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To all those who think we can wait for next season for promotion


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I suggest you have a look at the Sun today - at least one SPL and two EPL teams want Lallana.


I have always maintained, if we dont go up this season, we will be back almost at square one this summer due to an exodus of our best players. If we do go up, I reckon they would give the club another season to reach the EPL.


Its that critical....

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If a premier league club comes in for one of our players and they want to go, they'll go. Regardless of whether we're in league 1 or the championship. If Lallana's stupid enough to think he's ready for the prem after one good season in the third tier then that's his problem. Is he irreplaceable? No. Do we have the funds to buy a quality replacement (in league 1/champ terms)? Yes. Don't panic, there'll be more quality coming in over the summer than there will be leaving

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I suggest you have a look at the Sun today - at least one SPL and two EPL teams want Lallana.


I have always maintained, if we dont go up this season, we will be back almost at square one this summer due to an exodus of our best players. If we do go up, I reckon they would give the club another season to reach the EPL.


Its that critical....


i stopped reading your post when i got to this bit!

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I suggest you have a look at the Sun today - at least one SPL and two EPL teams want Lallana.


I have always maintained, if we dont go up this season, we will be back almost at square one this summer due to an exodus of our best players. If we do go up, I reckon they would give the club another season to reach the EPL.


Its that critical....


Wanting and getting are two different things.

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If a premier league club comes in for one of our players and they want to go, they'll go. Regardless of whether we're in league 1 or the championship. If Lallana's stupid enough to think he's ready for the prem after one good season in the third tier then that's his problem. Is he irreplaceable? No. Do we have the funds to buy a quality replacement (in league 1/champ terms)? Yes. Don't panic, there'll be more quality coming in over the summer than there will be leaving


Precisely. More girls' stories lapped up and perpetuated by Alps.

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I suggest you have a look at the Sun today - at least one SPL and two EPL teams want Lallana.


I have always maintained, if we dont go up this season, we will be back almost at square one this summer due to an exodus of our best players. If we do go up, I reckon they would give the club another season to reach the EPL.


Its that critical....


****, The Sun. That's really got me worries now. At least it is one of the more respected papers that you're getting this from.


Why does it not surprise me that you read that ridiculous, sensationalist rag. Must be due to the posts you produce.

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I suggest you have a look at the Sun today - at least one SPL and two EPL teams want Lallana.


I have always maintained, if we dont go up this season, we will be back almost at square one this summer due to an exodus of our best players. If we do go up, I reckon they would give the club another season to reach the EPL.


Its that critical....

Adams going nowhere he`s quite happy here,anyway i didn`t think you were that fussed on him as a player why the concern now.
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I suggest you have a look at the Sun today - at least one SPL and two EPL teams want Lallana.


I have always maintained, if we dont go up this season, we will be back almost at square one this summer due to an exodus of our best players. If we do go up, I reckon they would give the club another season to reach the EPL.


Its that critical....


Unfortunately that is what happens in football these days and if it does happen the Club will have to manage the situation


I think Swindon sold their leading scorer of last season but still managed to produce a fine team

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I suggest you have a look at the Sun today - at least one SPL and two EPL teams want Lallana.


I have always maintained, if we dont go up this season, we will be back almost at square one this summer due to an exodus of our best players. If we do go up, I reckon they would give the club another season to reach the EPL.


Its that critical....


Oh dear, the wisdom of knowledge or is it the knowledge of wisdom :)

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I suggest you have a look at the Sun today - at least one SPL and two EPL teams want Lallana.


I have always maintained, if we dont go up this season, we will be back almost at square one this summer due to an exodus of our best players. If we do go up, I reckon they would give the club another season to reach the EPL.


Its that critical....



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What fuels the arrogance and conceit on display in this thread ?


Yes, it is only the f**king Sun. So what ? Does that mean that media speculation isnt going to surround our headline-grabbing performers ?


To address the few sensible comments made on here :


I reckon it would be easier to hold on to players if we have at least stepped up to the CCC than remaining in L1, so that they are showing career progress. I would like to think the players involved would consider what made sense career-wise, look at failed examples (Surman) and recognise the time might not yet be right for the PL, but is right for the CCC, and will play at level with us or with someone else.


I have always said that I remain unconviced by Lallana, I have concerns about where he really fits, and worry that him and Schneiderlin together is too inconsistent, but I have never advocated selling him and recognise that he may develop into something special. But for me the jury is out. More performances like yesterday and I will be conviced.


