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Thoughts from Saints Forum !


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Fairly predictable IMO but highlights so far :

Rudi, Davis, Rasiak & Saga for sale as they are high earners! No mention of John or Euell !

Full backs position, no problem as James and Surman are proper footballers and will start the attacks!

Cowan reckons that he didn't know what the previous directors earned (pinch of salt !) but that we get good value from the present lot! He works 3 days per week !

Otherwise Killer welcomed back, confidence critical and fairly optimistic all round !

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As a mate of mine pointed out:


The guy there, who said that people need to get behind us who made everyone clap - fair play to him, he ****ing turned around and said "right who here clapped after laughing at the dig against lowe? hypocrisy"


People shut up SO quickly after that!!!!!!


That was my highlight.

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Fairly predictable IMO but highlights so far :

Rudi, Davis, Rasiak & Saga for sale as they are high earners! No mention of John or Euell !

Full backs position, no problem as James and Surman are proper footballers and will start the attacks!

Cowan reckons that he didn't know what the previous directors earned (pinch of salt !) but that we get good value from the present lot! He works 3 days per week !

Otherwise Killer welcomed back, confidence critical and fairly optimistic all round !



I'm not sure but I thought the current directors were on wages based on a 3-day work week whist they are not actually working only 3 days. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm sure I read that somewhere.

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It should be a positive for fans that nothing came out of the forum that was unexpected. That suggests that things are not being covered up and that issues such as who to sell and who to play are pretty much public knowledge.

The only disappointing thing is to hear that there appear to be no plans to strengthen at FB. Although JP has said who his first choices are, the places are not well covered against injury or suspension and look like weak spots. Surman is a good player but even good players are not at their best played out of position.

Just hope it is money that is holding up a signing and that if any of the sales go through, maybe we will see someone brought in.

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Had a quiet chuckle at one stage. People were welcoming back Killer, which drew applause. I think it might have been Dave Juson? who thought it appropriate to welcome back Andrew Cowen, which brought no reaction at all. You could almost see the tumblewood drifting by, until Dave ended the embarassing silence and said OK, suit yourselves or something.

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I'm not sure but I thought the current directors were on wages based on a 3-day work week whist they are not actually working only 3 days. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm sure I read that somewhere.


I'm not actually having a pop at AC as, for me, he is one of the good guys (he turned up which is more than can be said for the others!) but unless my hearing is duff he said that he only worked 3 days per week !

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People shut up SO quickly after that!!!!!!


That was my highlight.


I think he actually said hypocrity (sic) which meant I missed the next few minutes.


Quite like the sound of Poortvliet, and I don't just mean what he is saying but how he says it.


He seems to know what he wants to say, but sometimes struggles with the lingo and comes out with a cracker. i.e. his bit about feeling sorry for teams who are relegated.

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I'm not actually having a pop at AC as, for me, he is one of the good guys (he turned up which is more than can be said for the others!) but unless my hearing is duff he said that he only worked 3 days per week !


That's definitely what he said (he is working three days a week).


I like Cowen and have to say he answered all the questions really well and even took some personal blame for the boadroom shennanigans.


Interesting to hear Wilde definitely declined the invitation (didn't go down with the audience).

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I think he actually said hypocrity (sic) which meant I missed the next few minutes.


Quite like the sound of Poortvliet, and I don't just mean what he is saying but how he says it.


He seems to know what he wants to say, but sometimes struggles with the lingo and comes out with a cracker. i.e. his bit about feeling sorry for teams who are relegated.


He did indeed say that !

At least poor old Jan is speaking a foreign language, this guy came from Bitterne (as I remember!).

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That's definitely what he said (he is working three days a week).


I like Cowen and have to say he answered all the questions really well and even took some personal blame for the boadroom shennanigans.


Interesting to hear Wilde definitely declined the invitation (didn't go down with the audience).


Well if that was what was expected of him can you blame him?

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That's definitely what he said (he is working three days a week).


I like Cowen and have to say he answered all the questions really well and even took some personal blame for the boadroom shennanigans.



I think it was reported on the forum a while back that Rupert was only two or three days a week on the grounds the club couldn't afford him fulltime.


As for AC, I've heard positive comments about him before;its unfortunate that he is "guilty by association" in many peoples eyes,and probably would never stray from his 'top man'.

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Well if that was what was expected of him can you blame him?


And one suspects it was a more positive, informative and less disruptive fans forum than if he had been present. Lots of bulls complaining about the lack of a red flag IMO.

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Was impressed with Jan thought he came over very well and sure everyone there came away with a lot more confidence for the season.


agree, he seems a nice genuine chap who really is putting in a lot of effort for our club, hope he is a success here.

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Was fortunate enough to meet both Jan and Killer out in the car park afterwards. Was impressed with how positive Jan is, unlike that idiot/**** head we had before in Burley. If that positive energy rubs off on the squad we wont do much wrong.

