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What we think we know...or do we!!

Weston Saint

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Plenty of speculation and I have received telephone calls and texts


I have no idea what is going on, and why should I.


We finished 7th and close enough to playoffs to suggest Pardew will be given more time.


It is said that our Owner and Chairman are unhappy because Pardew promised at least a playoff place if he was given more money in January. He was and he "failed" but for the majority of the supporters is seems that are satisfied with the progress we have made. I believe next seasons start will deterimine Pardews future at the club.


Our owner not turning up is because he was unhappy with our position! Or was it simply because of the air restrictions. We do not know.


It is said that Cortese & Pardew do not get on. We know Cortese has put Pardew under a lot of pressure. So what! That is par for the job. Cortese wanted us to concentrate on the league, Pardew came out and said the Cups were important this season. If so Pardew achieved his goal. Differences of opinion are healthy providing it does not impinge of the overall business plan. For me we are heading in the right direction and another year of winning in League 1 will give us the increased confidence of contuining that run in the Championship the following season.


A meeting next Wednesday to decide Pardews future? Or is it the meeting we all expected to discuss the summer transfer stratagy, review the season and business plan and decide which players to move on/not renew contracts/award extended or new contracts. We do not know


Mark Hughes coming? There was rumour he was seen going into St Mary's the day we were playing away at Tranmere. I asked if anyone had seen Cortese at Tranmere that day but no one said they did but that does not mean he was not there. So at present we do not know.


New right back signing - Brighton have come out publically and said he is coming to us. If he is, does that not suggest Pardew has agreed the same and will be here next season. Cortese will have sanctioned the future signing although he does have a history of pulling the plug on player signings.


Solent have a media agreement with Saints so it is possible the have access to more than most but I suspect it is the rumour mill rather than hints from well positioned individuals.


Likewise the Echo have a decent relationship with the football side of the club (players/managers/coaches but theirs will likely be from speculation/rumour rather that informed facts.


So when it comes to Pardew's future we do not know. He has come out and said he wants to stay. So it is up to our Owner and Chairman.


The vibes out there are for him to go. I am prepared to suggest he will stay. I still have my doubts on his ability at a higher level but we do not get rid of players because they will not perform at Premier level when we are playing in Div 1 and I see Pardew in that same position. Surely he had done enough to be given more time. If he fails to live up to the expectations early next season (and apart from our sketchy away form being addressed he should do) then that is the time to think again, not now.

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All this speculation is just that, speculation. There is no one Cortese confides with sufficiently for anyone to have a valid idea. There has been a minor spat where Pardew crossed the line, nothing more. Pardew even references this meeting on Wednesday, so no real factors there. You have all these theories tying into some revelation in the programme, absolute rubbish.


This is just the Echo starting rumours, the sole source for all the things we have seen come out of late and mainly just a regurgitation of previous events. Nothing to see hear, move along please!

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We will move on only when it's settled. Echo only reported what was printed elsewhere and didn't pretend to have inside information, and the withdrawal of the programme could easily be the announcement of Calderon's arrival ahead of pen being put to paper and with him still being officially a Brighton player.


Even though the source for the explanation to ML's absence, according to Radio Solent, was NC, I can't imagine a very successful european businessman being so childish so that he didn't turn up because he was disappointed. I can't imagine much business success from sulking every time you don't get what you wish for.


It makes me worried when I see the rumours about Mark Hughes. If we are to change manager I would expect the replacement to be something different, and not just another pragmatic 4-4-2 manager with a chequered management background. At least Pardew is positive, communicative and personable. I don't think that NC would lack so in imagination.

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We will move on only when it's settled. Echo only reported what was printed elsewhere and didn't pretend to have inside information, and the withdrawal of the programme could easily be the announcement of Calderon's arrival ahead of pen being put to paper and with him still being officially a Brighton player.


Even though the source for the explanation to ML's absence, according to Radio Solent, was NC, I can't imagine a very successful european businessman being so childish so that he didn't turn up because he was disappointed. I can't imagine much business success from sulking every time you don't get what you wish for.


