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Why is everyone so negative?


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Same old same old on here,Same last year,ereryone said we are going down...we didn't did we.


We can do the same this year can't we ? We can stay up.COYR!


I can tell you exactly why everyone is so negative -


a - we play most of our decent passing football in the middle third of the pitch

b - our defence is shakey to say the least

c - our forwards cant hit a barn door with a banjo

d - our manager, sorry coach, sticks to his one up front formation for every single game

e - last year we had experienced players in each third of the pitch, this season we dont.


just for starters really.

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f - our "talented" young players will be sold off

g - our keeper will be sold off

h - our loans will go back in January to their respective clubs

i - more inexperienced players brought in from the youth set up

j - we will have no money to strengthen the squad

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f - our "talented" young players will be sold off

g - our keeper will be sold off

h - our loans will go back in January to their respective clubs

i - more inexperienced players brought in from the youth set up

j - we will have no money to strengthen the squad


You are what if ing are you not? You may well be right about the players going,but I am hoping not all of them will.


If they all go we are indeed in the S**t.

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We are negative because....

Lowe is back.

NP,despite keeping us up,was sacked.

We are puting all of our hopes onto the reserve team.

We are S-h-i-t-e.



And...going 3 --0 down inside 15 minutes is a DISGRACE. There is not one positive thing you can say about Saints this season...its not a coincidence that it coincides with the return of LOWE

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Same old same old on here,Same last year,ereryone said we are going down...we didn't did we.


We can do the same this year can't we ? We can stay up.COYR!


I'm down because i had quite high hopes - and now i find we are 4th to bottom with a minus goal difference of around 14.


A nice little run of five games unbeaten, with 3 wins would cheer me up no end, but i can't see that it's likely. :smt010

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Just read most of the threads on here and assumed we must be cut adrift at the bottom of the table.


To help everyone out, I've checked the table, and it appears we're 4 points clear of the relegation zone.


I sort of expected it to be a tough season, and avoiding relegation to be the best we could hope for. So far I'm relatively pleased. Win the next two and it'll look a good deal better.

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Just read most of the threads on here and assumed we must be cut adrift at the bottom of the table.


To help everyone out, I've checked the table, and it appears we're 4 points clear of the relegation zone.


I sort of expected it to be a tough season, and avoiding relegation to be the best we could hope for. So far I'm relatively pleased. Win the next two and it'll look a good deal better.


Thats where your point of view falls flat.

Saints to win their next two games???

Ha Ha Ha.

No way while Portaloo continues to play Total football.

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Thats where your point of view falls flat.

Saints to win their next two games???

Ha Ha Ha.

No way while Portaloo continues to play Total football.


Hardly. My point (for the wrist-slitters) was that we are not cut adrift. Oh, and I've just checked the table again, and see that Burnley are 4th, and if you add in their League Cup run, in the middle of a purple patch. Not really a shock defeat is it?


And actually, even 3 points against Forest would make things look considerably different.

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Just read most of the threads on here and assumed we must be cut adrift at the bottom of the table.


To help everyone out, I've checked the table, and it appears we're 4 points clear of the relegation zone.


I sort of expected it to be a tough season, and avoiding relegation to be the best we could hope for. So far I'm relatively pleased. Win the next two and it'll look a good deal better.


A positive post!!

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Hardly. My point (for the wrist-slitters) was that we are not cut adrift. Oh, and I've just checked the table again, and see that Burnley are 4th, and if you add in their League Cup run, in the middle of a purple patch. Not really a shock defeat is it?


And actually, even 3 points against Forest would make things look considerably different.



Glad you are happy.

Personally i would rather we started to win a few games before Lowe sells off what talent we have.

If we had had a decent manager and a proven goalscorer(maybe one of ours out on loan)?

we couldve won today?Then we wouldnt be so close to relegation?

Still im sure if we get relegated,all those savings Lowe sanctioned will have been worth it.

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Same old same old on here,Same last year,ereryone said we are going down...we didn't did we.


We can do the same this year can't we ? We can stay up.COYR!


Call me a naive old fool but it may have something to do with losing 2 games badly since last weekend on top of a pretty disasterous season already. The game we drew last weekend was at home against the team who have shipped the most away goals in the division but we couldn't win that (or indeed any but one of the other 11 homes games). That's just the last 8 days!


Yeah, why the negativity? It's a good damn question and one that has now surely left many of us feeling foolish and pondering our stupity when all looks rosy really.


