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I am done with this folly....


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I shall not return to St Mary's, to the ground and club I love while Lowe is here.


Southampton F.C. is no longer a football club, it is the work of an eccentric. A man who values profit over results, who values his own opinion over common sense and his own reputation over fact.


I hate saying that, but the club I adore no longer exists. The playing staff has dissappeared, all ambition and hope has gone too, and all pride and love has disappeared.

We are nothing now, a bank managers statistic, and rather then having a man willing to fight for us, to aim high, we have a puppet having his strings pulled for him. We lose player after player, and have nothing done. We ARE NOT as badly off as many clubs, yet Lowe lets us rot. heamorraging talent. Losing hope and respectability.


When Lowe finally leaves, for good, without any route of return, be it through loss or administration, I will return, witnessing the pheonix rise from the ashes. But until then I cannot bare to watch. I cannot watch something I hold so dear degrade itself further. I am not that sadistic.

Edited by Colinjb
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I shall not return to St Mary's, to the ground and club I love while Lowe is here.


Southampton F.C. is no longer a football club, it is the work of an eccentric. A man who values profit over results, who values his own opinion over common sense and his own reputation over fact.


I hate saying that, but the club I adore no longer exists. The playing staff has dissappeared, all ambition and hope has gone too, and all pride and love has gone too.


We are nothing now, a bank managers statistic, and rather then having a man willing to fight for us, to aim high, we have a puppet having his strings pulled for him. We lose player after player, and have nothing done. We ARE NOT as badly off as many clubs, yet Lowe lets us rot. heamorraging talent. Losing hope and respectability.


When Lowe finally leaves, for good, without any route of return, be it through loss or administration, I will return, witnessing the pheonix rise from the ashes. But until then I cannot bare to watch. I cannot watch something I hold so dear degrade itself further. I am not that sadistic.

It's heartbreaking. Lowe is marginalising and alienating the very sole of the club. Its fans! :(
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I am going on Tuesday, not because I want to, but because I already have a ticket and I am taking someone. I am really not looking forwards to it, I can think of so many better things to do on a cold dark night than go to the football as it currently stands. It's a sad state of affairs when you actually feel like going to see your team as a bad thing.


I don't blame you at all, saints is just not fun anymore, it is soul destroying. I sat in the crowd Saturday and I had to laugh to myself as the guy next to me half heartedly sang “sing you hearts out for the lads” lol he couldn't even be bothered to actually sing it very loudly which was ironic but sums it up really.

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A man who values profit over results, .


Shall we let this comment of yours sink in to the logical cortex of our brains shall we?


Apart from the very richest of owners name me any club's chairman who is willing to lose millions simply for results. IMO it would take £50m to get us out of the CCC and then some more to avoid coming straight back down. Most will need a return on their massive investment.


You blame Lowe for not putting his millions into the club - hello, I don't think he is that wealthy to be able to give money away to a cause supported by a bunch of opinionated whingers who have done nothing but slag this club off for the past 4 years. Shall we have Crouch back so he can inject his millions or McEnemy and his productive ideas and cash injections?


The trouble is with the majority of the fans on this forum, who appear to be abandoning the club in its greatest hour of need, is that you expect someone to come along inject millions of their hard earned and yet you won't inject £24 for a match day ticket! YOU ****ING IMBECILE DONT YOU SEE WHERE THE REAL PROBLEM LIES? You and many like you are the folly and ultimately the reason no one with one iota of sanity remaining will invest in this club unless they can sell it off and literally put you out of your misery.


**** off down the road and buy yourself a bell.

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Shall we let this comment of yours sink in to the logical cortex of our brains shall we?


Apart from the very richest of owners name me any club's chairman who is willing to lose millions simply for results. IMO it would take £50m to get us out of the CCC and then some more to avoid coming straight back down. Most will need a return on their massive investment.


