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What would you do if Mike Ashley bought Saints next?

The Fat Controller

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I think at the moment he is almost the last person in the world I would want anywhere near Southampton!

I dont know all the facts but it seems to me he has ruined any credibility Keegan returned to Newcastle and has made them yet again the butt of everyones jokes

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200 million quid = Newcastle United + vitriolic hatred for life from 'the best fans in the world'™ for not being a Geordie




200 million quid = Southampton FC + 150 million quid transfer kitty to get back into the top flight + vitriolic hatred from alpine saint ;)

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I would be happy as Mike Ashley and Rupert are as bad as eachother.

But Ashley actually has money which he will invest.



AT THE SAME TIME, I do like a club which is rising with youth and lack of money. It's more interesting to see.

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He was given a horrifically short shrift by the Newcastle fans who cannot recognise that he saved them from probable oblivion. Hopefully the Geordies will get what they deserve for treating him like that.


I would welcome him with open arms. If he even put a fraction into Saints that he did into Newcastle it would set us up for years to come.

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I'd be very surprised if he re-invested into any football club.


I'm under the impression his financial status has changed considerably since he bought Newcastle


Putting 300 Million of your own cash into a team will do that.

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He would clear our debt, instantly helping us out financially and then make money by selling us off for a higher price to someone wealthier hopefully!


What a tragedy!


Indeed. I'd hate to have a chairman prepared to underwrite £20million of transfers each year.

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He was given a horrifically short shrift by the Newcastle fans who cannot recognise that he saved them from probable oblivion. Hopefully the Geordies will get what they deserve for treating him like that.


I would welcome him with open arms. If he even put a fraction into Saints that he did into Newcastle it would set us up for years to come.

Totally agree.


Ashley has already put £100m into clearing Newcastle's debt (which only covered about half of the total, apparently) and committed himself to injecting another £20m per year on top of what the club generated in revenue.


To be honest, I'll be surprised if he finds a buyer for a profit as the club's such a poisoned chalice.

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They will if they get taken over by a "Nigerian Consortium".

Those lads can't even run their own country correctly let alone a troublesome football club.

I keep getting e-mails telling me I've won $57m on the Nigerian lottery and that I just need to deposit $10,000 in order to facilitate the transfer of funds to my account - I wonder if that's what Ashley's contact was? :D

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To a large majority of Saints fans Rupert is a c***

He is viewed as arrogant and castigated for making the wrong decisions


Ashley is viewed as an arrogant fool who is being castigated by the Newcastle fans for making the wrong decisions. Remember that old adage - a fool and his money are soon parted.


Let's swap one proven bad decision maker for another one. Good plan, but we support it because Ashley doesn't have a posh accent and we think he has some money. That's how we got into this mess in the first place!


Oh and BTW, like many other "independently wealthy" people at this point in time, Ashley is losing money faster than banks go bust. We'll just swap a c*** with no money of his own for a fool with (eventually) no money of his own.


The word on the street here is that he came to Dubai to "rip someone off" for 400mil for Newcastle. The guys here aren't stupid, they'll give him 10p in the pound when he finally gets desperate....

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What has Ashley actually done wrong? I'm reluctant to believe the Geordie fans, even though they're the best in the world, obviously.


Annoyed because he's not a Geordie right? So Nigerian consortia are the way to go? I'm sure they won't be dodgy at all will they.


Done wrong? well as far s I can see the fans turned against him because he wouldn't let Keegan spend 200 million on players of his choice. They believe that

Ashley and Wise are buying and selling players without consulting their God (in this case Keegan) that is the problem with these old, massive clubs who have fallen from grace.The Premiership is a cartel, 4 clubs are virtually guaranteed the 4 champions league places. 2 because they spend massively on players whether they have the money or not,one because they have a great manager and a lot of money and the last one because they have quite a bit of money and a manager who is incredibly astute with it and gifted on football.

All the rest are competing for the 5th place which will never bring CL football so it's no good throwing 200 million away to get there,that's what Ashley realised,as usual the fans can't accept that.

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He would be a hero IMO. After all MW was a Liverpool fan and the fans bought his tee shirts.