I suppose the prospect of more of the same, even the flogging of a few of our better players, relegation and administration may be a contributive factor too but, now you've raised the point, I can't for the life of me think of a good answer.


Why the negativity folks? COME ON?

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Oh dear. I think you need to get help.


We've all made an opinion on the evidence we see before us, some conclude things are bad and some conclude things arn't so bad. Its just a different place on the outcome spectrum, no one is right or wrong. But its only the positive guys back slaping each other and demeaning other peoples view.


So no I don't need help but SFC does.

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I think the team has some spirit

its lack of bottle that saw us go down, and we havent had it since


today, and at preston, we have shown a edge that really is going to make a diffrence as the season goes on


Still proud to be a saint, and always will be

iv given up on being negative, got to look at the bright side and try and show some faith

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I wonder why so many are negative too.

Surely it couldn't be the cr@p play, the cr@p coach with cr@p team selection and cr@p tactics, the cr@p board, the cr@p finances, the cr@p policy of selling any player who shows the slightest bit of talent, the cr@p players we have left, and the cr@p league position? Surely not? We play pretty football sometimes ....don't we? Surely that's reason for boundless optimism?

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And...going 3 --0 down inside 15 minutes is a DISGRACE. There is not one positive thing you can say about Saints this season...its not a coincidence that it coincides with the return of LOWE


Is that the same Lowe who played his part in us achieving an FA Cup Final appearance and some decent Premiership finishes?


I'm afraid Doug we reap what we sow and Lowe should not have been so zealously ousted by some and we probably wouldn't have been where we are today. Kick Lowe out now and unless there is investment we are screwed as a club.


I assume you didn't make the effort to go along and support them as they were in your locality or are you these days just abother sad old man spitting your bile at the perceived injustices of this world?


If we are in the same position in the league after 45 matches that'll be better than Pearson and as I and others have said all along this season is about survival. This place is like a morgue after a Saints win but after a defeat it's open season on who can be the most melodramatic in talking down the club's prospects when in reality who expected us to go to Burnley and get a result? Same as Reading but where were the merchants of doom after that result - quiet as embarrassed little church mice scurrying for cover until the next loss and their ensuing apocalyptic relevations of the demise of the club and all those inside it working bloody hard to save it for us and future fans.


Seriously Doug, get a life your posts use to consist of intelligent comment now they are mainy *****y, inane, nasally and snide little comments that hold no basis in reality. Thankfully, you even failed to note we were 3 down after 11 minutes otherwise you would have had to find a word even more alarming than disgrace.


I guess we shouldn't be surprised that no matter how disgraceful we were after 11 minutes you cannot comment on the FACT the team manged to stem the tide and actually make a decent game of it . Woe betide anybody who looks at our record against the top 6 teams, for fear of being looked down upon from a great height and have great vengeance wreaked upon them by the doomsayers for ruining their 'fun'. Why? Because they may find a scintilla of hope that actually having made it halfway through the season and still in control of our own destiny there remains a fair chance we will be in the same position after 45 games. Unfortunately, that won't fit the bleak and joyless existence of some of our fans who talk about the atrocities of Lowe as if he was a military dictator or despot or David McGoldrick.


I reiterate once again, so far, better than Pearson and the driver from the wacky races managed to achieve and yet dress it up as success. Remember, Crouch was talking about playoffs this time last year when he appeared to get Hans Christain Anderson to write his programe notes so by anybodies standards our final position last season was a......disgrace, perhaps?


If you can't provide some balance to your posts please don't bother as to say there is not one positive thing about Saints season is ridiculous and you clearly have a short memory and for starters didn't enjoy the victory over Reading, or we have been able to address the imbalance in our wage ratios and remain outide the relegation zone unlike Charlton for example. You can't even get the facts right to support your argument, its a disgrace we were 3 down inside 45 minutes. 45, 15? It was 11, didn't you listen to the game or turn on text or dust yourself off and go to Turf Moor? I'm sorry Doug but you've lost your sense of reality and what amounts to reasonable expectations and unfortunately you are not alone. Its a disgrace the Police can shoot innocent members of the general public without prior warnings and not be prosecuted for their 'mistakes'. Being 3-0 after 11 minutes and getting it back to 3-2 in the scheme of things is not a disgrace, given the strength and from of the opposition its not a bad result and merely a bit disappointing at worse, no more no less.


Doug you're the disgrace at the moment and you don't even go to games when they are on your doorstep. Keep it real.