You blame Lowe for not putting his millions into the club - hello, I don't think he is that wealthy to be able to give money away to a cause supported by a bunch of opinionated whingers who have done nothing but slag this club off for the past 4 years. Shall we have Crouch back so he can inject his millions or McEnemy and his productive ideas and cash injections?


The trouble is with the majority of the fans on this forum, who appear to be abandoning the club in its greatest hour of need, is that you expect someone to come along inject millions of their hard earned and yet you won't inject £24 for a match day ticket! YOU ****ING IMBECILE DONT YOU SEE WHERE THE REAL PROBLEM LIES? You and many like you are the folly and ultimately the reason no one with one iota of sanity remaining will invest in this club unless they can sell it off and literally put you out of your misery.


**** off down the road and buy yourself a bell.

Why dont you **** off down the road youself, you self opinionated ***t. Many like myself have bought ST's but cant bear to watch the dross that Lowe has propegated for us! If you cant see(like Lowe) that this drivvel of a team is driving people away, you ought to come back from fantasy world Pantomine Boy, and start smelling the roses! :( Edited by SOTONS EAST SIDE
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I shall not return to St Mary's, to the ground and club I love while Lowe is here.


Southampton F.C. is no longer a football club, it is the work of an eccentric. A man who values profit over results, who values his own opinion over common sense and his own reputation over fact.


I hate saying that, but the club I adore no longer exists. The playing staff has dissappeared, all ambition and hope has gone too, and all pride and love has disappeared.

We are nothing now, a bank managers statistic, and rather then having a man willing to fight for us, to aim high, we have a puppet having his strings pulled for him. We lose player after player, and have nothing done. We ARE NOT as badly off as many clubs, yet Lowe lets us rot. heamorraging talent. Losing hope and respectability.


When Lowe finally leaves, for good, without any route of return, be it through loss or administration, I will return, witnessing the pheonix rise from the ashes. But until then I cannot bare to watch. I cannot watch something I hold so dear degrade itself further. I am not that sadistic.


Can you guarantee this will happen? I feel NOW is the time our club needs US yet some will turn their back on it because of one single human being. This is OUR club! Why can't we just support it through thick and thin? It is in dire need of our help and I am saddened by the reactions of many on here. This season we have a bitter pill to swallow probably washed down with cold ****** but the alternative is far worse. Anyway it matters not a jot how I feel as no doubt those more clever with words will rip my weak arguement to bits.

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[quote=Sundance Beast


You blame Lowe for not putting his millions into the club - hello, I don't think he is that wealthy to be able to give money away to a cause supported by a bunch of opinionated whingers who have done nothing but slag this club off for the past 4 years. Shall we have Crouch back so he can inject his millions or McEnemy and his productive ideas and cash injections?



I dont think that any of the supporters blame Lowe for not putting his Millions into the club,as you say he is not that wealthy,But what they do blame him for is Asset stripping the club in a way that the Administrator would. Rupert Lowe is nothing but a self opinionated,Egocentric maniac. Rupert Lowe only forced his way back into the club to look after the investment he has in the club,he has absolutely no real interest in what happens on the football field and to him it is San Fairy Ann which division the club plays in or how many games they lose.The fact that the club have become the laughing stock with there team of kids doesn't bother him at all , Why should it ? , He has stepped in and stopped the club from going into official administration therebye securing the investment that he and his lapdog Wilde saw going down the pan at the end of last season.


Success for Lowe this season would be to finish 21st in the league with a team of Kids that he can pay £50 a week too , He will tolerate a few more games with us getting humiliated and then he will sack JP and Lay the blame firmly at his doorstep,He wont even consider that it is his own fault for not giving JP the tools to work with.


There will soon be a new headstone in the Church Yard at St Marys Church , It will read,

"Here lies a truely great football club , SFC , Brutally Murdered by RUPERT LOWE."

1885 - 2008


Edited by saintstr1
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Shall we let this comment of yours sink in to the logical cortex of our brains shall we?


