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Echo transcript from yesterday's AGM

Long Shot

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Thanks for that L.

Reading the transcript I swing from being understanding of one side and then the other.

I know the letter thing caused a lot of uproar but it was hardly that provocative.It mentioned more of the way the club was developing than a long worship of RL.

LC has a passion for us and he would be perhaps the person who is less guilty than most but he still is not immune

Mc is an odd one, she owns upto have got it wrong about MW and so it questions her judgement. I again notice that Jones says PA was about and expected to make an offer.

Why did the fans not pick up on this .Of all the disasters that have hit this club the loss of that opportunity is the biggest in the clubs history.The people responsible for that need to be harranged more than anyone. The people who let this go have got off scot free and we are worried that we have loaned out players.Had they not coc### it up we would now be scoffing at the thought of signing such people.

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. I again notice that Jones says PA was about and expected to make an offer.

Why did the fans not pick up on this .Of all the disasters that have hit this club the loss of that opportunity is the biggest in the clubs history.f signing such


No it doesn't say that, it says the THOUGHT Paul Allen was going to make an offer;They got led up the garden path by someone claiming to represent him.

Paul Allen has said time and time again he was never interested and never involved; Short memory there Nick.

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How can people say that LC came out with no credit? He obviously cares as much as the next fan, and he acted as most of us would when faced with that *****. Earnt nothing but respect in my eyes.



thing is...I dont want you or me in the board room..i want someone who could not give a feck and do what is right for the club to stay afloat..


sadly, that person may well need to go due to people simply hating him...

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thing is...I dont want you or me in the board room..i want someone who could not give a feck and do what is right for the club to stay afloat..


sadly, that person may well need to go due to people simply hating him...

But thats the problem, its not because people hate him, its because he is not the right person to do what is right for the club to stay afloat. People may hate him as well, but most sensible people also see that he doesn't know what he is doing. He is not the financial genius that some believe, he is a financial disaster, and doesn't seem to understand that to keep a football club aflot you need to employ football players and football managers, and most importantly win matches. Lowe's way is the path to relegation unless he sees the light very soon.

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But thats the problem, its not because people hate him, its because he is not the right person to do what is right for the club to stay afloat. People may hate him as well, but most sensible people also see that he doesn't know what he is doing. He is not the financial genius that some believe, he is a financial disaster, and doesn't seem to understand that to keep a football club aflot you need to employ football players and football managers, and most importantly win matches. Lowe's way is the path to relegation unless he sees the light very soon.


well, more people who have bought a few shares do than who dont..


people who know more facts that anyone here..that is f'sure

dare i say it...the 'bank' does too...:confused:

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My God. That is the most appalling thing I have ever read concerning our club. We genuinely have no hope while there are such arrogant, nasty, vindictive hate-filled individuals in the board room. No wonder it spreads to the fan base. How sad. Having just read that I am now convinced we will end up relegated and insolvent by the end of the season. RL HAS done well to get things more under control financially but I can't see it mattering a toss after just reading that transcript. Perhaps they should just take us into administration now and save us all the worry.


And what makes me really angry about the whole thing is that Jan P was there. People were insulting his managerial skills which is just plain f@cking rude. He is in no way responsible for the chaos in the boardroom and only want to get on with his job. For Christ sake, let the dickheads in suits slag each other off but leave out the manager. What must the lads be thinking? There is no way that this sort of behaviour by the suits inspires or helps in anyway for them play better football. I just hope that they don't get to read it.


Perhaps the suits should commission a football historian to produce some research into winning clubs. It would show that clubs whose suits and coaching staff get on well are the ones who are most likely to succeed. Its basic f@cking common sense to support the coaching staff and players!


Our beautiful football club is broken. Truly sad.

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And what makes me really angry about the whole thing is that Jan P was there. People were insulting his managerial skills which is just plain f@cking rude. He is in no way responsible for the chaos in the boardroom and only want to get on with his job. For Christ sake, let the dickheads in suits slag each other off but leave out the manager. What must the lads be thinking? There is no way that this sort of behaviour by the suits inspires or helps in anyway for them play better football. I just hope that they don't get to read it.


