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Do we go cap in hand to Nigel?


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MP took Nigel's team, played the same kind of attacking football and quite often didn't have a plan B if things were not working, how often did we dominate possession only to get caught on the break, playing the ball side ways rather that going for the by line to put it back on to Rickie or Jay's head?

I doubt Nigel would come back, but with the management that let him go now out of the picture I would be happy to see him continue what he started, providing we can keep the better half of the team that all seem to be moving on if you believe the papers.

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MP took Nigel's team, played the same kind of attacking football and quite often didn't have a plan B if things were not working, how often did we dominate possession only to get caught on the break, playing the ball side ways rather that going for the by line to put it back on to Rickie or Jay's head?

I doubt Nigel would come back, but with the management that let him go now out of the picture I would be happy to see him continue what he started, providing we can keep the better half of the team that all seem to be moving on if you believe the papers.



In a word... No.

Not a PL manager in any way whatsoever. If the club should try to re-introduce Adkins there will be a mass exodus, players have seen the difference between a textbook FA coach and the real article, they won't want to go back.He's lucky to still have a job at Reading really.

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Great manager and the club owe him a lot for where we are today,but as said we need someone that can push us on again to the next level and sadly I don't think thats NA


I don't think Poch took us on as far as the press would have the non saints fans beieve,Shaw and JWP were already in the first team,players had started to show progression and once we stopped playing 433 and switched to 4231 we looked a different team altogether,don't get me wrong Poch just added a bit more but who knows if those players would of flourished once that formation change had happened under Nigel,the wheels were already in motion for a good team


As long as we get in a no nonsense manager that will carry on the style we are accustomed to I have no worries for the future of SFC

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No thanks, I hate to see it because I really like the bloke but I think we're bigger than him now. I liked the transfers we made under him, he'll always be a hero in taking us to two promotions, and I wouldn't mind if we did bring him back, but it think we can do better.

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Is this another example of Ralph Krueger Newspeak?


Mauricio Pochettino is our enemy, and has always been our enemy. Nigel Adkins, the only other manager in football, is now our ally. He has always been our ally.


Any contradiction of the above, or propaganda about the fictional 'Hoddle', as peddled by the arch-traitor Dalek is heresy and thoughtcrime.


We will be looking for a manager that shares our values, our principles and our philosophy; a manager who can continue to grow the First Team and build on our strong foundation – a foundation led by an ambitious vision and plan that continues to build on our world-class academy, our amazing 129-year heritage and our excellent staff, and rewards our loyal and passionate fan base. Adkins. And only Adkins.


Oceania 'Tis for Thee


P.S. Can someone text John Williams and tell him to check my lights are off and to put my bin out? Holibobs are draggggging on! But keeping myself busy by munching on a Kit-Kat.

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Interestingly, I've been thinking about past managers that I would like to see back at Saints. The only 2 that I could come up with were 'Wee' Gordon Strachan and Nigel Pearson.


Personally I would love to see Nigel back at the helm as I think he is exactly the right sort of manager we need right now. I'm disappointed about MoPo leaving, I really am. I personally think it is a huge mistake for him, but as a club, we shall prosper I'm sure. I'm forever the optimist and believe that the board will choose the right manager for us and we'll progress further again. I think that the manager leaving will have less of an impact than one of our stars leaving us to be honest. I think a more tactical manager than MoPo will do us the world of good.


The latest suggestions that we're looking at Yakin and Koeman do fill my with hope that we are looking for the right sort of calibre manager for our club. A manager with an international pedigree and reputation. Fingers crossed we hear something sooner rather than later.

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Is this another example of Ralph Krueger Newspeak?


Mauricio Pochettino is our enemy, and has always been our enemy. Nigel Adkins, the only other manager in football, is now our ally. He has always been our ally.


Any contradiction of the above, or propaganda about the fictional 'Hoddle', as peddled by the arch-traitor Dalek is heresy and thoughtcrime.


We will be looking for a manager that shares our values, our principles and our philosophy; a manager who can continue to grow the First Team and build on our strong foundation – a foundation led by an ambitious vision and plan that continues to build on our world-class academy, our amazing 129-year heritage and our excellent staff, and rewards our loyal and passionate fan base. Adkins. And only Adkins.


Oceania 'Tis for Thee


P.S. Can someone text John Williams and tell him to check my lights are off and to put my bin out? Holibobs are draggggging on! But keeping myself busy by munching on a Kit-Kat.


I am not a traitor ! Hoddle would be a very good choice. We would play a good brand of passing football and I believe he is tactically very astute. Adkins only left the club a short while ago, it is still too raw to appoint him.

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well.....that got you all going, I think Nigel's only problem is that it's too early in his career, he needs to win something to show just how good he is.


Until he has a top 5 finish or a trophy he wouldn't have the clout to attract big name players, he might buy some old Pro's and develop from the youth squad, but there's no way he can attract.


I guess after the world cup there might be a few national coaches getting the bullet that would jump at the chance to manage in the Premier League.

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