As for Killer, how great it is to have him back after all he has been through. I mean 5 operations. A year ago I had a serious knee op and at one stage it was making me really depressed. God knows how Killer must have felt having had 5, and then now this bloke is making his league comeback on Saturday. The bloke is a legend.

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I think he actually said hypocrity (sic) which meant I missed the next few minutes.


Quite like the sound of Poortvliet, and I don't just mean what he is saying but how he says it.


He seems to know what he wants to say, but sometimes struggles with the lingo and comes out with a cracker. i.e. his bit about feeling sorry for teams who are relegated.


UP, I know you were a leading antagonist on the cv front with JP which most of us also had reservations about.

Having now been "up close and personal" with him (which is difficult for us foreigners) as a gut feeling do you actually think he can make a difference with what appears to be his intelligence and motivation?

Is there hope it may work?

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UP, I know you were a leading antagonist on the cv front with JP which most of us also had reservations about.

Having now been "up close and personal" with him (which is difficult for us foreigners) as a gut feeling do you actually think he can make a difference with what appears to be his intelligence and motivation?

Is there hope it may work?


Let's be quite clear that I had no problem with JP whatsoever. My beef was with the stories on the OS (and The Echo which were close to be toal ******), and the fact they were treating supporters like idiots.


I have no idea whether he will be good or bad, results will be the judge of him and I am more than willing to give him time.


As for JP himself, I warmed to him when I heard him in Solent not long after he took over. Came across as very confident and self assured.


Also heard him close up after the West Ham game in the corporate suite and that reinforced the positive view of him. He definitely has a presence (in the same way that SCW had a presence when I met him).


Hopefully it can translate to the players and into results. He's an unknown quantity, but that doesn't mean he will be good or bad.

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I don't want a "nice chap" I want a guy who can be a right Bstard when necessary and who gets results



I think he is a Bstard like that, hence why most of the senior players have gone / are going. He doesnt command respect from them but does from the younger players.


Also as UP says above hearing him speak and being in the same room he does ouze confidence and belief.

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Let's be quite clear that I had no problem with JP whatsoever. My beef was with the stories on the OS (and The Echo which were close to be toal ******), and the fact they were treating supporters like idiots.


I have no idea whether he will be good or bad, results will be the judge of him and I am more than willing to give him time.


As for JP himself, I warmed to him when I heard him in Solent not long after he took over. Came across as very confident and self assured.


Also heard him close up after the West Ham game in the corporate suite and that reinforced the positive view of him. He definitely has a presence (in the same way that SCW had a presence when I met him).


Hopefully it can translate to the players and into results. He's an unknown quantity, but that doesn't mean he will be good or bad.



Thanks, here's hoping we found the right guy


(and yes I am with you on the spin machine, although it has been better of late - almost!)

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Thing that came across most to me was how much Jan believes in the young players. Interesting that he said they play well as a unit and that when one or more arent playing, the team doesnt play how he wants them too...seemed to hint the xperienced players werent ale to fit the system.


He also basically said that Saga, Rasiak and Skacel lack the desire to play for team, and dont have the hunger of the youngsters. He seemed to suggest that as they earn loads of money they arent really bothered and he doesnt want players like that.


Jan is a really impressive guy, the type where when he speaks you actually want to listen...He seems quite imposing, very sure of himself, not a yes man by any means and he certainly has a stature about him that would command respect. He seems like he is demanding of players and forthright abou the way he wants them to play, but that if the adhere to his demands he would be a great manager to play for.


Also Davies ready in 2 weeks ish and JP thinks Schneiderlin will go right to the top.


JP isnt bothered about physical teams and will worry about how we are performing and let other teams worry about us.


Killer said on cold, wet nights on bumpy pitches its better to be small, lean and fast than a big heavyweight!

Edited by Saint Charlie
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I don't want a "nice chap" I want a guy who can be a right Bstard when necessary and who gets results


Oh i agree don't get me wrong we need a person able to stick up to the players when the situation needs it! And i think in Jan we have that guy. He seems to me someone who is very focused on what he is doing and what he considers the way we should play. If people don't fit that then they will be out. We don't know if that is the right way just yet but it is a direction nether the less. I did not want the guy here at 1st, i don't believe the spin on the OS. But i think we can be proud someone is bothering to put as much effort into trying to help us turn the tide as he is. Will he still have that enthusiasm if things go wrong? I hope we don't find out!

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I think like most posters on here, I hope JP works out well. I know it's only preseason but I really like some of the football we've played and I like the way he speaks. Lots of enthusiasm and self-belief.


I do think we will probably struggle this season because we will be asking a lot of our younger players, the teenagers, to play big roles for the whole season. I think of how Surman last season and Bale the season before seemed to fade after Christmas and need a break.

Also, while I get what JP said about having skillful players to build from the back, the past two seasons have shown us that you need full backs who can really defend. Time will tell how good Surman, Mills and James are when we are under the cosh.