Just to let you know that Jan P was not there during Q&A session - he arrived later after the vote - it had all calmed down by then (especially when lowe stopped talking!!)

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Some big, big isues that need we ned to get to the bottom of:

1. The RAL reason for WGS leaving in 2004

2. The REAL reason for not appointing Hoddle in 2004.

3. The Paul Allen issue.


It would nice knowing the answers to these questions for sure, but personally I think the really important questions that need answers are:


1. What is plan B if/when we do go bankrupt. Given the current financial climate if there is no one willing to buy Woolworths at a knock down price there is unlikely to be anyone prepared to buy the assets of Southampton Leisure Holdings PLC. In which case SFC could cease to exist.


2. When are we going to win at home next?

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It would nice knowing the answers to these questions for sure, but personally I think the really important questions that need answers are:


1. What is plan B if/when we do go bankrupt. Given the current financial climate if there is no one willing to buy Woolworths at a knock down price there is unlikely to be anyone prepared to buy the assets of Southampton Leisure Holdings PLC. In which case SFC could cease to exist.


2. When are we going to win at home next?



I don't think SFC will ever disappear, but i do think we could stay in the third or fourth div for a long time.

Also, I think that many other clubs could go the same way creating a sort of level playing field.

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I know the letter thing caused a lot of uproar but it was hardly that provocative.It mentioned more of the way the club was developing than a long worship of RL.


If you agree that the best way of opening an AGM, where the agenda should have been unity and pulling together, is to act in such a provocative manner then you're probably as mad as Rupert himself.


As my normally mild mannered friend who has been supportive of Lowe said afterwards, "he went from saying unity brings success and division delivers failure" to in the next breath holding up an anonymous letter and inviting rancour, division and uproar.


Absolutely no need for it whatsoever. If Crouch, Chorley and whoever then got all excited without that provocation, then they would have hung themselves, but instead the Chairman stokes up the meeting right from the off.


Your continual apologies, in light of everything we have seen recently, are pretty nauseating.

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If you agree that the best way of opening an AGM, where the agenda should have been unity and pulling together, is to act in such a provocative manner then you're probably as mad as Rupert himself.


As my normally mild mannered friend who has been supportive of Lowe said afterwards, "he went from saying unity brings success and division delivers failure" to in the next breath holding up an anonymous letter and inviting rancour, division and uproar.


Absolutely no need for it whatsoever. If Crouch, Chorley and whoever then got all excited without that provocation, then they would have hung themselves, but instead the Chairman stokes up the meeting right from the off.


Your continual apologies, in light of everything we have seen recently, are pretty nauseating.

Ump you are so twisted up that youy cannot see Im not apologising for him.

Instead of getting het up about him you would be better served looking to who lost the real opportunity.

We now have had Jones and Crouch saying he was there. Youy may scoff but I heard similar things and why it went pear shaped.

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Ump you are so twisted up that youy cannot see Im not apologising for him.

Instead of getting het up about him you would be better served looking to who lost the real opportunity.

We now have had Jones and Crouch saying he was there. Youy may scoff but I heard similar things and why it went pear shaped.


Jones says no such thing. He says the Allen approach was a false dawn. But IMHO that is now all by the by.


I think at this crucial stage, looking back will do us no good whatsoever.


Instead we need to focus on the future and working out how we can avoid catastrophe on and off the pitch.


On the pitch we are led by a manager who is out of his depth and off it we are led by probably the most divisive figure ever known at this Club.

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If you agree that the best way of opening an AGM, where the agenda should have been unity and pulling together, is to act in such a provocative manner then you're probably as mad as Rupert himself.


This is the reference to the letter. ' I have received a letter that is sadly anonymous this morning. It says keep the faith in your head coach and his staff, keep the faith in your team and in your youth policy and yourself'

Now I see that as not provocative, it hardly says RL you are wonderful etc.

