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Cortese and Liebherr!!

Avenue Saint

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With so much crap going on in other threads about comparisons of the new regime to the last one and other rubbish, "CORTESE TAX" lol...


In the interests of balanced debate, post on this thread to show your appreciation for all the good Cortese and Liebherr have brought to our Saints FC supporting lives....


Nicola and Markus, Thank you!


Viva Saints............

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Thank you Nicola and Markus - but I still think you have made an error of judgement on season tickets.


The point you are missing Avenue Saint is that the criticism or questioning of one decision is not the same as being critical of the owners or organisation as a whole.

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Thank you Nicola and Markus - but I still think you have made an error of judgement on season tickets.


The point you are missing Avenue Saint is that the criticism or questioning of one decision is not the same as being critical of the owners or organisation as a whole.


Having explained yourself, I understand your stance but I dont think some of the posts on the other thread are coming from the same place you are thats all. I dont think Stu Rom is on the same page as you...

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I thank them both that I have a club to support. When one sees the way that the Skates are headed towards oblivion just one year after we endured the same uncertainty, I would have thought that any sensible fans would have been only too happy with how lucky we have been that ML and Cortese came to our rescue.


All of these minor blips are probably due to it being half-term and too many being off school with too much time on their hands. Thank God there is the World Cup available to keep idle minds occupied and then the new season will be upon us. A flying start with quality new players will have all this petty stuff forgotten soon enough.

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Having explained yourself, I understand your stance but I dont think some of the posts on the other thread are coming from the same place you are thats all. I dont think Stu Rom is on the same page as you...


I can't comment on behalf of others but I do apprecaite the post.

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I thank them both too, It dosent mean I agree with everything of course they have done a LOT of good & the intentions over all are to get the club where it needs to be .. no issue there .. Don't agree the right call been made re season tickets tho

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Love them for what they did in saving us and making us financially healthy, ambitious future etc. but starting to see some slightly worrying developments. Hard to put my finger on it but I don't think people have quite as much confidence and respect for Cortese already, and they have only been here for a season. Listening to the fans more and rewarding them would help as he seems to be a very ruthless business man who is stubborn and only does what he wants to do - he's not going to listen to anyone else but has to understand that the voice of the fans is a loud voice

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nah mate! no cortese, no Markus, so keep your thanks to yourself.


Yes agree with you here on this point for NOW..

& NC has to be head strong & determined if we are going where we want to go.. does that really mean we have to agree with everything & not voice how we feel?

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Yes agree with you here on this point for NOW..

& NC has to be head strong & determined if we are going where we want to go.. does that really mean we have to agree with everything & not voice how we feel?


voicing a fair opinion and "BOYCOTTING" the club????



When you u understand the difference, come talk to me.

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Thank you Markus and Nicola.


If you do read this site, I'd like to apologise for the serial insults thrown in your direction by a poster formally known as Stanley/Mole. Please don't consider him to be representative of the opinions of the city of Southampton. If you can overlook him (oh and the fat chap from Romsey), the rest of us think you are doing a wonderful job.

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With so much crap going on in other threads about comparisons of the new regime to the last one and other rubbish, "CORTESE TAX" lol...


In the interests of balanced debate, post on this thread to show your appreciation for all the good Cortese and Liebherr have brought to our Saints FC supporting lives....


Nicola and Markus, Thank you!


Viva Saints............


How long before ML and NC get fed up with the whinging "customers" of their product and up sticks and leave ? A lot of people are never happy unless they are slagging off one aspect of the club or another.

If people are upset with ST prices then dont pay it and vote with your feet. If it was not for NC and ML the club would now not exist, people need to be grateful.

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Thank you Markus and Nicola.


If you do read this site, I'd like to apologise for the serial insults thrown in your direction by a poster formally known as Stanley/Mole. Please don't consider him to be representative of the opinions of the city of Southampton. If you can overlook him (oh and the fat chap from Romsey), the rest of us think you are doing a wonderful job.


hear hear



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How long before ML and NC get fed up with the whinging "customers" of their product and up sticks and leave ? A lot of people are never happy unless they are slagging off one aspect of the club or another.