It makes me worried when I see the rumours about Mark Hughes. If we are to change manager I would expect the replacement to be something different, and not just another pragmatic 4-4-2 manager with a chequered management background. At least Pardew is positive, communicative and personable. I don't think that NC would lack so in imagination.


I think most people in football would choose Mark Hughes over Alan Pardew to manage a Premiership team but that of course does not mean Pardew should be replaced by Hughes or anyone else next week

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We are in LEAGUE ONE. Hughes was doing well with one of the biggest clubs in the country not so long ago. Are you seriously suggesting hiis appointment would be disappointing? I would be amazed if he agreed to come here and I can't think of a higher profile manager to work at this level.

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I think most people in football would choose Mark Hughes over Alan Pardew to manage a Premiership team but that of course does not mean Pardew should be replaced by Hughes or anyone else next week


Who are these "most people in football" you speak of?


Or are you just making wild assumptions based on your opinion

being the same as these "people in football"..when i all probability

it is not their opinion at all.

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Who are these "most people in football" you speak of?


Or are you just making wild assumptions based on your opinion

being the same as these "people in football"..when i all probability

it is not their opinion at all.



please...ffs, stop it


if pardew and hughes went for the same 100 jobs in england.

I would bet hughes would win by quite a huge margin


pardew is great for us..but please

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All this speculation is just that, speculation. There is no one Cortese confides with sufficiently for anyone to have a valid idea. There has been a minor spat where Pardew crossed the line, nothing more. Pardew even references this meeting on Wednesday, so no real factors there. You have all these theories tying into some revelation in the programme, absolute rubbish.


This is just the Echo starting rumours, the sole source for all the things we have seen come out of late and mainly just a regurgitation of previous events. Nothing to see hear, move along please!

As far as I can tell the Wednesday meeting item has not come from the Echo, but from the BBC, probably Solent. I don't think the meeting is a rumour, I supect it is factual, but it is speculation that determining Pardew's future is the purpose of the meeting. And what does determining his future mean anywa, it could mean determining the budget and transfer policy for next season, it could also be to determine the appointment of the Sporting Director which has been mantioned by NC, and the nature of AP's relationship with said SD.

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Who are these "most people in football" you speak of?


Or are you just making wild assumptions based on your opinion

being the same as these "people in football"..when i all probability

it is not their opinion at all.


I would have thought that Hughes has done a better job than Pardew in the Premiership.



But I am not suggesting that he replaces Pardew next week

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please...ffs, stop it


if pardew and hughes went for the same 100 jobs in england.

I would bet hughes would win by quite a huge margin


pardew is great for us..but please



Really,yet another opinion, made out to be fact...yawn


Hardly a lot of speculation/rumour linking Hughes anywhere,unless

i have missed it.


At the end of the day it is all speculation and opinion...not fact.


I rate AP higher than MH ...my opinion


You rate MH higher than AP..your opinion...

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Really,yet another opinion, made out to be fact...yawn


Hardly a lot of speculation/rumour linking Hughes anywhere,unless

i have missed it.


At the end of the day it is all speculation and opinion...not fact.


I rate AP higher than MH ...my opinion


You rate MH higher than AP..your opinion...



im just giving a guess as to what the football world in general think..I may be wrong..but just having a guess


it is speculation and a load of bollix IMO..but hughes' stock is far higher than pardews right now..

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Call it obsured, but i would rather have Pardew as gaffer than Hughes


At the moment I agree with you but what about the future would Hughes be better than Pardew in the Premier League



With our movement to the Premier League we will lose most of the players so why not the manager and coaching teams.



Most promoted teams to the Premier League do change their managers

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There are Known Knowns, Known Unknowns, and the worrying Unknown Unknowns.


But what about the Unknown Knowns. I think t his should be a cause for concern. We may not know that we know what is going on or not


:smt017 After that post, I don't know what I know! :smt102

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At the moment I agree with you but what about the future would Hughes be better than Pardew in the Premier League



With our movement to the Premier League we will lose most of the players so why not the manager and coaching teams.



