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Speeding Punishment


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No fixed penalty notice? mmm, sounds a bit more serious than a standard slapped wrist (3 points and a £60 fine) then.


Reckon you'll be looking at 6 points, bigger fine, and nice little code to tap in when you go for insurance renewal.

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They normally allow 10% plus 2 mph over the limit before they do you so anything over 68mph is likely to result in a missive. There is a scale of typical penalties depending on the amount over the limit, but I'm afraid I can't remember what it was, and it might have changed.


Money-grabbing bastards! Unless you were driving irresponsibly, in which case you deserve all you get.

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From a Police Web-site.


What is the penalty for speeding?


If you accept an offer of fixed penalty, you will pay £60 and receive a 3-point licence endorsement. If you go to court, you may receive a fine of up to £1,000 and 6 penalty points. If the speed was very excessive or you have too many points on your licence already you may be disqualified.


I got £60 and 3 pts for 36 in a 30MPH, last year.

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The letter I had came with a form to fill out and it said a conformation (or somthing) will be posted to me within 28 days



It also had in the small print that I may be summonsed if the magistrate feels the speed was overly excessive


Yes, IIRC you just have to send that back to confirm (or not) you were the driver. The fixed notice will then be sent to you.

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No fixed penalty notice? mmm, sounds a bit more serious than a standard slapped wrist (3 points and a £60 fine) then.


Reckon you'll be looking at 6 points, bigger fine, and nice little code to tap in when you go for insurance renewal.



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The letter I had came with a form to fill out and it said a conformation (or somthing) will be posted to me within 28 days



It also had in the small print that I may be summonsed if the magistrate feels the speed was overly excessive



Hummm, well based on the fact the my mate was recently hit head-on by a polish guy overtaking at speed on a single carriageway and the polish guy didn't get any points or a fine, but just had to attend a driving skills course, I would anticipate that once you confirm it was you driving the car, you will receive a picnic hamper, some holiday vouchers for Devon Cliffs holiday park in Exmouth and a bottle of blue nun. Good luck.

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Hummm, well based on the fact the my mate was recently hit head-on by a polish guy overtaking at speed on a single carriageway and the polish guy didn't get any points or a fine, but just had to attend a driving skills course, I would anticipate that once you confirm it was you driving the car, you will receive a picnic hamper, some holiday vouchers for Devon Cliffs holiday park in Exmouth and a bottle of blue nun. Good luck.
Is it impoertant the bloke was Polish??
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Dell Days just tell them it wasnt you behind the wheel . tell them you were deep in the Atlantic steering HMS S****** to pastures new. Im sure the magistrates will buy that excuse:cool: unless you were caught speeding in your sub doing 75 nautical miles in a 60 nautical mile zone. You know what the river police are like

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Following on from the completion and return of the Notice of Intended Prosecution form you will likely get an offer of Fixed Penalty of £60 and 3 points. If you are lucky you might get offered a Speed Awareness Course depeding on the local Safety Partnership's policy.


This site is the bible and the forum section members will give you general advice based on your case.



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Following on from the completion and return of the Notice of Intended Prosecution form you will likely get an offer of Fixed Penalty of £60 and 3 points. If you are lucky you might get offered a Speed Awareness Course depeding on the local Safety Partnership's policy.


This site is the bible and the forum section members will give you general advice based on your case.




I was offered the speed awareness course but that cost about £90 so I paid the £60 and took the points.

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It should be 3 points and £60 fine. The awareness course will only be offered if they think that it was a minor offence. My boyfriend was caught last year doing 57 in a 40 and just got an fixed penalty. (I know he was very lucky)

Edited by Poshie72
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l had one last year 96mph on a 70 (M4 to Wales) got a letter and send it back fine £60 and 3 points (ffs) said it was not me then they sent a photo back and you could see clearly that it was... had to sent my driving licence and a cheque for sixty pounds

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I was offered the speed awareness course but that cost about £90 so I paid the £60 and took the points.


Bit stupid really. I'm sure the 3 points will cost you more in additional insurance over the next 5 years than the additional £30 to do the course.

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Not if it's the first 3 points, SiP. Insurers don't penalise for those, I'm told.


They've tended to in my experience.


A lot of it depends on whether your a young driver or not I suspect, my mate's son (early twenties) got caught doing 45 in a 30 mph zone just before he had to renew his insurance. (first offence, 1 year no claims bonus) He got a 60 quid fine and 3 points on his licence.


After extensive research on confused.com and elsewhere, when getting insurance for his 2nd year he found out that practically all the insurance companies had tagged 140 quid minimum on to what his quote would have been had he not got done for speeding.


I also remember my insurance going up a bit when I got caught once in the mid 90s.


As for the original post, it's likely you'll get 3 points and a 60 quid fine. You'll have to hand your licence in to your local police station I expect.


But cracking down on speeding is a complete witchhunt now where I drive frequently (Portsmouth and surrounding areas). A 20 year old friend of mine gave me a lift home recently going down the Eastern Road and we got followed by a copper. "Followed" then became "tailgated" and we were pursued 7 miles home literally to the end of my road, despite the fact that at least 3 cars had overtaken us on the Eastern Rd well in excess of the speed limit. (I've heard this happen to quite a few people on their respective journeys, all blokes between 18-25 funnily enough).