I dont believe it was required to be read but it also is not something to get your knickers in a twist about.

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This is the reference to the letter. ' I have received a letter that is sadly anonymous this morning. It says keep the faith in your head coach and his staff, keep the faith in your team and in your youth policy and yourself'

Now I see that as not provocative, it hardly says RL you are wonderful etc.

I dont believe it was required to be read but it also is not something to get your knickers in a twist about.


No but it is very ill advised to read out an anonymous letter at an AGM !!!!

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This is the reference to the letter. ' I have received a letter that is sadly anonymous this morning. It says keep the faith in your head coach and his staff, keep the faith in your team and in your youth policy and yourself'

Now I see that as not provocative, it hardly says RL you are wonderful etc.

I dont believe it was required to be read but it also is not something to get your knickers in a twist about.


Go back and read the lines above about a call for unity, and then you might finally understand why it wasn't the a sensible thing for the Chairman of a PLC to do.


The man is not fit to lead this Club.

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What a wasted opportunity...


a chance for a realistic discussion about the direction and future of our football club and it turns into this.


Lowe shows his arrogance and why everyone dislikes him so much.


Crouch demonstrates why he is not the right man to run the club by missing the opportunity to ask Lowe the right questions and instead trys to score cheap points


and Wilde couldn't even be bothered to turn up!!!


I hope all three spend their Christmas's reflecting on their actions (but I'm not holding my breath)



My only hope is that Lowe will resign once the club is in a financially stable position given his statement at the AGM: "I’m not going until I finish the job I came back to do – to try and restore Southampton to financial health."

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My only hope is that Lowe will resign once the club is in a financially stable position given his statement at the AGM..."


I think you will be waiting a long time, IMO he has NO intention of going. Remember he once said that if we got relegated from the PL he would leave and when we did he tries to blame everyone else for it and then says he is the best person to be in charge.




I don't think anybody has commented on these 2 lines from the meeting :-

Crouch: "Put some money in the club."

Lowe: "You’re making a fool of yourself."


I think we all know money only goes one way with lowe - since we moved to the new ground £3M has been paid in dividends and another £1.5M in Share Buybacks, NOTHING into the club.


So lowe thinks "putting money into the club is FOOLISH", he is stuck in 2004/5 management style - sell players pay a dividend, sell players pay a dividend ....-> relegation

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I find the whole thing incredibly sad. Like a bunch of kids squabbling in a schoolyard.

McMemeny was a legend for what he achieved at SFC as a manager but his behaviour is every bit as pompous and unsavoury as Lowe's now. In fact I would say he has the bigger out of control ego. Crouch is another who neds to look at himself. Wilde probably had the best idea and kept well out of it!

As for the "Usual Suspects" from the floor...they seem hellbent on living in the past.

Really, does it matter who set up the academy, or about a picture or whether Lowe takes repsonsibility for what happened several years ago now?

Someone should explain to Lawrie's wife that that picture was taken over 30 years ago - what is happening now is more important.

I expect the "Usual Suspects" all applauded her - what the ****? What has that got to do with SFC and our troubles in 2008?

There are two things that are of total importance right now - financial stability and winning some games.

Lobbing coins and wittering on about an old photograph might warm the hearts of those who are so hell bent on their agendas re Lowe that that that is as far as they can see, but as he said, he isn;t going anywhere anytime soon...

As for certain people saying that Lowe (or anyone esle for that matter) does not have a right to be at the club - what arrogance.

Like him or not, like anyone or not, that have as much right to be here as the people putting the questions.

What makes me laugh is that the people who prattle on about diversiveness are just as guilty - if not more so - of causing the diversity!

Everyone, I mean everyone, needs to grow up and pull together for the sake of the future of SFC.

Lowe is right about one thing if nothing else, the team needs total support, whoever is playing.

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I find the whole thing incredibly sad. Like a bunch of kids squabbling in a schoolyard.