Still, at least we are stronger at CB than we have been in years!

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When I was director and COO of a smallish but very profitable subsidiary I had a CEO who most people thought a very nice guy and absolutely charming, until they reported to him.


He was the most ruthless bustard and a pure hit man, totally self-obsessed and only interested in his view.


Moral of the story-todays executives often go to expensive classes on how to promote themselves, and can come across very nice.

Don't judge a book by it's covers.


I know nothing of Andrew Cowens so my observations are general warnings, not directed at him.



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I like JP, comes across well and think he genuinely wants the best for us. However, I can't help but feel that sometimes he can seem rather naive. I just can't understand the full back positions, something which Burley got absolutely hounded about this time last year regarding central defenders. I hope to god i'm wrong, and I would love to be, but I can see this fairytale of youngsters ending rather abruptly.

Edited by LGTL
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When I was director and COO of a smallish but very profitable subsidiary I had a CEO who most people thought a very nice guy and absolutely charming, until they reported to him.


He was the most ruthless bustard and a pure hit man, totally self-obsessed and only interested in his view.


Moral of the story-todays executives often go to expensive classes on how to promote themselves, and can come across very nice.

Don't judge a book by it's covers.


I know nothing of Andrew Cowens so my observations are general warnings, not directed at him.




The Roman Empire survived via assasination of those closest to the Emporer as well as the Emporer himself so it's not that new ;)

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I like JP, comes across well and think he genuinely wants the best for us. However, I can't help but feel that sometimes he can seem rather naive. I just can't understand the full back positions, something which Burley got absolutely hounded about this time last year regarding central defenders. I hope to god i'm wrong, and I would love to be, but I can see this fairytale of youngesters ending rather abruptly.


Glad I'm not alone in my concerns...

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Glad I'm not alone in my concerns...


Don't worry - you're not. Of course we all want the fairytale to come true, but the signs are there that this will be a rough season and if we get hit with injuries we will find ourselves in the same mess as the last Prem season, except this time we'll face L1 and administration. Make no mistake - this is still a massive gamble.

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Don't worry - you're not. Of course we all want the fairytale to come true, but the signs are there that this will be a rough season and if we get hit with injuries we will find ourselves in the same mess as the last Prem season, except this time we'll face L1 and administration. Make no mistake - this is still a massive gamble.


Every club spending dosh at the moment is playing a massive gamble. Even prem clubs have to sell to buy.. many of which are taking HUGE risks.

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That's definitely what he said (he is working three days a week).


I like Cowen and have to say he answered all the questions really well and even took some personal blame for the boadroom shennanigans.


Interesting to hear Wilde definitely declined the invitation (didn't go down with the audience).


Wilde is a complete gimboid, so this is no surprise. He just wants to schmooze with the players on the team coach.


As for Cowen taking some personal blame for f**king this club up, could someone please elaborate ? Humility and this board doesnt really seem right somehow.........

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Wilde is a complete gimboid, so this is no surprise. He just wants to schmooze with the players on the team coach.


As for Cowen taking some personal blame for f**king this club up, could someone please elaborate ? Humility and this board doesnt really seem right somehow.........


He alluded to the fact that (regretfully) boardroom disharmony had contributed to the downfall of the club and said "and I include myself in that" !

He did not dwell on it but that's about how it was!


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As a critic of the OS, was pleased to read the report there of the forum. Seemed accurate and full, given that it had to be a summary. JP definitely looking good, and his frankness very refreshing. Says it as it as he sees it.


He certainly talks the talk, but will he walk the walk with the most mediocre Saints side in the last 30 years?

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He certainly talks the talk, but will he walk the walk with the most mediocre Saints side in the last 30 years?


Given that the current side appear so far to look anything but mediocre its not a question that needs answering. Or do you mean mediocre as in not having any high earning big names?

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He certainly talks the talk, but will he walk the walk with the most mediocre Saints side in the last 30 years?


think the one 12 months ago would have given it a bit of competition -possibly was worse as it had no Svensson, Perry, Davies or Thomas for CB;)

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He certainly talks the talk, but will he walk the walk with the most mediocre Saints side in the last 30 years?

A standard post by PMD who seems worried that Lowe's decisions will bring success, and undermine his negative attitude. Of course, we're all entitled to our opinions, but if the current side is more mediocre than last year's then Saints will be relegated, as that is the only way to do worse. For every week that we are above 20th place, PMD will be demonstrably wrong.

This could prove a dilemma for the anti-Lowe faction, wanting Saints to succeed and Lowe to fail, when the two things are bound together. Maybe the lifeline will be AC stating at the Forum that the board are still looking for investment, if its on acceptable terms. That is one thing that could get the anti-Lowe faction off the hook, but its not under their control. The better approach would be to bury the hatred and focus on the club as a whole and less on the club management.

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