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Advise Please,incident yesterday.


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I wouldn't try to be too clever, they could turn around and say "Yes, but the pitch could see you"


Yeah, I also wouldn't ACTUALLY say this...


FWIW it's the Sporting Events (Control of Alcohol etc) Act 1985 that introduced the legislation (which was amended shortly after to reduce the impact on Supporters' Clubs and the football hospitality industry which was very much in its infancy at the time).

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"(1)A person who has intoxicating liquor or an article to which this section applies in his possession—

(a)at any time during the period of a designated sporting event when he is in any area of a designated sports ground from which the event may be directly viewed, or

(b)while entering or trying to enter a designated sports ground at any time during the period of a designated sporting event at that ground,is guilty of an offence."


So ignore my bit about being able to see the pitch, it's "any area of the ground from which the event may be directly viewed", which also explains why the under-stand concourse at Tranmere has a load of hatched zones and bits around the entrances to the viewing area where you can't drink because you can see the pitch.


Having said that, just being drunk in a ground is also an offence :

"(2)A person who is drunk in a designated sports ground at any time during the period of a designated sporting event at that ground or is drunk while entering or trying to enter such a ground at any time during the period of a designated sporting event at that ground is guilty of an offence."

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Having said that, just being drunk in a ground is also an offence :

"(2)A person who is drunk in a designated sports ground at any time during the period of a designated sporting event at that ground or is drunk while entering or trying to enter such a ground at any time during the period of a designated sporting event at that ground is guilty of an offence."

God knows how I haven't been chucked out in the past before then.

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Being Drunk at a Ground, how many of us were intoxicated at wembley at the Johnstones cup final. > I was well merry and had drinks in the bar at half time as well


Im glad I dindt by a ticket for Stu of Romsies gig other wise I would have been sober


Are you thinking of the Silverspoons debacle? Nick Illingsworth / Saints Trust organised that. RomseyStu just organised coaches to go to the Green Man pub.

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Are you thinking of the Silverspoons debacle? Nick Illingsworth / Saints Trust organised that. RomseyStu just organised coaches to go to the Green Man pub.


OMG Silverspoons,what a sh ithole that place was.

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A mate of mine got caught drinking from his own hip flask during the west game and had the same treatment. He phoned the head of security on the Monday after, explained that he didn't realise that he'd done wrong but acknowledged that he had, apologised for being a bell end, promised to be a good boy and got off with a warning.


Personally I'd do exactly the same in your position.


This. Arguing your case won't work. You will have to make a decision. Do you want to see the football or do you want to bang your head against a brick wall because you feel you are in the right (or maybe not in the wrong).


If your season ticket is confiscated for the rest of the season do they give you any sort of refund? Is there any way of appealing? I guess the football supporters federation will know.

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right guys I'm going to stop posting.I came on here for some advise and to all of you that offered it I'm grateful. Someone said it seemed a bit random and that's exactly what it was. I truly hope the club have the whole thing on CCTV as it will back up all I have said.

Been watching saints since 1977 so let's get me banned and replaced by some glory hunter who will be gone as quick as he came. I'm guilty of naivety that's it.Any one else on hear made the odd mistake.

I hope this gets sorted big time , I have spent 10s of thousands on the saints and will continue to do so if allowed.

I hope to be there Sunday with you all.

Up the saints and goodnight.


Sounds pretty pathetic and hopefully you'll get your ticket back. Football just gets ever more sanitised and dulled down.


More fans will vote with their feet, paying a small fortune to be treated like a 5 year old is not a way to encourage your customers.

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You might have done nothing that you consider wrong but the owner of the flask has committed a crime, you want your ticket back, name and shame, that's my advice to you.