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It's not being negative, really, on my part at least. From what I've seen from Saints this season on the web it was decent, rather enjoyable footy, it really was. Up until the final third of the pitch. It hurts. For all the effort we score little and concede easy goals, so it's no rocket science we're boud to lose more games tha we'll win. The nippers can't be faulted for their commitment. But just look at the table, just look at he finances and just look at the prospects of our best players leaving soon. Like everyone here I'll remain hopeful until and if we avoid the drop. But let's face it, it'll be yet another Great Escape. It's not being negative, it's being realistic/pessismistic on the face of facts.

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Mr Crouch at least quickly realised his mistake and rectified it by appointing NP. Mr Lowe on

the other hand totally appears to think that he never ever makes mistakes.

The first step in recovery from any addiction is to admit that there is a problem.

Something that his supporters who blindly follow him might like to rectify but are

probably to blind to see.

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Is that the same Lowe who played his part in us achieving an FA Cup Final appearance and some decent Premiership finishes?


I'm afraid Doug we reap what we sow and Lowe should not have been so zealously ousted by some and we probably wouldn't have been where we are today. Kick Lowe out now and unless there is investment we are screwed as a club.


I assume you didn't make the effort to go along and support them as they were in your locality or are you these days just abother sad old man spitting your bile at the perceived injustices of this world?


If we are in the same position in the league after 45 matches that'll be better than Pearson and as I and others have said all along this season is about survival. This place is like a morgue after a Saints win but after a defeat it's open season on who can be the most melodramatic in talking down the club's prospects when in reality who expected us to go to Burnley and get a result? Same as Reading but where were the merchants of doom after that result - quiet as embarrassed little church mice scurrying for cover until the next loss and their ensuing apocalyptic relevations of the demise of the club and all those inside it working bloody hard to save it for us and future fans.


Seriously Doug, get a life your posts use to consist of intelligent comment now they are mainy *****y, inane, nasally and snide little comments that hold no basis in reality. Thankfully, you even failed to note we were 3 down after 11 minutes otherwise you would have had to find a word even more alarming than disgrace.


I guess we shouldn't be surprised that no matter how disgraceful we were after 11 minutes you cannot comment on the FACT the team manged to stem the tide and actually make a decent game of it . Woe betide anybody who looks at our record against the top 6 teams, for fear of being looked down upon from a great height and have great vengeance wreaked upon them by the doomsayers for ruining their 'fun'. Why? Because they may find a scintilla of hope that actually having made it halfway through the season and still in control of our own destiny there remains a fair chance we will be in the same position after 45 games. Unfortunately, that won't fit the bleak and joyless existence of some of our fans who talk about the atrocities of Lowe as if he was a military dictator or despot or David McGoldrick.


I reiterate once again, so far, better than Pearson and the driver from the wacky races managed to achieve and yet dress it up as success. Remember, Crouch was talking about playoffs this time last year when he appeared to get Hans Christain Anderson to write his programe notes so by anybodies standards our final position last season was a......disgrace, perhaps?


If you can't provide some balance to your posts please don't bother as to say there is not one positive thing about Saints season is ridiculous and you clearly have a short memory and for starters didn't enjoy the victory over Reading, or we have been able to address the imbalance in our wage ratios and remain outide the relegation zone unlike Charlton for example. You can't even get the facts right to support your argument, its a disgrace we were 3 down inside 45 minutes. 45, 15? It was 11, didn't you listen to the game or turn on text or dust yourself off and go to Turf Moor? I'm sorry Doug but you've lost your sense of reality and what amounts to reasonable expectations and unfortunately you are not alone. Its a disgrace the Police can shoot innocent members of the general public without prior warnings and not be prosecuted for their 'mistakes'. Being 3-0 after 11 minutes and getting it back to 3-2 in the scheme of things is not a disgrace, given the strength and from of the opposition its not a bad result and merely a bit disappointing at worse, no more no less.


Doug you're the disgrace at the moment and you don't even go to games when they are on your doorstep. Keep it real.


i for one agree with what has been said here, this club went tits up because people wanted lowe out, they got what they wanted and bugga all changed, infact things got worse.... and where are these people now? oh yes i know blaming lowe for the way this club has run out of money etc: get real, you people who ran lowe out have alot to answer for, but then again your not going to admit you got it wrong are you!!!

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Is that the same Lowe who played his part in us achieving an FA Cup Final appearance and some decent Premiership finishes?


I'm afraid Doug we reap what we sow and Lowe should not have been so zealously ousted by some and we probably wouldn't have been where we are today. Kick Lowe out now and unless there is investment we are screwed as a club.


