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Matt: I was tissed off


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i was at the game against Italy when Matt got slated by the press and even with SFC tinted glasses on, felt that it was very unfair, on another night he'd have scored a couple and been a hero, that was the end for him as an England player IMO. That Russia game, he was superb, scored a a hattrick, hit the woodwork twice and was head and shoulders the best player on the pitch, even just to have had him on the bench would have been worthwhile, the way his international career panned out was such a shame and totally Englands loss.

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If he went to the World Cup how long would he have stayed at saints?

I don't think it would've made any difference. It would've he didn't need to join a top Premier League club to play for England and, considering what he's said about not wanting to be too far from Jersey I couldn't see that he'd enjoy playing in a foreign country, learning a new language, different food etc.

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I don't think it would've made any difference. It would've he didn't need to join a top Premier League club to play for England and, considering what he's said about not wanting to be too far from Jersey I couldn't see that he'd enjoy playing in a foreign country, learning a new language, different food etc.

Guernsey not Jersey - you don't understand this inter island rivalry!!

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i was at the game against Italy when Matt got slated by the press and even with SFC tinted glasses on, felt that it was very unfair, on another night he'd have scored a couple and been a hero, that was the end for him as an England player IMO. That Russia game, he was superb, scored a a hattrick, hit the woodwork twice and was head and shoulders the best player on the pitch, even just to have had him on the bench would have been worthwhile, the way his international career panned out was such a shame and totally Englands loss.


The most obscene thing about what Hoddle did following that England B game was taking Les Ferdinand (who also played, but nobody remembers his contribution) to the World Cup and leaving MLT behind.


It was really a poor show. Hoddle always felt sorry for himself about his treatment by England managers, but treated MLT the same way.


Frankly I am surprised that MLT didnt leave when Hoddle became our manager.

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The most obscene thing about what Hoddle did following that England B game was taking Les Ferdinand (who also played, but nobody remembers his contribution) to the World Cup and leaving MLT behind.


It was really a poor show. Hoddle always felt sorry for himself about his treatment by England managers, but treated MLT the same way.


Frankly I am surprised that MLT didnt leave when Hoddle became our manager.


I think the worst decision was the selection of David Batty.


How can Batty change a game?


And then he goes onto miss a penalty - which Le Tissier would probably have scored...

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i was at the game against Italy when Matt got slated by the press and even with SFC tinted glasses on, felt that it was very unfair, on another night he'd have scored a couple and been a hero, that was the end for him as an England player IMO. That Russia game, he was superb, scored a a hattrick, hit the woodwork twice and was head and shoulders the best player on the pitch, even just to have had him on the bench would have been worthwhile, the way his international career panned out was such a shame and totally Englands loss.


Why did Hoddle play MLT in that England B game?

As everyone knows, MLT played everyone else off the park and showed what a match winner he could be. What more could Le Tiss have done in that game? But still Hoddle wouldn't include him in the full England squad.


So Matt proving himself a match winner wasn't what Hoddle was after, was it? The answer can only be that Hoddle had made up his mind not to take MLT and hoped that he would play a lazy and inneffective game so he had the final excuse to leave him out of the squad. MLT blew that out of the water with his performance, but Hoddle showed what a psychologically destructive tw*t he is by leaving him out. If I'd been Le Tiss, I'd have hoped Hoddle got squashed by an articulated lorry, I'd have been that angry. Just about the biggest and most public snub Hoddle could have given him.


How Matt didn't give Hoddle a good chinning when he turned up here as manager I'll never know.


I've long held the theory that Hoddle thought so highly of himself as a player that he couldn't bear to give a stage to players as, or more, creative than he was. The definition of an insecure small-minded egomaniac.

Edited by hughieslastminutegoal
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I've long held the theory that Hoddle thought so highly of himself as a player that he couldn't bear to give a stage to players as, or more, creative than he was. The definition of an insecure small-minded egomaniac.