McMemeny was a legend for what he achieved at SFC as a manager but his behaviour is every bit as pompous and unsavoury as Lowe's now. In fact I would say he has the bigger out of control ego. Crouch is another who neds to look at himself. Wilde probably had the best idea and kept well out of it!

As for the "Usual Suspects" from the floor...they seem hellbent on living in the past.

Really, does it matter who set up the academy, or about a picture or whether Lowe takes repsonsibility for what happened several years ago now?

Someone should explain to Lawrie's wife that that picture was taken over 30 years ago - what is happening now is more important.

I expect the "Usual Suspects" all applauded her - what the ****? What has that got to do with SFC and our troubles in 2008?

There are two things that are of total importance right now - financial stability and winning some games.

Lobbing coins and wittering on about an old photograph might warm the hearts of those who are so hell bent on their agendas re Lowe that that that is as far as they can see, but as he said, he isn;t going anywhere anytime soon...

As for certain people saying that Lowe (or anyone esle for that matter) does not have a right to be at the club - what arrogance.

Like him or not, like anyone or not, that have as much right to be here as the people putting the questions.

What makes me laugh is that the people who prattle on about diversiveness are just as guilty - if not more so - of causing the diversity!

Everyone, I mean everyone, needs to grow up and pull together for the sake of the future of SFC.

Lowe is right about one thing if nothing else, the team needs total support, whoever is playing.


I could not agree more. Who gives a **** what photo is on the wall? The entire meeting seemed to be about past events and LM/Crouch telling Lowe he was not wanted.

All that matters at the moment is how the club can continue as a going concern whilst still attempt to stay in the league. I am past caring whose fault it was and this meeting was a total waste of time.

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I find the whole thing incredibly sad. Like a bunch of kids squabbling in a schoolyard.

McMemeny was a legend for what he achieved at SFC as a manager but his behaviour is every bit as pompous and unsavoury as Lowe's now. In fact I would say he has the bigger out of control ego. Crouch is another who neds to look at himself. Wilde probably had the best idea and kept well out of it!

As for the "Usual Suspects" from the floor...they seem hellbent on living in the past.

Really, does it matter who set up the academy, or about a picture or whether Lowe takes repsonsibility for what happened several years ago now?

Someone should explain to Lawrie's wife that that picture was taken over 30 years ago - what is happening now is more important.

I expect the "Usual Suspects" all applauded her - what the ****? What has that got to do with SFC and our troubles in 2008?

There are two things that are of total importance right now - financial stability and winning some games.

Lobbing coins and wittering on about an old photograph might warm the hearts of those who are so hell bent on their agendas re Lowe that that that is as far as they can see, but as he said, he isn;t going anywhere anytime soon...

As for certain people saying that Lowe (or anyone esle for that matter) does not have a right to be at the club - what arrogance.

Like him or not, like anyone or not, that have as much right to be here as the people putting the questions.

What makes me laugh is that the people who prattle on about diversiveness are just as guilty - if not more so - of causing the diversity!

Everyone, I mean everyone, needs to grow up and pull together for the sake of the future of SFC.

Lowe is right about one thing if nothing else, the team needs total support, whoever is playing.


So what did you expect Crouch to do, sit there and listen to Lowe blame him for everything that has gone wrong with saints.


What did you expect LM to do, sit there an except that the greatest moment in saints history comemorated by a picture on the wall be wiped away soley because of Lowes dislike for him.


I think Lowe was let of lightly to be honest, especially when he has now teamed up with Wilde who was responsible for putting the non execs in place who were the guys actually responsible for our present financial state.


Its now all a big fecking mess and Lowe is still there prodding raw nerves and yet you blame Crouch and LM for reacting. Jeese!

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I find the whole thing incredibly sad. Like a bunch of kids squabbling in a schoolyard.

McMemeny was a legend for what he achieved at SFC as a manager but his behaviour is every bit as pompous and unsavoury as Lowe's now. In fact I would say he has the bigger out of control ego. Crouch is another who neds to look at himself. Wilde probably had the best idea and kept well out of it!