National Legislation

The Government has introduced a series of legislative measures to combat hooliganism. The following

types of behaviour have been made a criminal offence:

 Entering a stadium when drunk or in possession of alcohol

 Possession of a firework, flare or other pyrotechnical device

Possession of alcohol on trains and/or coaches when travelling to a football match

 Throwing any object at or towards the pitch or spectator areas

 Entering the pitch without lawful excuse

 Indecent or racist chanting

 Ticket touting


I knew all that except the bit about trains. Does that mean I would be breaking the law if I had a beer on the train to Waterloo and then went to watch Saints at Spurs, but would be OK to down five pints in the Hole in the Wall? As long as I wasn't completely drunk, where's the logic in that?


Well I got the train down to the game from Clapham Junction to Southampton central on Saturday morning and shared a couple of cans with a Palace supporting mate. There were a few Palace and Saints fans on the train all having a beer or two and all guilty of this henious crime. I guess the logic would suggest we should have all been mobbing up, kicking off and coming to blows but surprisingly both sets of fans shared some alcohol and took part in some friendly chat and banter. Weird huh?

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Being Drunk at a Ground, how many of us were intoxicated at wembley at the Johnstones cup final. > I was well merry and had drinks in the bar at half time as well


Im glad I dindt by a ticket for Stu of Romsies gig other wise I would have been sober


Spade face or The Romsey Retard as he is affectionately known.

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Mate there is absolutely nothing more to this i can assure you. In fact the irony of it all is this is the first time i have not gone for a half time beer since the stadium opened. I have at least 7 witnesses to exactly what happened. Never ever been in this situation before. I wont lie i will be devastated if it goes badly. However i feel the punishment has already fitted the "crime". Some common sense required here .Fitzhugh Fella i think you have got it about right.


It's probably a regular occurence, m-c says that these are his regular neighbours so the flask probably gets passed around on a regular basis, stewards might even be on the look out for it and m-c got caught in the 'pass the parcel'. No-one is going to admit to bringing the flask into the stadium because it's a criminal offence so if they saw him with it on the CCTV he's the fall guy this time.


Nail on the head IMO.


They have been larging it up for years on the liquor, hip flasks, pints, the lot.


If you cant do the time..

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Nail on the head IMO.


They have been larging it up for years on the liquor, hip flasks, pints, the lot.


If you cant do the time..


yeah this. The fortnightly mash-ups in the kingsland have been legend for years. I guess the po-po just got fed up with watching that lot larging it up every other week, it was probably getting out of hand with the crates of hip-flasks, jaeger bombs etc. Not really the family environment we're looking for.

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yeah this. The fortnightly mash-ups in the kingsland have been legend for years. I guess the po-po just got fed up with watching that lot larging it up every other week, it was probably getting out of hand with the crates of hip-flasks, jaeger bombs etc. Not really the family environment we're looking for.


I went for a couple of jars with Glasgow_Saint after the game to talk about his recent scouting trip to Cuba.


Im afraid to say we didnt get to discuss all the Cuban football he has been taking in.


Poor old Glasgow_Saint was sat behind Mirror and his gang, who all refer to themselves as the 'whisky saints' and he was quite taken back by their drunken loutish behaviour.


Whilst the 'whisky saints' might think it is all a bit of harmless fun, it is certainly no victimless crime.

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Interestingly in complete contrast to those stewards behaviour, at the West Ham game at half time a fan was drinking beer, obviously from the bar, chatting at the top of the steps. The steward just approached him and told him drinking not allowed there please take it back down to the concourse which he did.

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I went for a couple of jars with Glasgow_Saint after the game to talk about his recent scouting trip to Cuba.


Im afraid to say we didnt get to discuss all the Cuban football he has been taking in.


Poor old Glasgow_Saint was sat behind Mirror and his gang, who all refer to themselves as the 'whisky saints' and he was quite taken back by their drunken loutish behaviour.


Whilst the 'whisky saints' might think it is all a bit of harmless fun, it is certainly no victimless crime.


They were very loud and my hearing is not like it was

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Well for all of you that have followed the thread i thought i would come on and give you the outcome.


Jury Verdict ......... NOT GUILTY


I am free to go ,ticket returned so there is no need to protest on sunday with your "Free the hipflask 1" tee shirts.