I assume you didn't make the effort to go along and support them as they were in your locality or are you these days just abother sad old man spitting your bile at the perceived injustices of this world?


If we are in the same position in the league after 45 matches that'll be better than Pearson and as I and others have said all along this season is about survival. This place is like a morgue after a Saints win but after a defeat it's open season on who can be the most melodramatic in talking down the club's prospects when in reality who expected us to go to Burnley and get a result? Same as Reading but where were the merchants of doom after that result - quiet as embarrassed little church mice scurrying for cover until the next loss and their ensuing apocalyptic relevations of the demise of the club and all those inside it working bloody hard to save it for us and future fans.


Seriously Doug, get a life your posts use to consist of intelligent comment now they are mainy *****y, inane, nasally and snide little comments that hold no basis in reality. Thankfully, you even failed to note we were 3 down after 11 minutes otherwise you would have had to find a word even more alarming than disgrace.


I guess we shouldn't be surprised that no matter how disgraceful we were after 11 minutes you cannot comment on the FACT the team manged to stem the tide and actually make a decent game of it . Woe betide anybody who looks at our record against the top 6 teams, for fear of being looked down upon from a great height and have great vengeance wreaked upon them by the doomsayers for ruining their 'fun'. Why? Because they may find a scintilla of hope that actually having made it halfway through the season and still in control of our own destiny there remains a fair chance we will be in the same position after 45 games. Unfortunately, that won't fit the bleak and joyless existence of some of our fans who talk about the atrocities of Lowe as if he was a military dictator or despot or David McGoldrick.


I reiterate once again, so far, better than Pearson and the driver from the wacky races managed to achieve and yet dress it up as success. Remember, Crouch was talking about playoffs this time last year when he appeared to get Hans Christain Anderson to write his programe notes so by anybodies standards our final position last season was a......disgrace, perhaps?


If you can't provide some balance to your posts please don't bother as to say there is not one positive thing about Saints season is ridiculous and you clearly have a short memory and for starters didn't enjoy the victory over Reading, or we have been able to address the imbalance in our wage ratios and remain outide the relegation zone unlike Charlton for example. You can't even get the facts right to support your argument, its a disgrace we were 3 down inside 45 minutes. 45, 15? It was 11, didn't you listen to the game or turn on text or dust yourself off and go to Turf Moor? I'm sorry Doug but you've lost your sense of reality and what amounts to reasonable expectations and unfortunately you are not alone. Its a disgrace the Police can shoot innocent members of the general public without prior warnings and not be prosecuted for their 'mistakes'. Being 3-0 after 11 minutes and getting it back to 3-2 in the scheme of things is not a disgrace, given the strength and from of the opposition its not a bad result and merely a bit disappointing at worse, no more no less.


Doug you're the disgrace at the moment and you don't even go to games when they are on your doorstep. Keep it real.


Mmm. 3.10am notwithstanding, gets my vote for Pompous Post of the Season So Far -- and there's been some serious competition.


For anyone who knows anything about football, whether it's a kick-about on Shirley Rec, or the World Cup Final, going 3-0 down after 11 minutes is a disgrace.


I wasn't aware that anyone was trying to equate it to the police shooting innocent members of the public without prior warning. If you want to talk about police and judicial reform, this is probably the wrong forum.

Just to repeat (in case you missed it) 3-0 down after 11 minutes is a disgrace -- no matter what you do for the rest of the game.


Now we've got that cleared up I'm happy to tell you that if we manage to keep a clean sheet for the first 11 minutes against Forest, I think we'll win 2-0, and I think we'll avoid relegation.


But seriously, wind your neck in a bit.



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Is that the same Lowe who played his part in us achieving an FA Cup Final appearance and some decent Premiership finishes?



and whose dreadful record with managerial appointments led to us getting relegated.




I'm afraid Doug we reap what we sow and Lowe should not have been so zealously ousted by some and we probably wouldn't have been where we are today. Kick Lowe out now and unless there is investment we are screwed as a club.




Why ? OK that is your view. Do you have any facts to back this up? Why would we be finished as a club if an unpopular chairman was to leave? What do you base this on other than blind obedience to Lowe's opinion ?

If your opinion is correct, it makes it very strange that Lowe decided to join up with the person who "zealously ousted him." Wouldn't you agree that the lack of trust for each other that Lowe and Wilde have is probably one of the reasons for our current plight.




I assume you didn't make the effort to go along and support them as they were in your locality or are you these days just abother sad old man spitting your bile at the perceived injustices of this world?