Apart from the very richest of owners name me any club's chairman who is willing to lose millions simply for results. IMO it would take £50m to get us out of the CCC and then some more to avoid coming straight back down. Most will need a return on their massive investment.


You blame Lowe for not putting his millions into the club - hello, I don't think he is that wealthy to be able to give money away to a cause supported by a bunch of opinionated whingers who have done nothing but slag this club off for the past 4 years. Shall we have Crouch back so he can inject his millions or McEnemy and his productive ideas and cash injections?


The trouble is with the majority of the fans on this forum, who appear to be abandoning the club in its greatest hour of need, is that you expect someone to come along inject millions of their hard earned and yet you won't inject £24 for a match day ticket! YOU ****ING IMBECILE DONT YOU SEE WHERE THE REAL PROBLEM LIES? You and many like you are the folly and ultimately the reason no one with one iota of sanity remaining will invest in this club unless they can sell it off and literally put you out of your misery.


**** off down the road and buy yourself a bell.


Why so rude ? do you really need to call someone an imbecile because he has a different point of view to you?

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I dont think that any of the supporters blame Lowe for not putting his Millions into the club,as you say he is not that wealthy,But what they do blame him for is Asset stripping the club in a way that the Administrator would. Rupert Lowe is nothing but a self opinionated,Egocentric maniac. Rupert Lowe only forced his way back into the club to look after the investment he has in the club,he has absolutely no real interest in what happens on the football field and to him it is San Fairy Ann which division the club plays in or how many games they lose.The fact that the club have become the laughing stock with there team of kids doesn't bother him at all , Why should it ? , He has stepped in and stopped the club from going into official administration therebye securing the investment that he and his lapdog Wilde saw going down the pan at the end of last season.


Success for Lowe this season would be to finish 21st in the league with a team of Kids that he can pay £50 a week too , He will tolerate a few more games with us getting humiliated and then he will sack JP and Lay the blame firmly at his doorstep,He wont even consider that it is his own fault for not giving JP the tools to work with.


There will soon be a new headstone in the Church Yard at St Marys Church , It will read,

"Here lies a truely great football club , SFC , Brutally Murdered by RUPERT LOWE."

1885 - 2008



Administration is a possibility but we won't die, SFC will live on.

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wow colin you are a true marter. Still dont get how peoples dislike of a man on the board (even it is lowe, the ****ing retard) let that get in the way of watching football. Ull still listen to it on the radio and come on here wont you? So ull still be sad about the whole thing. He and no one else wont give a toss that your not there, so why do it? Beggers belief.

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Why so rude ? do you really need to call someone an imbecile because he has a different point of view to you?


Of course he does, Snowballs. It's in his nature. He's arrogant enough to believe that anybody who has a different opinion to his is an imbecile. Colinjb just made the mistake of putting the emphasis on the wrong part. Whilst other clubs are indeed fortunate enough to have directors who run their clubs because they put large amounts of their own money into those clubs, we all know that Lowe isn't in that class of wealth and can only afford less than 6% as a shareholding.


Emphasis should have been placed on what Lowe has taken out of the club over the past decade.

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I don't get it. While I admire the die hard fan who can still take the rough with the even rougher, I cannot understand why there are some that simply seem to forget that the supporters that are walking away have put up with Lowe's failed strategy for at least five years. This is not something that has just happened overnight! How much longer should supporters continue to pour their hard-earned money into a failed club? I bought a season ticket based on a squad that I thought might improve on last seasons results - I feel I have been mugged by the club as everything changed AFTER they had my money.


At the core, the PLC has killed the club. The detail starts with the stadium - while very nice, it has a debt associated with it that is not sustainable outside the Prem unless there are sizeable gates (or a rich owner underwriting the debt). There will not be sizeable gates all the while a reserve team of youngsters gets beaten week in week out by large margins. It is heart breaking, but Lowe has killed the club - not because of his background or his looks...but because he has simply made far too many fundamental mistakes and continues to do so. JP is a lightweight - many of us knew this from the day he was appointed and now Lowe cannot sack him because that would be admitting defeat.


