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SOG and Friends (Split)


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8 minutes ago, sadoldgit said:

Peters too who used to “ghost” into the box late and pick up goals from midfield. Love the way that players used to walk around when they didn’t have the ball. No intensity at all. It want long before that there were no subs either. Constant passing the ball back to the keeper to waste time. Jumpers as goalposts. Happy days!

Happy days? You’ve spent the whole tournament whining England are boring, how there has to be a more attractive style yet now you’re reminiscing about the good old days when no one ran much and there were time wasting back passes all game. 🙈

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1 hour ago, Turkish said:

The trouble is you’ve got a few posters on here who love to play the victim or good guy, they are the player running round after the ref waving imaginary cards in air. These are the ones who regularly jump onto threads accusing people of racism, bullying etc and often boast about that being the reason they don’t come on much anymore, despite often being on here adding nothing to the board as they only post about how terrible it is now not like the good old days when they used to post more.

So speaks the man banned from another football forum for being a WUM and troll. Self awareness is not your strong suit is it?

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25 minutes ago, sadoldgit said:

So speaks the man banned from another football forum for being a WUM and troll. Self awareness is not your strong suit is it?

I wasn’t banned for that as I’ve told you numerous times before. You made that up and have repeated it over and over again despite it being incorrect. Which is what you seem to do an awful lot. 

LOL i see you’ve gone through my last half a dozen posts and put confused reactions. What a weirdo 🤣🤣

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7 hours ago, sadoldgit said:

So speaks the man banned from another football forum for being a WUM and troll. Self awareness is not your strong suit is it?

No, that would be self importance. 

Starting a thread headlining himself, Desperate attention seeking weirdo 🤣

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3 minutes ago, Chapel End said:

No, that would be self importance. 

Starting a thread headlining himself, Desperate attention seeking weirdo 🤣

Another tragic fail.  The thread was split from the main bored and would have been done by the mods, probably Lighthouse.

But good job you knocked one out in your excitement.

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13 hours ago, Weston Super Saint said:

Another tragic fail.  The thread was split from the main bored and would have been done by the mods, probably Lighthouse.

But good job you knocked one out in your excitement.

Main " Bored"  and epic fail by an loon who thinks he clever but as thick a mince in reality but bless you for trying to impress him with your pathetic jumping to his defence. 

Hope he thinks you are worth admission to the self important team he leads because can see you crave it so much, good luck sweetheart 


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15 hours ago, Chapel End said:

No, that would be self importance. 

Starting a thread headlining himself, Desperate attention seeking weirdo 🤣

I didn't start the thread you utter helmet 🤣

Also i thought you had me on ignore, if that's the case how can you read the thread. Outed yourself 🤣

Season 7 Oops GIF by Workaholics

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  • 5 weeks later...

It is absolutely staggering that a small amount of people can get themselves so worked up and spend so much of their lives posting against a few blokes briefly kneeling down or warming up in a garish shirt more so than they do about racial abuse or homophobia. Don’t these people have jobs or families or pets or constructive hobbies like painting. What do they have on their CVs under hobbies? Attacking anti racists and Pro LBGT on football forums?

None of these people seem to have an ounce of empathy or the ability to put themselves into other people’s shoes. The way that a BAME poster was treated on a thread about racism was appalling. These people think they are being clever for being anti woke but as has been said before, they are part of the problem.

There have been plenty of threads displaying staggering levels of ignorance and zero empathy but this one plumbs new depths. Strangely threads concerning capital and serious offences get closed down while those that give the anti woke brigade full reign are left to fester.

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13 minutes ago, sadoldgit said:

It is absolutely staggering that a small amount of people can get themselves so worked up and spend so much of their lives posting against a few blokes briefly kneeling down or warming up in a garish shirt more so than they do about racial abuse or homophobia. Don’t these people have jobs or families or pets or constructive hobbies like painting. What do they have on their CVs under hobbies? Attacking anti racists and Pro LBGT on football forums?

None of these people seem to have an ounce of empathy or the ability to put themselves into other people’s shoes. The way that a BAME poster was treated on a thread about racism was appalling. These people think they are being clever for being anti woke but as has been said before, they are part of the problem.