There would be no reason for him not to come to love us the same as MM does to his clubs.

Ok we wouold not be his first love but as he's not Geordie I doubt he supported them from day one.

Bring him on get a delegation knocking on his door and tell him he would be given the freedom of the city if he bought us out and spent £50m on us.

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He was given a horrifically short shrift by the Newcastle fans who cannot recognise that he saved them from probable oblivion. Hopefully the Geordies will get what they deserve for treating him like that.


I would welcome him with open arms. If he even put a fraction into Saints that he did into Newcastle it would set us up for years to come.


Absolutely. as for not knowing the facts, just one would be nice. Newcastle had such large debts there was a real issue of them being able to continue for long, if Ashley never came. A chairman who was prepared to bang in £20M per season of his own money without expecting to see anything back! Who already had ploughed in £110M just to reduce the debts, then gradually clear them. Being only a billionaire Ashley soon realised that his wealth could not support the black hole that is Newcastle and their only way of being able to square things for the future was to sort the finances. Keegan could / would never get his head round that part and what is actually needed for Newcastle in the long term. Ashley will not be getting involved with any other football club, who would after their own have turned on someone, who even now are only just coming round to the mistake they have made. Well the brain dead hopefully will soon have a Nigerian consortium showing them how real supporters on the board turn things round. I wonder if the fan base will be receiving investment opportunities in Newcastle by fax or email?

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Apart from the fact that investors don't make money from football, which is a biggie, I think Ashley could do worse than buying Saints. I'd be very pleased too, if he showered half of the money on us that he has on Newcastle Utd. And I think Saints would make him very happy too.

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How would people feel then if he bought the club. Said publicly that he would stick by Jan Poortvleit, only to sack him. Then, lets say he brings back Gordon Strachan which is met with 100% approval from the fans and they love him for it. Two weeks later, he brings in Dennis Wise to work above Strachan and to be the decision maker on all players signed, taking the responsibility away from WGS, only for WGS to leave (which is no doubt what he'd also do) leaving the club with a chairman with a ridiculous structure in place and no other managing wanting to touch us with a bargepole. If you dont think Newcastle fans have any right to kick up a stink about whats gone on recently then you are very much a deluded person.

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How would people feel then if he bought the club. Said publicly that he would stick by Jan Poortvleit, only to sack him. Then, lets say he brings back Gordon Strachan which is met with 100% approval from the fans and they love him for it. Two weeks later, he brings in Dennis Wise to work above Strachan and to be the decision maker on all players signed, taking the responsibility away from WGS, only for WGS to leave (which is no doubt what he'd also do) leaving the club with a chairman with a ridiculous structure in place and no other managing wanting to touch us with a bargepole. If you dont think Newcastle fans have any right to kick up a stink about whats gone on recently then you are very much a deluded person.


Keegan knew that structure was going to be in place when he took the job.

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Keegan knew that structure was going to be in place when he took the job.


Absolutely. Makes me laugh that he tried to hold the Newcastle board to ransom over his dissmissal, believing he had the moral high ground due to 'breach of contract,' only for it to backfire completely in his face!!! He ended up owing Newcastle money from what I understand because HE breached contract by demanding control of all elements of the first team.


Keegan threw his toys out of the pram and the over emotional Geordie faithful backed their 'messiah' all the way. Not for a second thinking that he may have been the creator of his own 'untenable situation.'


The sooner Newcastle get relegated the better. Just like Spurs and Villa they need taking down a serious peg or two.

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Absolutely. Makes me laugh that he tried to hold the Newcastle board to ransom over his dissmissal, believing he had the moral high ground due to 'breach of contract,' only for it to backfire completely in his face!!! He ended up owing Newcastle money from what I understand because HE breached contract by demanding control of all elements of the first team.


Keegan threw his toys out of the pram and the over emotional Geordie faithful backed their 'messiah' all the way. Not for a second thinking that he may have been the creator of his own 'untenable situation.'


The sooner Newcastle get relegated the better. Just like Spurs and Villa they need taking down a serious peg or two.



All of these clubs have the same problem.5th place is the most that they can ever achieve but their supporters believe they should be in the top 4.