Sorry to say, but I am now of the opinion that the ONLY way to save what's left of the club will be administration. This will not kill the club - remember its the Holdings PLC that will die, not SFC. It is the only way to rid ourselves of the PLC and Lowe, Wilde etc. - terrible to have to admit it, but it is the only way now and so those that stay away might be considered as real fans, helping to move the club towards a brighter future.


Change can be frightening at times when you cannot see the end game, but if you grasp it firmly enough to shape the outcome, invariably there will be a happy ending. At the moment we can change nothing - after administration that in itself will change.

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Shall we let this comment of yours sink in to the logical cortex of our brains shall we?


Apart from the very richest of owners name me any club's chairman who is willing to lose millions simply for results. IMO it would take £50m to get us out of the CCC and then some more to avoid coming straight back down. Most will need a return on their massive investment.


You blame Lowe for not putting his millions into the club - hello, I don't think he is that wealthy to be able to give money away to a cause supported by a bunch of opinionated whingers who have done nothing but slag this club off for the past 4 years. Shall we have Crouch back so he can inject his millions or McEnemy and his productive ideas and cash injections?


The trouble is with the majority of the fans on this forum, who appear to be abandoning the club in its greatest hour of need, is that you expect someone to come along inject millions of their hard earned and yet you won't inject £24 for a match day ticket! YOU ****ING IMBECILE DONT YOU SEE WHERE THE REAL PROBLEM LIES? You and many like you are the folly and ultimately the reason no one with one iota of sanity remaining will invest in this club unless they can sell it off and literally put you out of your misery.


**** off down the road and buy yourself a bell.



How much longer are you going to allow this pathetic individual to post such bile and drivel? Colin, like a lot of good natured, loyal fans I know, feel alienated from the club and whether o rnot you or I agree with them staying away from St Marys, they have the right, as consumer, to do so.

It was Lowe and his board that turned fans into customers. It was fine in the days of Premiership football as there was conveyorbelt of fans and you charge what you wanted and if one left another took his place.

Well the chickens have come home to roost now as fans exert their rights as consumers and decide if they don't like the product or the service they won't buy it. You can't blame them can you? Unless of course you're an idiot like Sundance who blames stay away fans for the plight we're in now and ignore four years of gross mismanangement that brought us to our knees.

Yes, it' the fans fault... what complete and utter ********.

Either way mods, people like Colin are entitled to voice their opinion without the bile and excrement thrown their way by the likes of cyberwarriors like Sundance. Just what does he have to do to merit getting banned?

Either ban him or tell us what his real name is...

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I shall not return to St Mary's, to the ground and club I love while Lowe is here.


Southampton F.C. is no longer a football club, it is the work of an eccentric. A man who values profit over results, who values his own opinion over common sense and his own reputation over fact.


I hate saying that, but the club I adore no longer exists. The playing staff has dissappeared, all ambition and hope has gone too, and all pride and love has disappeared.

Colin, can you get a grip? You sound like a drama queen.

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Although Sundance might not have finished reading "how to win friends and influence people" yet, his point is still very valid.


True, but he needs to learn to make his point and his argument in such a way as to get people to listen, not pis them off


I have no problem with the principle of what he saying, but the way he says it leaves alot to be desired...

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Shall we let this comment of yours sink in to the logical cortex of our brains shall we?


Apart from the very richest of owners name me any club's chairman who is willing to lose millions simply for results. IMO it would take £50m to get us out of the CCC and then some more to avoid coming straight back down. Most will need a return on their massive investment.


You blame Lowe for not putting his millions into the club - hello, I don't think he is that wealthy to be able to give money away to a cause supported by a bunch of opinionated whingers who have done nothing but slag this club off for the past 4 years. Shall we have Crouch back so he can inject his millions or McEnemy and his productive ideas and cash injections?