I think you might be right there, great player and an okay manager but as a man a complete *****. I remember rumours when he was England manager of him belittling players, including Beckham at training and also at his various clubs he would do things on the training ground to prove to he players that he thought he was better than them. I remember talking to Gary Monk and Paul Hughes in the Rhino one night and they were saying how much he thought of himself. Didn't someone once nickname him Chocolate? Apparantly because if he could he would eat himself.

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I've long held the theory that Hoddle thought so highly of himself as a player that he couldn't bear to give a stage to players as, or more, creative than he was. The definition of an insecure small-minded egomaniac.


Reckon you are right. The only reason he chummied up to MLT when manager here is because he knew how much SFC depended on him compared to the rest of the squad.

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Even Dalek would have to admit that Hoddle loves himself. I think he saw Le Tiss as a threat to his mental stance that he (Hoddle) is the best footballer that ever existed.


Worst bit about the England B game was Ray Wilkins on Sky "Les Ferdinand could have scored all those goals".


Bog-eye, short, bald little git

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I was there that night at Loftus Road, had to be the most complete performance I ever saw from MLT, still got the picture from the Sun of daugther holding the Please Hod pick Le God banner,

Hoddle did a lot of great things in the game didn't he? Can't say I remember any of his performances, and here as a manager he inherited a solid squad and moved on before he got found lacking.

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The part where it says that he was in the best form of his career then isn't quite right. Sadly by 97-98 Matty was already in decline with one injury after another. It was in the 94-95 season that he was truly at his peak only to be snubbed by the fraudulent Venables, and I believe he was never truly the same player afterwards.


Matty was also brilliant in 89-90 - I seem to recall he was voted PFA young player of

the year - and didn't get a sniff of being picked for the 1990 World Cup. Yet imagine Matty and Gascoigne together rather than the vastly over rated Waddle, especially in the penalty shoot out. Even worse, Graham Taylor, who had described him as the best young player he had seen anywhere in the world wouldn't pick him, however I believe Branfoot deliberately wouldn't recommend him for England.

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Why did Hoddle play MLT in that England B game?


I've long held the theory that Hoddle thought so highly of himself as a player that he couldn't bear to give a stage to players as, or more, creative than he was. The definition of an insecure small-minded egomaniac.


He played Gascoigne did he not? I know he dropped him as well but you could argue that one either way.

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He played Gascoigne did he not? I know he dropped him as well but you could argue that one either way.


Then I ask again, why play him in the B international if he'd made up his mind not to pick him? Maybe to put two fingers up to those urging Le Tiss to be picked?


Seems to me it was a simple case of two-faced nastiness: "Go out and show what you can do" followed by "I don't care what you did, you aren't coming anyway".

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Then I ask again, why play him in the B international if he'd made up his mind not to pick him? Maybe to put two fingers up to those urging Le Tiss to be picked?


Seems to me it was a simple case of two-faced nastiness: "Go out and show what you can do" followed by "I don't care what you did, you aren't coming anyway".


Im pretty sure Le Tiss said in his autobiography that he thought Hoddle had already made up his mind and that he played him in the friendly to set Le Tiss up for a fall expecting him not to perform

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Then I ask again, why play him in the B international if he'd made up his mind not to pick him? Maybe to put two fingers up to those urging Le Tiss to be picked?


Seems to me it was a simple case of two-faced nastiness: "Go out and show what you can do" followed by "I don't care what you did, you aren't coming anyway".


Beats me. Maybe Hoddle hoped MLT would fail so as to prove he was right. It was a vain hope. I don't think Hoddles' nasty but some have said he's vain.

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Beats me. Maybe Hoddle hoped MLT would fail so as to prove he was right. It was a vain hope. I don't think Hoddles' nasty but some have said he's vain.


Vanity can result in nastiness. "Snow White" (every football fan's favourite bedtime story) kind of illustrates the point quite well "mirror mirror on the wall who's the best goal scoring midfielder of them all?" "MLT" the queen heard, and so she sent MLT off to the B field to have his heart cut out.


Ok a bit melodramatic, but you get my drift.

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I dont think Hoddle is the real vilian here, it's only the manner of him leaving saints that paints him in a poorer light than he deserves.


