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Thank heavens the JPT journey is over this weekend


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I agree Alps - it was obvious on Tuesday we were in second gear!!


As to Pardew keeping them focused. If I sat you down and told you that I had lined up Scarlett Johannsen, Angelina Jolie and a tube of raspberry love lube this evening for you, I wonder how effective your working day would be...


Under WGS we went into a match with Arsenal at Wembley on the back of a 6-1 hammering by Arsenal...

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not excited about our first trip to Wembley in 18 years then:confused:


Personally i feel that the JPT final is the best way to get the team motivated to go all out to win every game left and make the play-offs.


No doubt Pards will be asking the players if they fancy a return trip in a couple of months and explaining how they could achieve this.


And what a great opportunity for those cup tied or injured to put their disappointment behind them and still play at Wembley this season.


The players must know how difficult making the play-offs is and I am sure that many think it is un-attainable in private but a taste of Wembley is the best way to get them up for the challenge.


So stop knocking the JPT and see the bigger picture.

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not excited about our first trip to Wembley in 18 years then:confused:


Personally i feel that the JPT final is the best way to get the team motivated to go all out to win every game left and make the play-offs.


No doubt Pards will be asking the players if they fancy a return trip in a couple of months and explaining how they could achieve this.


And what a great opportunity for those cup tied or injured to put their disappointment behind them and still play at Wembley this season.


The players must know how difficult making the play-offs is and I am sure that many think it is un-attainable in private but a taste of Wembley is the best way to get them up for the challenge.


So stop knocking the JPT and see the bigger picture.


Good points. Personally I think we've done well to stay as focused as we have - but on Tuesday it was evident that one or two were looking after themselves so the sooner we get there, taste it and want a bit more the better!

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AP saying in the Echo that the team were "distracted" against Hartlepool.


We have more serious work to attend to.


Isnt AP supposed to get the team focussed ?

Never get excited Alpine? Some young players were not focused, hardly surprising, unlike you they are excited at the prospect of playing at the home of football in England. In the end we won, 3 points is what counts, sometimes the manner of the victory is not the be all and end all.


Anyway, I thought we were **** on midweek games anyway, so couldn't have been anything to do with Wembley according to your "empirical" data :)

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Yeah, I'm like you Alpy. It will be much better next week when Wembley is in the past and we are instead looking forward to a meaningless league game in the third tier of English football.


Does nothing EVER cheer you up? If you won the lottery I'm sure you would moan about the size of the cheque used in the publicity photo was not quite as large as you would have hoped.


I really do think you suffer from depression.

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Yeah, I'm like you Alpy. It will be much better next week when Wembley is in the past and we are instead looking forward to a meaningless league game in the third tier of English football.


Does nothing EVER cheer you up? If you won the lottery I'm sure you would moan about the size of the cheque used in the publicity photo was not quite as large as you would have hoped.


I really do think you suffer from depression.


Isn't it funny that the ones with 11,000+ post talk the most garbage. 11,000 post FFS? Are they stuck to the seat at their desk? have they ever kissed a girl? LOL@ weirdos posting 11,000 messages on a mongboard

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Isn't it funny that the ones with 11,000+ post talk the most garbage. 11,000 post FFS? Are they stuck to the seat at their desk? have they ever kissed a girl? LOL@ weirdos posting 11,000 messages on a mongboard


Cheers :(

The majority of mine come on match day threads to be honest.

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Isn't it funny that the ones with 11,000+ post talk the most garbage. 11,000 post FFS? Are they stuck to the seat at their desk? have they ever kissed a girl? LOL@ weirdos posting 11,000 messages on a mongboard


Mongboard, lol. If you have that opinion of the board then I suggest it is you wasting your time posting on here, bringing a delicious irony to your use of the word 'mong'.

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Yeah, I'm like you Alpy. It will be much better next week when Wembley is in the past and we are instead looking forward to a meaningless league game in the third tier of English football.


Does nothing EVER cheer you up? If you won the lottery I'm sure you would moan about the size of the cheque used in the publicity photo was not quite as large as you would have hoped.


I really do think you suffer from depression.


The difference between you and me is that :


1. I dont see the next league game as "meaningless" - I still think we can do it, and even if we dont, the racing to the line as hard as we can is good mental preparation for next season


2. I know that we are in the JPT final, not the Champions League or even the FA Cup, FFS.

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The difference between you and me is that :


1. I dont see the next league game as "meaningless" - I still think we can do it, and even if we dont, the racing to the line as hard as we can is good mental preparation for next season


2. I know that we are in the JPT final, not the Champions League or even the FA Cup, FFS.


I never had you down as an optimist.

