Jaidi, i think he is good for another year at this level.


Lallana will be here, i'd expect him to sign a new contract in the summer.


A lesson that the grass isn't always greener was in the ground y/day, in the form of Surman. I know drew was kind of forced out the door - but it kind of demonstrates why he should stay. He is not PL standard yet.


I feel sorry for drew though. Gets the move to the PL - plays reserves and sits on the bench - and then sits in the crowd watching your previous team win a cup final.

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I read that think Lallanna will stay. It was however right next to an article about Lambert wanting to play at a higher level. So I figure we may need a new target man for next season. I reckon we off load Barnard if the happens and bring in both Swindons strikers who would be ready made strike force. Also if Leeds **** up this year we should try and get Kisnorbo very good defender, him and fonte at the back would be immense at this level. Midfield is the most important place though we need quaility backup (or replacement) for Morgan and Hammond, James isn't bad but Wotton and Gillet are no good.


I don't think Lambert will leave, there aren't many CCC clubs that can afford him. We signed him for 1.2m or so and would need to a decent deal to tempt Pardews hand - looking at 2m~ for a 29 year old...


Agree that we need more quality in midfield, a box to box player to play alongside Schneiderlin and get 5-10 assists/goals a season.

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Our first 11 is better than anyone at this level and probably half the teams above, if we can keep Antonio, Waigo and Connolloy, i think all we need is decent cover in the centre of midfield and a permemant solution to right back, if thats Otsemebor all well and good then we have got a squad to win the league next season.

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Lallana will be here, i'd expect him to sign a new contract in the summer.


A lesson that the grass isn't always greener was in the ground y/day, in the form of Surman. I know drew was kind of forced out the door - but it kind of demonstrates why he should stay. He is not PL standard yet.


I feel sorry for drew though. Gets the move to the PL - plays reserves and sits on the bench - and then sits in the crowd watching your previous team win a cup final.


That's a good point, all reports say he left for the good of the team and then this? :(

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Much as I appreciate the contribution they have made, I doubt Wotton, Jaidi, Perry and Murty are up to the demands of next season.


Jaidi an exception, I'd say, but I'm sure the others on the list recognise it themselves. Perry's genuine big smile at getting on at Wembley had a wry tinge to it. He knows his legs aren't up to it anymore, even if the brain is. I think Wooton's celebration was also acknowledgement of the situation. Can't remember him doing anything in the game but he didn't make any mistakes I noted, so he did what was required of him. But we now expect more, don't we?

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The most important issue for AP is to keep his first pick 11 together for next season - up or down. This should include Jaidi. I am really not convinced that Seaborne is an adequate or equal replacement for Jaidi if we go up, so (assuming we're in the chase) come Christmas we will need a replacement lined up.


Keep - Antonio, Semi, Papa (incidentally, I wonder if his badge tapping yesterday has any significance?).


Fringe players that need to be moved on are...


Murty - little chance of him getting back in the team with Harding and Mills on great form and Otsemebor back fit.

Wotton - not good enough to replace Spiderman and Hammond.

Gillet - despite a good JPT appearance, looks like he's not favoured.

Pulis - nuff said.

Holmes - with Puncheon, Antonio, Lallana and Papa in place, he's just not needed or indeed good enough to make a difference.

Perry - End game or lower leagues, although he is a good pro.


So that would leave room for a new central midfielder and a centre back. Let the nippers fill the reserves.

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Sign Antonio

Sign Papa

Lock Schneiderlin and Lallana in a closet over the summer

Review the progress of Otsemobor and Seaborne, bring in CB and RB if not satisfactory by end of trasnfer window Autumn 2010

Sign a midfield general/engine room

Employ Connolly as an impact sub only - starting front line are Lambert and Barnard

Look to offload fringe players.


Much as I appreciate the contribution they have made, I doubt Wotton, Jaidi, Perry and Murty are up to the demands of next season.

As per other comments, I'd agree with all of that except to keep Jaidi as well. Even if he can't play three games a week (which we pretty much knew at the start of this season anyway, I think), his experience and strength are incredibly valuable.

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I'd like to see us play with a bit more natural width next season, which would see Puncheon playing on the left and lallana on the right. Lallana isn't a natural wide player though, so i think signing an attacking full back who will get forward on the overlap should be the priority signing this summer.


Still not convinced by Hammond either. I's like to see a central midfielder with more energy who can cover ground. Danns would have been a cracking signing in that sense i think.