There have been plenty of threads displaying staggering levels of ignorance and zero empathy but this one plumbs new depths. Strangely threads concerning capital and serious offences get closed down while those that give the anti woke brigade full reign are left to fester.

What on your CV? Reading the guardian, preaching to people on Internet forums about what other people should be doing to  stop racism and homophobia? 

no wonder you had to use the clap for Carers as a chance to speak to your neighbours as it was the only time they couldn’t get away from you!

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  • Lighthouse changed the title to The Turkish and SOG Thread (Split)
On 10/08/2021 at 17:34, sadoldgit said:

It is absolutely staggering that a small amount of people can get themselves so worked up and spend so much of their lives posting against a few blokes briefly kneeling down or warming up in a garish shirt more so than they do about racial abuse or homophobia. Don’t these people have jobs or families or pets or constructive hobbies like painting. What do they have on their CVs under hobbies? Attacking anti racists and Pro LBGT on football forums?

None of these people seem to have an ounce of empathy or the ability to put themselves into other people’s shoes. The way that a BAME poster was treated on a thread about racism was appalling. These people think they are being clever for being anti woke but as has been said before, they are part of the problem.

There have been plenty of threads displaying staggering levels of ignorance and zero empathy but this one plumbs new depths. Strangely threads concerning capital and serious offences get closed down while those that give the anti woke brigade full reign are left to fester.

Yet another example of thread censorship when talking out against those who have a problem with those who speak out against racism.

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12 minutes ago, sadoldgit said:

Yet another example of thread censorship when talking out against those who have a problem with those who speak out against racism.

There is "speaking out against racism" and then there is repeatedly droning on and on,( and on and on ), lecturng people who are not racist, never have been racist, but refuse to be held accountable for historical events that took place 350 years before they were born, and who feel there is no need to publicly prostrate themselves and apologise for being born white, British, and male.

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20 hours ago, badgerx16 said:

There is "speaking out against racism" and then there is repeatedly droning on and on,( and on and on ), lecturng people who are not racist, never have been racist, but refuse to be held accountable for historical events that took place 350 years before they were born, and who feel there is no need to publicly prostrate themselves and apologise for being born white, British, and male.

He really does think he is some sort of spokesman for the internet. His pious, self righteous preaching and lecturing across multiple forums really is dull. Especially as this "speaking out" is to basically accuse anyone who doesn't agree with him as being racist. 

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23 hours ago, badgerx16 said:

There is "speaking out against racism" and then there is repeatedly droning on and on,( and on and on ), lecturng people who are not racist, never have been racist, but refuse to be held accountable for historical events that took place 350 years before they were born, and who feel there is no need to publicly prostrate themselves and apologise for being born white, British, and male.

You win post of the month. 

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22 minutes ago, sadoldgit said:

It was a tongue in cheek comment. Hence the winky thing. Why so touchy?

In the context it was completely unwarranted.  As I said, you couldn't resist. Whether it's you or Turkish. you always manage to introduce snide, smarmy, digs into every thread.

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10 minutes ago, hypochondriac said:

Told you he'd say it was all a big joke didn't I. Hilarious to start calling people far right just after a 3 year old has been shot and killed. 

It was inevitable. Typical Soggy, passes off this as him having a joke yet went apoplectic last week making out people were saying he had mental issues because someone said a few of us live rent free in his head.

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2 hours ago, sadoldgit said:

It was a tongue in cheek comment. Hence the winky thing. Why so touchy?

So if I called you a racist and popped a winky on the end that'd be ok would it? I don't for one moment believe you are, I just want to establish that we can say what we like about people, pop a winky on, and all is cool.

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17 hours ago, AlexLaw76 said:


a 'winky thing' does not give you a pass. You meant it, we all know it.  

Hi Delldays/Batman. You have been banned from this place twice yet here you still are. How is that?

Anyway, as you and Badger seem to be getting upset about something I had no control over I am going to put the record straight.