I will keep the details private but all i will say is that the people at the club that have dealt with the matter have been superb to me

and been very fair.


So if anyone would like to shake my hand i will be with the noisy,roudy, drunken mob having it large in the stadium on sunday.



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great news! We can now all get tanked up during match! Open season for hip flasks yo!


Is there any limit on the number of hip flasks you can take in, or did they not say?


It's one hip flask, one crack pipe and two horse hair butt plugs (one worn during the game). Hope that helps

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Well for all of you that have followed the thread i thought i would come on and give you the outcome.


Jury Verdict ......... NOT GUILTY


I am free to go ,ticket returned so there is no need to protest on sunday with your "Free the hipflask 1" tee shirts.


I will keep the details private but all i will say is that the people at the club that have dealt with the matter have been superb to me

and been very fair.


So if anyone would like to shake my hand i will be with the noisy,roudy, drunken mob having it large in the stadium on sunday.






I was so looking forward to seeing the Parading of Shamed Mirrorcarp shackled and dishevelled in the back of the town Gaol horse drawn cart through the streets of Southampton, being pelted with rotting Cabbages and the like by grubby street Urchins and toothless Hags on his way to a public flogging beneath the Bargate.


Ah well maybe next week when someone else has committed naughtiness at SMS!



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Well for all of you that have followed the thread i thought i would come on and give you the outcome.


Jury Verdict ......... NOT GUILTY


I am free to go ,ticket returned so there is no need to protest on sunday with your "Free the hipflask 1" tee shirts.


I will keep the details private but all i will say is that the people at the club that have dealt with the matter have been superb to me

and been very fair.


So if anyone would like to shake my hand i will be with the noisy,roudy, drunken mob having it large in the stadium on sunday.




Good stuff, commonsense prevails.


Next time just make sure you hide your beer inside a squirrel, the stewards will never get it.





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Great news for the hip flask mob. Bad for those for those around them, although they can at least request to be reseated. Worse news for those caught up in away games. Nothing worse than being sober among loudmouthed drunks at footie matches.

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Well for all of you that have followed the thread i thought i would come on and give you the outcome.


Jury Verdict ......... NOT GUILTY


I am free to go ,ticket returned so there is no need to protest on sunday with your "Free the hipflask 1" tee shirts.


I will keep the details private but all i will say is that the people at the club that have dealt with the matter have been superb to me

and been very fair.


So if anyone would like to shake my hand i will be with the noisy,roudy, drunken mob having it large in the stadium on sunday.




Anyone want 30,000 "Free The Hipflask 1" t-shirts?


Seriously though, good news and (eventually) a sensible reaction from the relevant authorities.

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and do they always pat you down to make sure that you are not concealing a suitable screw cap on your person ?


I'm pretty sure they don't, since we've been harbouring bottle caps on our person most Saturdays for the past two years just in case. Before that it was about distracting the server long enough to grab a bottle cap off the worktop behind the desk after they'd removed the one it came with. I know WHY they do it, it's pretty pointless nevertheless.


Got coated in cola (it WAS cola) in the Northam after a random bottle projectile after the second goal on Saturday, wouldn't have got the front-middle of Block 41 soaked if lids were still allowed.

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Well for all of you that have followed the thread i thought i would come on and give you the outcome.


Jury Verdict ......... NOT GUILTY


I am free to go ,ticket returned so there is no need to protest on sunday with your "Free the hipflask 1" tee shirts.


I will keep the details private but all i will say is that the people at the club that have dealt with the matter have been superb to me

and been very fair.


So if anyone would like to shake my hand i will be with the noisy,roudy, drunken mob having it large in the stadium on sunday.




Delighted for you mate and well done the club !

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Serious enquiry mirrorcarp.


I'm very pleased common sense has prevailed - does this mean hip flasks( containing alcahol ) are allowed in the ground or did the club say we will let you off this time but no more hip flasks ?


Those cold winter nights will be here very soon.

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