The real idiot here is Venables, who snubbed Le Tiss when he was at the top of his game, he also set him up for a fall by playing him against Jack Charlton's Ireland, which was never going to be his type of game.I think venables knew he couldn't play Matt and Gazza, so went with his "favourite", despite the fact he was never the same player following the '91 cup final, and Matt was out preforming him week in week out.

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There's no way in the world MLT should have been in the England starting team in '98 - Shearer, Owen, Scholes were world-class consistent performers - but he's surely exactly the type of player you want in a squad.


If Capello leaves J Cole or A Johnson behind in order to take some no-mark like Carrick or Huddlestone to this year's world cup he will have made the same mistake.

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There's no way in the world MLT should have been in the England starting team in '98 - Shearer, Owen, Scholes were world-class consistent performers - but he's surely exactly the type of player you want in a squad.


If Capello leaves J Cole or A Johnson behind in order to take some no-mark like Carrick or Huddlestone to this year's world cup he will have made the same mistake.


In 98 Owen wasn't, Sheringham and Shearer were the front two in the run up and Owen was an 18 year old up and coming who the publc were urging Hoddle to pick ahead of Sheringham. Agreed though, at that time Le Tiss wasn't play at his best and shouldnt have been in the side ahead of Scholes, Owen, Sheringham but as a squad player to bring on for the last two minutes when you need a bit of magic he would have fitted the bill.

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In 98 Owen wasn't, Sheringham and Shearer were the front two in the run up and Owen was an 18 year old up and coming who the publc were urging Hoddle to pick ahead of Sheringham. Agreed though, at that time Le Tiss wasn't play at his best and shouldnt have been in the side ahead of Scholes, Owen, Sheringham but as a squad player to bring on for the last two minutes when you need a bit of magic he would have fitted the bill.


True about Owen being young but, sadly, he was pretty much at his prime!

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"Le Tissier is used to England managers overlooking him after Capello ignored his plea to coach the players on how to take penalties ahead of the World Cup."


Yes, why on earth would the incumbent England manager want the advice of the best penalty taker England never had with the likes of Lampard stepping up to hoof them?! Beggars belief....:rolleyes:

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Forget the 'decent' job Hoddle did at The Dell.


He was always a **** and always will be for his treatment of MLT.


My dad was travelling back from Bordeaux to Paris after watching Romania against Croatia at the World Cup in 98 (a work freebie) and he got talking to a Romanian doctor on the train. The conversation got to England's problems and without knowing who my dad supported, the Romanian quite simply explained 'England's problem is you don't pick your best players, Le Tissier is your best player by a mile.'


Sums it up really.

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"Le Tissier is used to England managers overlooking him after Capello ignored his plea to coach the players on how to take penalties ahead of the World Cup."




Yes, why on earth would the incumbent England manager want the advice of the best penalty taker England never had with the likes of Lampard stepping up to hoof them?! Beggars belief....:rolleyes:



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In fairness to Glenda he did say following the game against Italy that he took Matt off to early, on the flip side maybe he felt the slating Matt got lead by Danny "Whats the difference between a bucket of sh!t and Danny Baker................The bucket" Baker was a little unfair and felt obliged to deflect it.


There will always be great players who will miss out of great football events simply because he does not fit in with their game plan..................... eg, Young Gillett for us last season before last was a key player AP came in and he became a forgotten man.

C'est la vie

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i was at the game against Italy when Matt got slated by the press and even with SFC tinted glasses on, felt that it was very unfair, on another night he'd have scored a couple and been a hero, that was the end for him as an England player IMO. That Russia game, he was superb, scored a a hattrick, hit the woodwork twice and was head and shoulders the best player on the pitch, even just to have had him on the bench would have been worthwhile, the way his international career panned out was such a shame and totally Englands loss.


I remember watching that Italy game and thinking how comfortable he looked with the ball in an international context, how he dummied past that defender on the sidelines. It really seemed to me that the press had an agenda and I couldn't work out what it was. When you consider some of the talentless dross that has played for England, and the fact that you need a spark of something to win at the highest level you really do have to wonder, and agree with that Romanian doctor.

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