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Greener Grass?


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For all of you gagging to see the back of Pardew after last night's heinous crime of drawing at home, think back.


The perceived wisdom on here was the Burley was useless and should go because we could do better. Burley went yet the following 5 managers that followed him could barely buy a win between them until Alan Pardew turned up.


The perceived wisdom was that Lowe was uselss and should go because we could do better. Lowe went yet the string of people who tried to run the club made aright pig's ear of things, so much so that the despised Lowe was asked back to try and sort the mess out.


You might get you way. Pardew might find a better job (where he is wanted) or he might be asked to leave.


But, just as spending money does not guarantee promotion, notr does getting shot of a manager guarntee that things will improve.


Whatever happens through what is left of the season, Pardew has done a good job and was finally undone by the minus 10 points, not because he is a useless manager.


As was said once before, be careful what you wish for....

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For all of you gagging to see the back of Pardew after last night's heinous crime of drawing at home, think back.


The perceived wisdom on here was the Burley was useless and should go because we could do better. Burley went yet the following 5 managers that followed him could barely buy a win between them until Alan Pardew turned up.


The perceived wisdom was that Lowe was uselss and should go because we could do better. Lowe went yet the string of people who tried to run the club made aright pig's ear of things, so much so that the despised Lowe was asked back to try and sort the mess out.


You might get you way. Pardew might find a better job (where he is wanted) or he might be asked to leave.


But, just as spending money does not guarantee promotion, notr does getting shot of a manager guarntee that things will improve.


Whatever happens through what is left of the season, Pardew has done a good job and was finally undone by the minus 10 points, not because he is a useless manager.


As was said once before, be careful what you wish for....


Pardew may not be a useless manager but he may not be a very good manager only time will tell.


Not many including me are suggesting that he should go but I think there should be discussion on the topic as some of his comments and tactical decisions are open to question.



If he cannot work with Cortese that is a problem .



I dont know whether there is any friction between the two but there have been lots of comments suggesting there is

Edited by John B
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Pardew may not be a useless manager but he may not be a very good manager only time will tell.


Not many including me are suggesting that he should go but I think there should be discussion on the topic as some of his comments and tactical decisions are open to question


Of course they are open to question. But it has hardly been a disasterous season has it? And without the minus 10 you get the true picture. He gets pulled apart when things don't go well, which hasn't been that often, but precious littel credit when he gets things right, which has been quite frequently.


I agree that most people on here want him to stay...but there is a vocal minority who are on his back every time we drop points and would not shed a tear if he were to leave.

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For all of you gagging to see the back of Pardew after last night's heinous crime of drawing at home, think back.


The perceived wisdom on here was the Burley was useless and should go because we could do better. Burley went yet the following 5 managers that followed him could barely buy a win between them until Alan Pardew turned up.


The perceived wisdom was that Lowe was uselss and should go because we could do better. Lowe went yet the string of people who tried to run the club made aright pig's ear of things, so much so that the despised Lowe was asked back to try and sort the mess out.


You might get you way. Pardew might find a better job (where he is wanted) or he might be asked to leave.


But, just as spending money does not guarantee promotion, notr does getting shot of a manager guarntee that things will improve.


Whatever happens through what is left of the season, Pardew has done a good job and was finally undone by the minus 10 points, not because he is a useless manager.


As was said once before, be careful what you wish for....


Who called him useless ?

Who demanded his sacking ?

Who will be celebrating his departure if it happens ?


You are a troll. You never go to games, dont understand the sport, but just come on here for a rise and a bit of attention, again demonstrated by this "Look at Meeeeee" thread.


Oh, and try posting something else for a change. All your posts are tedious repetitions.

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Of course they are open to question. But it has hardly been a disasterous season has it? And without the minus 10 you get the true picture. He gets pulled apart when things don't go well, which hasn't been that often, but precious littel credit when he gets things right, which has been quite frequently.