The trouble is with the majority of the fans on this forum, who appear to be abandoning the club in its greatest hour of need, is that you expect someone to come along inject millions of their hard earned and yet you won't inject £24 for a match day ticket! YOU ****ING IMBECILE DONT YOU SEE WHERE THE REAL PROBLEM LIES? You and many like you are the folly and ultimately the reason no one with one iota of sanity remaining will invest in this club unless they can sell it off and literally put you out of your misery.


**** off down the road and buy yourself a bell.


Yes I do, I believe I am talking with it right now. It is a shame you had to resort to profanity to try and get your point accross, it really is, but what else should I expect... I understand people have different opinions and perspectives to myself, and indeed, a forum such like this is the place to discuss them.


I have had to ask myself many questions on the run up to this decision, the key one was why do I support this club?


It used to be fun to go, go and see games with friends. Watch the occasional win, enjoy the atmosphere, and the hope, the hope and genuine belief that we could one day challenge for something. The atmosphere is now all but destroyed, my favourite seat on the northam/kingsland corner is gone, my mates no longer have season tickets feeling what is the point as the ground never sells out any more and i'm fed up driving a return trip of 4 or so hours and almost certainly driving back feeling miserable. I cannot afford to do that every two weeks if I get nothing back.


It is the impression I get that the current reigm would prefer us to be like Walsall where a few years ago, barely surviving in the championship and being profitable then be like Coventry, who paid a heavy price for relegation but never lost the sense of perspective that they are a football club first and foremost, a club who tried to keep their better players, a club that always tried to push on, a club that has kept its sense of self respect and dignity.

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I don't get it. While I admire the die hard fan who can still take the rough with the even rougher, I cannot understand why there are some that simply seem to forget that the supporters that are walking away have put up with Lowe's failed strategy for at least five years. This is not something that has just happened overnight! How much longer should supporters continue to pour their hard-earned money into a failed club? I bought a season ticket based on a squad that I thought might improve on last seasons results - I feel I have been mugged by the club as everything changed AFTER they had my money.


At the core, the PLC has killed the club. The detail starts with the stadium - while very nice, it has a debt associated with it that is not sustainable outside the Prem unless there are sizeable gates (or a rich owner underwriting the debt). There will not be sizeable gates all the while a reserve team of youngsters gets beaten week in week out by large margins. It is heart breaking, but Lowe has killed the club - not because of his background or his looks...but because he has simply made far too many fundamental mistakes and continues to do so. JP is a lightweight - many of us knew this from the day he was appointed and now Lowe cannot sack him because that would be admitting defeat.


Sorry to say, but I am now of the opinion that the ONLY way to save what's left of the club will be administration. This will not kill the club - remember its the Holdings PLC that will die, not SFC. It is the only way to rid ourselves of the PLC and Lowe, Wilde etc. - terrible to have to admit it, but it is the only way now and so those that stay away might be considered as real fans, helping to move the club towards a brighter future.


Change can be frightening at times when you cannot see the end game, but if you grasp it firmly enough to shape the outcome, invariably there will be a happy ending. At the moment we can change nothing - after administration that in itself will change.


I am inclined to agree, very well put.

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So you'll return when Saints are better than they are now?


What if we turn rubbish under different ownership too?


What if we're good under new ownership but the new owner is also someone you and others despise?


What if we improved under Lowe, whether short term or long term? In theory, at what point of success would you then come back? Or can we assume you actually wouldn't? What if we ended up in the premiership...even if in 5 or 10 years, IF Lowe was in charge, would you then stay away?


It's dangerous ground to get into, as you'll likely end up going back on your words or denying yourself the chance to support a club.


All ifs. I understand the point you are making and if I eat my words one day so be it. As for denying myself supporting a club, I coach an u15 team in Coventry. I have gained far more joy and happiness being involved with that over the last 5 years then I have had with Saints over the same period. I still get my football fix, even if it is elsewhere.

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Shall we let this comment of yours sink in to the logical cortex of our brains shall we?


