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WAs down on his haunches for quite a while at the end, looked absolutley gutted. Really hope he is here next season, he is a class above every other defender in this league, and could easily cut it in the prem. Losing him would be a disaster IMO.

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he will be here next season, he didn't sign with a guarantee of getting promotion - none of our players did tbh.


He is one of the best CB's in the champ, let alone L1, he makes everything look so easy and always has so much time. Class.

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And you know this how? No one on here knows for sure what goes on behind closed doors.


because he signed when we were something like 20/22pts off colchester and co.


you would be a bit naive to expect promotion, ok he may have expected to have a chance and a crack at it (which we have done) but i doubt very much that it was promotion or bust for him.


he will still be here, along with lambo i'm sure.

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Certain experts on this forum have assured me that Fonte dropped down a division because he has always admired Alan Pardew, fancied the exciting challenge of league one football, loves living in Hampshire and about a billion other reasons absolutely none of which revolve around us blowing any other club out of the water with a transfer fee that CP couldn't turn down and clubs in the CCC couldn't match.


Fonte is not here because of money. Absolutely no way. So zero chance of him leaving in the summer.



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He and Harding are the two stand out signings for me this season. They must be the bedrock of the defence for next season, whereas I'm ambivalent about Ned Seagoon and Otsemobor.


Comedy kudos on the name but I think Seaborne improves every game he plays alongside Fonte - another reason to keep him here.

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Comedy kudos on the name but I think Seaborne improves every game he plays alongside Fonte - another reason to keep him here.


I agree, Seabourne has improved every game and together they make a good centre back partnership. Now if we can just get him to stop hoofing the ball i will be happy!

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because he signed when we were something like 20/22pts off colchester and co.


you would be a bit naive to expect promotion, ok he may have expected to have a chance and a crack at it (which we have done) but i doubt very much that it was promotion or bust for him.


he will still be here, along with lambo i'm sure.


I agree

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Has he even had a poor game? I can't think of one. He's immense, Premiership quality. He wins headers, he reads the game superbly, he's brilliant on the ball, and I'm sure Davis farts a lot less now he had Jose in front of him.


We MUST keep him - he's key to our promotion push next season, and replacing him, with a player of his calibre, would be nigh on impossible.

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Has he even had a poor game? I can't think of one. He's immense, Premiership quality. He wins headers, he reads the game superbly, he's brilliant on the ball, and I'm sure Davis farts a lot less now he had Jose in front of him.


We MUST keep him - he's key to our promotion push next season, and replacing him, with a player of his calibre, would be nigh on impossible.


Tbh I thought Yeovil was his worst game for us and he got in the team of the week!

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I agree, Seabourne has improved every game and together they make a good centre back partnership. Now if we can just get him to stop hoofing the ball i will be happy!


I hope you're being sarky. Seabourne was poor today & looks shakey along with Otsemebor. I thought Seabourne could improve after 1 or 2 better games & learning from Fonte & Jaidi can all but help but I'm starting to really think he's not very good. He doesn't read the game well, he lacks composure with questionable distribution & his positioning can often be poor & he seems to panic while in possession. I'd hope for drastic improvements if he were to start in the squad regularly next season.


Fonte, pure class. I'm a big fan & we'd been much, much less of a team without a rock like Fonte shoring up out defence. He reads the game superbly & makes it look easy, with his sudden changes of direction, dummies & thumping 40 yard accurate passes through to players getting forward.

Edited by Gordon Mockles
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The good news I presume is that not that many champ clubs can match our wages our our realistic 3-5 year plan (which I think, with the investment involved, now has to be aiming for consecutive promotions - tough, but it's been done before).


I suspect Jose would only be tempted if a Prem club made an offer. Hope so anyway.


Apart from Pulis, Morgan is the most likely key player to leave this summer IMO - hope that doesn't happen either.

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he was superb yesterday.


He was certainly massively improved on any previous performance I've seen for us - looked composed and assured, comfortable on the ball and used it well. Also won most things in the air and was a LOT closer to Fonte when Oldham (rarely) attacked.


I think, actually, that now he's got used to partnering Fonte he's got a lot more confidence and looks like he might have the makings of a good defender - which I definitely wouldn't have said until yesterday.


It's up to him whether that is a pleasant blip or a strong consistent level he's always going to be at. One of the few positives of last night in the bigger scheme of things.

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Certain experts on this forum have assured me that Fonte dropped down a division because he has always admired Alan Pardew, fancied the exciting challenge of league one football, loves living in Hampshire and about a billion other reasons absolutely none of which revolve around us blowing any other club out of the water with a transfer fee that CP couldn't turn down and clubs in the CCC couldn't match.


Fonte is not here because of money. Absolutely no way. So zero chance of him leaving in the summer.




Totally wrong......Purely and simply here because he likes boats.....


Can be found down the jetty after training waiting for the liners and container boats entering and leaving harbour.;)

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Both Lambert and Fonte signed knowing promotion this season was a long shot, why would they do that and then leave when we don't get promoted :smt102

who knows...stranger things have happened...


they will probably stay but I would be amazed if neither got alot of interest from clubs higher up the food chain..


will be an interesting summer..

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who knows...stranger things have happened...


they will probably stay but I would be amazed if neither got alot of interest from clubs higher up the food chain..


will be an interesting summer..


not many clubs put in bids for beckford, they've all waited until he's out of contract.


for anyone outside the prem, rickie/beckford cost too much in transfer fees and wages.


