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McCanns to appeal in xmas film


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I don't :(


Even if their original intention had been to keep her, I reckon whoever kidnapped her has now probably killed her because of all the publicity and searching.


Such a sad, sad story.


Let's just hope & pray that Kate and Gerry don't read your post. I think you may know more about Maddies dissapearance than you make out.

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I think my whole world would collapse if something happened to my little boy.

I suspect i would cease to function correctly.

I saw the video on sky earlier and it was extremely moving,made me think how i would cope,thing is, i probably wouldn't.

Whatever your personal feelings are towards the parents a small child was taken away from all that she new was safe and loving,how frightening that must of been i cant imagine.

I watched the documentary shown recently reference the Bulger case,Thompson and Venables claimed that the nipper constantly cried for his mum.....right upto the point they murdered him.

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She was sold to a very rich couple who couldn't have children imho and is hopefully being well looked after.


The stupidity in some (and thats being generous) of your posts is mind boggling.


So, a rich couple bought the most sought after child in the world? With the plan to raise her as their own? Thinking that someone wouldnt recognise her on the local swings one day? Why wouldnt they just adopt, and save their money, and alot of trouble?


Otherwise, good theory.

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Colinjb are you taking the p;ss?

Everyone knows that she was kidnapped in the night by a man with a moustache and a woman with gypsie earings. Then they drove her to Morrocco where she works in a sandal factory.



I got some cracking camel skin flip flops in Morrocco TBH.

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Guest Dark Sotonic Mills
She was sold to a very rich couple who couldn't have children imho and is hopefully being well looked after.


What happens to her now that the Ritchie's have divorced?

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The stupidity in some (and thats being generous) of your posts is mind boggling. So, a rich couple bought the most sought after child in the world? With the plan to raise her as their own? Thinking that someone wouldnt recognise her on the local swings one day? Why wouldnt they just adopt, and save their money, and alot of trouble? Otherwise, good theory.


They don't have swings in Morrocco, just camels.

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  • 1 year later...

Kate McCann spotted in New Zealand?


As if. How the **** do you fly the most famous missing person in history, since Robert Maxwell, halfway around the world without being spotted by someone, are the cabin crew blind or was she dressed up as Mother Teresa.

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Kate McCann spotted in New Zealand?


As if. How the **** do you fly the most famous missing person in history, since Robert Maxwell, halfway around the world without being spotted by someone, are the cabin crew blind or was she dressed up as Mother Teresa.


Didn't know Kate McCann was even missing... When did that happen??

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Why the f*ck would you leave a toddler and 2 babies unattended in a foreign country anyways ??


Actually why would you do it anywhere ?? F*king hell, if i did that i would get done for child neglect.


Exactly, pay the couple of quid for a babysitter or creche service or whatever, and have 1 less glass of wine safe in the comfort that your kids are being looked after. F*cking mongs.

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Get over it ffs, she probably died on the same night that she was 'taken'. Horrible thing to happen, but do we really need 3 years of almost constant news coverage on it?


You ****!! We have to be strong for Maddie, never ever give up on her, she needs us right now.


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Why the f*ck would you leave a toddler and 2 babies unattended in a foreign country anyways ??


Actually why would you do it anywhere ?? F*king hell, if i did that i would get done for child neglect.


Exactly, pay the couple of quid for a babysitter or creche service or whatever, and have 1 less glass of wine safe in the comfort that your kids are being looked after. F*cking mongs.


Why was this not mentioned in the press more? Went out for a meal instead of looking after their kids.


There is something I don't like about either of them.


What are they gonna call the film? Home Alone is already taken.

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Kate McCann spotted in New Zealand?


As if. How the **** do you fly the most famous missing person in history, since Robert Maxwell, halfway around the world without being spotted by someone, are the cabin crew blind or was she dressed up as Mother Teresa.


I meant Madeline. :heart:

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Why was this not mentioned in the press more? Went out for a meal instead of looking after their kids.


Probably because they were a "nice" middle-class couple. If they'd been from some grotty council estate, the papers would have slaughtered them.

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So...Maddie is in New Zealand, and Pompey are looking to hand over contol of the club to a New Zealand man who lives with his dad? By my reckoning, that means that Peter Storrie funded Maddie's kidnapping with money they borrowed from this father/son duo from daaan under. She's now over there because Pompey couldnt keep up with the repayments, and due to high interest rates and overheads, the New Zealanders are now also seeking to take on the club to settle the oustanding debt. Skate c*nts. Makes me sick.

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So...Maddie is in New Zealand, and Pompey are looking to hand over contol of the club to a New Zealand man who lives with his dad? By my reckoning, that means that Peter Storrie funded Maddie's kidnapping with money they borrowed from this father/son duo from daaan under. She's now over there because Pompey couldnt keep up with the repayments, and due to high interest rates and overheads, the New Zealanders are now also seeking to take on the club to settle the oustanding debt. Skate c*nts. Makes me sick.


You're better than the Portugese police, that's for sure...

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