Which matches do you go to Sundance? Do you ever go away?




If we are in the same position in the league after 45 matches that'll be better than Pearson and as I and others have said all along this season is about survival. This place is like a morgue after a Saints win but after a defeat it's open season on who can be the most melodramatic in talking down the club's prospects when in reality who expected us to go to Burnley and get a result? Same as Reading but where were the merchants of doom after that result - quiet as embarrassed little church mice scurrying for cover until the next loss and their ensuing apocalyptic relevations of the demise of the club and all those inside it working bloody hard to save it for us and future fans.





"Quiet as a morgue" after a Saints win????? Are you sure???? I think you must be reading another website. After the Reading match there was much joy on this website!!





Seriously Doug, get a life your posts use to consist of intelligent comment now they are mainy *****y, inane, nasally and snide little comments that hold no basis in reality. Thankfully, you even failed to note we were 3 down after 11 minutes otherwise you would have had to find a word even more alarming than disgrace.




I have admired your recent change of tone Sundance but don't let yourself down now with childish, personal remarks.





I guess we shouldn't be surprised that no matter how disgraceful we were after 11 minutes you cannot comment on the FACT the team manged to stem the tide and actually make a decent game of it . Woe betide anybody who looks at our record against the top 6 teams, for fear of being looked down upon from a great height and have great vengeance wreaked upon them by the doomsayers for ruining their 'fun'. Why? Because they may find a scintilla of hope that actually having made it halfway through the season and still in control of our own destiny there remains a fair chance we will be in the same position after 45 games. Unfortunately, that won't fit the bleak and joyless existence of some of our fans who talk about the atrocities of Lowe as if he was a military dictator or despot or David McGoldrick.




You have lost me here. Are you claiming that we have not been playing that badly??


Our record against the top 6 is poor. We have lost4 and won 2. We have now played all the teams in the top half and out of a possible 39 points we have accumulated just 10. If you look at the top 17 teams we have gained 10 points out of a possible 51.


That is extremely poor by anyone's standards.






I reiterate once again, so far, better than Pearson and the driver from the wacky races managed to achieve and yet dress it up as success. Remember, Crouch was talking about playoffs this time last year when he appeared to get Hans Christain Anderson to write his programe notes so by anybodies standards our final position last season was a......disgrace, perhaps?




No . This is not better than Pearson. Get your facts right.





If you can't provide some balance to your posts please don't bother as to say there is not one positive thing about Saints season is ridiculous and you clearly have a short memory and for starters didn't enjoy the victory over Reading, or we have been able to address the imbalance in our wage ratios and remain outide the relegation zone unlike Charlton for example. You can't even get the facts right to support your argument, its a disgrace we were 3 down inside 45 minutes. 45, 15? It was 11, didn't you listen to the game or turn on text or dust yourself off and go to Turf Moor? I'm sorry Doug but you've lost your sense of reality and what amounts to reasonable expectations and unfortunately you are not alone. Its a disgrace the Police can shoot innocent members of the general public without prior warnings and not be prosecuted for their 'mistakes'. Being 3-0 after 11 minutes and getting it back to 3-2 in the scheme of things is not a disgrace, given the strength and from of the opposition its not a bad result and merely a bit disappointing at worse, no more no less.



"balance to your posts" - from Sundance Beast!!! "lost your sense of reality" - from Sundance Beast. Now that really is funny.



Doug you're the disgrace at the moment and you don't even go to games when they are on your doorstep. Keep it real.



and Bodminsaint thinks your post is spot on !!! Amazing!!!

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i for one agree with what has been said here, this club went tits up because people wanted lowe out, they got what they wanted and bugga all changed, infact things got worse.... and where are these people now? oh yes i know blaming lowe for the way this club has run out of money etc: get real, you people who ran lowe out have alot to answer for, but then again your not going to admit you got it wrong are you!!!
Agree, bugger all has changed. Lowe is still a clueless idiot.
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Is that the same Lowe who played his part in us achieving an FA Cup Final appearance and some decent Premiership finishes?


I'm afraid Doug we reap what we sow and Lowe should not have been so zealously ousted by some and we probably wouldn't have been where we are today. Kick Lowe out now and unless there is investment we are screwed as a club.


I assume you didn't make the effort to go along and support them as they were in your locality or are you these days just abother sad old man spitting your bile at the perceived injustices of this world?


