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Had Poch lost the passion ?


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Seems as if he spends less time on his feet in the technical area now a day's and looks less interested in interviews sometimes his body language makes me think hes just counting down the days until he leaves !

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He's NEVER been one to patrol the touch line during games whilst at Saints.


Except for a lack of players that can score goals I thought saints again played well and looked to have spot on tactics. He recognised that Liverpool began to dominate in midfield and replaced Cork with Wanyama. He also re of used we were failing to penetrate the Liverpool defence and hold the ball up in the final third and replaced Lambert with Gallagher.


Would you prefer Pardew?

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He recognised that Liverpool began to dominate in midfield and replaced Cork with Wanyama.


Stroke of tactical genius that. Having substituted hard-working, hard tackling midfield dynamo Davis with the quixotic Ramirez, who blows hot and cold so you never know which one you will get on any particular day, he then had to replace the other hard-working, hard tackling midfield dynamo Cork, with the unfit, overweight lumbering midfielder Wanyama.


So then Liverpool began to gradually win the midfield battles that they had been losing, found the space for their passing game and we in turn gave up after their second goal, two of our most spirited, never say die players having been substituted.


Nice one Poch.

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Stroke of tactical genius that. Having substituted hard-working, hard tackling midfield dynamo Davis with the quixotic Ramirez, who blows hot and cold so you never know which one you will get on any particular day, he then had to replace the other hard-working, hard tackling midfield dynamo Cork, with the unfit, overweight lumbering midfielder Wanyama.


So then Liverpool began to gradually win the midfield battles that they had been losing, found the space for their passing game and we in turn gave up after their second goal, two of our most spirited, never say die players having been substituted.


Nice one Poch.


Ignoring the fact that they scored their 2nd after 57 mins and we had "given up" 20 mins before Wanyama came on.

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Stroke of tactical genius that. Having substituted hard-working, hard tackling midfield dynamo Davis with the quixotic Ramirez, who blows hot and cold so you never know which one you will get on any particular day, he then had to replace the other hard-working, hard tackling midfield dynamo Cork, with the unfit, overweight lumbering midfielder Wanyama.


So then Liverpool began to gradually win the midfield battles that they had been losing, found the space for their passing game and we in turn gave up after their second goal, two of our most spirited, never say die players having been substituted.


Nice one Poch.

Yes that about sums it up.


Ramirez seems to have 3 modes:

bad tackling that gives away free kicks;

taking our free kicks and wasting them [instead of letting Rickie or even JWP take them];

rolling about on the floor, but failing to win us a free kick.


Is that what people mean by offering us "something different"?

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I don't care what anyone says poch's demeanor has changed a lot these past few months !


Strange though, as after the Arsenal game the general consensus on here was that he looked relaxed and happy in the post match interview

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Strange though, as after the Arsenal game the general consensus on here was that he looked relaxed and happy in the post match interview


He was probably still hopeful of getting another striker in then.


One in one out was what he said, still had 3 days left at that time...oh and we played extremely well on that occasion.

If we'd played like that against West Ham and Liverpool we'd probably be on 45 points today, pushing on 7th.

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...........do you think his " passion " should be measured by the number of minutes he plays " jack-in-the-box " in the technical area,? or how many times he swears at a referee?....or head-butts someone?.


Maybe he should have an outbreak of rage and be banished to the stands for 3-4 games...ala Mourinho and even Ferguson. Is that what you want to see.... NO!.... I don't think so either.


He's not an overly-demonstrative person OFF the field, (despite his own disciplinary record as a player,) I'm sure he feels just as " pi**ed " as you and I do when we lose - especailly as he chose the team.


and like us - he sulks a bit from time to time.......it's only human. Do you have a successful managerial role-model that he should follow? .....Suggestions welcomed.

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I think he shows the signs of someone 'going through the motions', basically the last few weeks at work whereby you know you have to be there, but cant really be arsed to do anything spectacular.

He is definately on the touch line less, his post match interviews are stale and his sense of urgency in respect of getting subs on to change a game that we were never going to score in (with Lambert up front) the second half.

There is absolutely no way he is going to be here next season (unless NC comes back) and I thinks that is reflected now.

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If it is all the same to you then, I think that is complete nonsense (not that you'll care of course).


spose you thought it was complete nonsense about Adkins demeanour after we beat Coventry, he had the look of man who knew he wouldnt be around much longer, but that would have been complete nonsence.


You really think MP is happy here, he stil;l doesnt even speak English to the press FFS! He is was staying he would have come round on the language issue by now. Throwing the Sunderland match, that was the sign of a manager who wanted to win something for the club?

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spose you thought it was complete nonsense about Adkins demeanour after we beat Coventry, he had the look of man who knew he wouldnt be around much longer, but that would have been complete nonsence.


You really think MP is happy here, he stil;l doesnt even speak English to the press FFS! He is was staying he would have come round on the language issue by now. Throwing the Sunderland match, that was the sign of a manager who wanted to win something for the club?