I deliberately started a separate thread about Incels as it wanted to keep it apart from the tragic murders in Plymouth as this new “cult” is worthy of a discussion away from this sad event. For reasons known only to themselves, a mod took my opening post, put it into this thread and closed my original thread. Had I posted in the Plymouth Killings thread I wouldn’t have made that tongue in cheek comment (funny how you right wingers lose your sense of humour when you see an opportunity to take the high ground and when it suits your agenda and suddenly discover some empathy for others). It seems as if you can make jibes and snide comments about liberal or left wing posters all day long but if you have a light hearted dig at the right wing posters you get grief. Oh well. If making an off the cuff comment about sad right wing involuntary celibates is the worse thing I have done this week, I can live with that.

As for your comments Lighthouse, I don’t envy anyone having to moderate a football forum and I appreciate that it is a hard job, but you seem very selective about what you consider to be “tiresome”. I assume that it was you that closed my Incels thread and put my OP into this thread where it was no longer in context? You then have a pop at my quote from my post that you yourself had moved and placed into a different context. Thanks for that! I am not calling for anyone to be banned. What I would like to see is a clamp down on clear trolling, wind up merchants, and bullying by posters who gang up in others. Whatever you say about being even handed, right wing posters seem to get away with a lot more than liberal or left wing posters here and they certainly gang up on others more.

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3 minutes ago, sadoldgit said:

Hi Delldays/Batman. You have been banned from this place twice yet here you still are. How is that?

Anyway, as you and Badger seem to be getting upset about something I had no control over I am going to put the record straight.

I deliberately started a separate thread about Incels as it wanted to keep it apart from the tragic murders in Plymouth as this new “cult” is worthy of a discussion away from this sad event. For reasons known only to themselves, a mod took my opening post, put it into this thread and closed my original thread. Had I posted in the Plymouth Killings thread I wouldn’t have made that tongue in cheek comment (funny how you right wingers lose your sense of humour when you see an opportunity to take the high ground and when it suits your agenda and suddenly discover some empathy for others). It seems as if you can make jibes and snide comments about liberal or left wing posters all day long but if you have a light hearted dig at the right wing posters you get grief. Oh well. If making an off the cuff comment about sad right wing involuntary celibates is the worse thing I have done this week, I can live with that.

As for your comments Lighthouse, I don’t envy anyone having to moderate a football forum and I appreciate that it is a hard job, but you seem very selective about what you consider to be “tiresome”. I assume that it was you that closed my Incels thread and put my OP into this thread where it was no longer in context? You then have a pop at my quote from my post that you yourself had moved and placed into a different context. Thanks for that! I am not calling for anyone to be banned. What I would like to see is a clamp down on clear trolling, wind up merchants, and bullying by posters who gang up in others. Whatever you say about being even handed, right wing posters seem to get away with a lot more than liberal or left wing posters here and they certainly gang up on others more.

Jesus wept. Absolutely on another planet

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People apparently lose their sense of humour when someone uses a thread about the Plymouth shootings to point score yet use the phrase "living in your head rent free" and that's apparently a slur against mental health. You couldn't make it up. 

You're a nasty piece of work soggy and your latest post underlines that. You get annoyed at Lighthouse because he moderates fairly and that means correcting or removing a lot of your posts because you regularly cross the line. 

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2 hours ago, sadoldgit said:


Anyway, as you and Badger seem to be getting upset about something I had no control over I am going to put the record straight.

.............., (funny how you right wingers lose your sense of humour when you see an opportunity to take the high ground and when it suits your agenda.........


LOL !!! Me right wing ???????


To borrow a phrase from another poster, give your head a wobble.

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2 hours ago, hypochondriac said:

People apparently lose their sense of humour when someone uses a thread about the Plymouth shootings to point score yet use the phrase "living in your head rent free" and that's apparently a slur against mental health. You couldn't make it up. 

You're a nasty piece of work soggy and your latest post underlines that. You get annoyed at Lighthouse because he moderates fairly and that means correcting or removing a lot of your posts because you regularly cross the line. 

Agreed. Likes to play the part of the lovely guy who is anti this that and the other and tries to play the voice of reason but is a nasty, spiteful individual and i wonder if the never ending ramblings about what he's against are trying to cover over a bit of history. Either way the mask has slipped. Had his number quite early on and glad other people are now seeing it.