Prem clubs at the moment would probably look a bit silly shelling out 2.5-3m on rickie, when he's never played above the third teir and is 28.


i can see him here for a long long time.

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not many clubs put in bids for beckford, they've all waited until he's out of contract.


for anyone outside the prem, rickie/beckford cost too much in transfer fees and wages.


Prem clubs at the moment would probably look a bit silly shelling out 2.5-3m on rickie, when he's never played above the third teir and is 28.


i can see him here for a long long time.

they only have to match his wages (which a few clubs in the CCC could probably do) and the lure of CCC or even prem football might sway any of our players..


if a player wants to go, there is not alot we can do


thinking players will be loyal (lallana apart) is very silly

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where would they go?


Both are recently signed so would command a good fee and salaries.


How many teams, in current climate, can afford, attract and want them?

do you think they are on 30k a week each or something..?


parachute payments are bigger than ever...right..?

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they only have to match his wages (which a few clubs in the CCC could probably do) and the lure of CCC or even prem football might sway any of our players..


if a player wants to go, there is not alot we can do


thinking players will be loyal (lallana apart) is very silly


Even if they categorically state that, no matter what happens, they will still be here next season?

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Fonte, was fantastic last night and has been since he has been with us.All elements of his game are first class, and he is so comfortable on the ball, i believe he could play at the top level( with Saints please).Lets hope we can hold onto him.


One part of his game last night reminded me of the late, great, Bobby Moore, the way he managed to steal the ball off opponents without a big heavy tackle.His distribution is excellent.


I wonder if he could play the holding role in the center of midfield, i think he could and i can see merits in giving it a try in the last 3 games, especially if Jaidi is fit again.

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Even if they categorically state that, no matter what happens, they will still be here next season?



I remember when someone on S4E posted that they spoke to BT in town and that he said he was so happy at saints and loving his football etc and that he did not want to leave etc


then, later that season he left


I remember when wilde was in the pub with loads of saints fans (loving the adulation) singine about swinging rupert lowe from itchen bridge and that bale would NOT be sold etc..(SRS will back me up on that)


bale wsa then sold and he got into bed with rupert


one thing to take from football (and saints) is that the unexpected really can and does happen "just like that"

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Certain experts on this forum have assured me that Fonte dropped down a division because he has always admired Alan Pardew, fancied the exciting challenge of league one football, loves living in Hampshire and about a billion other reasons absolutely none of which revolve around us blowing any other club out of the water with a transfer fee that CP couldn't turn down and clubs in the CCC couldn't match.


Fonte is not here because of money. Absolutely no way. So zero chance of him leaving in the summer.




So we can all rest easy over the summer break, eh? ;)

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Any Championship club could afford a player like Fonte with just the sudden extra windfall that they'll be getting because Newcastle and West Brom went straight back up, about 1.5 million extra per club I think.



Most of them wouldn't be tempted even then but that's because they're sensibly run.

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Certain experts on this forum have assured me that Fonte dropped down a division because he has always admired Alan Pardew, fancied the exciting challenge of league one football, loves living in Hampshire and about a billion other reasons absolutely none of which revolve around us blowing any other club out of the water with a transfer fee that CP couldn't turn down and clubs in the CCC couldn't match.


Fonte is not here because of money. Absolutely no way. So zero chance of him leaving in the summer.




Fonte joined us cos he had to leave Palace. That's the reason. I don't think he'll leave, and i certainly hope he doesn't.

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If Championship teams had the money to sign Fonte, why was there no apparent interest in the January window? Championship teams have spent very little in the transfer market for the last couple of seasons. Premiership clubs only sign teenage prospects from League One clubs, not 28 year old strikers -since when has that worked? Even top Championship strikers have really struggled to make any impact in the Premier League. Jason Scotland looked great last year, but has scored 1 goal this season at Wigan. Earnshaw has always been prolific at Championship level but a failure in the top division.

If our best players want to get up the leagues AND still play regularly, their best chance is with Saints.

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Comedy kudos on the name but I think Seaborne improves every game he plays alongside Fonte - another reason to keep him here.


I actually thought he looked very solid last night. Made some great tackles and always looked in control on the ball. As much as some are saying he hoofed ity too much well if you've no-one looking for the ball in front of you what else do you do. Could have run with it a little more I guess, but defending is what he's there to do.

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If he does go, although it would be a massive loss for us, i wouldnt be too unhappy. Fonte deserves to play at a higher level, tbh he is wasted in this league. Every time i see him i feel guilty that he is at the 3rd tier club! Hopefully he's here for the challenge/adventure, and if so credit to him


He is the best player in the league. without a doubt

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Fonte joined us cos he had to leave Palace. That's the reason. I don't think he'll leave, and i certainly hope he doesn't.


Yes I agree with your first point but I have no idea whether he will stay or not.


He is too good for League 1

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they only have to match his wages (which a few clubs in the CCC could probably do) and the lure of CCC or even prem football might sway any of our players..


if a player wants to go, there is not alot we can do


thinking players will be loyal (lallana apart) is very silly


Kelvin? MLT?


TBH though I agree with you players will go if something better comes along. Nothing we can do about it, unless our chairman wants to play hardball with a player ie "play for us or wait out the rest of your contract on the bench" but in reality we'll take the money and buy someone else.

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