I agree that most people on here want him to stay...but there is a vocal minority who are on his back every time we drop points and would not shed a tear if he were to leave.


Being on someones back is NOT the same as wanting him to leave.


Another example of you viewing things as black-and-white when it suits you despite your predilection for slagging others off for doing it.

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For all of you gagging to see the back of Pardew after last night's heinous crime of drawing at home, think back.


The perceived wisdom on here was the Burley was useless and should go because we could do better. Burley went yet the following 5 managers that followed him could barely buy a win between them until Alan Pardew turned up.


The perceived wisdom was that Lowe was uselss and should go because we could do better. Lowe went yet the string of people who tried to run the club made aright pig's ear of things, so much so that the despised Lowe was asked back to try and sort the mess out.


You might get you way. Pardew might find a better job (where he is wanted) or he might be asked to leave.


But, just as spending money does not guarantee promotion, notr does getting shot of a manager guarntee that things will improve.


Whatever happens through what is left of the season, Pardew has done a good job and was finally undone by the minus 10 points, not because he is a useless manager.


As was said once before, be careful what you wish for....


well said, sadoldgit!

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I would be incredibly sorry if he did go.


He has brought in good players, instilled both pride & a strong mentality in to the team, improved fitness levels & has a team that can & frequently does play ayttractive football.


This has produced bigger gates & higher expectation levels from crowd to board level (I suspect in the case of the latter) but while last night I walked away from the ground feeling sad that the dream of going up (despite everything) this year logic kicked in & I realise we are on the brink of something even more special.


Let's briefly recap...we've been relegated, in admin & ownerless. We've faced oblivion...the unthinkable yet I've just enjoyed a season of hope that included winning the JPT - as a Prem supporter I'd have taken the p*ss but that meant something & I had a fantastic day at Wembley & we were on track again as winners...important word - winners.


We have been incredibly fortunate in being bought by a businessman who, in partnership with all...I stress all...his management team are committed to building a club structure that is capable of competing with the best - the latest addition Les reed is a further reinforcement of his conviction that this can be done. I hope & don't believe that they would do this without confidence in the manager - they are good business men & (we are lucky again) have the funds to support the club while the plan becomes reality.


We have great owners, excellent management & a squad that will provide an excellent challenge for the title next year. They, in turn, have a growing & largely appreciative set of fans who I'm proud to have been part of this year - my own pride & enjoyment have been restored this year in a way that I never could have predicted,


The whole set up is the reason for this - let's keep the whole set up in place & go up as Champions next year!

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Pardew may not be a useless manager but he may not be a very good manager only time will tell.


Not many including me are suggesting that he should go but I think there should be discussion on the topic as some of his comments and tactical decisions are open to question.


IF Pardew is "useless", then so too are the 16 managers of the clubs below us in L1 and the three poor s*ds who are still in charge of the bottom three in CCC.


Manager's decisions are always questioned by someone (and a few of them are on this site regularly.It has always been so . Ted Bates was not without his critics, but in those days managers were valued by their experience and

not their occasional lapses of judgement. Lawrie Mac..(arguably the most successful manger the club has ever had ) was continually under criticism from fans who were nevertheless quite happy to come and watch half a team of England Internationals playing for Saints at The Dell in the 1980's..


I'm sure the majority of fans are more philosophical about results. Last night start side was more or less the same line-up as that which put 5 past

Walsall, Huddersfield and Bristol Rovers. No-one can blame OUR pitch for the lack of footballing skill, but teams coming to play destructive, defensive football and poor refereeing also play their part in such games.


It's upto Cortese to make the important judgments - not us, I just only hope that he has more patience than some of the other contributors on this site.

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For all of you gagging to see the back of Pardew after last night's heinous crime of drawing at home, think back.


The perceived wisdom on here was the Burley was useless and should go because we could do better. Burley went yet the following 5 managers that followed him could barely buy a win between them until Alan Pardew turned up.