As for Celtic not having a manager, for whatever reason the Sun is daying that Neil Lennon is a strong candidate for the job, and it is clear he is doing a little tapping up prior to getting the job so it doesnt look like tapping up. Personally, I think Lallana would be stark-staring bonkers to go to Scotland.


If there is speculation about Lallana, you can bet there will be about Lambert and Schneiderlin. Lose those three, and its square one with all the gelling and inconsistency again. Ergo, we will be scratching around for a play-off spot again.

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Unfortunately that is what happens in football these days and if it does happen the Club will have to manage the situation


And as a club we have never been in a better position to manage that very situation, irrespective of the player.

AL may have his head turnt by the interest but if the very many factors are pointed out to him by our manager and in turn our chairman i'd like to think he will realise staying with us will be the right thing to do.

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And as a club we have never been in a better position to manage that very situation, irrespective of the player.

AL may have his head turnt by the interest but if the very many factors are pointed out to him by our manager and in turn our chairman i'd like to think he will realise staying with us will be the right thing to do.


I agrre but if he wants to go Celtic would be a good move perhaps.

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Yes, it is only the f**king Sun. So what ? Does that mean that media speculation isnt going to surround our headline-grabbing performers ?



If there is speculation about Lallana, you can bet there will be about Lambert and Schneiderlin. Lose those three, and its square one with all the gelling and inconsistency again. Ergo, we will be scratching around for a play-off spot again.



How many headlines do we grab of late ? the biggest seemed to focus more on our chairman.


Hopefully we will have a decent pre season and the start of next season, wherever it may be, will be in complete contrast to how we started this, whoever leaves i'm sure we will be compensated accordingly and be in a position to replace like for like or even improve upon.

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I agrre but if he wants to go Celtic would be a good move perhaps.


He would never go up there, plus the football really is second rate. He is enjoying playing first team football with saints and knows he`s learning from it.

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If Celtic want him let them buy him at a premium. it is a team game and for far too many years we have failed as we have had a demi god and when they havethen fall to pieces.

AL is not crucial to our promotion, we can replace any of our players in this league as we have the resources.

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Perhaps, Celtic are a big club but for me would still be a side step for him.


I just think going to the Premier League would not be a good idea yet so if we wants to move Celtic would be reasonable first team football Europe and nice kit success thats all

Edited by John B
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Alps is right.


But not simply from the Lallana perspective.


Looking at the really successful clubs in England the one thing they all strive to achieve is consistency. The Club is run solidly and soundly from top to bottom and needless change never happens.


At the moment although many aren't happy with it, we are being consistent, 4 wins and one draw from 5 games and a settled first team grinding out results is a starting point.


IF we don't get up this season then as many have speculated or even advocated, the "desire" to change for the sake of it becomes very strong.


Sure we are "wealthy" but culling the entire Team management structure with a new man coming in with new ideas and a new team will burn up resources. L1 players by nature aren't the best and they will face change that some may not cope with.


Change is not always for the best.


We may lose Lallana, but Man Ure lost Ronaldo - that always happens in football.


What is as important as keeping your best players is FINDING the new ones to replace them.



Now, whether you think that AP is the best manager for us or not, the "back office" TEAM that has been put in place to look for new players has, this season, been FAR more successful than any we have had for a very long time.


Sure Seaborne & Semi may not be world beaters, but they are a hell of a lot better than the dodgy Argentinians, injured North Africans and the like that we have signed in the past.


Losing Adam & maybe Rickie will hurt, but there ARE other players out there who could join us and do a job IF you know where to look.


To me the most important resource we now seem to have is the back office who have managed to sign players who are better than what we had before AT THIS LEVEL.


Losing star players for big money - we can get by (don't want it to happen but it does).

Losing AP, may make things better on the pitch, maybe not (we wait and see).


But losing or having to bring in a whole new backroom staff to replace those who HAVE done well this season - THAT would worry me more.

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Oh no. Club in lower leagues loses players to clubs in higher league.


It's never happen before damnit! Why us? Why now? I demand answers.


Dont get the sarcasm at all. I agree with you, hence I find "Its only The Sun" comments rather bizarre.


The real discussion for me is what impact this will have on the utterly insane assumption that we "will walk the league" next season being bandied about all over this site.