Actually I agree about Adkins after the Coventry match. I have absolutely no idea why you would think my opinion on MP is somehow indicative of of an inability to assess a persons demeanour. What you say about MP is, however, in my opinion, complete and utter nonsense. The points you raise barely warrant a response, but out of politeness:

Have you ever tried to learn a new language and reach a level were you would be comfortable addressing a press conference unassisted? You seem to think it's easy, so I guess you have. MP is obviously not as clever as you. With regard to the Cup game, of course he didn't throw it - the players let him/us down. Yes, he may have underestimated the fans desire to win that match, but to say he "threw" it is laughable - IMHO of course.

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Actually I agree about Adkins after the Coventry match. I have absolutely no idea why you would think my opinion on MP is somehow indicative of of an inability to assess a persons demeanour. What you say about MP is, however, in my opinion, complete and utter nonsense. The points you raise barely warrant a response, but out of politeness:

Have you ever tried to learn a new language and reach a level were you would be comfortable addressing a press conference unassisted? You seem to think it's easy, so I guess you have. MP is obviously not as clever as you. With regard to the Cup game, of course he didn't throw it - the players let him/us down. Yes, he may have underestimated the fans desire to win that match, but to say he "threw" it is laughable - IMHO of course.

The translator thing is getting a bit of a chore now, how much longer can he reasonably keep that going? It doesn't do him any favours in terms of communicating with fans.
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The translator thing is getting a bit of a chore now, how much longer can he reasonably keep that going? It doesn't do him any favours in terms of communicating with fans.


I don't disagree with that - I just don't think it's an indicator of a lack of passion or desire.

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True, but a lack of engagement?


I just think it is very hard to learn a new language to a level were you are comfortable and fluent. I've tried! I don't think it is a lack of anything other than confidence in ones ability to communicate effectively. If he is still here in 2 years time and still uses a translator then I would start to question it though.

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I just think it is very hard to learn a new language to a level were you are comfortable and fluent. I've tried! I don't think it is a lack of anything other than confidence in ones ability to communicate effectively. If he is still here in 2 years time and still uses a translator then I would start to question it though.
Well he must have some confidence to communicate effectively in English, as I assume he uses it every day in quite a high pressure, demanding industry. The problem is, the longer he drags it out, the bigger a deal it'll become when he does drop the translator. It's not a big deal, but it hasn't done him any favours in terms of engaging with the support.
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I think he got his tactics right after Saurez scored. But the strikers ect missing all those chances, in the first half. Left him wondering what to change. He went with the wrong choice of putting GR in midfield, and taking Davis off.

He would of been better putting GR up in RL place.

As he was more mobile and his pace and trickery would of caused more threat.

Lambert is a shadow of his former self, and he looks like he is going through the motions if anyone. MHO

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I think he got his tactics right after Saurez scored. But the strikers ect missing all those chances, in the first half. Left him wondering what to change. He went with the wrong choice of putting GR in midfield, and taking Davis off.

He would of been better putting GR up in RL place.

As he was more mobile and his pace and trickery would of caused more threat.

Lambert is a shadow of his former self, and he looks like he is going through the motions if anyone. MHO


all this is probably what he would have done if Hodgson hadn't been there, hauling RL off at half time as he deserved to be wouldn't look very good now would he. As I've said before the WC is interfering with our strategy at times. Front men are trying too hard and crisping up.

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Well he must have some confidence to communicate effectively in English, as I assume he uses it every day in quite a high pressure, demanding industry. The problem is, the longer he drags it out, the bigger a deal it'll become when he does drop the translator. It's not a big deal, but it hasn't done him any favours in terms of engaging with the support.
Yes - but there is a big difference between communicating with friends/family or colleagues and trying to do the same in front of the media or on national/international TV. As I said, I don't disagree with your point, but I do empathise with him.....and I don't blame him for using a translator if it is made readily available at all times.
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I don't disagree with that - I just don't think it's an indicator of a lack of passion or desire.


In that case, Ricky Lambert is having a blinder of a season and is obviously so happy with life.


Can anybody point out the connection between MP's use of a translator and Ricky Lambert's performances? :?

Did you quote the wrong post Billy, or did you just want to say that you think Lambert has been rubbish this season? You can do that without having to quote anyone you know. HTH ;)

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Can anybody point out the connection between MP's use of a translator and Ricky Lambert's performances? :?

Did you quote the wrong post Billy, or did you just want to say that you think Lambert has been rubbish this season? You can do that without having to quote anyone you know. HTH ;)


He's questioning your ability to gauge an individual's motivation accurately. Rightly imo.

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What is the point of this thread?


No one knows whether this is the case do they. I. Rather think it has more to do with losing 3 on the spin than anything else.....


You're right; this forum should only be dealing with facts!

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Yes that about sums it up.


Ramirez seems to have 3 modes:

bad tackling that gives away free kicks;

taking our free kicks and wasting them [instead of letting Rickie or even JWP take them];

rolling about on the floor, but failing to win us a free kick.


Is that what people mean by offering us "something different"?