The perceived wisdom was that Lowe was uselss and should go because we could do better. Lowe went yet the string of people who tried to run the club made aright pig's ear of things, so much so that the despised Lowe was asked back to try and sort the mess out.


You might get you way. Pardew might find a better job (where he is wanted) or he might be asked to leave.


But, just as spending money does not guarantee promotion, notr does getting shot of a manager guarntee that things will improve.


Whatever happens through what is left of the season, Pardew has done a good job and was finally undone by the minus 10 points, not because he is a useless manager.


As was said once before, be careful what you wish for....



Which is absolutely no-one, at all. Not one person.

You're just churning out the same garbage regardless.


This is a forum nervous breakdown by a loon troll desperate for a reaction.


"Stick by the manager" when we are in automatic promotion form but for the ten points. "Stick by the manager" when he has delivered instant success in less than a season from the ruins of a train wreck. "Stick by the manager" when his results and his passion are there for all to see.


What a brave thing to say :rolleyes:


Yeah, you're really going against the grain here, looooooony


Oh yes. Maybe you're mad because the instant success he has delivered is what you said couldn't be done and only existed in the minds of immature impatient unreasonable fans. But you were wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. Utterly, utterly, utterly wrong.



My assumption from August/September/Octonber/January was that Pardew would succeed instantly this season. Your assumption was that he would fail this season because it fitted your 1977 narrative of "three seasons of failure before anything can be achieved" routine. And you were wrong, wrong, wrong.

You were wrong, wrong, wrong.

Welcome to Sadoldgit's slow, painful nervous breakdown



Edited by CB Fry
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Who called him useless ?

Who demanded his sacking ?

Who will be celebrating his departure if it happens ?


You are a troll. You never go to games, dont understand the sport, but just come on here for a rise and a bit of attention, again demonstrated by this "Look at Meeeeee" thread.


Oh, and try posting something else for a change. All your posts are tedious repetitions.


Oh my, did anyone else just read at. Classic.


Alpine Saint in rant at himself shocker.

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Its amazing how one game and one poor result can change the mood on this board so dramatically.


Yes I agree but this was always going to happen as lots of fans are totally unrealistic expecting to win every game.



I think over the season we have done a lot better than I thought except for the first few games when we were poor.



I have been to more matches this season than in the immediate past and enjoyed winning lots of games and would expect us to be pushing for Promotion next season as even with the ten point reduction in most years we would be in the playoffs with the points we will probably gain.


Never been fully confident that Pardew is in the long term going to lead us to the Premiership but I think he should be given every oppurtunity to show us that he can

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This is getting boring. I think we have established that nobody wants Pardew out, despite criticism from some quarters. That said, it is fairly amusing to see CB Fry c*mming his pants at every opportunity to say he was right.


Yes you are right I am getting bored posting the same thing on most threads.

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Still behind him, he done an acceptable job this season.


We got a Wembley day out in the lottery of the Cup, Ian Branfoot got us to Wembley, should we name a stand after him?


Alan Pardew is the man for the job in my opinion, but some people are deluded if they think he has done an amazing job... he has done an acceptable job and deserves no more than a manly pat on the back.


Next season I expect automatic promotion and nothing less.

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Oh my, did anyone else just read at. Classic.


Alpine Saint in rant at himself shocker.


Indeed. The sad thing is that he can't see that he is exactly what he accuses others of being. Still, it is good for a laugh.

Edited by sadoldgit
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Being on someones back is NOT the same as wanting him to leave.


Another example of you viewing things as black-and-white when it suits you despite your predilection for slagging others off for doing it.


Yet you found it impossible to give a simple on word answer when asked to pledge your support for him for next season. Hmmmmmm.

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Which is absolutely no-one, at all. Not one person.

You're just churning out the same garbage regardless.


This is a forum nervous breakdown by a loon troll desperate for a reaction.


"Stick by the manager" when we are in automatic promotion form but for the ten points. "Stick by the manager" when he has delivered instant success in less than a season from the ruins of a train wreck. "Stick by the manager" when his results and his passion are there for all to see.