I actually made a note of the squad car's registration number and encouraged my mate to make a formal complaint. If it had been me and I'd have been in my old car, I'd have genuinely been tempted to deliberately slam my brakes on if a situation had arose that would have remotely warranted it, but it's quite a few years since I was in my twenties :(

Edited by JackFrost
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Bit stupid really. I'm sure the 3 points will cost you more in additional insurance over the next 5 years than the additional £30 to do the course.


Their actually valid on your licence for just 3, but can't be removed until 4 years after they were added

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I don't know now but i had two separate SP30 penalties on my license a few years back and contacted my insurance company about it just to be on the safe side,they told me it would not effect my insurance as they were minor offenses and they did not view them as a motoring conviction.

Have to admit they were right and it never changed my insurance at all,and each year i had them on my license my premiums still went down.

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Not if it's the first 3 points, SiP. Insurers don't penalise for those, I'm told.


Mine did - my wife is 2nd driver on my policy, got caught doing 37 mph in an unmarked 30 in Portsmouth (non-residential) and if you don't tell them it can invalidate your cover. So I told them and my policy element for her went up when renewing (only by about £20 but I bet it would have been more if my wife had been under 25). Had they not been £50 cheaper than the opposition and very good a couple of years ago when I needed them, I'd have gone elsewhere.


Personally, I'd agree with you that punishing for the first 3 points is a bit much but after that fair enough.

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Mine did - my wife is 2nd driver on my policy, got caught doing 37 mph in an unmarked 30 in Portsmouth (non-residential) and if you don't tell them it can invalidate your cover. So I told them and my policy element for her went up when renewing (only by about £20 but I bet it would have been more if my wife had been under 25). Had they not been £50 cheaper than the opposition and very good a couple of years ago when I needed them, I'd have gone elsewhere.


Personally, I'd agree with you that punishing for the first 3 points is a bit much but after that fair enough.


Well, I would have paid the extra for the under 25 wife.

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I recently got caught doing 36 or 37 in a 30 limit (the one on the bridge at Northam next to St Marys, my excuse was the wife was in the car yakking to me at the time, hence was not paying full attention). As it was in Hampshire I was offered the speed awareness course at a cost of £72.00 or a fine of £60.00 and 3 points. Found the course really interesting (how sad is that).


If you get offered the course TDD, I recommend going on it for the extra £12.00 it is worth it not to get the 3 points, and you will learn the consequences of speeding especially what would happen if you hit and kill someone, I had never thought of the consequences before I attended the course. If you kill someone and you were doing 1mph over the limit and they can prove it they will prosecute and send you to prison.

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I recently got caught doing 36 or 37 in a 30 limit (the one on the bridge at Northam next to St Marys, my excuse was the wife was in the car yakking to me at the time, hence was not paying full attention).


Lucky you got a happy Police Officer - you could have been done for 'Driving without due care and attention' with that admission!


I got done for doing 90ish on the M27 back from one of the mid-week matches a while ago - SP50 3 points and £60.

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Their actually valid on your licence for just 3, but can't be removed until 4 years after they were added



Yes, but insurance companies consider all convictions in the last 5 years. You can easily non-disclose after 4 years when they are wiped, but this is illegal and would invalidate your policy if found out.

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Mine did - my wife is 2nd driver on my policy, got caught doing 37 mph in an unmarked 30 in Portsmouth (non-residential) and if you don't tell them it can invalidate your cover. So I told them and my policy element for her went up when renewing (only by about £20 but I bet it would have been more if my wife had been under 25). Had they not been £50 cheaper than the opposition and very good a couple of years ago when I needed them, I'd have gone elsewhere.


Personally, I'd agree with you that punishing for the first 3 points is a bit much but after that fair enough.


The first time I got done for speeding I didn't tell the insurers. After 2 and a half years of ignorance (I thought they got told automatically) it slipped out whilst in conversation with them. They told me I was lucky I hadn't needed my insurance for the last 30 months, bumped up the cost, and charged me the extra for all the months I hadn't told them. Cost me a fortune. My stupidity, but it's still bloody lucky I had enough moolah to cover it.

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The first time I got done for speeding I didn't tell the insurers. After 2 and a half years of ignorance (I thought they got told automatically) it slipped out whilst in conversation with them. They told me I was lucky I hadn't needed my insurance for the last 30 months, bumped up the cost, and charged me the extra for all the months I hadn't told them. Cost me a fortune. My stupidity, but it's still bloody lucky I had enough moolah to cover it.

I got caught just over 10 years ago but I didn't know that you had to notify the insurance company. On my renewal notices now it lists all my previous claims, windscreens, etc. and it still lists the SP30 so I'm pretty sure that they are notified by the DVLC. Whatever happened to the rehabilitation of offenders act?


My licence had the old postcode so after three years I sent it off for a free address change thinking that the 3 points would be expunged. I now know that you have to wait 4 years, and pay another fee (fine) to have them removed.

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I got caught doing 67 in a 30 just over 5 years ago, up by Bitterne where they have the mobile unit just before the camera. There are few people who don't speed but I suppose that was excessive. Haven't had any since. But I drive a sensible car now. Do miss hitting the 180mph mark though. (On a race track of course)

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