Until there is control on the spending of Man U,Chelsea,Liverpool and to a lesser extent Arsenal premiership football will be a big dipper for the other 16 sides in that league.

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All of these clubs have the same problem.5th place is the most that they can ever achieve but their supporters believe they should be in the top 4.

Until there is control on the spending of Man U,Chelsea,Liverpool and to a lesser extent Arsenal premiership football will be a big dipper for the other 16 sides in that league.

man c will come into the picture very soon I suspect
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All of these clubs have the same problem.5th place is the most that they can ever achieve but their supporters believe they should be in the top 4.

Until there is control on the spending of Man U,Chelsea,Liverpool and to a lesser extent Arsenal premiership football will be a big dipper for the other 16 sides in that league.


If it's just 'spending' that creates the 'top 4', will it be expanded to become the 'top 5' now Man Citeh are rich beyond their wildest dreams?

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The thing is that us Saints fans have already totally rejected the concept that Ashley wanted to IMPOSE at Newcastle.

How many go on about Delgado, how many go on about players being signed that they believe only Rupert wants? The Directcors decide who is bought and sold not the manager, we've had months of abusive posts about this type of thing. What does Ashley know about running a football club? You expect JP to manage the players bought for him by a Dennis Wise clone?

Ashley is a businessman who has seen his reputation burnt by his "dallying" with football. It is a lesson for ANY self-made millionaire wanting to get into football for an "egotistical" reason. What he needs to do is get SOME return on his investment - and in this current global crunch it is not certain he'll find a buyer - go away and get his own business and investment protfolio making money again, THEN he can look to come back.

Saints will have moved on by then, either we have stabilised and don't need an egotist to rip out the kids and replace them with "names" OR we'll have gone bust.


Love the idea of loadsa money

Hate the idea of it being him, so I'm firmly in the we fooked up before in our choice of takeover, not this bloke even though we need the money

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man c will come into the picture very soon I suspect


No they won't, not if they play like they did against Wigan anyway.

Arsenal could crack, their side is good but their defeat by Hull left a lot of unanswered questions.As long as the elite 4 keep on getting to the later stages of the champions league the 4 places will be a closed shop.Mark Hughes doesn't have the talent to step up,Sven couldn't do it with a lot of money,he won't be able to with a bit more.To be competitive for the 4th place City need to spend 200 million plus the salaries that go with it/ Their gate revenue is nowhere near enough to finance it.

There will probably be a narrow window of opportunity when Sir Alex jacks it in,

top 4 candidates should be ready to step up, it won't be open for long.

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No they won't, not if they play like they did against Wigan anyway.

Arsenal could crack, their side is good but their defeat by Hull left a lot of unanswered questions.As long as the elite 4 keep on getting to the later stages of the champions league the 4 places will be a closed shop.Mark Hughes doesn't have the talent to step up,Sven couldn't do it with a lot of money,he won't be able to with a bit more.To be competitive for the 4th place City need to spend 200 million plus the salaries that go with it/ Their gate revenue is nowhere near enough to finance it.

There will probably be a narrow window of opportunity when Sir Alex jacks it in,

top 4 candidates should be ready to step up, it won't be open for long.

Sorry I didnt necessarily mena this season but probably in the next 2 seasons the monopoly will be broken.Not down to anything more than shedloads of money
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Hate the idea of it being him


Phil, did Mike Ashley sleep with your wife or something? You seem to have very personal feelings about him.


For what it's worth, I can see the benefit of the system Ashley has put in at Newcastle.


A major reason for our downfall has been a bloated squad caused by very new manager wanting to bring his own players in. This model is designed to prevent that happening.


There's a big difference between a chairman selecting players and an experienced football person choosing them (although I'm not sure Wise was the best choice).

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Absolutely. Makes me laugh that he tried to hold the Newcastle board to ransom over his dissmissal, believing he had the moral high ground due to 'breach of contract,' only for it to backfire completely in his face!!! He ended up owing Newcastle money from what I understand because HE breached contract by demanding control of all elements of the first team.


Keegan threw his toys out of the pram and the over emotional Geordie faithful backed their 'messiah' all the way. Not for a second thinking that he may have been the creator of his own 'untenable situation.'


