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Southampton Team Manager 2014/2015


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Following on from another thread, it has become quite apparent to some, not all, but some that MP is definately off in the summer. He a look of faraway places and seems to have lost a desire and passion. Earlier in the season he would have made changes sooner to try and win the Liverpool game; however he just seemed to be going through the motions on Saturday.


So, if he does up and leave in the summer, who do we want in?


I'd be happy to see Laudraup here personally, the right football with more resources and he looks like the typre that could continue our substained youth policy.


Or Benitez if he wanted a way back to the EPL, a bit more old school but tactically an astute manager who gets the best out of the players he has.


I'll put my hard hat on now!

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The only people that can truly assess any change in his desire or passion are the people that work with him on a daily basis - i.e the players and coaching staff. Making such judgements by observing him from the stands, or from the way he conducts his interviews, carries very little substance. One can make anything fit ones own agenda/opinion that way. Personally I am not sure if he will stay or go. I hope he stays. If he goes, then that is the time I will start to speculate about a replacement.

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You dont think a halftime substitute is early enough?


a few months ago there is no way he would have just waited during that second half to change something. I appreciate that he does not have a deluge of options from the bench, Ramirez coming on, fine, but it wasnt working and yes, Sam Gallagher, very raw, but even he would have offered more pace and willing than Lambert. But it took, what 25/30 minutes to recognise that. And he chages a ball winning midfielder for a ball winning (but poor passing) midfield, WTF!


Does anybody really believe that he is going to stay? Its quite clear that the NC departure has knocked him, to be fair, he saw enough sense to stay to the end of the season, but if I was in charge, I think I'd ask him straight, and if he was planning to go in the summer, well get rid now and get someone in to work with the players while we have nothing to win or lose.


For the record, I would be very hap[py if he was staying, think he's been a rwevolution in English football let alone here, and I believe he will go onto bigger things, just not with us.

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I heard he was at least seeing out his contract until the end of next season Nick. I think he is a good fit for us and the players really like him. I think we will be in big trouble if he leaves. I don't think Laudrup is right, apparently lost the dressing room at Swansea and they were a better team last season. His signings made them worse, not better.

Nigel Pearson for me if MoPo goes.

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Did Pochettino ever jump around and scream on the touchline?


Honestly, this is garbage. We have no indication whatsoever of what his plans are in the summer. This is the wildest of wild speculation.


But the club will be looking at potential replacements at the moment, so I suppose it's worth talking about in case he does go. Laudrup will go to a bigger club and Benitez is already at one. We'd be competing with Spurs for managers at that level. I doubt we'd get a big name.

Edited by DuncanRG
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Well, whoever it is,it they won't be good enough for anyone on here! I'd be happy enough with MP, but at the same time not overly bothered if he leaves. Di Matteo would be my choice. Thanks for the clarification on here that it has been confirmed MP is leaving at the end of the season due to his lack of appearances and shouting on the touchline on Saturday. Maybe we should try and get Mick McCarthy? Not the greatest manager in the world, but he is regularly seen shouting instructions during a game, as well as emotion when his team scores. Would definitely be a winning formula

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Ah yes, pointing! We need a manager who points. Lambert gets lost and confused without a coach who can point to the penalty box. He gets scared and drops deep into midfield. 'What are you doing!?', screams Adam Lallana. Rickie can't hear him; he can't hear anyone. He feels pins and needles course through his body as he takes the ball on the centre circle and lays it off to Morgan Schneiderlin.

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Looks to me like he's going, wouldn't want Laudrup or Benitez, definitely not Benitez.


I wouldn't say no to Adkins returning, but seeing as that's unlikely I'd settle for a Belgian or Dutchman I've never previously heard of (bar the nationality, much like Pochettino), the Dutch seem to churn out decent young players and the Belgians have just begun to, youth/good football seems to be the way we are heading, and generally I feel north Europeans are more suited to English football, because it's just as grim in their home countries as it is here. Who would be happy long term changing the Catalan environs for those of Southampton?

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He did while at Espanyol



"Why does GS keep banging on about me? I'm getting sick of it!"


[img]<a href=http://www.fifa.com/mm//Photo/WorldFootball/ClubFootball/01/70/20/76/1702076_FULL-LND.jpg' alt='1702076_FULL-LND.jpg'>

"I've had it up to here with him." Lino: "He does go on a bit. We can all cherry pick stats to back up a vacuous argument."



"What do I have to do for him to love me? Or will he only be happy with Richie Barker?"

Edited by Goatboy
spelling ffs
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Have any managers stayed in their current role when receiving a better offer?


I'm not sure, i'm not privy to every offer made to managers but I suspect there are some examples. If Pochettino gets an offer from a club with real champs league aspirations or are already in the competition than he will leave IMO.

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I'm not sure, i'm not privy to every offer made to managers but I suspect there are some examples. If Pochettino gets an offer from a club with real champs league aspirations or are already in the competition than he will leave IMO.



I would imagine he already has something lined up. He will take the whole back room team and we'll be back to square one, as well as making our players vunerable, always the perfect time to leave when a manager does.

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At half time I called each substitution exactly as the manager on saturday. Even got a biggup from the guy I sit next to.