If we are in the same position in the league after 45 matches that'll be better than Pearson and as I and others have said all along this season is about survival. This place is like a morgue after a Saints win but after a defeat it's open season on who can be the most melodramatic in talking down the club's prospects when in reality who expected us to go to Burnley and get a result? Same as Reading but where were the merchants of doom after that result - quiet as embarrassed little church mice scurrying for cover until the next loss and their ensuing apocalyptic relevations of the demise of the club and all those inside it working bloody hard to save it for us and future fans.


Seriously Doug, get a life your posts use to consist of intelligent comment now they are mainy *****y, inane, nasally and snide little comments that hold no basis in reality. Thankfully, you even failed to note we were 3 down after 11 minutes otherwise you would have had to find a word even more alarming than disgrace.


I guess we shouldn't be surprised that no matter how disgraceful we were after 11 minutes you cannot comment on the FACT the team manged to stem the tide and actually make a decent game of it . Woe betide anybody who looks at our record against the top 6 teams, for fear of being looked down upon from a great height and have great vengeance wreaked upon them by the doomsayers for ruining their 'fun'. Why? Because they may find a scintilla of hope that actually having made it halfway through the season and still in control of our own destiny there remains a fair chance we will be in the same position after 45 games. Unfortunately, that won't fit the bleak and joyless existence of some of our fans who talk about the atrocities of Lowe as if he was a military dictator or despot or David McGoldrick.


I reiterate once again, so far, better than Pearson and the driver from the wacky races managed to achieve and yet dress it up as success. Remember, Crouch was talking about playoffs this time last year when he appeared to get Hans Christain Anderson to write his programe notes so by anybodies standards our final position last season was a......disgrace, perhaps?


If you can't provide some balance to your posts please don't bother as to say there is not one positive thing about Saints season is ridiculous and you clearly have a short memory and for starters didn't enjoy the victory over Reading, or we have been able to address the imbalance in our wage ratios and remain outide the relegation zone unlike Charlton for example. You can't even get the facts right to support your argument, its a disgrace we were 3 down inside 45 minutes. 45, 15? It was 11, didn't you listen to the game or turn on text or dust yourself off and go to Turf Moor? I'm sorry Doug but you've lost your sense of reality and what amounts to reasonable expectations and unfortunately you are not alone. Its a disgrace the Police can shoot innocent members of the general public without prior warnings and not be prosecuted for their 'mistakes'. Being 3-0 after 11 minutes and getting it back to 3-2 in the scheme of things is not a disgrace, given the strength and from of the opposition its not a bad result and merely a bit disappointing at worse, no more no less.


Doug you're the disgrace at the moment and you don't even go to games when they are on your doorstep. Keep it real.

Thanks Andrew.:rolleyes:
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i for one agree with what has been said here, this club went tits up because people wanted lowe out, they got what they wanted and bugga all changed, infact things got worse.... and where are these people now? oh yes i know blaming lowe for the way this club has run out of money etc: get real, you people who ran lowe out have alot to answer for, but then again your not going to admit you got it wrong are you!!!


This club has gone tits-up because Lowe's arrogant "Rupert knows best" interfering attitude got us relegated.


It all started there. CCC revenue with PL cost structure. Anyone who says otherwise is a f**king liar.

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I reiterate once again, so far, better than Pearson and the driver from the wacky races managed to achieve


You can reiterate it as many times as you want, but it still won't make it right.:rolleyes:


Pearson managed 16 points in the 13 games that he really was in charge of at a Points per game rate of 1.23


Jan has not even managed a point per game, and stands at a paltry 0.96 PPG.


Pearsons record was nothing to write home about, but that sort of makes Jan's record even more derisory.


If you can't even get the basic facts right, then it's not even worth driving a coach and horses through the rest of your tirade.

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You can reiterate it as many times as you want, but it still won't make it right.:rolleyes:


Pearson managed 16 points in the 13 games that he really was in charge of at a Points per game rate of 1.23


Jan has not even managed a point per game, and stands at a paltry 0.96 PPG.


Pearsons record was nothing to write home about, but that sort of makes Jan's record even more derisory.


If you can't even get the basic facts right, then it's not even worth driving a coach and horses through the rest of your tirade.


Given the resources available to Pearson and Poortvliet you cannot assess the merits of an individual's performance simply on numbers. You seem to have an in depth knowledge of accountancy so explain to me how you price an intangible asset like goodwill?