As for the "Usual Suspects" from the floor...they seem hellbent on living in the past.

Really, does it matter who set up the academy, or about a picture or whether Lowe takes repsonsibility for what happened several years ago now?

Someone should explain to Lawrie's wife that that picture was taken over 30 years ago - what is happening now is more important.

I expect the "Usual Suspects" all applauded her - what the ****? What has that got to do with SFC and our troubles in 2008?

There are two things that are of total importance right now - financial stability and winning some games.

Lobbing coins and wittering on about an old photograph might warm the hearts of those who are so hell bent on their agendas re Lowe that that that is as far as they can see, but as he said, he isn;t going anywhere anytime soon...

As for certain people saying that Lowe (or anyone esle for that matter) does not have a right to be at the club - what arrogance.

Like him or not, like anyone or not, that have as much right to be here as the people putting the questions.

What makes me laugh is that the people who prattle on about diversiveness are just as guilty - if not more so - of causing the diversity!

Everyone, I mean everyone, needs to grow up and pull together for the sake of the future of SFC.

Lowe is right about one thing if nothing else, the team needs total support, whoever is playing.


I don`t quite understand this. Are you suggesting that Lowe is, in fact, a unifying figure and that it is just a very small amount of people with axes to grind that are causing unrest for no reason?

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I could not agree more. Who gives a **** what photo is on the wall? The entire meeting seemed to be about past events and LM/Crouch telling Lowe he was not wanted.

All that matters at the moment is how the club can continue as a going concern whilst still attempt to stay in the league. I am past caring whose fault it was and this meeting was a total waste of time.


You and SOG don't get it, do you? Granted that we are talking about petty things, but they are discussed to illustrate how petty our chairman can be.


There were two things at that AGM that sum up the small-mindededness of Lowe and some might say that both of them taken together point to a mental defect. Firstly, I was incredulous when he waved his letter in the air and read the contents, fullsome in its praise of Lowe's job at the club. Surely no sane person would have been so crass as to do that. It was the action of a megalomaniac. The second action of removing the picture of the most successful manager at the club commemorating the single biggest success in our history surely also speaks volumes. It is obvious that apart from the pettiniess, Lowe cannot countenance the thought that there is a picture of somebody he detests because Lawrie is everything to this club's history that he is not.


Did you actually go to the AGM, Chez? If not, then surely it is not up to you to say whether it was a waste of time. Personally, I think that it was a very useful opportunity to force Lowe and the board to face up to the fact that they are deeply divisive and have no idea of how to run a football club. They might know how to keep a business afloat ordinarily, but they have not the slightest idea of running a business in the entertainment industry that is so reliant on keeping a requisite number of repeat regular attenders. It should also have been clear that the shareholders in this club are not the ordinary investors of most PLCs. They are mostly truly representative of the wider fan base and the message that they gave Lowe was that they want him to go as he has been a failure and is past his sell by date.


One word of advice Rupert; listen to what your wife tells you. You don't have to endure this level of hate. You can walk away, the sooner the better.

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But thats the problem, its not because people hate him, its because he is not the right person to do what is right for the club to stay afloat. People may hate him as well, but most sensible people also see that he doesn't know what he is doing. He is not the financial genius that some believe, he is a financial disaster, and doesn't seem to understand that to keep a football club aflot you need to employ football players and football managers, and most importantly win matches. Lowe's way is the path to relegation unless he sees the light very soon.


Oh, so that's the problem! those 16 men at each game, plus the manager, are not football players and a football manager!! Now I see why things have gone wrong! I just wonder how it is that the FA allows non-football players and a non-football manager to play a part in the game: please do enlighten us all on that point.


You illustrate exactly why those who are either Lowe-neutral, like myself, or pro-Lowe (not sure who that might be) cannot take you Lowe-loathers seriously: total lack of any sense of perspective, making you say the most absurd nonsense imaginable.