Apart from the very richest of owners name me any club's chairman who is willing to lose millions simply for results. IMO it would take £50m to get us out of the CCC and then some more to avoid coming straight back down. Most will need a return on their massive investment.


You blame Lowe for not putting his millions into the club - hello, I don't think he is that wealthy to be able to give money away to a cause supported by a bunch of opinionated whingers who have done nothing but slag this club off for the past 4 years. Shall we have Crouch back so he can inject his millions or McEnemy and his productive ideas and cash injections?


The trouble is with the majority of the fans on this forum, who appear to be abandoning the club in its greatest hour of need, is that you expect someone to come along inject millions of their hard earned and yet you won't inject £24 for a match day ticket! YOU ****ING IMBECILE DONT YOU SEE WHERE THE REAL PROBLEM LIES? You and many like you are the folly and ultimately the reason no one with one iota of sanity remaining will invest in this club unless they can sell it off and literally put you out of your misery.


**** off down the road and buy yourself a bell.


Sundance Sundance Sundance what the hell are you playing at!


You know as well as me that you have been a wee bit silly with your post above.



As a troll you have just scored about 1 out of ten, that’s less than most player ratings at Swansea on Saturday.


What the hell are you doing posting stuff like that?



I made a post a few days back calling season ticket holders mugs,ok it was name calling but a few would of gone away and thought the guy does have a point, yet you have just alienated nearly every poster on this forum.


I can understand the troll that has few friends on a forum but you seem to want none?


The art of good trolling is to play to peoples emotions, all you have done is to alienate yourself calling people imbeciles,come on sundance you can do better than that.



One of the biggest weapons a troll has in his armory is humor yet I have seen none in your posts?


The only weapon you seem to have is alienation? You can’t even manage to use any reason or Latin.



What really really made me sad in your post was that you even broke a golden rule! You told someone to go down the road and buy a bell, thats the kind of reply I get from a 14 year old on here.


You seem to me like a beast in its death throws,I think you know you have lost the fight here and you are now trying one final push before being banned.



I look forward to your next post that I hope will be a little more planned and posted in the true art of the troll.

Edited by AwaySaint1
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TBF, Sundance has a very valid point.


Yes, he expressed a valid opinion, although it can clearly be countered by an argument that whether people attend or not is their prerogative if they feel that they are being taken for granted and that what they pay for is not worth it in their opinion. It is their choice.


But it is the abusive language that was totally unecessary. As somebody else asked, what does he have to do to earn infraction points?

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So do many others,they just manage to be adult enough in getting it across.


Is Sundance some 14 year old kid by any chance?


I would think he is just another frustrated fan, like the rest on here.


In an ideal world, we would all be able to put our point across in an adult manner, but sometimes the feelings you are writing about get the better of you. I think we would all benefit from trying to read the sentiment rather than the exact words on here sometimes. I, for one, try not to look at who posted what until after I have read it, it gives a better sense of perspective.

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Look Sundance, like many others I have put my money into backing this club by buying a couple of season tickets and yet my reward for my support is to witness the most crass, incompetent, egocentric management that it has been my misfortune to experience. Can you blame any of us if we are all getting more disillusioned by the week?

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I would think he is just another frustrated fan, like the rest on here.


In an ideal world, we would all be able to put our point across in an adult manner, but sometimes the feelings you are writing about get the better of you. I think we would all benefit from trying to read the sentiment rather than the exact words on here sometimes. I, for one, try not to look at who posted what until after I have read it, it gives a better sense of perspective.


There is obviously a clear distinction between somebody targetting their bile towards the people running the club and those aiming it at other posters. And do I infer from what you have said that because of his emotive feelings, Sundance responded in a juvenile manner? ;)

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I would think he is just another frustrated fan, like the rest on here.


Come come, you know as well as me that the beast is not a saints fan he is just a guy who is frustrated at not being considered as an Independent party candidate in his local elections.