Most promoted teams to the Premier League do change their managers


Let's just get out of this league and worry about the Premiership when it looks more likely we will be playing in it.

Pardew will do the biz in this league and in the Championship i am quietly confident in that.

If and when we get to the Premier League i want someone higher profile and more pedigree than Hughes,but if AP has got us there he deserves a crack at it.

It will be a totally different ball game going into the PL (excuse the pun).

We won't be a yo yo side,imo.Money will be spent,we will not be a Burnley or Hull or even a WBA.

But let's just get out of this league first,if we are going well next season and promotion to the championship then looks likely,i want AP taking us there and not Hughes.

All imo.

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Since this thread has already gone off on a tangent I don't feel bad about saying 'I'd far rather have Pardew than Hughes' Hughes is more of a pragmatist and I much prefer Pards all out attack approach with proper wide men supported by overlapping fullbacks.


Hughes might well have had more success than Pards but Pards has come close to being very successful with one of the best cup-finals I've seen.

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Plenty of speculation and I have received telephone calls and texts


I have no idea what is going on, and why should I.


We finished 7th and close enough to playoffs to suggest Pardew will be given more time.


It is said that our Owner and Chairman are unhappy because Pardew promised at least a playoff place if he was given more money in January. He was and he "failed" but for the majority of the supporters is seems that are satisfied with the progress we have made. I believe next seasons start will deterimine Pardews future at the club.


Our owner not turning up is because he was unhappy with our position! Or was it simply because of the air restrictions. We do not know.


It is said that Cortese & Pardew do not get on. We know Cortese has put Pardew under a lot of pressure. So what! That is par for the job. Cortese wanted us to concentrate on the league, Pardew came out and said the Cups were important this season. If so Pardew achieved his goal. Differences of opinion are healthy providing it does not impinge of the overall business plan. For me we are heading in the right direction and another year of winning in League 1 will give us the increased confidence of contuining that run in the Championship the following season.


A meeting next Wednesday to decide Pardews future? Or is it the meeting we all expected to discuss the summer transfer stratagy, review the season and business plan and decide which players to move on/not renew contracts/award extended or new contracts. We do not know


Mark Hughes coming? There was rumour he was seen going into St Mary's the day we were playing away at Tranmere. I asked if anyone had seen Cortese at Tranmere that day but no one said they did but that does not mean he was not there. So at present we do not know.


New right back signing - Brighton have come out publically and said he is coming to us. If he is, does that not suggest Pardew has agreed the same and will be here next season. Cortese will have sanctioned the future signing although he does have a history of pulling the plug on player signings.


Solent have a media agreement with Saints so it is possible the have access to more than most but I suspect it is the rumour mill rather than hints from well positioned individuals.


Likewise the Echo have a decent relationship with the football side of the club (players/managers/coaches but theirs will likely be from speculation/rumour rather that informed facts.


So when it comes to Pardew's future we do not know. He has come out and said he wants to stay. So it is up to our Owner and Chairman.


The vibes out there are for him to go. I am prepared to suggest he will stay. I still have my doubts on his ability at a higher level but we do not get rid of players because they will not perform at Premier level when we are playing in Div 1 and I see Pardew in that same position. Surely he had done enough to be given more time. If he fails to live up to the expectations early next season (and apart from our sketchy away form being addressed he should do) then that is the time to think again, not now.

Cheers for the thoughts Weston. One 'unknown' you missed (I think) is the mystery late withdrawal of the matchday programme. Any insight on that?

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Is all this if's, but's, and maybe's as a result of the soap opera that we have endured over recent seasons compounding the conspiracy theories. In addition to this being a privately owned club with no need to report to the city, and being Swiss owned where all business dealings are kept notoriously private out of habit just making everything seem worse than it possibly is as very little does leak out, and anything that does is suppressed swiftly with a degree cold preciseness

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Wasn't Hughes there yesterday as part of the corporate Ex-Saints event that was supposedly being held? If he was here for the managers job then I can hardly see Pards putting up with that and surely would have walked by now?