If people are upset with ST prices then dont pay it and vote with your feet. If it was not for NC and ML the club would now not exist, people need to be grateful.


Indeed. Put up or shut up.

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How long before ML and NC get fed up with the whinging "customers" of their product and up sticks and leave ? A lot of people are never happy unless they are slagging off one aspect of the club or another.

If people are upset with ST prices then dont pay it and vote with your feet. If it was not for NC and ML the club would now not exist, people need to be grateful.


understand where you're coming from. That has to be the biggest fear, Liebherr leaving. not too many like him in football these days. I, for one am more than happy if one day they sell us on for a tidy sum BUT, what I will be eternally grateful for is that in doing so (hopefully) they will have picked us up off the floor from the third division and got us back to the top and self sufficient.

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Dear Mr Cortese,

After You've finished fleecing Saints fans and disenfranchising even more Sotonians can you please find time to allow Avenue Saint to lick your arse?

Many Thanks


LOL - meanwhile you still licking your wounds that nobody gave a sh*t about your pointless huff over the 125th anniversary kit?


People have a staggeringly short memory and lack of history if they cannot see how positive NC and ML are for the club. I cannot remember a time when I've looked more forward to a new season, challenging for the title and building on the momentum of the last year. And to think only a year ago when most of us would have been content with mere survival.


Really some people need to have a word with themselves.

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Dear Mr Cortese and Mr Liebherr


May I congratulate you on a very sound and wise investment, one of which I am sure you will see an impressive return on.


Please can you try your best not to fleece fans in your quest to maximise your income whilst on the road to the holy grail which is the Premiership.


Congratulations once again on your investment.



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I cannot remember a time when I've looked more forward to a new season, challenging for the title and building on the momentum of the last year.

Me too Shurlock. But some won't; those that can't afford the Booking fees, or those that can't shell out all in one go for a ST.

But lets not worry about them because everything 'SFC' is BRILLIANT

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How long before ML and NC get fed up with the whinging "customers" of their product and up sticks and leave ? A lot of people are never happy unless they are slagging off one aspect of the club or another.

If people are upset with ST prices then dont pay it and vote with your feet. If it was not for NC and ML the club would now not exist, people need to be grateful.


This is a Saints forum to discuss issues. The lack of a ST installment scheme and the ticket tax are issues. If Rupert Lowe had been behind these announcements there would have been uproar.

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This is a Saints forum to discuss issues. The lack of a ST installment scheme and the ticket tax are issues. If Rupert Lowe had been behind these announcements there would have been uproar[/color].


At last! you have effectively confirmed there is not an uproar.


Thank you and good night!

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At last! you have effectively confirmed there is not an uproar.


Thank you and good night!


Another seed has been planted to add to the seeds slagging off MLT and Lawrie, the echo debacle, and the lack of denial about Pardew being sacked (how long did it take for NC to back the manager?). Slowly but surely Cortese is alienating more and more fans. His honeymoon is well and truely over my friend.

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Another seed has been planted to add to the seeds slagging off MLT and Lawrie, the echo debacle, and the lack of denial about Pardew being sacked (how long did it take for NC to back the manager?). Slowly but surely Cortese is alienating more and more fans. His honeymoon is well and truely over my friend.


Sorry to break this to you, but i am not your friend! :rolleyes:

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Another seed has been planted to add to the seeds slagging off MLT and Lawrie, the echo debacle, and the lack of denial about Pardew being sacked (how long did it take for NC to back the manager?). Slowly but surely Cortese is alienating more and more fans. His honeymoon is well and truely over my friend.


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voicing a fair opinion and "BOYCOTTING" the club????



When you u understand the difference, come talk to me.


and when you understand .. not buying a programme & not spending as much on food & merchandise ... which was what the poster stated isnt exactly a boycott more a way of recouping the funds needed to find the extra .. I at no point have mentioned or agreed to boycotting .. all I said was the person who said they would do this was shouted down.. but what’s actually wrong with adjusting your budget/?