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37 minutes ago, badgerx16 said:

LOL !!! Me right wing ???????


To borrow a phrase from another poster, give your head a wobble.

I have no idea what your politics are but you seem to follow the usual suspects pack around (although you aren’t as joined at the hip as they seem to be).

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5 minutes ago, sadoldgit said:

I have no idea what your politics are but you seem to follow the usual suspects pack around (although you aren’t as joined at the hip as they seem to be).

There isn't a pack you oddball. There are some people fed up with you never ending pious preaching and calling everyone you dont agree with right wing racists. Maybe the problem is you?

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7 minutes ago, sadoldgit said:

I have no idea what your politics are but you seem to follow the usual suspects pack around (although you aren’t as joined at the hip as they seem to be).

I am one of what I suspect is a very exclusive club on here - I have previously voted Plaid Cymru in an election.

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18 minutes ago, sadoldgit said:

I have no idea what your politics are but you seem to follow the usual suspects pack around (although you aren’t as joined at the hip as they seem to be).

It's weird that this so called pack seems to target you more than anyone else. I wonder why that is? 

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8 minutes ago, Weston Super Saint said:

To borrow a phrase from another poster, give your head a wobble ;)

In various elections, local and national, I have voted Labour, Liberal, SDP, Lib Dem, Plaid Cymru, The Northern Party, even the Greens, but I am proud to say I have never voted Tory. ( See what happens when Soggy brings politics into a thread where it is not warranted ).

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1 hour ago, badgerx16 said:

In various elections, local and national, I have voted Labour, Liberal, SDP, Lib Dem, Plaid Cymru, The Northern Party, even the Greens, but I am proud to say I have never voted Tory. ( See what happens when Soggy brings politics into a thread where it is not warranted ).

Soggy would be shocked if he knew my voting record. 

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  • Lighthouse changed the title to SOG and Friends (Split)
5 hours ago, sadoldgit said:

As for your comments Lighthouse, I don’t envy anyone having to moderate a football forum and I appreciate that it is a hard job, but you seem very selective about what you consider to be “tiresome”. I assume that it was you that closed my Incels thread and put my OP into this thread where it was no longer in context? You then have a pop at my quote from my post that you yourself had moved and placed into a different context. Thanks for that! I am not calling for anyone to be banned. What I would like to see is a clamp down on clear trolling, wind up merchants, and bullying by posters who gang up in others. Whatever you say about being even handed, right wing posters seem to get away with a lot more than liberal or left wing posters here and they certainly gang up on others more

Tiresome is continually bickering about inane nonsense on threads which could otherwise be fairly interesting. It’s got nothing to do with whether anyone is left or right leaning. If you are so strongly opposed to people with right wing views, it should be easy for you to prove them wrong with facts, information and well structured argument. Instead we get… this.


I merged the threads because it was basically the same topic but with your little jibe thrown in. With hindsight I should have just locked it because it was only ever going to end with all the posts which are now in this thread.

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6 hours ago, sadoldgit said:

Whatever you say about being even handed, right wing posters seem to get away with a lot more than liberal or left wing posters here and they certainly gang up on others more.

Your definition of Liberal/Left Wing posters is basically yourself, and everyone else is a right wing Katie Hopkins worshipping, Tommy Robinson inspired racist.

It's very easy to be Liberal/Left-wing (I am) and at the same time see you as a bellend.


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49 minutes ago, CB Fry said:

Your definition of Liberal/Left Wing posters is basically yourself, and everyone else is a right wing Katie Hopkins worshipping, Tommy Robinson inspired racist.

It's very easy to be Liberal/Left-wing (I am) and at the same time see you as a bellend.


Amen. I'm a right wing fascist in SOG's eyes, but my politics are firmly left of centre. 

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20 hours ago, Turkish said:

Looks like Soggy has given up on here, seems to be posting relentlessly on TUI though. 

Are you still posting over there? I just take a look once a week or so. Never much to see. 

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6 minutes ago, egg said:

Are you still posting over there? I just take a look once a week or so. Never much to see. 