The sooner Newcastle get relegated the better. Just like Spurs and Villa they need taking down a serious peg or two.


Keegan didnt know the structure. That is a common mis-interpretation of what happened. He knew Wise was coming in but was told by Ashley in no uncertain terms that he would have final say on transfers incoming and outgoing, and all Wise was there for was to pursue the players that Keegan identified and to head up the scouting of young "future" players such as Tamas Kadar, Ben Tozer and Fabio Zamblera. With regards to the first-team transfer dealings, Keegan was under the impression he was in charge of that and with the signings of Gutierrez, Guthrie and Coloccini made some decent signings. Ashley then tried covering himself by saying the list of players Keegan gave to Wise included Lampard, Henry, Ronaldinho etc... which is not the case at all. Keegan wanted to sign Stephen Warnock... Hardly a Galactico. Instead he gets a lightweight forward from Deportivo and some Uruguayan on loan who's never played in La Liga, let alone the Prem.


I would say the Newcastle fans had every right to be "over-emotional" about this. Keegan was honest with the fans, dispelling their delusions on grandeur by making it clear he wasnt able to break in to the top 4 any time soon. He did however get them playing positive attacking football and seemed to have the players enjoying playing their football again. The Newcastle fans dont ask for anything else but that. Attacking football, the feeling as if the players are at least trying to entertain and their players to look as if they are enjoying earning the vast amounts Newcastle United are prepared to lavish upon them. I dont think thats too much to ask at all.

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He would just be the latest in a very long line of ****s who have been at the top end of saints. I wouldnt bat an eyelid
Would he be in that category if he cleared us of debt and also spent £50m on the team.IMO it would put him head and shoulders above anyone who has been in the boardroom of the club in living memory.
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Keegan didnt know the structure. That is a common mis-interpretation of what happened. He knew Wise was coming in but was told by Ashley in no uncertain terms that he would have final say on transfers incoming and outgoing, and all Wise was there for was to pursue the players that Keegan identified and to head up the scouting of young "future" players such as Tamas Kadar, Ben Tozer and Fabio Zamblera. With regards to the first-team transfer dealings, Keegan was under the impression he was in charge of that and with the signings of Gutierrez, Guthrie and Coloccini made some decent signings. Ashley then tried covering himself by saying the list of players Keegan gave to Wise included Lampard, Henry, Ronaldinho etc... which is not the case at all. Keegan wanted to sign Stephen Warnock... Hardly a Galactico. Instead he gets a lightweight forward from Deportivo and some Uruguayan on loan who's never played in La Liga, let alone the Prem.


I would say the Newcastle fans had every right to be "over-emotional" about this. Keegan was honest with the fans, dispelling their delusions on grandeur by making it clear he wasnt able to break in to the top 4 any time soon. He did however get them playing positive attacking football and seemed to have the players enjoying playing their football again. The Newcastle fans dont ask for anything else but that. Attacking football, the feeling as if the players are at least trying to entertain and their players to look as if they are enjoying earning the vast amounts Newcastle United are prepared to lavish upon them. I dont think thats too much to ask at all.



You seem remarkably well informed of the situation Sambosa.

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Hopefully but I'm not so sure that it will happen in the foreseeable future.


It could quite easily happen in the next couple of weeks.

Man C are funded "effectively" by a Government.

The top 4 currently are funded by borrowings. Man U & Liverpool were leveraged buy-outs from the US using many of the people currently drowning in the banking system collapse. Arsenal have bond-holders debt which is more secure and Chelsea have Abramovich acting as guarantor.


It is now becoming almost impossible to even get a car loan in the US, as people simply stop lending to each other. At the moment the "loans" against Man U & Liverpool are secured against the assets and "goodwill" of the clubs, but if the financial system keeps melting down there is no way to know for certain whether, sooner or later those loans may have to be called in.


Any sign that the future incomes of PL clubs could not contiinue to grow exponentially (see GM's article on Saintsweb) and somebody somewhere could decide that Man U become a sub prime loan as well.


Dangerous times for anyone in any form of business, and football is not immune to it, they SHOULD be all right, but then so should have been the Titanic

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