Again, I am no statisician but the more games you play doesn't it become harder to increase your average and likewise the shorter your assessment period the easier it is have a higher average. The real problem though is that Lowe has had to sell off or loan out the high earners and Poortvliet has been trying to extract the best from the youth and those we couldn't get rid of and at the same time cope with injuries to arguably key players without the unchecked luxury of being able to bring in expensive loan replacements like Richard Wright to save his bacon and be the real messiah of our season.


Lets not kid ourselves that Pearson would not have fared any better than JP in fact if he had been in charge Pearson would have probably completely lost it on the touchline yesterday and it would have probably made our result away at Hull last season look like a close game.


Points per game aside, lets take into account all the other factors that are less tangible numerically other than helping stave off administration by effectively cutting costs. Wages 81% of turnover? A PL cost structure with CC revenue is one thing but having it in place in your 3rd season down and paying CCC players PL wages well that takes some doing don't you think?


Within the constraints of the policies installed by 2 years of mismanagement by a bunch of wealthy but clueless directors equally supported by a frenzied bunch of blind zealots it could be easily argued we are having a successful season and I REITIRATE that Poortvliet is a better and more positive manager than Pearson and he will ensure our main objective and that is Championship survival and we won't need favours and a world class keeper to help us survive on the last day of the season.


That Steve is my opinion and at the moment I have not seen or heard nothing on or off the pitch to change that so please get out your coach and tack up your horses but that is my view on the situation and we all need to be a little more positive and supportive of the club as a whole. The customer is alwasy right and usually goes elsewhere if they are not happy but in this bizarre world they seem to get some pleasure in kicking the bruised and battered animal fighting for breath to death and ruining it for those who are trying and hopeful of nursing it back to health. A small section of our fans seem to be full of hatred but without reason or justifiable argument. Its a modern day Lord of the Flies and the pig in question is SFC, William Golding would be proud to see his work on childish behaviour develop equally sinisterly at a football club in the 21st century. The pig will have his day and the mob will remain just that a mob without rule or say.

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I am fed up with this whole Pearson love-in on this board. What makes you think he would be doing any better with the players we have? He would have brought in useless journeymen (err hello Chris Perry??) and would still have to play the youngsters.


The fact is that they are currently not good enough for the league. I think it's a commendable achievement to see a group of academy players giving their all, playing good football and sitting above the relegation area. Look at Charlton with the squad they have, ffs. Rock bottom of the league.

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Given the resources available to Pearson and Poortvliet you cannot assess the merits of an individual's performance simply on numbers. You seem to have an in depth knowledge of accountancy so explain to me how you price an intangible asset like goodwill?


Again, I am no statisician but the more games you play doesn't it become harder to increase your average and likewise the shorter your assessment period the easier it is have a higher average. The real problem though is that Lowe has had to sell off or loan out the high earners and Poortvliet has been trying to extract the best from the youth and those we couldn't get rid of and at the same time cope with injuries to arguably key players without the unchecked luxury of being able to bring in expensive loan replacements like Richard Wright to save his bacon and be the real messiah of our season.


Lets not kid ourselves that Pearson would not have fared any better than JP in fact if he had been in charge Pearson would have probably completely lost it on the touchline yesterday and it would have probably made our result away at Hull last season look like a close game.


Points per game aside, lets take into account all the other factors that are less tangible numerically other than helping stave off administration by effectively cutting costs. Wages 81% of turnover? A PL cost structure with CC revenue is one thing but having it in place in your 3rd season down and paying CCC players PL wages well that takes some doing don't you think?


Within the constraints of the policies installed by 2 years of mismanagement by a bunch of wealthy but clueless directors equally supported by a frenzied bunch of blind zealots it could be easily argued we are having a successful season and I REITIRATE that Poortvliet is a better and more positive manager than Pearson and he will ensure our main objective and that is Championship survival and we won't need favours and a world class keeper to help us survive on the last day of the season.


That Steve is my opinion and at the moment I have not seen or heard nothing l on or off the pitch to change that so please get out your coach and tack up your horses but that is my view on the situation and we all need to be a little more positive and supportive of the club as a whole. The customer is alwasy right and usually goes elsewhere if they are not happy but in this bizarre world they seem to get some pleasure in kicking the bruised and battered animal fighting for breath to death and ruining it for those who are trying and hopeful of nursing it back to health. A small section of our fans seem to be full of hatred but without reason or justifiable argument. Its a modern day Lord of the Flies and the pig in question is SFC, William Golding would be proud to see his work on childish behaviour develop equally sinisterly at a football club in the 21st century. The pig will have his day and the mob will remain just that a mob without rule or say.