Surely makes sense to be an merger/acquisition? Same with Pap’s lot. I am a lazy fucker and only visit here.

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4 minutes ago, whelk said:

Surely makes sense to be an merger/acquisition? Same with Pap’s lot. I am a lazy fucker and only visit here.

Ego's usually get in the way of that sort of thing. I like Pap's place. Site looks good, nucleus of decent posters, but just not a lot going on so I don't bother with it. UI doesn't float my boat personally. 

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37 minutes ago, egg said:

Are you still posting over there? I just take a look once a week or so. Never much to see. 

No, it’s got worse and worse over the years and like you say now hardly anything worth seeing. Place got ruined by one particular person. Nicks positive spin on absolutely everything is amusing though particularly as when Cortese was here he had the polar opposite stance. Soggy likes to pretend I got banned for having multiple logins but that’s not true, I only had one.  Only post on here these days.

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12 hours ago, egg said:

Ego's usually get in the way of that sort of thing. I like Pap's place. Site looks good, nucleus of decent posters, but just not a lot going on so I don't bother with it. UI doesn't float my boat personally. 

I really like Pap’s place and he is one of the good guys. Always clashed with him a lot while at school with him and through my 20’s, but he has his way as tells it as it is and I always used to find that tough. Now older I can appreciate the stuff he says and agree with most of it. I also share the same sarcastic and dry humour. 

The first fanzine online that I used was the Ugly Inside and used to love it. It used to have the Friday drinking club which was lunchtimes on a Friday and also a football team that used to play against the fanzine of the team Saints were playing on the Saturday. A great Saturday morning match. 

Then there was the greatest one for me, the Saints Forever, but I think that it was all to do with the timing. Then this one. I’m a Saints fan, but what I like about Paps place is it is more about appreciating ALL that is Southampton. The place I was born and grew up until the age of 21 and moved back from 2001-2006. Now in Carlisle and never to return it will always be the place I grew up and that is what makes Paps place so special to me. 

but after around 3 years of having other stuff going on in my life and tough times fighting depression, I think I am fully back and going to watch the Saints again with my 9 year old son. This is the place for the 100% Southampton Football Club indulgence. 

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14 minutes ago, Dr Who? said:

I really like Pap’s place and he is one of the good guys. Always clashed with him a lot while at school with him and through my 20’s, but he has his way as tells it as it is and I always used to find that tough. Now older I can appreciate the stuff he says and agree with most of it. I also share the same sarcastic and dry humour. 

The first fanzine online that I used was the Ugly Inside and used to love it. It used to have the Friday drinking club which was lunchtimes on a Friday and also a football team that used to play against the fanzine of the team Saints were playing on the Saturday. A great Saturday morning match. 

Then there was the greatest one for me, the Saints Forever, but I think that it was all to do with the timing. Then this one. I’m a Saints fan, but what I like about Paps place is it is more about appreciating ALL that is Southampton. The place I was born and grew up until the age of 21 and moved back from 2001-2006. Now in Carlisle and never to return it will always be the place I grew up and that is what makes Paps place so special to me. 

but after around 3 years of having other stuff going on in my life and tough times fighting depression, I think I am fully back and going to watch the Saints again with my 9 year old son. This is the place for the 100% Southampton Football Club indulgence. 

Welcome back Dr Who. I remember you over the years. Sorry to hear of your troubles and hope you are doing well

The best forum ever was saints fun/b-anter forum Essruu uses to run, genuinely hilarious back in the day. The ugly was very funny at times and the original saintsforever pre 2002 was great. That went down hill when the geeks arrived with their seating plans and “who’s going to. Xxx game” Threads. Plus it’s success went to Keith’s head and the tedious “Mike asked me to ask you….” Posts. I don’t agree with the vendetta some fans had against Keith as having known him personally he was a decent fella but I do think he got carried away and was used by Wilde to get the fans onside. However Amygate remains one of the highlights of the Internet era. 

ive looked on pap web but never really got into it, TUI has been ruined and the IBO is dead. Here is really the only place worth bothering with these days IMO and even then this place is full of helmets 

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