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The difference between you and me is that :


1. I dont see the next league game as "meaningless" - I still think we can do it, and even if we dont, the racing to the line as hard as we can is good mental preparation for next season


2. I know that we are in the JPT final, not the Champions League or even the FA Cup, FFS.


but considering where we were this time last season it sure feels like it.

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The difference between you and me is that :


1. I dont see the next league game as "meaningless" - I still think we can do it, and even if we dont, the racing to the line as hard as we can is good mental preparation for next season


2. I know that we are in the JPT final, not the Champions League or even the FA Cup, FFS.


Alpine, chill, enjoy life. Nobody thinks it's the Champions League. It is however a good day out.


If you can't enjoy it because you are too worried about it not being the FA Cup then that is your loss.


Personally, the last 4-5 years of watching Saints have been for the most part utterly miserable, so I am going to bloody well enjoy the moment.

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but considering where we were this time last season it sure feels like it.


But I never had any doubt we would bounce back, so maybe it does not seem such a significant achievement for me. If you remember rightly, I was calling for administration MONTHS before it finally happened because I felt a decent owner would appear and would get rid of Lowe (under whom we were going nowhere fast).


What I am struggling with is why after so much support and resources that enable us to assemble a team to beat Leeds, Norwich away and thump two teams around us by 5 goals, why we cannot win against teams near to the relegation zone.

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Alpine, chill, enjoy life. Nobody thinks it's the Champions League. It is however a good day out.


If you can't enjoy it because you are too worried about it not being the FA Cup then that is your loss.


Personally, the last 4-5 years of watching Saints have been for the most part utterly miserable, so I am going to bloody well enjoy the moment.


And I hope you have a great day out. All of you. And of course the right result...


But all the JPT is is a few moments of gratification. The League is the lifeblood of the club. It is immeasurably more important, and I cannot figure professional players being "distracted"

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And I hope you have a great day out. All of you. And of course the right result...


But all the JPT is is a few moments of gratification. The League is the lifeblood of the club. It is immeasurably more important, and I cannot figure professional players being "distracted"


I can tell you have never played in that case.....would you rather play at **** heaps like Fratton or the chance to walk out and play at Wembley??

How many occasions will the likes of Lambert, Lallana, Fonte, Davis get to play there? One maybe two?

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I can tell you have never played in that case.....would you rather play at **** heaps like Fratton or the chance to walk out and play at Wembley??

How many occasions will the likes of Lambert, Lallana, Fonte, Davis get to play there? One maybe two?


I agree they should be immensely excited. Only a fool would argue its just another game.


But being distracted from other important and more immediate issues ? Yes, I have never been a professional player, so dont understand it.

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The sarcasm on here is pathetic.


Does anyone disagree with the statement :


no more JPT games = no more "distractions"




No but then again I think it will be the peak of our season as we will not make the play offs as we have too many hard games left.

Brighton away for one.

Surely you get why some of us are so looking forward to it after all the crap we have watched in the last few seasons.

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I agree Alps - it was obvious on Tuesday we were in second gear!!


As to Pardew keeping them focused. If I sat you down and told you that I had lined up Scarlett Johannsen, Angelina Jolie and a tube of raspberry love lube this evening for you, I wonder how effective your working day would be...


Under WGS we went into a match with Arsenal at *****Wembley****** on the back of a 6-1 hammering by Arsenal...


Pedant alert! (surprised that one has got this far down the thread)


And I'm sure I would be quite capable of putting in a decent shift in those circumstances; supermarket trolleys just have to be collected and stacked and it's simply unprofessional to be thinking about other 'stuff' at the same time.

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No but then again I think it will be the peak of our season as we will not make the play offs as we have too many hard games left.

Brighton away for one.

Surely you get why some of us are so looking forward to it after all the crap we have watched in the last few seasons.


Of course I do, and once again, I hope a great time is had by all with the right result.


But I dont share your pessimism about the rest of the season, especially as this last distraction will be gone Monday morning, which was what this thread was really about.

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Yeah, I'm like you Alpy. It will be much better next week when Wembley is in the past and we are instead looking forward to a meaningless league game in the third tier of English football.


Does nothing EVER cheer you up? If you won the lottery I'm sure you would moan about the size of the cheque used in the publicity photo was not quite as large as you would have hoped.


I really do think you suffer from depression.


Mate the bloke is an idiot!

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I can tell you have never played in that case.....would you rather play at **** heaps like Fratton or the chance to walk out and play at Wembley??