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I think it shows how far we have come that we are now one of these speculation clubs with wild rumour after wild rumour.


The problem is we have two guy's at the helm of the club who don't talk much. Unlike our previous people in charge who took every chance they could to speak to the media these guy's don't want to do that. Personally i prefer that aproach. It is more professional.

But because of that we let our minds run free. When someone say's something and it is not rejected we think therefore it must be true or have some "smoke"! Which is just crazy.


Looking at the way ML hugged Pardew and lifted his hand at Wembley does not strike me as someone not happy. Him not getting to the game is most likely down to the planes not flying due to the ash.

The meeting is most likely to do a review of the season before the players are released on a summer break. That happens at every club. You would expect it to happen.

If NC came out and denied every rumour then people would say he was in the media too much. If he came out and backed Pardew people would say it was the dreaded vote of confidence etc etc

The best thing they can do is to continue to carry on in the same way we have over the past 6 months. If we have bought this guy from Brighton then that shows someone is making player decisions in terms of buying/selling and you have to say NC is not the guy who would do that. He has stated many times he will have nothing to do with the footballing side of the business. Would they be bringinig in new players if the manager was about to be fired? Doubtful.


The problem is us and the media. We create our own stories as we like drama. 99.9% of the time nothing happens. Just like that interview he gave when everyone was saying he stormed out and was being sacked the next day etc...Weds will come and go and were talk about something else maybe happening the following friday, then that doesn't happen and we make a new one.


Best thing to do now on is assume everything you read is wrong. Because with our new financial level in football we will have rumours happening constantly.

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Mark Hughes has a slightly higher points per game ratio at 1.57 compared to AP's 1.56


Alan Pardew has a slightly higher win ratio of 43.79% compared to MH's 42.35%


Of course, AP has a lot more experience as a manager, managing twice as many clubs for almost twice as many matches than MH has done.


Crucially, for me, AP has led teams to promotion from lower leagues. MH has not.


Also, if AP is replaced (by anyone) the new man would want his own coaches, players and system. Thus, IMO, leading to another slow start to the season.


We need stability; we need Alan Pardew to continue building the club as he has been doing.

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That's what my Mrs says!!


As the proverb says ;)




"He who knows and knows he knows is wise; follow him.

He who knows and knows not he knows is asleep; awaken him.

He who knows not and knows he knows not is a child; lead him.

He who knows not and knows not he knows not is a fool; avoid him."

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I think we are seeing a game being played here..


some reports have been that pardew is wanted by west ham..you have rumours that we have been chasing hughes..


pardew is always going to say he wants to stay etc whilst here is here..


could it be that come the start of the season, pardew will be at west ham and hughes will be here..?


probably not, but there is so much that goes on that we dont know about

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From Saintslist, and only a rumour. Posted there at 17.55.


Saintslist said

If this is true it's the most ridicules decision I have ever heard


According to a friend who works at St Marys, they were told that Pardew has

been dismissed & Mark Hughes is set to be installed as first team manager



TBH, I'm shocked if this is true. I thought he did a great job this season

considering he had to build a new team & had to work against a 10 point



Stability is what we were promised, not the same old managerial


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Cheers for the thoughts Weston. One 'unknown' you missed (I think) is the mystery late withdrawal of the matchday programme. Any insight on that?


I heard a rumour it was to do with the new shirt. It might have been included in a photo in the programme but they were not happy with it or something.


Now i have no idea if that is true but it sounds reasonable. I doubt they would say something negative in a programme, it not be sold and nobody leak it seeing as there would of been thousands of them.

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The problem with speculation is it can be made up by anyone and believed by anyone too.


Let's take Pardew's possition for instance. There is NOTHING to suggest his job is on the line, yet loads of people think it is. People say he doesn't get on with Cortese... based on what? The interview where he said our results weren't good enough? They weren't we all knew that, including Pardew. He was just being honnest.