On the one hand now we have people saying if you dont like it stay away ( vote with your feet) & in the next breath slating the going to spend less at the stadium ... who is it here that actually wants it both ways?

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How long before ML and NC get fed up with the whinging "customers" of their product and up sticks and leave ? A lot of people are never happy unless they are slagging off one aspect of the club or another.

If people are upset with ST prices then dont pay it and vote with your feet. If it was not for NC and ML the club would now not exist, people need to be grateful.


oh yes .. ML spends £20m on an investment & then decides before the investment improves in value to what sell ?.. because people on a forum on the net disagree with something that has changed? good god he didnt get where he is on whims & nor did NC they are not weak & will ride this out & IF it goes well will be forgotten If it dosent a re think might be required but either way they a lil stronger than running away coz some forum posters disagree

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Another seed has been planted to add to the seeds slagging off MLT and Lawrie, the echo debacle, and the lack of denial about Pardew being sacked (how long did it take for NC to back the manager?). Slowly but surely Cortese is alienating more and more fans. His honeymoon is well and truely over my friend.


Don't think the honeymoon is over, but deffo wont be much longer .. bags are packed & waiting for taxi lol


Look I dont think many dislike or disagree that NC has been & is good for club has the drive etc, but some of us do think he has made SOME poor choices .. it's bound to happen but to be fair & ballence it he will also I think make some great ones

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Don't think the honeymoon is over, but deffo wont be much longer .. bags are packed & waiting for taxi lol


Look I dont think many dislike or disagree that NC has been & is good for club has the drive etc, but some of us do think he has made SOME poor choices .. it's bound to happen but to be fair & ballence it he will also I think make some great ones



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if NC calls it a day will ML really call it a day?

If ML sells up what effect will that have on the club? How close to being self sufficient are we?

I'm not calling for either by the way, I'm just interested.

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I hope they pay attention to fans that go to games, rather than those that whinge on the internet.


Regardless of recent events, the internet contains an imbalance of more whingers than fans that cough up.

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Dear oh dear.


FFS it is still less than 12 months since the ONLY thing standing between Saints and oblivion was LLS & Pinnacle.


FWIW NC has been analysed to death, he is a nasty piece of work, but he is OUR nasty piece of work and to be perfectly honest thank GOD he is around.


IF he screws up then ML will be the one to remove him, NOT a couple of Cyber Warriors


I think he has made a bad call on the ST's but then we already know he is a "****" and WE, yes WE made it impossible for him to sack AP and yet we are in uproar because he decided to take some spiteful revenge.


I don't give a sh1t about NC, as long as HE gets the structure in place to get us back to the CCC next season and then gets us challenging for the PL.


But IF his ego/nastiness or whatever starts making stupid decisions that affect us on the pitch and stop us being L1 champions....


But it won't so right now NC I love you and your business plan is brilliant

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This has been a great year with next year likely to be even better. I am extremely grateful to have my club and one of the main real passions in my life back. Then some guy called Dune comes on and hijacks every existing thread and starts new ones bleating on about the lack of an instalment plan and a surcharge on buying tickets. How is he going to cope when we're back in the Premiership with Season tickets costing a lot more than they are now. Some teams will always be League 1. Sad though it is so will some fans. Give it a rest, Dune. I had some sympathy for your predicament initially but you've made yourself look daft.

NC and ML are obviously at one. Without either or both it's League 1 for good which would maybe suit the very few. Not me though and I suspect the vast majority. It's wonderful being a Saints fan at the moment.

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My thanks to NC and ML; without them we'd have no club.




These guys are not going to be perfect, they are going to make mistakes along the way just like anyone embarking on a new venture. But without them I would have lost my club that I have supported for over 45 years.

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These guys are not going to be perfect, they are going to make mistakes along the way just like anyone embarking on a new venture. But without them I would have lost my club that I have supported for over 45 years.


Thank christ a few people on here can see sense.

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personally, I think NC should just apologise for saving our club and sling his hook with his billionaire mate..


how DARE they


Oh lordy.


Do you think Cortese was doing US a favour by saving poor old Southampton?


Or do you think he saw an opportunity to make a mint for his client, Mr Liebherr?

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