Before you spout such crap, you might want to reflect that Lowe has had as manager such men as Glen Hoddle, Gordon Strachan, Harry Redknapp, and George Burley who -- whatever one may think of them -- are certainly football managers, as indeed is the man currently managing the team. As to his knowlewdge of players, I have no idea what is true or untrue about all the rumours that get floated, but I note that some people have in the past asserted very positively that Lowe was the man who insisted on signing Niemi, Crouch, and Kenwyne Jones over his managers' doubts -- which if true would indicate that he can spot a decent player. Of course, rumour also makes him responsible for signing some failures, which -- if true -- would make him no different than any other signer of footballers: some work out, some don't. As to knowing nothing about the game, though: he's been involved, deeply involved in football for what, 8 or 10 years now, depending what you count: he must be the world's stupidest man if he has not learned a great deal about football before now. You people talk as if he's still the hockey-loving money man who originally took over the club all those years ago: he isn't. He may not be the man you want in charge of the club, or I want in charge of the club for that matter: but irrational hatred will always prevent you making a worthwhile case for his removal. And frankly, at present, the only alternatives I see are as bad or worse, because the likes of Crouch or Corbett don't give any sense of knowing what to do or how to do it, to the non-partisan mind at least. And I don't see anyone else plausibly ready to step up and take charge.

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Oh, so that's the problem! those 16 men at each game, plus the manager, are not football players and a football manager!! Now I see why things have gone wrong! I just wonder how it is that the FA allows non-football players and a non-football manager to play a part in the game: please do enlighten us all on that point.


You illustrate exactly why those who are either Lowe-neutral, like myself, or pro-Lowe (not sure who that might be) cannot take you Lowe-loathers seriously: total lack of any sense of perspective, making you say the most absurd nonsense imaginable.


Before you spout such crap, you might want to reflect that Lowe has had as manager such men as Glen Hoddle, Gordon Strachan, Harry Redknapp, and George Burley who -- whatever one may think of them -- are certainly football managers, as indeed is the man currently managing the team. As to his knowlewdge of players, I have no idea what is true or untrue about all the rumours that get floated, but I note that some people have in the past asserted very positively that Lowe was the man who insisted on signing Niemi, Crouch, and Kenwyne Jones over his managers' doubts -- which if true would indicate that he can spot a decent player. Of course, rumour also makes him responsible for signing some failures, which -- if true -- would make him no different than any other signer of footballers: some work out, some don't. As to knowing nothing about the game, though: he's been involved, deeply involved in football for what, 8 or 10 years now, depending what you count: he must be the world's stupidest man if he has not learned a great deal about football before now. You people talk as if he's still the hockey-loving money man who originally took over the club all those years ago: he isn't. He may not be the man you want in charge of the club, or I want in charge of the club for that matter: but irrational hatred will always prevent you making a worthwhile case for his removal. And frankly, at present, the only alternatives I see are as bad or worse, because the likes of Crouch or Corbett don't give any sense of knowing what to do or how to do it, to the non-partisan mind at least. And I don't see anyone else plausibly ready to step up and take charge.



Whether or not Lowe signed good or bad players is inconsequential but the point is a manager stands or falls by his signings whereas a Chairman (unless he fires himself) does not.


Football is all about opinions and I respect yours because it is well made, but I sincerely believe that right now had Crouch and Pearson been at the helm we would be in a better position than we are currently in. Cork's unfortunate departure today is a perfect example of how vulnerable you can become if you build your squad around promising youngsters on loan. There is no solid foundations being laid, no continuity and no guarantees. The consequence of all this is the fans will lose heart if they think players can just leave as soon as they show any signs of looking half decent. Saints are now playing an everlasting game of Russian Roulette and as we all know it is only a matter of time before the bullet finds it way into the right chamber.

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Some big, big isues that need we ned to get to the bottom of:

1. The RAL reason for WGS leaving in 2004

2. The REAL reason for not appointing Hoddle in 2004.

3. The Paul Allen issue.


1. The Real reason Strachan left is quite different to the reality. If you want me to personal message you with it I can, I'm just not prepared to say it on a public forum.