Double negative there ;)

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I am fed up with this whole Pearson love-in on this board. What makes you think he would be doing any better with the players we have? He would have brought in useless journeymen (err hello Chris Perry??) and would still have to play the youngsters.


The fact is that they are currently not good enough for the league. I think it's a commendable achievement to see a group of academy players giving their all, playing good football and sitting above the relegation area. Look at Charlton with the squad they have, ffs. Rock bottom of the league.


1 - Many on here loved Nigel Pearson because he's a bloody good manager , as proven by our survival last season and the current League One table .

2 - If you really think Chris Perry is a 'useless journeyman' then you clearly know precious little about football - did you mean Paul Wotton ?

3 - Being 4th bottom at this time means sweet FA - being 4th bottom at the end of the season would be a 'commendable achievement' however .

4 - Yeah we're a bit better than Charlton - is that the limit of our ambitions for this football club :(

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Same old same old on here,Same last year,ereryone said we are going down...we didn't did we.

We can do the same this year can't we ? We can stay up.COYR!


we got very lucky on the last day when a manager with a backbone and good player discipline methods just about managed to squeeze enough of a performance out of a mediocre team to scrape staying up


An achievement against the odds, It won't happen twice (and remember the striker that kept us up isn't here)


more than willing to be prooved wrong though

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Given the resources available to Pearson and Poortvliet you cannot assess the merits of an individual's performance simply on numbers. You seem to have an in depth knowledge of accountancy so explain to me how you price an intangible asset like goodwill?.


Goodwill, just like pretty football, does not put the ball in the net, nor does it earn you points.


I totally agree that that this is all subjective and completely hypothetical to compare individuals performances, but you seem to have forgotten that it was you who went down this route with your line of "I reiterate once again, so far, better than Pearson and the driver from the wacky races managed to achieve".


It is totally impossible to substantiate such an argument. The best you could do would be a points per game basis, and on that basis you're claim does not stand up to scrutiny.


Again, I am no statisician but the more games you play doesn't it become harder to increase your average and likewise the shorter your assessment period the easier it is have a higher average..


You're quite right, you're no statistician.


Lets not kid ourselves that Pearson would not have fared any better than JP in fact if he had been in charge Pearson would have probably completely lost it on the touchline yesterday and it would have probably made our result away at Hull last season look like a close game.


No one knows or could prove it either way, which makes your initial line that Jan has delivered better than Pearson totally hypothetical, sbjective and unable to be substantiated.


Points per game aside, lets take into account all the other factors that are less tangible numerically other than helping stave off administration by effectively cutting costs. Wages 81% of turnover? A PL cost structure with CC revenue is one thing but having it in place in your 3rd season down and paying CCC players PL wages well that takes some doing don't you think?


Not really sure what the relevance is here when you are trying to prove something that is to impossible to prove. Alot of words to say nothing really!


Within the constraints of the policies installed by 2 years of mismanagement by a bunch of wealthy but clueless directors equally supported by a frenzied bunch of blind zealots it could be easily argued we are having a successful season and I REITIRATE that Poortvliet is a better and more positive manager than Pearson and he will ensure our main objective and that is Championship survival and we won't need favours and a world class keeper to help us survive on the last day of the season.


In amongst all your waffle there, I think I probably read something that sounds like "in your opinion".


That Steve is my opinion and at the moment I have not seen or heard nothing on or off the pitch to change that so please get out your coach and tack up your horses but that is my view on the situation and we all need to be a little more positive and supportive of the club as a whole. The customer is alwasy right and usually goes elsewhere if they are not happy but in this bizarre world they seem to get some pleasure in kicking the bruised and battered animal fighting for breath to death and ruining it for those who are trying and hopeful of nursing it back to health..


So it takes a load of waffle to finally reach the line that this is in "your opinion".


At last.


Of course you're entitled to hold and espouse your own opinion, but please try and steer clear of then enshrining it as fact.


And as crowds have shown, people have gone elsewhere, in big numbers, driven away by what has been delivered by this new board.


A small section of our fans seem to be full of hatred but without reason or justifiable argument. Its a modern day Lord of the Flies and the pig in question is SFC, William Golding would be proud to see his work on childish behaviour develop equally sinisterly at a football club in the 21st century. The pig will have his day and the mob will remain just that a mob without rule or say.


LOL, compared to the vitriol and hatred you displayed towards Crouch (and others), then some of the "hatred" towards Lowe is playschool stuff!


Most of the posts on this forum that express disatisfaction, angst and dismay at current events are totally justified and often very well reasoned.

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