What a brave thing to say :rolleyes:


Yeah, you're really going against the grain here, looooooony


Oh yes. Maybe you're mad because the instant success he has delivered is what you said couldn't be done and only existed in the minds of immature impatient unreasonable fans. But you were wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. Utterly, utterly, utterly wrong.



My assumption from August/September/Octonber/January was that Pardew would succeed instantly this season. Your assumption was that he would fail this season because it fitted your 1977 narrative of "three seasons of failure before anything can be achieved" routine. And you were wrong, wrong, wrong.

You were wrong, wrong, wrong.

Welcome to Sadoldgit's slow, painful nervous breakdown




I am off to work now Mr Fry, but thanks for brightening up my morning. You and Alps are priceless.


By the way, how much does it cost to buy promotion again? ;)

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Still behind him, he done an acceptable job this season.


We got a Wembley day out in the lottery of the Cup, Ian Branfoot got us to Wembley, should we name a stand after him?


Alan Pardew is the man for the job in my opinion, but some people are deluded if they think he has done an amazing job... he has done an acceptable job and deserves no more than a manly pat on the back.


Next season I expect automatic promotion and nothing less.


Why dont you just enjoy next season and if we get promoted that will be great.


But it wont be the end of the world

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Actullay before I go, I like to leave Alpine and C B fry with something to ponder on as they don't seem to work.


How is it that a manager who puts 2 points on the board a game and another who won every other game get less support than one who only managed less than one win per four games?


Answers on a postcard.


Play nicely now!

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I can't really be arsed to even read what the rest of your thread is all about. The first line is perfectly sufficient to know what will follow.


The whole thing is bound to degenerate into an argument between you and Alpine, mentions will be made of Lowe, Wilde, Crouch and others who are long since part of history and nobody will change their positions which are deeply entrenched.


Ultimately, if anybody holds any position with their opinions, that is their right and it is futile raking over these particular coals, as there is little chance that there is much heat to be gained by re-igniting them.

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Actullay before I go, I like to leave Alpine and C B fry with something to ponder on as they don't seem to work.


How is it that a manager who puts 2 points on the board a game and another who won every other game get less support than one who only managed less than one win per four games?


Answers on a postcard.


Play nicely now!


Good riddance argumentative old git

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Pardew may not be a useless manager but he may not be a very good manager only time will tell.




If he cannot work with Cortese that is a problem .




Cortese is impossible to work with,no-one can work with him .

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Why dont you just enjoy next season and if we get promoted that will be great.


But it wont be the end of the world


If we don't get promoted next season, it won't be acceptable as we will have BY A COUNTRY MILE the best team in the league man for man.


Having said that, I fully expect us to gain automatic promotion and in a strange way, take some heart of us staying down this season to have a crack at the championship next season.

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Hmm, if I erect a man out of straw on yonder hill, I can impress strangers with my amazing straw dismantling skills. That'll show 'em. Love the way you managed to big up the discredited Rupes and Georgie in the process...


Here's to looking forward to next season under Pardew.

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If we don't get promoted next season, it won't be acceptable as we will have BY A COUNTRY MILE the best team in the league man for man.


Having said that, I fully expect us to gain automatic promotion and in a strange way, take some heart of us staying down this season to have a crack at the championship next season.


I disagree with your first point as football is a team game and things like poor refereeing decisions injuries other teams playing really well and suspensions affect games so nothing is guaranteed.


You may think we have outstanding players but they dont often get into the League 1 team of the week


But I totally agree with your second point

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For all of you gagging to see the back of Pardew after last night's heinous crime of drawing at home, think back.


The perceived wisdom on here was the Burley was useless and should go because we could do better. Burley went yet the following 5 managers that followed him could barely buy a win between them until Alan Pardew turned up.


The perceived wisdom was that Lowe was uselss and should go because we could do better. Lowe went yet the string of people who tried to run the club made aright pig's ear of things, so much so that the despised Lowe was asked back to try and sort the mess out.