People also say he is on thin ice because he didn't make the playoffs. Alonso didn't win the Spannish Grand Prix today, does that mean he can't win the next race and Ferrari should sack him? Of course not. This isn't 1980s Baghdad, we're not here to punish failure. We want the best man in charge for next season, regardless of what he did or didn't achieve this year. That man is Pardew.


There is some terrible information being thrown around. Taking ESB's post:


ESB - Man on Saintslist - Friend at St Mary's - Nicola Cortese.


That's 4th hand information. Ever heard of Chinese whispers? That guy on Saintslist could well be a skate or just another boring WUM. His friend at SMS could be a WUM. He might not even exist. Yet somehow these rumours get taken as gospel by some to the point where they're convinced Pardew is off.

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someone on the uglies reckons he has heard pards has been in contact with west ham...also


That wouldn't surprise me if there is any truth in there being acrimony between him and NC.


When I found that my boss had lied to me I looked for other work, as most would!


If any of these conspiracy theories are true then the club need to come out and be transparent about it. Something which we all suffered from when the club lacked it in recent years.


The rumours need to be put to bed or confirmed.

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The problem with speculation is it can be made up by anyone and believed by anyone too.


Let's take Pardew's possition for instance. There is NOTHING to suggest his job is on the line, yet loads of people think it is. People say he doesn't get on with Cortese... based on what? The interview where he said our results weren't good enough? They weren't we all knew that, including Pardew. He was just being honnest.


People also say he is on thin ice because he didn't make the playoffs. Alonso didn't win the Spannish Grand Prix today, does that mean he can't win the next race and Ferrari should sack him? Of course not. This isn't 1980s Baghdad, we're not here to punish failure. We want the best man in charge for next season, regardless of what he did or didn't achieve this year. That man is Pardew.


There is some terrible information being thrown around. Taking ESB's post:


ESB - Man on Saintslist - Friend at St Mary's - Nicola Cortese.


That's 4th hand information. Ever heard of Chinese whispers? That guy on Saintslist could well be a skate or just another boring WUM. His friend at SMS could be a WUM. He might not even exist. Yet somehow these rumours get taken as gospel by some to the point where they're convinced Pardew is off.


That report was totally unchanged by me as it was cut and pasted.

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The skates would **** themselves at the hysterical tarts on this thread. FFS if you seriously believe that Hughes was at St Marys because he's about to be given the managers job RIGHT UNDER THE PRESENT MANAGERS NOSE......................then you are a fecking idiot.

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The skates would **** themselves at the hysterical tarts on this thread. FFS if you seriously believe that Hughes was at St Marys because he's about to be given the managers job RIGHT UNDER THE PRESENT MANAGERS NOSE......................then you are a fecking idiot.


I like the ironic use of the term hysterical tarts.

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im just giving a guess as to what the football world in general think..I may be wrong..but just having a guess


it is speculation and a load of bollix IMO..but hughes' stock is far higher than pardews right now..


Is it? I am not so sure.

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I like the ironic use of the term hysterical tarts.


Is this something we need to plan for ready for next season? Are we replacing the Muffins on the Match Day Thread with tarts?


Sounds like that may need more descriptive work or could get out of hand and become rule 1 breaches or worse

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Echo in axe to grind with Saints board shocker.


Liebherr not at the game because he is unhappy at our progress? Way to link two completely different aspects of Saints together. I suppose he was perfectly happy when he was at the Carlisle game two weeks ago. It was the meaningless defeat at Gillingham which p*ssed him off.

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Echo in axe to grind with Saints board shocker.


Liebherr not at the game because he is unhappy at our progress? Way to link two completely different aspects of Saints together. I suppose he was perfectly happy when he was at the Carlisle game two weeks ago. It was the meaningless defeat at Gillingham which p*ssed him off.


That comment came from Adam Blackmore on Solent, after speaking with a 'close' representative of Markus in the directors suite on Saturday.

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