I do understand the hold he has over this forum what with his connections to Lowe but please don’t insult members intelligence by saying he is "just a frustrated fan"


Don’t you think that with the current state of the club its time for everyone to come clean?


You could start by admitting what use the beast is to the future success of this forum.

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There is obviously a clear distinction between somebody targetting their bile towards the people running the club and those aiming it at other posters.


Of course there is, no-one is saying any different.


And do I infer from what you have said that because of his emotive feelings, Sundance responded in a juvenile manner? ;)


In my personal opinion, he was being a tad childish and melodramatic. And yes, calling another poster a "****ing imbecile" is just stupid, and to be honest he probably deserves an infraction (which I will now go an administer).

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And yes, calling another poster a "****ing imbecile" is just stupid, and to be honest he probably deserves an infraction (which I will now go an administer).


And retrospectively, one assumes, for the other 67 times "he's" said the same or similar in recent weeks?

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The problem I have with boycotts is that while they satisfy the individual's need to do something, they do not have any real impact, except where it hurts the club, financially. Unless boycotts turn into protests they will not succeed because no-one can see the size of the protest or guage the extent of the unrest. A petition is all well and good, but it doesn't mean too much, will anyone actually check all the names on the petition to ensure they are not attending (or even exist), no of course not. Direct, non-violent protest is the only thing that will make these idiots, Lowe and Lap Dog sit up and take notice, and by attending the games will not push us closer to administration.

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Come come, you know as well as me that the beast is not a saints fan he is just a guy who is frustrated at not being considered as an Independent party candidate in his local elections.


I don't know him from Adam, so couldn't possibly


I do understand the hold he has over this forum what with his connections to Lowe but please don’t insult members intelligence by saying he is "just a frustrated fan"


Again, dont know what you mean. I deal with every poster on here the same way, couldnt give a hoot who/what the "know"


Don’t you think that with the current state of the club its time for everyone to come clean?
OK, I wished my Pompey supporting mate all the best yesterday.


You could start by admitting what use the beast is to the future success of this forum.
Every poster has value to add. Edited by Pancake
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The problem I have with boycotts is that while they satisfy the individual's need to do something, they do not have any real impact, except where it hurts the club, financially. Unless boycotts turn into protests they will not succeed because no-one can see the size of the protest or guage the extent of the unrest. A petition is all well and good, but it doesn't mean too much, will anyone actually check all the names on the petition to ensure they are not attending (or even exist), no of course not. Direct, non-violent protest is the only thing that will make these idiots, Lowe and Lap Dog sit up and take notice, and by attending the games will not push us closer to administration.


I agree but then whilst the Branfoot protests got rid of Ian, Askham, Richards and Wiseman et al stayed and continued to asset strip. 2/3 are still there too. Mugs like me going to games only encourages them.

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I gave up months ago having seen my first game at The Dell in 1947. The PLC turned me into a customer, who for a while was happy to purchase the product on offer in the results-driven business. However, the product lost its appeal in the competitive marketplace and since the company has compromised on its loyalty to its customers as a result of poor managerial and marketing decisions over recent years, it can hardly be surprised that the customers no longer find the product to be value for money.


All of the above is, of course, Rupespeak....well, he started it.


We used to be a football club.

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One can only answer questions with the same level of thought as the origin.


Posh insults dont cut it in my part of the woods.

You trying to sound intelegent makes you come across like Lowe.


No wonder you are defending his posting mates.


I am sorry but in my eyes anyone who can manage nearly 6,000 posts on a new forum like yourself can have no grip on the real world and is best left alone and not replied to.

Edited by AwaySaint1
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Posh insults dont cut it in my part of the woods.

You trying to sound intelegent makes you come across like Lowe.


No wonder you are defending his posting mates.


I am sorry but in my eyes anyone who can manage nearly 6,000 posts on a new forum like yourself can have no grip on the real world and is best left alone and not replied to.


Glad you managed to retort in an "adult way" and not resort to insults...

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