2. Hoddle wasn't appointed because the majority of the board voted against it I believe. Lowe was going to appoint him anyway, fans or no fans.

3. No chance of ever knowing the proper reason.

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1. The Real reason Strachan left is quite different to the reality. If you want me to personal message you with it I can, I'm just not prepared to say it on a public forum.

2. Hoddle wasn't appointed because the majority of the board voted against it I believe. Lowe was going to appoint him anyway, fans or no fans.

3. No chance of ever knowing the proper reason.


PM for me please

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Whether or not Lowe signed good or bad players is inconsequential but the point is a manager stands or falls by his signings whereas a Chairman (unless he fires himself) does not.


Football is all about opinions and I respect yours because it is well made, but I sincerely believe that right now had Crouch and Pearson been at the helm we would be in a better position than we are currently in. Cork's unfortunate departure today is a perfect example of how vulnerable you can become if you build your squad around promising youngsters on loan. There is no solid foundations being laid, no continuity and no guarantees. The consequence of all this is the fans will lose heart if they think players can just leave as soon as they show any signs of looking half decent. Saints are now playing an everlasting game of Russian Roulette and as we all know it is only a matter of time before the bullet finds it way into the right chamber.

I agree that if Crouch/ Pearson had continued then we probably would have been in a better position but, as you imply, that is speculation. It is also water under the bridge. For my part, I am not convinced that yet another interchange in regime is necessarily a good thing - it really needs a complete clean sweep which I fear is not going to happen. In answer to RinNY's comments it was WGS in his autobiography who said quite unambiguously that it was Lowe who signed Niemi. Strachan wanted some Czech guy (not Cech!!). I suspect that if Lowe had a strong recommendation from one of the scouts he would go with it - not always with the manager's agreement - and he has been right as often as he has been wrong - or as the anti-Lowes would prefer to put it - wrong as often as he has been right. ;-)

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Whether or not Lowe signed good or bad players is inconsequential but the point is a manager stands or falls by his signings whereas a Chairman (unless he fires himself) does not.


Football is all about opinions and I respect yours because it is well made, but I sincerely believe that right now had Crouch and Pearson been at the helm we would be in a better position than we are currently in. Cork's unfortunate departure today is a perfect example of how vulnerable you can become if you build your squad around promising youngsters on loan. There is no solid foundations being laid, no continuity and no guarantees. The consequence of all this is the fans will lose heart if they think players can just leave as soon as they show any signs of looking half decent. Saints are now playing an everlasting game of Russian Roulette and as we all know it is only a matter of time before the bullet finds it way into the right chamber.


Exactly..........so how anyone can believe the 2 Stooges 3 year plan of a return to the Premiership, is living in cloud cuckoo land.


As soon as your loan players start becoming the 'better' in your entire squad they are gone.............how can you build from that ?

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Regardless of the rights and wrongs of what has gone on previously, all the main participants in this farce should learn to, in legal terms 'shut the **** up'.


Verbal brawling and sniping at each other in any public meeting, let alone at the AGM does absolutely nothing for the club which they profess to care about. No prospective investor in his right mind would go near the club at the moment, not until there is some semblance of unity and shared purpose. JP has my deepest sympathies.

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Regardless of the rights and wrongs of what has gone on previously, all the main participants in this farce should learn to, in legal terms 'shut the **** up'.


Verbal brawling and sniping at each other in any public meeting, let alone at the AGM does absolutely nothing for the club which they profess to care about. No prospective investor in his right mind would go near the club at the moment, not until there is some semblance of unity and shared purpose. JP has my deepest sympathies.


Why ?.........A few hours ago I saw him on tv saying that he wants everyone (along the lines of) 'to see what we can do' on Sunday............we're gonna get slaughtered, the mans deluded :rolleyes:

Edited by harvey
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