Ramriez's freekicks were in swingers to the far back post that were threatening and found a man almost every time, again we were unable to convert - Ramirez's Fault

Coming on a taking the ball forward dribbling past several liverpool players before laying the ball off only for it then to be wasted - Ramirez's fault


Let me guess....


2nd goal - Ramirez's fault? Penalty/dive - Ramirez's fault?


Please... Seriously grow a pair and get behind the team.

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Can anybody point out the connection between MP's use of a translator and Ricky Lambert's performances? :?

Did you quote the wrong post Billy, or did you just want to say that you think Lambert has been rubbish this season? You can do that without having to quote anyone you know. HTH ;)


Sorry KP, I tagged it onto the wrong post and the moment has gone now:D

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Haven't posted for about a week and this kind of topic is the reason why. I've put a few idiots on ignore recently and as soon as we suffer what's considered a bad loss more, more idiots jump out of the woodwork to take their place. I can't keep up with all these "body language experts"...these idiots are killing this forum. God knows what it will be like in future if we have a bad season. I won't be renewing my registration...this is a site for the desperate.

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Don't think MP has lost "the passion". He wants to win and be successful and I think he may be bitterly disappointed about the support he's received from the new set-up, no-one is going to tell me he didn't want a replacement for Osvaldo and the recruitment set-up failed him on that. Also I think he may be a bit peeved about the fans turning on him over the cup. He said we put out the best side available and yet there were those questioning him over that. We are now seeing the results of not signing a new striker at the end of January, we have a dying swan and a snotty nosed kid with no experience to face up to some of the best teams in the world with. I'd be p*ssed off about that, in fact I am actually. I'd have kept Osvaldo until a replacement signed on the dotted line, all we seemed intereted in doing was shoving him out of the door asap. Other clubs handle training ground disputes but then you need a real CEO for that.

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Don't think MP has lost "the passion". He wants to win and be successful and I think he may be bitterly disappointed about the support he's received from the new set-up, no-one is going to tell me he didn't want a replacement for Osvaldo and the recruitment set-up failed him on that. Also I think he may be a bit peeved about the fans turning on him over the cup. He said we put out the best side available and yet there were those questioning him over that. We are now seeing the results of not signing a new striker at the end of January, we have a dying swan and a snotty nosed kid with no experience to face up to some of the best teams in the world with. I'd be p*ssed off about that, in fact I am actually. I'd have kept Osvaldo until a replacement signed on the dotted line, all we seemed intereted in doing was shoving him out of the door asap. Other clubs handle training ground disputes but then you need a real CEO for that.
Who was available for us to get in on loan after the Osvaldo incident? How many past incidents have their been of a player head-butting a team mate and him being welcomed back into the side?
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Who was available for us to get in on loan after the Osvaldo incident? How many past incidents have their been of a player head-butting a team mate and him being welcomed back into the side?


Well there was an incident at Swansea recently wasn't there ? Sunderland have had a few of late as well, As for the signing I don't know really wasn't there a Portuguese lad who was supposed to sign for us, might have even turned up at SMS but the deal didn't get done for some reason or other.


One in...one out, Mauricio's words not mine. Turned into 2 out..none in.

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Well there was an incident at Swansea recently wasn't there ? Sunderland have had a few of late as well, As for the signing I don't know really wasn't there a Portuguese lad who was supposed to sign for us, might have even turned up at SMS but the deal didn't get done for some reason or other.


One in...one out, Mauricio's words not mine. Turned into 2 out..none in.

Right, so no examples of a player head-butting a team-mate and returning to the squad and no realistic examples of players that would have been useful and available for us to bring in up-front on loan at the end of January. So why exactly should he be "bitterly disappointed"?
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I just think it is very hard to learn a new language to a level were you are comfortable and fluent. I've tried!

I don't think it is a lack of anything other than confidence in ones ability to communicate effectively.

If he is still here in 2 years time and still uses a translator then I would start to question it though.


Absolutely correct kpturner.


I've spent the last 30 years in Sweden helping to teach English to quite a few different nationalities, in different professions and often very specific skills.

Providing you can build a suitable vocabulary, you can explain yourself simply....and even make a short speech, or presentation with just a little intensive training.


BUT getting yourself into a Q&A situation with someone who is a "mother-tongue speaker" and has different vocabulary to you and who may speak in another dialect is a nightmare of the first order.

I've met people who are highly-placed in many areas of work, professors and politicians who are highly eloquent, but barely have tourist English when it comes to answering questions and explaining things.


I'm sure that MP will " get around to it " eventually, but right now I'd prefer him to spend his time on the training ground ..and not in a language lab.


He does OK with the translator, who doesn't have a huge English vocabulary himself either - especially as some of the Spanish phrases are difficult to translate AND vice-versa.

Edited by david in sweden
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Our Manager/Coach is STILL full of passion for Saints and our future games...


The team/squad more than answer that.........maybe some of the chances taken recently would show us a few places up the league


and still in the FA Cup..


Poch is still full of passion/energy and loving the mighty Saints..


He always waves to me before and during the game......:blush:

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