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Lallana has one year left to run on a three-year contract he signed with Southampton in August 2008, opening up the possibility of a summer move. The English club would be entitled to compensation if the player ran down his contract but may be tempted to cash in, rather than receive less for their latest protégé.




Perhaps that piece in quotes is what this is all about.


Contract renewal time.

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You're unbelievable Alps. First you state it is 'critical' we get promoted to ensure we keep players like Lallana, then you go and say you are unconviced (sic) by him.


Which is it?


So, you think the club should sell players that you have doubts about, do you ? How myopic.


I tend towards giving players and managers time to prove or hang themselves, hence I want AP to get until Xmas.


Really unfortunate (or malicious) that you paraphrased my post like that.

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So, you think the club should sell players that you have doubts about, do you ? How myopic.


I tend towards giving players and managers time to prove or hang themselves, hence I want AP to get until Xmas.


Really unfortunate (or malicious) that you paraphrased my post like that.


Not malicious Alps, just confused. You state with absolute authority that promotion is 'critical' in order to keep hold of players like Lallana, but if you are unconviced (sic) by him then why do you think keeping hold of him is so critical? Is he not replaceable?


Just a simple question.

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I can't start threads and this may already be common knowledge on here but we have agreed a Pre Contract Agreement with Elliot Ward apparently. The story goes this was agreed with the player in January. He will see out his contract with Cov until the summer when we would sign him on a free and the parties would share the benefit of not paying the fee as they would have in January I.e the player would have half of the agreed fee spread out over the life of his contract in wages.

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Alpine, you can be a pillock sometimes.


apparently, according to your great knowledge we will be better placed without Lallana and Morgan anyway - but now there is actually interest in one of them, it gives you great ammunition to go on another negative route.


At the end of the day, it's in the sun. which should be enough to close the thread anyway.


and also the ''2m rated'' fee is a laugh, as i know the club value him of 5m and above and we are no longer in a position where we have to accept anything, if they don't offer what we want then they can sod off.


and at the end of the day, if we did sell him it would be for a good fee and we know that the money would be reinvested back in quality, not like previous seasons.


Not going up in the championship playoffs was critical, as we all knew we would not be able to strengthen or keep that team together. Not going up this season is not critical because it wasn't expected anyway.

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I suggest you have a look at the Sun today - at least one SPL and two EPL teams want Lallana.


I have always maintained, if we dont go up this season, we will be back almost at square one this summer due to an exodus of our best players. If we do go up, I reckon they would give the club another season to reach the EPL.


Its that critical....


We certainly won't be back to square one.

There are very few clubs in all leagues that won't lose players they would rather keep this summer and whilst I agree with the sentiment that holding on to players is important and key to next season, it is a reality of football that some will leave and more often that not, the ones we would like to keep.


We ae not going up this season and there is no guarantee we will next season, but regadless of who we lose, I confidently predict an exciting and genuine promotion challenge.

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Oh dear. More negativity from Mr Doom.


First up, did you see Adam play yesterday? In fact how many times have you seen him and Morgan play? You seem to know an awful lot about them from your bunker in Austria.


Secondly, if a bigger club wants them, they want to go and we sell, it doesn't really matter what division we are in.


Thirdly, so it didn't work out so well for Surman. I execpt Walcott has a different take.


Fouthly, players come, players go. So what?


Number five, Alf Ramsey left out one of the greatest goalscorers we have ever produced - a certain Jimmy Greaves - and replaced him with Geoff Hurst. Didn't work out too badly for us did it? (Unless you were supporting Germany that day of course?).


Point 6, are you related to Howard Hughes? You strike me as someone who darn not leave the house in case you catch a virus or get knocked down by a bus.


You really do take the biscuit Alpine. If there is nothing to worry about you can be sure that you will find something and then worry it to death.


There is bound to be interest in some of our players as Pardew has put togther a decent team (not that you give him any credit for that). Same with teams like Norwich and Leeds. In fact I would say those two clubs have some better players than ours. Do you honestly think for one minute that getting promoted this season will make one iota of difference?


Have you put your mortgage on us getting promoted this season or something? Why the obsession?


Tell me, have you ever in all of your +12,000 posts ever started a positive thread????