You might get you way. Pardew might find a better job (where he is wanted) or he might be asked to leave.


But, just as spending money does not guarantee promotion, notr does getting shot of a manager guarntee that things will improve.


Whatever happens through what is left of the season, Pardew has done a good job and was finally undone by the minus 10 points, not because he is a useless manager.


As was said once before, be careful what you wish for....


You make some good points SOG ...BUT please please don't come out with rubbish about Mr Rupert Lowe....He came back to sort out his own pocket and a continuation of his I am better than anyone else attitude....


He failed miserably at everything he touched...


As you have said many times...Move on..Yet you start threads about him and take every opportunity to worship him....


Sorry the man was a spectacular failure and therefore let us all move on and look to a bright future where the grass will definitely be greener without stupid greedy idiots like Rupes..:smt084


ML, NC and Pards.....Thank you


Edited by ottery st mary
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It just didnt happen last night, oldham came for a draw and started time wasting from the off, 9 men behind the ball etc etc, it was one of those games, how many have we seen over the years like that? If Papa had tapped it in from 1 yard out instead of playing it the other way the dream would still be very much alive, as it is we have had a fantastic season clawing away a -10pts to start with, many on here thought certain relegation. Every manager makes mistakes even the best, I think AP has a vast support of the fanbase so he is the man to lead us IMO

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For all of you gagging to see the back of Pardew after last night's heinous crime of drawing at home, think back.


The perceived wisdom on here was the Burley was useless and should go because we could do better. Burley went yet the following 5 managers that followed him could barely buy a win between them until Alan Pardew turned up.


The perceived wisdom was that Lowe was uselss and should go because we could do better. Lowe went yet the string of people who tried to run the club made aright pig's ear of things, so much so that the despised Lowe was asked back to try and sort the mess out.


You might get you way. Pardew might find a better job (where he is wanted) or he might be asked to leave.


But, just as spending money does not guarantee promotion, notr does getting shot of a manager guarntee that things will improve.


Whatever happens through what is left of the season, Pardew has done a good job and was finally undone by the minus 10 points, not because he is a useless manager.


As was said once before, be careful what you wish for....


I'm afraid it was'nt perceived wisdom SOG


Burley was bloody useless and I certainly got what I wished for when the daft Scots took him off our hands!


Our only way was up after he went.

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Pardew isn't useless. He's certainly not as bad as Burley. But i don't think he's very good either unfortunately.


The sad thing is on a personal level i really like him as he's not afraid to speak his mind and he seems to be very fired up most of the time.


His biggest strength is that he has got the players playing for him. You can see Lambert, Lallana, Morgan are all fighting every second in every game. It's a great quality to be able to get players believing in you and playing for you.


Tactically i think he's almost as bad as Burley. We have one of the best headers of a ball in England in Lambert. We need to start getting wide players to the byline and getting quality crosses in for him to attack. Instead we play Lallana and Puncheon on the wrong sides and play narrow hoof ball. The few games we have got it down and played with some width we hammered Huddersfield and Walsall.


I won't be too disappointed if he leaves, as we have the funds to attract very good managers now.

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The OP is all very well and good but where are these supposed posts saying AP should go? I haven't seen any.

they dont really exist..I think 2 board memebers posted once they thought this could be the case


2 posters from 10,000


you simply CANNOT question a sub, or a formation, or a result without the default allegation that you insist on pardew being sacked immediately

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I would be incredibly sorry if he did go.


He has brought in good players, instilled both pride & a strong mentality in to the team, improved fitness levels & has a team that can & frequently does play ayttractive football.


This has produced bigger gates & higher expectation levels from crowd to board level (I suspect in the case of the latter) but while last night I walked away from the ground feeling sad that the dream of going up (despite everything) this year logic kicked in & I realise we are on the brink of something even more special.