New RB Fonte Jaidi Harding

Lallana Morgan New CM Puncheon

Lambert Barnard


Would complete signings of Semi, Antonio and Papa as well

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The most important issue for AP is to keep his first pick 11 together for next season - up or down. This should include Jaidi. I am really not convinced that Seaborne is an adequate or equal replacement for Jaidi if we go up, so (assuming we're in the chase) come Christmas we will need a replacement lined up.


Keep - Antonio, Semi, Papa (incidentally, I wonder if his badge tapping yesterday has any significance?).


Fringe players that need to be moved on are...


Murty - little chance of him getting back in the team with Harding and Mills on great form and Otsemebor back fit.

Wotton - not good enough to replace Spiderman and Hammond.

Gillet - despite a good JPT appearance, looks like he's not favoured.

Pulis - nuff said.

Holmes - with Puncheon, Antonio, Lallana and Papa in place, he's just not needed or indeed good enough to make a difference.

Perry - End game or lower leagues, although he is a good pro.


So that would leave room for a new central midfielder and a centre back. Let the nippers fill the reserves.




If Thommo would stay for less money, I definitely think he's worth keeping and it would mean we wouldn't need a new centre back as he'd be 4th choice, and 2nd/3rd choice right back.


Assuming we keep Connolly, I think we only need a new centre midfielder, and a new winger.


I'd like to see one from : Chris Lines, Chris Taylor, Jonjo Shelvey, Nicky Bailey, Neil Danns, Darren Ambrose signed as a centre mid.


Don't know about wingers; that lad at Brentford who played left wing was one of the better ones I've seen this season - Myles Weston.

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I'd like to see us play with a bit more natural width next season, which would see Puncheon playing on the left and lallana on the right. Lallana isn't a natural wide player though, so i think signing an attacking full back who will get forward on the overlap should be the priority signing this summer.


Still not convinced by Hammond either. I's like to see a central midfielder with more energy who can cover ground. Danns would have been a cracking signing in that sense i think.



New RB Fonte Jaidi Harding

Lallana Morgan New CM Puncheon

Lambert Barnard


Would complete signings of Semi, Antonio and Papa as well


We really miss Hammond when he doesn't play, just like Schniderlin, i think he is one of those players that you dont notice until he isn't there. I really rate him, think he is a good leader and a very good and under rated player.

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There will be an exodus in the summer I'm sure, just check out the first team squad and the ones of those who will never get a sniff at even a place on the bench. Many are leftovers from a previous period when we signed anything under the age of 20 on long contracts with no questions asked.


I think we have mainly agreed that we need another CM and to resolve the RB problem which refuses to go away. Would AP consider James to be the answer to both these holes if he was fit?


The one I'd think he'll let go is Papa, sorry to say.

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Agree with many of the above that Jaidi's experience and presence is invaluable even if only as a squad player,or if used selectively.


Lambert - has to stay,but so much depends on the terms of his contract and if he is entitled to speak to others.


Lallana - bow to those itk who say he will stay.


Papa/Antonio - will we look to keep both having signed Puncheon ?


Goalkeeper - KD is 34,we need to build for the future and I'd like to see an up and coming understudy signed.This may rattle a few on here but BB in my view is unreliable.


RB - yes,we need one ! Unless the Harding switch is to be longer term.


Agree that we need more quality in midfield, a box to box player to play alongside Schneiderlin and get 5-10 assists/goals a season.


Stock ?


My big fear is Fonte.He is clearly a class above this league,and it concerns me that Saints have not made the progress he hoped for in January.Colin W a nker at QPR will have money to spend and knows him well.


Get rid of the dross - Pulis,Gillet.Molyneaux,Holmes,Forecast etc


Wotton and Perry next season are likely to be a season over their 'shelf life' and will probably move on.

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I think its too soon for us to judge Seabourne. AP stated when he signed that he may be the one that surprises most with his quality and his signings so far have been pretty decent.

I agree Jaidi has one more season in him. Thomas would also be a good squad player (3rd choice RB & 4th CB) if he will take a big wage reduction.

Sign Semi, Papa & Antonio.

Its over for Wotton, Perry & Murty and Gillet & Holmes are not favoured. Pulis, Lancashire, Molyneux & Forecast are not at the right level.


If AP is serious therefore about building next seasons team as one that could compete in the Championship, we will need a class RB, CB and cover at CM & LM.


Surman is an interesting one if he could be tempted back. Anyone think he and Morgan could play together in CM? He would also provide competition/cover for AL on the left.

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