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I can't start threads and this may already be common knowledge on here but we have agreed a Pre Contract Agreement with Elliot Ward apparently. The story goes this was agreed with the player in January. He will see out his contract with Cov until the summer when we would sign him on a free and the parties would share the benefit of not paying the fee as they would have in January I.e the player would have half of the agreed fee spread out over the life of his contract in wages.


Not sure about that seeing as though we mucked him about in January. We can't be his favourite club right now.


On the other hand, if we did sign a pre-contract agreement with him it would go some way to explaining why we blew him off in January. Let him see out his contract and get him for free whilst signing Seaborne for a lesser fee.

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Ward on loan Coventry to Preston?

Injured again but may have returned this past weekend?

Bad injury record and very few games this past season or so.


Is he fit enough and has he played enough games to prove his worth...He wants big wages and big signing on fee and only 18 months contracts.


Not sure about this player but in football and with Saints you can never be sure...

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One other thing I missed. Walk this league next season??? I don't read many posts where it says that.


What I do see is optimism (yes I know that word to you is like Holy Water to a Vampire Alpine).


We have a decent manager, some decent players and some money. Hopefully, if Mr Cortese is serious about ambition, he will make more money available in the Summer and we shall start the next campain with a settled management team and a better squad.


So then, some reasons to be cheeful and OPTIMISTIC.

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Nobody is irreplaceable. Any player could get injured at any time and Saints are no different from any other team in this division. What we do have is solid financial backing which is the envy of almost every other club in the country, and a sizeable home support, and these are what will lead us to promotion, not any one individual player.

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I suggest you have a look at the Sun today - at least one SPL and two EPL teams want Lallana.


I have always maintained, if we dont go up this season, we will be back almost at square one this summer due to an exodus of our best players. If we do go up, I reckon they would give the club another season to reach the EPL.


Its that critical....


Why on earth should we want to sell Lallana..or anyone esle,

Do you think we need the money, or ...?


IF... he wants to go ..(doubtful) and the bidding gets upto £4 million ..

I guess NC might look at it, but even then WHY sell anyone we want to keep?

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Perhaps that piece in quotes is what this is all about.

Contract renewal time.




I think some people still have last seasons " bunker mindset."



...are we suddenly short of money ...? I don't think so !

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I think some people still have last seasons " bunker mindset."



...are we suddenly short of money ...? I don't think so !


"We shall buy the best available players for the League we are in"

"We shall not sell a player for pure profit motives"

"If any player is unsettled or unhappy at the club then they should be removed from the First Team sqaud where their negative attitude could affect the other players UNTIL such time as an offer that is made which enables us to buy a BETTER quality replacement"


Now, if some small chance we had those mantras within the Board Room then I think I would believe things have really changed.


If only they were stated in the business plan NC is working to, or had been mentioned in interviews. Oh wait, most of them have been.


Then it comes down to the "I told you so" mindsets vs the "Just enjoy the ride" attitude

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I suggest you have a look at the Sun today - at least one SPL and two EPL teams want Lallana.


I have always maintained, if we dont go up this season, we will be back almost at square one this summer due to an exodus of our best players. If we do go up, I reckon they would give the club another season to reach the EPL.


Its that critical....


Alpine in negative slant shocker.

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Promotion is necessary if we want to maintain the nucleus of the current team and of course keep the "better" players ie RL, AL, MS, JF, JP etc.


Apls is right, clubs from the fizzy pop league will come in for those better players, it's inevitable, thats football. Will they stay? Well, the players are on CCC wages so it will not be for the money, so it will be down to the ambition of the manager and the club. The club has huge ambition, clearly stating that the target is PL. Has AP got the relationship with the players so that the players want to stay and play for him? That's the important question.


But Alps is right all the palyers (AP wants to keep) will stay if we win the play offs.........

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I suggest you have a look at the Sun today - at least one SPL and two EPL teams want Lallana.


I have always maintained, if we dont go up this season, we will be back almost at square one this summer due to an exodus of our best players. If we do go up, I reckon they would give the club another season to reach the EPL.


Its that critical....


On Monday He seemed to come over to the fans & say I'm a saint!!

& yes I know we all seen that sort of thing before but .. It holds more weight that your opinion, based on the fact over the season you have pretty much knocked every team we have played in top 6 as rubbish .. It devalues your opinion.


On the ONE hand you seem to believe money talks & we can get any manager we want because we have "money" yet on the other you think we wont be able to hang onto players at all .. do make your mind up.

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