To be fair it was not difficult calling the Ramirez substitution at HT. Ramirez was not on the pitch with the other 6 doing the HT warm-up. Nailed on when that happens that he is starting the 2nd half.


Really don't understand the OP's desire for Laudrup, when he has already demonstrated that his is totally unreliable and wants to be somewhere else with a team in Europe. The Gracia guy being mentioned seems like a better bet, but really don't think Poch is on his way anyway.

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I would imagine he already has something lined up. He will take the whole back room team and we'll be back to square one, as well as making our players vunerable, always the perfect time to leave when a manager does.

I guess that you might as well speculate wildly right up to the end of the thread. :rolleyes:

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If we we have owners with the same ambitions as Cortese and funding to match, I'll think he'll stay. If not, he'll be off IF something better comes in.


I think you mean the delusions of Cortese SFC is a mid table PL Club with regards to manager who cares they never stay very long

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I don't think he will be off. People saying he has lost his passion should look at the training picture galleries. Always smiling, lots of embraces with the players and so on. It was the picture of Shaw picking him up and MP smiling his head off that makes me think he won't go, he looks very settled. Maybe he doesn't prowl the technical area all the time, but he is very rarely in his seat for 90 minutes. I think he is a good manager, and I think he will be here with us next season.


In regards to getting a better offer, the key word is better. Wouldn't any of you take another job if you had an offer that was better than your current one?

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So, if he is so disinterested what was he doing sat watching the U18s on Saturday morning ?


I would imagine as long as he gets a clear indication the 'project' will still be supported, he would still see this as a great opportunity.


And by supported I mean actively encouraging players to stay like Luke Shaw and Calum Chambers, with sensible offers in the Summer reflecting their progression, and investing another couple of players of the standards of Lovren, Oswaldo, and Wanyama.

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I don't think he will be off. People saying he has lost his passion should look at the training picture galleries. Always smiling, lots of embraces with the players and so on. It was the picture of Shaw picking him up and MP smiling his head off that makes me think he won't go, he looks very settled.
That is a bit radical! Surely you can only assess his commitment and passion by watching what he does on the touchline, or by the fact that he uses a translator, or that he deliberately threw the FA cup tie at Sunderland?? Trying to suggest that his demeanor with players and coaching staff is relevant is preposterous. :rolleyes:
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That is a bit radical! Surely you can only assess his commitment and passion by watching what he does on the touchline, or by the fact that he uses a translator, or that he deliberately threw the FA cup tie at Sunderland?? Trying to suggest that his demeanor with players and coaching staff is relevant is preposterous. :rolleyes:


Ah yes, how could i forget such vital factors such as sitting down when there is football being played!?


I wish he wouldn't use that translator either, so that we could get moments like Pellegrini showing his true passion for Man City by thinking he is the manager of Man United!

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Looks to me like he's going, wouldn't want Laudrup or Benitez, definitely not Benitez.


I wouldn't say no to Adkins returning, but seeing as that's unlikely I'd settle for a Belgian or Dutchman I've never previously heard of (bar the nationality, much like Pochettino), the Dutch seem to churn out decent young players and the Belgians have just begun to, youth/good football seems to be the way we are heading, and generally I feel north Europeans are more suited to English football, because it's just as grim in their home countries as it is here. Who would be happy long term changing the Catalan environs for those of Southampton?


An Adkins return should be a complete non-starter i'm hoping. Love the guy and he did a top job for us, but it is clear to see, and many of the players have spoken of it, that Poch has taken on a level.


If Adkins was brought back in, the players would essentially have to accept going backwards, which, given the interest that a lot of other clubs will clearly have in them over the summer, would almost inevitably lead to some key players leaving

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never doubted he did - the problem is he doesnt anymore........


Sunderland (FA Cup) he moved from his seat just once


Which channel had the Pochettino-cam running?

Cause last game you were at was Man United away according to yourself so you must have some special deal to get to see the manager all the game....

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Lets just wait and see what happens - if he leaves in the summer I am right. If he signs a new contract and stays - youre right


I have to agree 100% with that Glasgow.


Discussion even conjecture is normal, but it does seems like some of our contributors work for the bookies and trying to drum up business. Will he go? ...will he stay?. Will Shaw go .....etc etc.


Some of the tabloid journos who come out with scandal tactics really ought to be locked away. This sort of " psychological waterboarding" isn't helpful to the club.....or the game we all love.


I don't think any manager..or player should discuss the future before the end of the season, and if KL has done her job.... I hope she has she will move heaven and earth to ensure he stays.


From MP (his) point of view...he's not getting the results he wants, but must have great pride in seeing 4 of his first team squad picked for the English national side ....even if they're NOT Argentines.

Disappointing as it is.....our recent record doesn't qualify him to manage Real Madrid...and as he sees he has such a good set-up at SFC, I think he probably has an open mind on the subject.


Various sources published have spoken about his fervour for the game, the club and his ethical stance.


I think this type of wasteful conjecture doesn't do anyone credit. We should leave the man to decide his own future and not create an atmosphere where he might feel unwanted or unappreciated.


.....but then again..... bookmakers make their living taking people's wages on junk issues like this - don't they, so (sadly) ...we may have to live it a bit longer.


I wouldn't bet on an issue this - better buy something for the children, or the important people in your life and don't help the bookie buy his next Porsche.

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