Let's briefly recap...we've been relegated, in admin & ownerless. We've faced oblivion...the unthinkable yet I've just enjoyed a season of hope that included winning the JPT - as a Prem supporter I'd have taken the p*ss but that meant something & I had a fantastic day at Wembley & we were on track again as winners...important word - winners.


We have been incredibly fortunate in being bought by a businessman who, in partnership with all...I stress all...his management team are committed to building a club structure that is capable of competing with the best - the latest addition Les reed is a further reinforcement of his conviction that this can be done. I hope & don't believe that they would do this without confidence in the manager - they are good business men & (we are lucky again) have the funds to support the club while the plan becomes reality.


We have great owners, excellent management & a squad that will provide an excellent challenge for the title next year. They, in turn, have a growing & largely appreciative set of fans who I'm proud to have been part of this year - my own pride & enjoyment have been restored this year in a way that I never could have predicted,


The whole set up is the reason for this - let's keep the whole set up in place & go up as Champions next year!


Brilliant post.

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I would be incredibly sorry if he did go.


He has brought in good players, instilled both pride & a strong mentality in to the team, improved fitness levels & has a team that can & frequently does play ayttractive football.


This has produced bigger gates & higher expectation levels from crowd to board level (I suspect in the case of the latter) but while last night I walked away from the ground feeling sad that the dream of going up (despite everything) this year logic kicked in & I realise we are on the brink of something even more special.


Let's briefly recap...we've been relegated, in admin & ownerless. We've faced oblivion...the unthinkable yet I've just enjoyed a season of hope that included winning the JPT - as a Prem supporter I'd have taken the p*ss but that meant something & I had a fantastic day at Wembley & we were on track again as winners...important word - winners.


We have been incredibly fortunate in being bought by a businessman who, in partnership with all...I stress all...his management team are committed to building a club structure that is capable of competing with the best - the latest addition Les reed is a further reinforcement of his conviction that this can be done. I hope & don't believe that they would do this without confidence in the manager - they are good business men & (we are lucky again) have the funds to support the club while the plan becomes reality.


We have great owners, excellent management & a squad that will provide an excellent challenge for the title next year. They, in turn, have a growing & largely appreciative set of fans who I'm proud to have been part of this year - my own pride & enjoyment have been restored this year in a way that I never could have predicted,


The whole set up is the reason for this - let's keep the whole set up in place & go up as Champions next year!



This is the way forward and I am sure the thoughts of many true Saints fans..



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they dont really exist..I think 2 board memebers posted once they thought this could be the case


2 posters from 10,000


you simply CANNOT question a sub, or a formation, or a result without the default allegation that you insist on pardew being sacked immediately


& I think that was in a post match reaction thread, when the 2 board members were unhappy after a poor against Brighton.... they probably changed their opinion's after a good night's sleep.


Mod's.... can we have a Pardew Out poll? the threads aimed at "those who want Pardew to go" are getting kind of irritating.

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Why is it that almost all threads on here have to be ruined by alpine or this CB Fry fella? Seriously, just wtf is your problem guys?


TBF SOG is just as bad if not worse.


It used to be funny reading them get in hissy fits with each other, now it is just like a repeat of grumpy old men

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For all of you gagging to see the back of Pardew after last night's heinous crime of drawing at home, think back.


The perceived wisdom on here was the Burley was useless and should go because we could do better. Burley went yet the following 5 managers that followed him could barely buy a win between them until Alan Pardew turned up.

Except one, and since then he has had 2 seasons of being top of the leagues. he must have been crap

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I find it laughable that people question a professional managers tactics. Its easy in hind sight to question what decisions a manager made, but at the end of the day he knows a hell of a lot more about the game of football than us all posting on this forum. Ofcourse managers are going to get it wrong from time to time, but AP hasn't achieved what he's achieved in football through poor tactics.


Nobody wants Pardew out but I suspect people are just frustrated after last night's result. I am afraid that he may walk though, praying he doesn't as I believe he really can take us all the way.

Edited by Genk
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