How many occasions will the likes of Lambert, Lallana, Fonte, Davis get to play there? One maybe two?


Would love to think that they will get another chance to play there at the end of this season



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The sarcasm on here is pathetic.


Does anyone disagree with the statement :


no more JPT games = no more "distractions"




Hi Alps,


I'll try not to be sarcy....


But yes I agree, no more JPT, no more distractions. But I have to say, if, (sorry) when we win on Sunday, this will be a massive fillip to everyone involved in the club, not only for the players but us as well as 12th man. I can only think that winning the JPT will be massively good for the club.

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I agree with Alpine. Sure it's a great day out but would be a better day out winning the league play-offs.

I'm actually miserable at the thought of losing on Sunday and having a meaningless end to the season.

I also think that the the two five goal spankings have flattered the perception of the team, who I think have been average at best for the majority of the season and have only added to the expectation come match day. People then groan and moan when we play anything below what they 'expect'.


Before people start to question the players about Tuesday night, the fans were awful. The Northam were more interested in talking than singing and if it wasn't for the pikey backboard bangers in the Kingsland starting off Pompey songs every other song then there would have been no atmosphere at all in the stadium.


Quite why block 42 think it's right to start waving their season tickets in the air is beyond me. It's pathetic and shameful. Almost as shameful as some of the songs that were sung about the lack of Hartlepool supporters in attendance. To get ANY Hartlepool fans down on a Tuesday night is commitment, let along the amount they did and they should have been applauded, not taken the p122 out of.


I was ashamed to be a season ticket holder in the Northam on Tuesday night.

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Quite why block 42 think it's right to start waving their season tickets in the air is beyond me. It's pathetic and shameful. Almost as shameful as some of the songs that were sung about the lack of Hartlepool supporters in attendance. To get ANY Hartlepool fans down on a Tuesday night is commitment, let along the amount they did and they should have been applauded, not taken the p122 out of.


I agree but I did think the 'What time's your mini-bus?' chant amusing.

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I don't care about the result. We are on Sky and I want to see a team put out against Carlisle set up to attack, with the wide men on the touchlines, playing high tempo pass and move football from the back, trying to get to the byelines and tearing Carlisle apart.


Keeping at least two attackers up defending corners and be totally positive.

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Of course I do, and once again, I hope a great time is had by all with the right result.


But I dont share your pessimism about the rest of the season, especially as this last distraction will be gone Monday morning, which was what this thread was really about.

But 4 of our games are midweek, so I don't believe you are optimistic. we are **** midweek (according to your empirical data) so how can you be optimistic, that must mean by your argument at least 4 games that we won't win. Your incessant whinging would be easier to take if your comments were at least consistent, and backed up by some sort of evidence. Still it helsp to cheer up the day reading some of the humorous stuff that you write :)


By the way, I guess I must have missed the late equaliser on Tuesday cos I thought we got 3 points, clearly we didn't because the players were distracted.

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The difference between you and me is that :


1. I dont see the next league game as "meaningless" - I still think we can do it, and even if we dont, the racing to the line as hard as we can is good mental preparation for next season


2. I know that we are in the JPT final, not the Champions League or even the FA Cup, FFS.


I'm with Alpine on this. I went to the JPT games against my better judgement, and I loved the last minute equaliser against Norwich, but I'm struggling to get over excited about the Wembley final. I'm sure it will be a great day, but the painting competition is not a real final in my eyes and I'd even swap a win on Sunday for a defeat in the play offs.

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not excited about our first trip to Wembley in 18 years then:confused:


Personally i feel that the JPT final is the best way to get the team motivated to go all out to win every game left and make the play-offs.


No doubt Pards will be asking the players if they fancy a return trip in a couple of months and explaining how they could achieve this.


And what a great opportunity for those cup tied or injured to put their disappointment behind them and still play at Wembley this season.


The players must know how difficult making the play-offs is and I am sure that many think it is un-attainable in private but a taste of Wembley is the best way to get them up for the challenge.


So stop knocking the JPT and see the bigger picture.


Agreed. Although the original post raised a valid point, any advers effects of the JPT have, so far as I can see, been limited to the one match. Which we won anyway.

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But I never had any doubt we would bounce back, so maybe it does not seem such a significant achievement for me. If you remember rightly, I was calling for administration MONTHS before it finally happened because I felt a decent owner would appear and would get rid of Lowe (under whom we were going nowhere fast).


What I am struggling with is why after so much support and resources that enable us to assemble a team to beat Leeds, Norwich away and thump two teams around us by 5 goals, why we cannot win against teams near to the relegation zone.


That's a new one :confused:

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